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Boring Monday

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Yes like Danny JJ and Amy they kept them together too. What's the point in the bench if it isn't used?

I imagine it's not an explicit No, more like I Won't be taking a break...
I expect from next year the Pros that are hard task masters will be a lot more receptive to their celebs needs.
Given that they were beyond lucky ‘only’ to have had 2 withdrawals this year when they could have had 4 (Jody was touch and go and Adam was the dancing dead by the time he was Ugo rhumba’d out the door) they really need to look at the training regime and the dance order. Lifts too early leading to rib injuries that seem to stay for weeks isn’t really the way forward.

(it was like Craig getting all moist eyed about Ellie nearly being dropped on her head and saying how series one Natasha couldn’t have done that … no, because the series one celebs only trained about 3 hours a day, didn’t have to contend with crazy lifts and could have a bit of a breather learning a nice sedate waltz. I imagine series one Natasha was very pleased to be series one Natasha).
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Boring Monday

VIP Member
This could have ALL been stopped in its tracks if like most of us, they had acknowledged that his stint had came to its natural end after Richie and politely moved him on in last year's off-season.
By the time Amanda was taking her bye, Gorka had been out a couple of weeks. All that needed to happen was for Gio to have a sudden recurrence of his ankle injury and for Gorka to step in as super sub … for all his RBF Gorka is very good at settling the nervy and adapting his teaching style.
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Hope everyone on my favourite thread has a lovely, glittery day 😘

My mum got me six collagen based products.

Nothing like a subtle hint.

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Farmer Sam

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I often quite fancy being one of our cats (lots of sleep, head rubs, laps, treats, no jobs, no weekly food shop, the ability to swipe your enemies with your big claws) but I genuinely would give my left kidney to be this particular ginger one. 🥵😂 🐈 ❤


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Gorka seemed to enjoy strictly this year and came across as just wanting to enjoy his job, he also seemed to have fun on the pro tour. He made sure Nikita had an enjoyable time. He did what a good pro should do. Strictly should be about the celeb and the pro is there to ensure they get the best out of their celeb and that their celeb has an enjoyable experience. Why I liked this year is that it felt more about which celeb should lift the glitter ball rather than which pro should.
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Hate to say it but seems to be a recurring theme this with Giovanni and maybe his mental fans need to recognise that just because he got a deaf girl to the glitterball and pulled on the nations heart strings. He’s nothing special and if he’s been treating people in this manner, he deserves everything he gets. Not the first time he’s been accused of this, doesn’t all just happen to poor Giovanni, no smoke without fire.
Looking on FB the number of ladies who say that they met him and he was lovely, or they took his dance class and he was a gentleman! yes, because you were a paying customer! It's not the same as spending 12 hours a day round him while he's got a mard on cos Vito's doing better than him, or he thinks he should have got Layton, or Felixstowe hasn't sold out yet....
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Just got my phone bill through for December and wondered why it was £6 more than usual....then remembered all my wine induced voting in the final
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The show has just gotten too intense. The 12 hour rehearsal days are just ridiculously long and it wouldn't surprise me if injuries happened through sheer exhaustion. The producers are too concerned with the "big happy family" idea that Amanda would have never been allowed another partner because if they pretended Gio had an injury people would have expected them to end up partnered again at some point and when they didn't stories would start up. They need a limit on how many hours they have to rehearse a day and they need to think more about who they partner with who.
Definitely, they need to stop being so risky with the celebs wellbeing. What happened to Nigel was ridiculous (being dropped by pros) and what could of happened to Ellie was just downright dangerous. It doesn't need to be bigger and better every year with more stunts that have the potential to go wrong. We just want good dances.
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I felt so inspired by Lakita that i'm setting one up with Nige inspiring meditation and hot tantric sex sessions to give us all something to take our mind off the cost of living/ways to stay warm for the less fortunate .
Yeah I’m going to be giving blowjob masterclasses around the UK with Vito.
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I dunno, Gio is a bit marmite with the general public: when you cultivate a lothario image you are always going to be vulnerable to that 'he loves himself' criticism. The name Fanny Rat comes from a Daily Mail comment about him! Even aside from the trans stuff, Amanda's online persona is 'bolshy and no-nonsense broad'. I think a woman who was more widely liked would have more traction with this, just as I think the allegations would land less with a less divisive pro like, say, Kai or Carlos.
Someone on DS pointed out that Gio is the only pro Layton doesn't follow, and that he has been friends with Amanda for years. The plot thickens.. Anyway, this is keeping me entertained while I have Covid - just need the tapes to come out now!
I thought she came across as a bit of nervous wreck on Strictly. This is a really intense experience, I think there should be some kind of psychological assessment before they are offered a place to make sure they can handle it. I get that a few weeks with Gio might not be a very pleasant experience (it’s certainly not something I would want, Nikita would be a different matter) but to get diagnosed with PTSD would suggest to me there is something else going on there. She doesn’t appear to be very emotionally robust.
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Layton is looking at maybe adding some extra dance workshops. He’s just the loveliest ♥
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I can understand why the pros try to capitalise on their moment in the spotlight for as long as they can. They’re in the odd position of being famous because of actual talent - unlike so many celebs pushed onto our screens - but they also know that that fame has a time limit on it before they’re replaced with a younger professional and the only media opportunities open to them will be alongside ex-Love Islanders. Strictly is a machine and there’s always a talented, younger pro waiting in the wings to join the cast.

It must be scary when injuries start becoming more common and taking longer to heal from. Gio definitely didn’t seem to be supporting Vito but, being sympathetic to him for a moment, it must be difficult to see a new Italian pro dancer coming in and storming into two finals, winning the glitterball and gaining a large fanbase when it was only a few years ago that Gio was the hotshot new Italian pro. Now obviously a decent person would be able to check their ego and support a fellow colleague but I can at least understand that it would be difficult to see yourself being replaced and knowing the peak of your career is almost certainly behind you now.

It can’t be long before the show lets some professionals go especially on the women’s side where Lauren felt like a much needed fresh face after too long. I’d keep Lauren, Katya and Jowita and could happily see the rest replaced.
BIB - I agree with this.

Imagine in about four years time, and we're all still here, but this time we're saying how much we hope Vito gets benched or leaves because since (hot new Italian pro who we all love has joined) he's got a face like a slapped arse, and clearly doesn't want to be there anymore.

Or, how we used to love Nikita years ago, but since he married Layton and only wants to do shows with him now, he's totally checked out of Strictly and that's probably why his last partner pulled out.

I've never been endeared to Gio. Always thought he was a slime, and have just been actively bored by him these past couple of years, but I can at least understand coming down with a case of the Norma Desmonds when your star is effectively being replaced right before your eyes.
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Harlot O'Scara

VIP Member
I think there's a lot of layers to this:

- The show is too intense and expects far too much from the celebs and pros

- Gio probably is a bit of a dick

- He's skated by in the past because some of his partners have either also been dicks (Laura), somewhat irritating (Ritchie) or not bothered by his nonsense (Michelle, Rose)

- Amanda was not in the headspace to be on the show in the first place, let alone be partnered with someone who is maybe not actively malicious but is not a warm and caring sort of person, she may have done better with one of the other boys.

- There's also the weaponising of mental health you see now, especially on SM, and some people will cry trauma and PTSD just from someone looking at them funny once, which means she may not be taken seriously regardless of what happened
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