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My mum and dad have to deal with children services quite a lot with their job
And even when covid was going on, reports were checked within 3 working days. So if Sophie and dave did get reported, especially when there is literal video evidence and not just hearsay, they'd have a hard time trying to defend themselves
Yeah, I think there is enough evidence to warrant a section 47 safeguarding investigation. Without a doubt.

The window sill photo really does highlight how little fucks Soaf gives about Barneys safety.
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Does this photo worry anyone else?? So dangerous the thing he’s wearing is too big and he could easily slip / trip on the bit hanging at his foot...
How the hell did he get up there?! Get him down immediately and tell him no you don't climb on things. That has made me mad!
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Please contact Dave and offer him a job, be fun to see him sweat 😂😂😂
he definitely does not have the skills for my business!!
I wouldn’t even employ him to answer the phone - he would turn up late on the Monday. Lose all enthusiasm mid week, and decide not to come in on Friday…drop it the following week because he’s got some more acting work coming soon….

I could be completely wrong as my baby is still tiny but in Soafs instastory Barney is sleeping in the pram bassinet whilst on a walk… I thought once babies could sit up/stand/crawl/walk it was dangerous for them to be in that as not strapped in etc , and they’re supposed to be in the stroller ?
Maybe I’m wrong and happy to be corrected 🤷🏻‍♀️
i mean you’re opening a big can of worms here…so many questionable parts of their parenting. They put as much effort into parenting as they do with their life overall.
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It's a matter of time before these two go 'offline' randomly for a long amount of time and I bet it will be because Barney has got SERIOUSLY hurt. At least we keep the receipts here for Children's services guys!
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Yeah I know, but I mean, why plan it like that? Why go en route to her mums? Why not go another time?
Needed them in time for Tuesdays vlog i guess and there was no chance of her working Monday or Tuesday. Getting him shoes was work of course.

What idea are we going to give her for the next vlog then now she’s ticked off the shoes.
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Oh here we go, Dave needs some more attention and validation from strangers on the internet 😩

It’s great he’s losing weight for his health and for Barneys sake but let’s not lose sight of what it’s taken for him to lose 60lbs. 10 months, no job, no commitments, no financial stress or worries, no responsibilities, a personal coach, a money tree to grown money on to spend endless money on protein powder etc whilst not having a job.

He hasn’t achieved it whilst being your average joe. Nobody lives like this. Dave cannot sprout out advice like ‘just do what do’ because it’s not fucking realistic. That’s what’s frustrating. But, for Barneys sake, I hope it means his Dad is able to be in his life longer.
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I haven’t watched the slog, but judging by the comments I’m confused. Dave couldn’t go with Soaf to get Barney his first pair of shoes. A pretty major milestone for Banners, although a few months late, because he had to look after chop the blunder dog who they clearly can’t leave alone in the big beige bungalow, but chop could be left alone for them to go to the cinema?! Great priorities
I think they dropped chop at the house with banners. I still think Dave was at work though
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Soaf having a second baby would be so irresponsible right now.

Look at the state of Barneys life. It's a constant state of carnage!!! They do the bare minimum and are surrounded by such enablers that they think they are fucking parents of the year. They constantly purposefully delay Barney in so many areas;
- Tummy time
- Weaning him properly. The poor kid went from having milk to being handed an entire fucking steamed broccoli. CLUELESS>
- HELPING him to walk. He was ready at 11 months as per their vlogs. He was standing almost unaided but they didn't even bother to help him.
- Buying him his first shoes.

And don't get me started on Legoland. And Barneys' shambles of a first Christmas and first birthday. You were present for those Soaf and Dave and look how shit those events were. You have one child and he's never been the focus of your attention. Ever. You haven't even 'worked' through his entire life as your content has gone down the pan hence why everyone turned against you.

Barney always looks a mess. It's so sad but true. He always looks malnourished, wearing FUCKING sleep suits and looks freezing cold when he's with them. Nanna Frans, I will say, is when Barney looked his absolute BEST. He looked clean, well fed, warm! He even had socks on!!

And you want to throw another child into the mix when neither of you;
- You have no financial stability
- No housing stability
- No career stability
- Not even your dog has a settled and stable life. He spends more time at the vets than the receptionist.

Babes, are you okay? Has that £100 oil hat you left on too long absorbed into your brain and fucking rotted it?!

Every word is the truth!! They all enable the neglect of Barney all the way through. When did Barney last see a health visitor? When was he last weighed? Tonight's vlog when they were at the mums looking for his dummy, he had a furry snowsuit/fleecy sleepsuit that he had in vlogs that go back 7 months and it fitted him perfect then, it was not big on him, so how can it fit him now? I've honestly never known that, most babies grow out of clothes need the next size up but sadly not Barney. I honestly feel so disturbed by both of them their behaviour is not normal. That gorgeous little boy that does not know what is going on around him its cruel, how the hell can the grandparents and her sisters not see it. I feel like im always repeating myself but it never changes. Ive been off work the last week, old vlogs popping up, all I see is a little baby being propped up on a pillow or anything else so they dont have to hold him while feeding him a bottle, alot of sucking in fresh air, jess talking about eye contact makes me so angry when her nephew doesn't know the meaning of the word. The buggy hood always up, the bar across the middle laid flat on his back so he cant see anything, who honestly does that other then them. Ignoring him at all times whether its dumped in the cot, jumperoo and I cant forget the baby walker with the rug. Bless him he gets so excited when he's spoken to, when he's at soft play any kind of interaction he's so happy just to be acknowledged. The calpol is another issue, dave the prick holding him down while the evil bitch doses him up.

I'm the same I hate them both with a passion but I so want Barney to be looked after properly, loved like they love that manky mutt, I even feel sorry for him with the lip gloss disgusting as always the fake laugh, why is it funny? Always got her fucking teeth in every frame. I watch to see if they get any better and will they ever feed him properly? 🤞🤞🤞When will he be able to hold his bottle that never gets shown anymore , think we know why. Please dont have another baby!!!
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Am I understanding this correctly that Sophie and Dave are going to stop filming Barney (I don’t watch their vlogs anymore). If so that is great news. I’m guessing they have realised that it is horrific to sell the safety and security of their little baby at all let alone selling the safety and security of their little baby for only a couple of floaty dresses and a 2 week visit to a theme park (sigh - poor Barney). There are so many horror stories about the harm that is caused by uploading a child’s life on the internet.

It is shocking to see them use the jumperoo. It is exceptionally dangerous to do so at Barney’s stage. There isn’t any excuse really - this particular jumperoo has very clear warnings about such use. At this stage Barney should be exploring his surroundings and should be reacting to a firm ‘no’ from care givers when going to an area or touching an object he shouldn’t. Child proofing and parenting is what is required. I get that sometimes it is necessary to contain children but this should be done in a safe manner and placing a child in a jumperoo that is far too small is not safe. This action will cause a number of physiological issues and it is incredibly easy for a child of Barney’s age / height / weight to topple the jumperoo and cause a very serious incident. Sophie please do not do this. If a child really needs to be contained create a safe room in the house where the child can roam freely, procure a play pen (not for use 24/7 but a play pen can help if a parent / care giver needs to go to the loo / prepare a snack etc), or if it is safe enough to do so place the child in a high chair while you nip to the loo, grab a snack etc.

Creating a safe room in the house has been great for my little one (same age as Barney). My little one is allowed to explore the whole house but on days where I have had to work and take care of my little one at the same time (illnesses etc that have kept us away from nursery) our safe room has been a godsend. I work a very stressful, intense job but fortunately can work from home when needed and I’ve managed many days working in our safe room with my little one toddling around. We make various different stations in the room with different toys and activities and my little one can explore and play while I work.
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They upload 2 x 10 minute videos a week.....and it's already late. EMBARRASING.

Dave is so absent from their life. Either he has moved out or has been forced to get some kind of a job for benefits / tax credit purposes.
Im blocked on all their social media, but what’s the reason for a late vlog today Soph! What excuse have you got for us today? Eh, Chop eaten the butter again?
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Guys don’t get toooooo excited over a photo... I never believe it until I see a Vlog with a moving image of Daves ‘body transformation’ 😂

I’ll never forget the one when he posted about him being super slim in Legoland and the vlog told a VERY different story
This!!! I don’t understand when that photo was taken as the previous ones where there were comparisons he isn’t as big??
I really hope he is losing the weight I just can not trust anything they say anymore!
When are we actually getting a new slog? I am genuinely confused as to when they are supposed to post now, I’m not doing it for affect I just really don’t understand anymore!!
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I don’t know about you but I absolutely LOVE that Banners calls his own ‘mum’ SOPH. 😂 Looks like there’s no vlog today either . . 🤨
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I've never understood this sense of entitlement to go to WDW. This is something that comes up so much on the Disney Vlogger threads.

It's like, regardless of whether or not they can afford it, these people feel entitled to go. So they go to any lengths necessary to fund their trips. Many have admitted taking out loans, using credit cards to the limit, some have even said about putting their children birthday presents on buy now, pay later but then are going to DLP! (Magically Natalie for example!) and Knappily has allegedly borrowed the money for DVC from her parents.

Don't get me wrong, loads of us want to go to WDW and maybe more than once. But a little cheeky thing called 🌠REALITY🌠 usually puts a stop to that. For many hard working families, it takes years of hard work to save for a trip to WDW. To be able to afford the trip itself and the spending money you want to be able to enjoy the trip DEBT FREE. I know many people put it on credit cards and pay it off afterwards and there is nothing wrong with that, each to their own.

But, I remember seeing SAD, on their honeymoon, scrimp and have fuck all money once they were there. Counting the pennies because yes, they managed to get there off the back of some shoddy pin sales but they had fuck all spending money to enjoy it. Now imagine with a toddler in tow, what if Barney NEEDED extra things, they can't just not have the money to hand this time? You can get away with it as two adults on a dining plan but with a toddler and no dining plan in place, no way.

For me, again, just my opinion, I want to enjoy my holiday without a care in the world. No a single financial burden at all. I want to know I can relax and spend what I want to spend!
maybe if they both got a job 😂😂

this so called career on YT isn’t exactly working for them

I dread to think what a penny pinching holiday with a child would look like…
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I want to say i can’t believe they haven’t uploaded after only saying on Tuesday that vlogs will be Tuesday and Thursday and even asking what viewers would prefer. But let’s face it, it’s no surprise 🤣
Makes me so irrationally annoyed how full of shit they are. Just had to re watch to see what her wording was on Tuesday, said vlogs would be either Monday and Thursday or Tuesday and Thursday 😂😂 they literally can’t keep to anything they’ve ever promised. May as well scrap their ‘schedule’ as there’s never been one!
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