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She’s a perfect example of people who are aggressive and shout loudly tending to be guilty of something and they deflect it by being loud to take the focus off themselves. As the person said above she would dedicate a whole bunch of stories to people claiming and working if she found out someone was. Or someone working cash in hand just like she is.
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The mums network I’m in have identified an account called Lux Island as her next target. People think she is the next one she’s flattering for a share
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Chatty Member
She’s got 27 thousand followers though, I would say the fact only 9 people showed interest shows just what most people think about it all and her
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Chatty Member
She shared something about ‘not caring what 3 people online think of her’

wonder if she knows she’s got her own thread here🤣
I reckon so because she’s clearly looking for ‘trolls’ in her following now which she’s never mentioned before! Sharing crap about the government again like she’s a representative for poor people. People are struggling to heat their houses and she presents to be a spokesperson for them yet wants people to spend money they don’t have on her cat piss perfumes to line her own pockets.
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I think word is spreading of this thread as I am in one group chat and my friend is in another and lots of screenshots have been shared on there. I’ve noticed a lot of people who used to like her now can’t stomach her. The constant selling, the constantly calculated shoutouts. If you don’t have much of a following you’ll be lucky if she double taps your message. But if you’ve got a decent account she sees potential for herself and is all over those people.
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Chatty Member
Companies hold gala dinners every weekend in London. The way she was going on you'd have thought she had been given one of those tickets to the moon by Branson
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she’s manifesting her pyramid now -pages and pages of small type waffling on about personal business like debt and credit cards. She’s definitely one of the MLM lot who do it the cringe way. Why tell everyone about your credit card debt which definitely WONT have been paid off, people will read that and have such 2nd hand embarrassment for her.Everyone knows it’s only people with any kind of follower number who earn ok, and the rest are just exploited with false promises. It doesn’t matter how many times she writes that the people below her are earning ok, they certainly won’t be making what she is, but when they at least try, she just gets paid more! Otherwise why wouldn’t she just sell her cat piss perfumes herself? Why need to sign loads of poor women up? It’s so obvious and immoral. If you are reading here Sofa your account has gone down the toilet due to stories like these that you have posted tonight. She’s losing daily on her social blade, 35 just in the last few days
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Why is she always wearing really dirty clothes?
Look at her children trying to get her attention while she’s just down an hour playing a filter game like a 14 year old with no responsibilities? Their hands all over her. Get the hint
I know, masses and masses of stories about a load of shite. Not just a few, she has to go on and on and do what feels like 50 questions
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It does make you laugh that she’s got her way into some kind of event when all she’s done is take people’s followers by kissing arse 😂 Literally produces no content of her own worth watching but now she thinks she can roll with the big kids 😂 I bet she’ll be asking for photos with some of the insta Huns in a desperate bid to get on their stories - shameful 😂
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Her latest story’s, she tries so hard to be funny and relatable that it’s so cringeworthy
I honestly don’t know where to start with todays stories. As you say, she tries with every sentence to be funny. It’s just not funny though. Nothing she says in her fake airhead voice is funny. A woman of her age who pretends she can’t announce “th”, FINGS. It’s truly cringeworthy.

Next up she has bought Scarlett’s World’s HIDEOUS new line, purely to get in amongst her story mentions & also the story mentions of the Size Me account or whatever it’s called. She looks bloody awful in it!!! Are the top and bottoms different colours?! Like white and cream?! Eg. Two colours that should never be matched?! As if she would ever be seen in the gym and she’s never worn sportswear before!

She’s also apparently accepted an invite to an event tomorrow and of course her idol Scarlett is going to be there. She’s accepted this invite for one reason only and that’s to her her follower numbers up. She must have heard that there was a few DECENT accounts going and no doubt approached the company. Imagine having four young kids and all you can think about is getting more followers at an event!!!!!!
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“Disagree with me all you want”. She’s desperate to make her account one that grows due to being controversial and argumentative. Why is she always looking for disagreements? It’s like she wants to be the next Katie Hopkins, well known for being really vocal. She also said a while back that tattle has a place in life, she seemed very desperate for a thread so surely she should be pleased she’s now got a (very active!) thread.
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Jesus imagine having to come on stories going on and on trying to get people on her TEAM on GOOD FRIDAY in the evening. No thanks I'll stick to my PAYE with my paid bank holidays, paid holidays, sick pay and pension. She is literally telling everyone that she makes money off of them too. Get your morals back sofa. If she was doing well she wouldn't have to talk about it all the time either. she isn't doing well obviously because she's always wanting more people so loads clearly give up because she's shit
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Don’t get it, she has a baby at home with her who she says she is grateful for every day but has 20/25 bloody story dots. Does he get any attention from her? She’ll be unbearable for posts tomorrow on the twins birthday. They need her more than she needs to do attention seeking posts on her phone, they can’t speak hardly as other people have pointed out. She’s one of these that never shuts up about how much she loves her kids whilst just wanting to be seen to be the doting mother on social media. Meanwhile she’ll be ignoring them and scrolling Instagram all day. I also can’t believe she’s trying to get more people AGAIN, so that’s twice last week, yesterday and also today?! Spam central! Account ruined
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She’s trying to flog stuff to improve our looks! Therefore we can comment about her trying to flog an eye cream when she has dark circles!
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She will probably get up there and start talking about government scum and how they under fund charities or something
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