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It’s been announced that Family Fortunes is coming back and he’s not going to present it - they want Gino to.
I always find Gino so very fake, and almost Italian caricature of how Italian men are meant to be to British people (I've lived in Italy). I remember it coming out when he was a 21-year-old waiter when he stole Paul Young's £4000 guitar collection, alongside a prized platinum disc. Just read, he admitted he performed a sex act on one of his female cousins when he was young.
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My friend's kid went to school with Amanda Mealing's (Connie from Holby City) son. She's a complete diva - would turn up to parents evening with big sunglasses on as though she was about to be mobbed by fans. But much more juicily, apparently her cousin told her that she was adopted because they'd been sleeping with each other and she was feeling guilty.
Ah I've heard that Amanda is really lovely. One of my girls is (randomly) a massive Casualty fan, when she was 4 or 5 she came home from school one day with a picture she'd drawn. I asked her who it was (thinking it was me naturally 😎) and she was all "no mum, it's Connie Beauchamp. Put it in the fridge please" 🤷🏻‍♀️
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It might not be PC to say this but sleeping with groupies isn't the same as sexually abusing young girls and children. Jimmy Savile sexually abused severely mentally disabled girls, he was rumoured to be a necrophiliac and he went for much younger girls too. Whilst the age of consent has been 16 in this country for a long time, in the 70s particularly there were several different movements to get it lowered - one party even wanted it lowered to 10 at one point. 10! So whilst I agree that even though these laws were obviously never passed, if a political party came along now and and wanted to have the age of consent lowered to 10 there would be national outrage. Infact writing this, even when I was a kid in the 90s there were discussions about lowering the age of consent to 14. I think it is a valid argument to say that the psyche was different then.
I agree with you.

Regarding J Epstein - some of the girls that said they were abused by him were 17 and so how can that be abuse when they willingly went back to his after sleeping with him and getting the money, that’s not abuse, that’s prostitution.

Is the legal age in FL 18? Were they all under 18?
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Does any woman ever really want to be sent a dick pic? That behaviour confuses my tiny mind. Send me a hot bod pic sure, but your todger? No thanks
Oh thank F***, I thought it was only me who didnt get the attraction of dick pics.. I mean they are funny looking arent they?! 😂
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Met up with my neighbours nephew at Christmas time and he told me that his Mums friend (in her early 50’s) was having a full blown affair with Jamie Oliver! She lived over the road and would regularly see him arrive and leave the next morning! Was going on for years apparently and was an open secret on the estate.
Ewwww, his fat, too big for his mouth, tongue is all I can see when I look at him.
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What's the gaga tea about her stealing a career off someone else.
I've always thought she could be a major a c
If anyone wants to go down a very deep rabbit hole, there are plenty of articles which link Gaga, and Katy Perry to a “performance artist” called Marina
Abrovamic. Marina is the author of the “Spirit Cooking” book, and is a VERY powerful person with links to the whole ping pong/pizzagate story. She is also, apparently, some kind of satanic high priestess, and, as the story goes, is responsible for initiation into the so called “Illuminati”. Apparently, Lady Gaga was desperate to become an actress, so an initiation was devised by Marina, which involved Gaga being stripped naked and blindfolded, then dumped in a (private) forest, and had to try and find a way back - without freaking out. Apparently this also happened to Katy Perry - who started her career as a “Christian” singer, but after Marina groomed her, she completely changed her image, and often uses satanic/illuminati images in her videos, and her songs get more and more raunchy. So, back to Gaga, apparently, Marina has said that Gaga was her “favourite student” and was very impressed by her dedication and willingness. And, so Gaga got the part in the hugely successful film “A star is born”, and her career has skyrocketed since. There have been rumours that Miley Cyrus, and Taylor Swift have also been students of Marina. It’s also interesting to add, that Marina herself has ties to the “Rockefeller Foundation”, as well as the Clintons, and the Podesta brothers. I also read somewhere, that people who practice Satanism have to “ show themselves” in public, which might explain why Katy in particular uses a lot of satanic imagery in her videos. I also read that when Taylor Swift was humiliated on stage by Kanye West (That award should have gone to Beyoncé) That was her test to see how she would handle public humiliation, and she obviously passed the test, as her career has been very successful. Edit to add - Who really knows what goes on behind closed doors, but this whole Marina “High Priestess” thing really fascinates me, and I find her a really interesting person, and I recommend finding interviews with her, as the way she talks, and her whole body language is like nothing I’ve seen before, there is creepy, and there is fucking creepy, and Marina is most definitely the latter. 😱😱😱
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My close relative had a long running affair with Neil “Razor” Ruddock. It was while he was with his current wife and she’d already had the first baby, but not the second. He’d travel to see her and stay at her house or they’d go to hotels. Apparently they really liked each other’s company but it ended as she met someone else.
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My mum had a friend who did the sets for top of the pops back in the day. She said it was common knowledge about saville. Everyone knew about it but it was just not spoken about
Kind of the same with Ian Watkins from Lost prophets. It took way too long for him to be apprehended. His excessive drug use, twisted mind and the fact he slept with so many young fans and different women all around the world was known for years, especially in the South Wales Valleys where both he and I are from. The women who spoke out about him simply weren't believed.
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Team JCM

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Sorry if this sounds dim but is all the Trump stuff true? why on earth is it not in the news? I saw those accounts on twitter and felt so angry and disgusted that he could get away with it all. Why do we hear about men in power utterly abusing their position time and time again?
When I think back to “grab them by the pussy” I tend to lean on the side of fuck yes it’s true and possibly worse. He’s a misogynist through and through. Its absolutely no stretch for me to imagine he is capable of what was posted above, none whatsoever.
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BB was so much better before they just stuck social media types in. And also when they had the live feed and I had summers off.
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Given the 1980s and the High School yearbook and info it's highly unlikely Caprice was born a man. Kids are rarely today accepted at school when being different (gay, trans, being nerdy, liking different music... kids can be a*seholes), back then I'd imagine it wasn't any easier.
Caprice (anyone!) changing gender as teen is just extremely unlikely.

Yearbook info etc, also given how many people swear up and down in comments that Caprice is up to 20 years older than is said and she isn't, is a clear sign that some gossip is just hot air.

Caprice may have had facial hair which she got lasered off, but so do more women than most people realize.
Hormones and genetics can be shit.

At best maaaaybee Caprice was born intersex and classed in her documents as male as baby.
Edited for brevity.

The top bit about schools is one of my bugbears and goes hand in hand with a lot of things that a certain type of person puts out there in order to whip people up into a frenzy and lead society to believe problems exist where they don't. For a start, before somebody quotes this and rips me a new one - kids are kids, I was fat so I was made fun for the whole of my school life. I was at school in the 80s and 90s, in my primary there was a little boy who liked dressing up as a girl and noone gave a shit. In fact he used to go round the class rooms showing us his outfits and we thought it was brilliant. In secondary school I can remember in particular there was one girl who in today's terms must have identified as a boy, in 90s terms she was just called Sam and hung around mostly with the boys. Noone cared. I'm pretty sure she was even on the football team with the boys. Boy George was one of the biggest popstars when I was really little and I bloody loved him, I can remember thinking he was so beautiful and mysterious. Compare Boy George with Sam "pleasethrowanyattentionmyway" Smith. Some people really want to make out like this country is very broken but it really isn't, it will become broken though if we keep telling people everything they know and do is wrong because largely it's the kids who are at university now who weren't even alive or old enough to experience the 80s and 90s properly that are telling us how transphonic, homophobic we all are or were.

For what's it's worth Caprice did used to repeatedly lie about her age. She was 28 for a good few years. Even if the story about her gender isn't true it has definitely flagged something really interesting up.

Generally the hair women have lasered off is very different to the hair that men grow on their faces. She is so fair I very much doubt she would have a facial hair problem naturally.
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Chatty Member
Crosspost from the Charlotte Crosby thread, I’ve had a look at her companies house accounts today and found:

She has three companies. A property one with £5000, a clothing one with £10000, and her main CC one for all income which has £272000 in cash.

The filings show she earned 350k last year, paid ~300 of that out in tax and expenses, and she and her dad have borrowed £1.4m from it in repayable loans against future earnings.

So collectively across all her business interests she’s at the tail end of her fame and owes over a million quid. If she owns her cars and house outright (unlikely) she might be just about straight financially.

Not very lucrative being a reality star these days is it!
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God he really is Alan Partridge isn't he?
Always remember watching This Morning and they had a dinosaur expert on. Richard went on one saying Judy complained he shouted and screamed if he banged his toe, and that his theory was that “my cavemen ancestors did that to scare off dinosaurs” The confused expert pointed out humans and dinos did not exist at the same time, Richard snapped “well OBVIOUSLY I know that” 🤣🤣🤣
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