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I get really nasty vibes from her too, so fake. Dan ii is apparently a nasty piece of work too, though. i used to listen to Virgin radio and the subject got onto horrible people they’d met, and they hated her. She had been so rude arrogant and demanding.
I've had a couple of dealings with Dannii, and maybe its because we had a mutual friend she was always sweet as pie and had no airs or graces. Dumb as a box of rocks but completely inoffensive. She made me a cup of tea once at a 7am post club chill out, lol
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See also David Milliband trousering nearly a million dollars for heading up a refugee charity.
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Miss Demeanour

Chatty Member
Is there a secret to bring good at winning? Please share! 😜
The only "secrets" I can think of is to enter as many comps as you can, as you've obviously more of a chance winning, the more you enter.

Even enter comps for prizes you arent interested in, as you can gift, or sell those prizes.

It's fine entering prize draws, but the "I should win because... " comps tend to draw less participants than draws.

For those, a cheesy poem, or paragraph that includes the company's name, slogan, or USP often wins.

When I won the Amsterdam trip to see Travis, I included Travis song titles in the why I should win speil.

I think it was something lame like, "I should meet Travis because I'm tied to the 90s, really love the band and all I want to do is rock with them in Amsterdam. Would be great to see the band to do a turn and see Fran sing. So I'm writing to reach you, hoping to win this competition, and see a band that I love."

Something like that anyway!

Other tips....

* Read the rules of every comp properly. If you break a rule, you'll be disqualified immediately. It says "Tell us in no more than 25 words why you should win", and you put 26 words, you won't win!
* Set up a separate email for comping as you will get signed up for mailing lists etc when you enter them.
* Keep a spreadsheet of what you've entered, as some comps will disqualify you if you enter more than once and when doing so many, you can lose track.
* Keep a log of what you've won and the value, it helps spur you on when comping gets tedious!
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I like Gordon Ramsay, but reading up on his career and there are so many interesting stories and back stabbings.

Big falling out with his mentor MPW. Framed the latter for stealing a reservations book to secure his future as head chef.

Fired his father in law and business manager. Sued the father in law and his brothers in law. Father in law spent 6 months in jail.

Rumours of an affair with a professional mistress, but no substantial evidence?

Anyone know more about him? Interesting guy.
I know someone who worked for him and he said he’s a really nice guy, just make sure you work hard. Said he doesn't mind them taking the piss out of him. If they found memes, etc about him online and showed him, he found them hilarious.
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The wonderful charity that also refused to come out to move two horses that had been tethered to the ground on a flood plain with rapidly rising water levels...

You can imagine my response when they called a week later to ask if I’d consider donating a small amount each month to them.

(We managed to get the horses removed and into the care of people better suited to them)
Many of these 'charities' no longer see themselves as actually working on the ground (i.e. doing anything), and see themselves more as 'educators'. As we saw with Bono's charity.....
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Yes I read that! I'm fairly introvert and so are my friends so not going to parties has been fine for me, and an absolute blessing in disguise at this time of the year 😄 so maybe I just dont understand the need. But it just seems such a stupid thing to do. Even if they are willing to take the risk for a party for a couple of hours, do they then not go to the shops for a week just in case they caught it at the party? I doubt it! They dont know who they will he in contact with. This is why we keep going into lockdown!
The thing is - we are all fed up with lockdown, not being able to see friends and family etc. She could have had a delayed celebration like EVERYONE else ... but oh no, she was above it. She's pissed off now that someone dobbed her in.
She however is not alone, I was told of a local wealthy family who were flying backward and forwards from the south of france during summer with COVID infecting people. They knew the wife had and still travelled several times. They too were outraged when some one found out and blabbed.
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I’m not called Karen but someone close to me is. She’s fantastic so using it as a slur bothers me. It was a little bit funny at the start but it’s moved on from that. She, on the other hand, couldn’t give a shit about it.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
I definitely think there is truth it that and not just celebrities. In general I find the sickly nice and very smiley people are the least sincere and most back stabby. I don't trust anyone like that
Tony Blair is a prime example of that theory.
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Et tu Brute?

VIP Member
Re.. Daniella Westbrook nose

I genuinely feel sorry for her. This is so sad - and those tabloid headlines are horrific. She was so young when she started on Eastenders and as a pretty young girl, thrust into the spotlight. She’s been ravaged by addiction and my heart goes out to her. It’s not about her looks, her mental health has clearly suffered. I hope she gets the help she needs.
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Sideboard Bob

VIP Member
Just announced on Sky that Barbara Windsor has died
Oh that’s really sad. Rest in peace Barbara.
I know there’s been some stories about her on this thread very recently, but regardless of what you think of her, Alzheimer's is such a cruel disease. I really feel for her loved ones, losing someone at this time of year is so hard.
What a talent though, I’ll be watching some Carry On this weekend in her memory!
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Husband just told me how to switch off the safe browsing mode.

Oh my.

Definitely our favourite Scottish daytime tv lady.

I’m going back to safe mode again. It’s for the best.
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Chatty Member
Not celeb gossip:

I'm good friends with someone who has gender identity issues (came out as a crossdresser to her wife years ago and years later is now considering the gender identity route) and even I'VE never head of "deadname" - it must be quite a new term. She is well-liked and very sociable but you do get some TV and trans women I've met who are very militant, attention-seeking and almost spoiling for a fight who maybe don't do their cause any favours.

I have even met trans women (post-op) who think they are somehow "superior" to crossdressers - which just makes me sigh with dismay.

One more mature trans woman who ran a help group was on a mission to get everyone she met to consider the gender dysphoria route, (I'm going by what I've been told by my friend).

People who have met my friend have called her, Him, He, simply because they have no idea how to behave - other than that they are friendly and eager-to-please, generally.

Remember, not all of us have experience of gender or sexuality issues - a well-meaning comment isn't usually intended to hurt, go by the person's demeanour, not their words. It could just be ignorance and lack of interaction with certain social circles.

Most people we've met on nights out are amiable and accepting. We have also had experience of gay people being horrible, in a gay pub where you'd expect to feel safe! So, you can't make assumptions about ANYbody.

TL;DR: People are complicated, say the wrong things and come with baggage, but most mean well.

I hate the term Karen as well, I've already mentioned why on older threads.
The trouble is the acceptable and correct terms change so rapidly so often a previously acceptable way to address someone is then deemed insulting. And I used to frequent gay clubs and Gay Pride but over the years the atmosphere changed so much there was often an unpleasant undercurrent especially towards straight people. Such a shame
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I loved the Carry On films. Joan Sims' line, 'Oh dear, I seem to have got a little plastered,' in Khyber is probably my all-time favourite ('Infamy, infamy, they've all got it infamy,' being a close second) and wasn't actually in the script, she ad-libbed it and it was kept in.
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I was shocked by that story and her reaction to it! I wonder if she was a PITA on the set of WILTY as the producers must have approved that story to go on and show her up for the nasty piece of work she is.

Dominic West has a Fred West look about him too. Why do so many people look like Fred West? And why are they all awful? Is it because they look like Fred West?
I think Simon from Corrie looks like Fred West/Dominic West.
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Restless Native

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I recently watched a documentary about Kirsty McCalls death was quite an old onr from BBC. Was so sad. Her wee mum was determined to fight it all the way
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Oh jesus keep seeing that ad. Him indoors keeps threatening to get me a pair 😦

Maybe the tartan hot water bottle slipper to go with it

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VIP Member
Someone mentioned cilla and I came across the strangest cilla related clip EVER
Oxo and oranges
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VIP Member
oh I vaguely remember her clothes line, wasn't it called 1647? Remember it being called that because 47% of women are size 16+ or something like that!
God i remember the weirdest things...
I remember the clothing line because my manager at the time was a larger lady, and she loved Dawn's clothes line - they weren't sized like ordinary clothes, they were size 1 - 6 with 1 being 16 and 6 being six sizes bigger than that. She used to pirouette around the office saying "look at me, I'm a size 4!"
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