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Chatty Member
I don't even think it's just down to plastic surgery. If anything it predates the widespread use of plastic surgery. It's just misogyny.
Even when women look good they’re still constantly told ‘for their age’, or reminded ‘no eggs, no value’. Fuck that, I choose my worth.
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I find that really offensive, I'm a second wife, my first marriage, my husband's second. Why shouldn't I, or anyone else, have the day they want.
I'm with you, I'm a second wife. My 1st, hubbies second, and we had the day we wanted with no consideration for his ex or his former marriage. And I am the love of his life.

It's not vulgar at all to celebrate your wedding or wear white just because one or both of you have been married before - I mean for fucks sake it's not like any of use are virgins when we marry anyway.
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She looks ridiculous in her big white dress. They are both old boilers who've been round the block a few times, why not wear a tasteful dress or trouser suit. A big bash for a second wedding is tacky and vulgar and nobody will persuade me otherwise.

Also, I don't understand how anyone could fall in love with Ant! He just isn't that attractive. Not at all. I can't stand the awful cheeky chappy persona and the fact that he has been so wholeheartedly forgiven for being a bag of dicks. A worthless, drunken, adulterous douche. I don't know why we as Britons are so keen to reward absolute dregs (see also Cheryl) but it isn't a good look.
I see a pattern forming in your posts @lucrecia, it’s all about the looks. I did mute you but when I saw other people posting I was intrigued.

So as well as people who are widowed, or maybe married when they couldn’t afford a wedding the first time and subsequently divorced, they’re not allowed a fancy wedding? Who gives a shiny shit if they have a big wedding or not? It’s their day.

Your comment about him being “a worthless, drunken, adulterous douche” do you reserve that for all alcoholics of just the ‘ugly’ ones? He went to rehab and still appears to be sober - he looks healthier than he has in years but why let that stand in the way of a good insult?

And before you ask, I’m not a fan of Ant particularly, I just think personal jibes about people’s looks and addictions are uncalled for.
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The whole thing is so seedy. You and your husband have an assistant who is privy to your personal information and your secrets and that assistant ends up starting an affair with your husband while working under your roof?

What awful people they both are. I wish Lisa much happiness and hope she finds someone who truly loves and respects her. I hope these two get a taste of their own medicine.

I had the same nauseous feeling when Gavin Rossdale was shagging the nanny while married to Gwen Stefani.
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Anyone else find it creepy he's only ever with women half his age? I get age is just a number but EVERY woman he likes just happens to be half his age? Not one every so often with dating women nearer his own age in between? All so odd.
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I bet their dad isn't grateful his daughters call McPartlin dad.

I wonder who told the journalist all this inside information? It must have been one of the wedding guests.
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Read the Jools Oliver story and was in parts angry and horrified. Rather than considering herself lucky she has 5 healthy children and she can afford to raise them and give them great opportunities in life, she risks her health to try and have more, and is now resorting to trying to pay for another baby.

Could she not help set up a charity or contribute her time and money to one that looks into the reasons why women miscarry and support ones who have?
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Can't believe that her daughters call Ant Dad! Find that really bizarre because
A) He is not their Dad
B) They have an actual Dad

If they didn't have a biological father in the picture then fair enough. Are they really calling two men Dad? "Dad, we're just off to Mum and Dad's....!"

That seem like an ego thing to me on Ant's part. "I am so amazing and approachable that they just want to call me Dad, I can't even help it, I am just such a cool Dad"
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I'd also add that even if I was on wedding ten, I would still wear a wedding dress. Why miss the opportunity to wear a fancy frock, us regular folk don't get many opportunities to wear posh dresses do we.

And I couldn't give a fuck if it's tacky, I do what makes me happy.
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Miss Begotten

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Can you imagine?

Dear departed Belleboo, sadly crushed by 100Kg of Jason Momoa during a particular rigorous sex marathon. She was momentarily hypnotised by his green eyes and was flattened and her ribs were crushed and her aorta ruptured. Rest in peace.
🤣 Buried in a Y-shaped coffin.
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Tbh i found the 'funniest' comment was you calling Ant's new woman fat. You might not have said the word 'fat' directly, but it was something like that. I am sure you mentioned the word 'blob' and said she didnt have a nice figure. I really dont understand that because to me she certainly isnt 'fat', she just has a nice normal figure.

Beauty is so subjective. I am sure there are people who find me plain or even ugly. Likewise, im sure you will not be everyone's taste. That is the amazing thing about humans. Life would be so boring if we all found the same people good looking.

And yes i know this is a gossip site and everyone is allowed to say their own opinions, and you certainly have a lot of opinions on the way everyone looks! Some i agree with, some i dont. Just like, personally i think Dolly Parton when she was younger is possibly the most beautiful woman ever. She was absolutely beautiful in my opinion. Just like Stevie Nicks when she was younger... And no im not taking the piss, nor am i on drugs! haha.

I just love Florence's hair! As a red head myself, i always loved the different shades of red she used to rock.
A few people were very rude about ants new wife's looks and weight. I was shocked when I clicked in the DM to see their wedding pics and saw a silm attractive woman. Yes she's not celebrity thin or exceptionally beautiful. But she's definitely not ugly.
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If I never have to see Amanda Holden and her cleavage and legs again I’d be very happy. She’s about as sexy as a pencil.
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Are there no rules around this on Twitter? I think Instagram blocked his account.
I’m not a prude by all means but being able to post stuff like this on a platform where teenagers are allowed an account is disgraceful. It turns my stomach thinking of young boys and girls seeing that and thinking that’s what sex is about. Twitter needs to seriously review their policies!
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Re Jools wanting more children - why don’t they adopt? They have the money and space and reputation. There’s never been any stories on them really and I’m sure they’d be great candidates. My friend had four children and they wanted a fifth but had a few miscarriages. They adopted their fifth and truly, if you knew this family, you would see how the little one completes the family.
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Should only people who are good looking be allowed to marry? I am not sure I would label them tacky either. I was Team Lisa, but it’s undeniable that he looks so much healthier than he did when he was married to Lisa. I think both parties have moved on now, both look happy.
She looks ridiculous in her big white dress. They are both old boilers who've been round the block a few times, why not wear a tasteful dress or trouser suit. A big bash for a second wedding is tacky and vulgar and nobody will persuade me otherwise.

Also, I don't understand how anyone could fall in love with Ant! He just isn't that attractive. Not at all. I can't stand the awful cheeky chappy persona and the fact that he has been so wholeheartedly forgiven for being a bag of dicks. A worthless, drunken, adulterous douche. I don't know why we as Britons are so keen to reward absolute dregs (see also Cheryl) but it isn't a good look.
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Um, this is a GOSSIP site. It is not a group hug. People comment on looks all the time, on this and other threads. I'm not the only one to do so, so I'm not sure why I'm being singled out here. If you don't like my posts, put me on mute. I have done it with racists.
Whilst I completely agree with you that it is a gossip site and you reserve the right to comment on anything you want and also say anything you want.

But at the same time. There is probably plenty of things to insult Ant about. But you chose to insult him due to his addiction and basically implying he’s worthless due to something he has no control of, and frankly that is hurtful to a lot of people, especially when many people on here probably suffer from addiction themselves or have loved ones suffering from it.
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Chatty Member
The phrase that makes me laugh is when you can have a plain, overweight twenties woman say about a stunning older woman - wow, I hope I look like you when I am older. A back handed compliment, the inference being that the older woman is looking good despite her age, and the one complimenting is so youthful. I would love it if the response was Honey, you look like shit now, when you are older, you are going to look worse!
I get this all the time. Not boasting, but it’s always ‘wow you don’t look your age’ or ‘how do you do it’. It’s like wtf, why can’t you say anything without reference to my age. It makes me feel like a fucking novelty act! I also get so fed up with the assumption that we’d all kill to be twenty-something again. Erm you mean to be insecure, skint, naive, having to work really hard, and spending all my time competing and wishing my life away with all the ‘life goals’ we women must achieve before our ovaries shrivel - you know our only real goal in life, right! Sod that, I could be a lot happier in life but I give so little shit pebbles to anything I’m pretty chilled and blissfully ignorant thanks!
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