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I see radio presenter Jono Coleman from Virgin Radio has passed away 🥲🥲
Oh bless him. When my son was travelling in Australia, I messaged Jono on Facebook and asked him if he'd say happy birthday to him on his radio show. and he replied almost immediately, asking for my son's name, whereabouts was he in Oz, and that he'd be on air that day at a particular time and would definitely give him a shout out. My son was gobsmacked to hear Jono Coleman wishing him a happy birthday and telling him when he was next in Sydney he'd buy him a beer. I've never forgotten that.

Plus it saved me the cost of a card ;)

RIP Jono
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I discovered these threads a couple of days ago and they have kept me thoroughly entertained while I've been unwell, so thank you.
I'm a failed actress (as in I trained but like most of us wannabes, didn't get anywhere - too short, too curvy, nose not perfect enough etc :)) and then retrained as a make up artist so I've loosely been in some of the circles mentioned and some of these posts have had me roaring with laughter.
I'm no longer in the industry and am trying to think of any good gossip I have, although it would likely be a couple of years out of date. It's been very very funny to see experiences talked about on here that align with my own, or to see those that are clearly fantasy although very entertaining at the same time. (Of course, people could think that about anything I end up sharing, the joy of forums!).

Some celebrities I've done make up for - Chris Evans, lovely, I know nothing about his romantic life etc but very charming and chatty and makes an effort to remember the details.
Mark Ruffalo - as everyone has said, just a gorgeous, lovely, humble man who really listens and seems interested.
Jeremy Renner - okay, awkward sense of humour, doesn't always pitch it right but generally very pleasant

Sarah Lancashire - fantastic, lovely, very grateful for all her opportunities.
Anna Friel - little bit stand offish at first, but chatty and very sweet once she's warmed to you
Peter Andre - surprised me with how down to earth he was
Emilia Fox - really friendly and warm

I'll try to remember any others that have stuck out. I was at theatre school with a few famous names before my change of career, one or two I am still friendly with, and I will say that generally famous people are just like your co-workers at the office really, in terms of how they come across - everyone puts on their game professional face for the most part but even the loveliest ones have bad days and get grumpy or snappy or arrogant or fed up and if that's when you meet them...well for famous people, that impression sticks!

I was a bit scared off this site having seen some of the vitriol on other threads but this one has been very entertaining and a good balance, so thank you for keeping me occupied! :D
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Miss Begotten

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Richard Branson's going to the edge of space today.

I’m sure all the Virgin staff who were made redundant will be delighted the egotistical arsehole managed to find a couple of billion pounds down the back of the sofa to pay for this giant ego trip. Wanker.
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I am ancient and started my first job in 1963. The sexism was appalling. It’s not true that it was just accepted, well not among me and my colleagues. The trouble was that if you fought back you either lost your job or it got worse if you made a scene.
I don’t know what we were expected to do to stop it. There wasn’t any way.
It’s so hard to believe nowadays.
My first ward sister appointment - I was 26 - the consultant unzipped my uniform, looked at my boobs, and said ‘you’ll do!” to the raucous laughter of his (all male) team of junior doctors. I complained to my line manager and was told “you should be flattered, he doesn’t do that to everyone” followed by “maybe this hospital isn’t the right place for you.” That was 25 years after your experiences.
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Sideboard Bob

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Vanessa Shanessa "Nessa" Jenkins is 100% a star. And honestly I think Ruth Jones is probably a more talented comedy writer than Corden.

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House of Tea

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Going back to Les and Amanda, she was 24, he was 42. So quite the age difference.In her autobiography (which I have not read but saw online) she says that after her affair their marriage limped on. Just before Les went into Celeb BB, Les confessed he had slept with somebody she knew, and she felt relief not heartbreak, it gave her an out. I remember Les being extremely morose and depressed in the house, Amanda had chucked him.

I also read that in a recent podcast Les went through the moment when he realised that Amanda was too young for him. They had a plumber round when Amanda ran in and said it’s the Grand National, we should put a bet on, and he gave her a tenner. She said no let’s put on more than that and he gave her twenty. When she left the plumber said to Les, kids, eh? He thought she was his daughter!
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Yes they all love the gangsters moll look and the costa del crime lifestyle until their lovers get caught and they are taking their kid to prison every Saturday to see their dad!
I’m from Dublin and there’s loads of women like this, enjoying the lifestyle but when their fella is caught and the house is raided. They pull the innocent act and had no clue what was going on. Yet they’re both on the dole, decked out in designer gear, always on holidays in Turkey, Bulgaria or Spain and she’s driving him around to his supplier and to collect debts. But she didn’t know even though he collects only 200 a week from the social but has a wardrobe that would make Elton wince

Idk why anyone wants that lifestyle. Your house is gonna be smashed up one day, your fella will either end up dead or in prison. It’s a miserable lifestyle with no good outcome.
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Not at all real celeb gossip seems like a slow news day 🥱

I bet Susie was terrifying when he didn't put the bins out:

"You lazy bastard, arsehole, dickhead, bum, ruffian, rogue, scoundrel, nincompoop, ne'er-do-well..."
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Imagine if Bezos, Musk & Branson put as much money to charity as they did to this space wank fest the world could be a much better place.
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Miss Begotten

VIP Member
I wholeheartedly agree with you. There are businesses carrying the Virgin name and people are fooled into believing that he actually still owns them. He has taken out everything and more that he could for his vanity projects and makes me sick. Funnily enough I was reading about Necker Island the other day - he still owns that although there is a covenant that all beaches up to the high-tide mark are Crown property and therefore open to the public!

Couldn't they have got sharpie eyebrows and elf ears for the occasion?
It just fucking infuriates me how much money is spent on space.
Surely it would be easier, quicker and cheaper if Branson, Musk and Bezos sat around a table, whipped their dicks out and then brought in an independent adjudicator with a ruler.

Have to add to the general admiration for Mark Ruffalo. I’d take out each and every one of you to get to the front of the queue for him.
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Chrissy was raped as a young woman by someone she met at a bar and said that it was her own fault, what did she think was going to happen etc.
My mother, who is now in her 80s, was quite prone to coming out with things like 'Well, what did she expect, dressed like that?' I've started telling her that if I can leave my food-obsessed cocker spaniel on her own in a room with a freshly-cooked steak in easy reach, tell her to leave it, and know that the steak will still be there when I go back, then surely blokes ought to be able to stop themselves sexually molesting women - and she's changed her views a bit now :)
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Seriously cannot stand Robert Downey Jr. Once upon a time he was the enfant terrible of Hollywood and now he just plays super heroes.
His dad introduced to him to drugs when he was in his single digits and was in rehab as a teenager. He turned his life around and is a genuine light for people who are also suffering from addiction as if someone like him who was smacked out of his head on heroin for years, kept fucking his life up, cut off from all his family and homeless can turn his life around and become one of the most successful actors then they can also get out of their addiction and restart life. I can’t help but like him.

He’s also very honest about his past but refuses to talk about his dad as I genuinely think him and his dad had a rocky relationship due to his dad being the main reason he was what he was. I think they patched it up in the end and I believe Downey Sr died last week.

He also donates a lot to rehab charities that helps people who are getting out addiction to start a new life. He also teaches people that addiction isn’t the end and that you can pull out of it.
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Taking the conversation in a completely different direction. I REALLY don't think we spent enough time on Jack Grealish's thighs the other night. I realise it was actually only me discussing his thighs BUT if we could get back to that very important topic I would very much appreciate it. Any bits of information about said thighs greatly received. Thanks and all best wishes.
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ITV booted Micheal Barrymore out the door as soon as they could for his actions

so why keep Ant
I can’t stand Mc Partlin, I would have been happy to see him sacked. However, Barrymore presided over a party where a young man was raped and murdered, and scarpered before the police got there. Also some stuff went missing, from the scene of the crime. Mac Partlin didn’t actually kill anyone or take part in a cover up.

I also think the bbc are starting to b the same as itv with the same faces on everything , case in point that idiot mcguinness doing question of sport, if I was sue I would be highly offended being replaced by someone like him
McGuinness has all the charm of dogs diarrhoea, yet he continues to get get jobs. I’d love to know what he’s got on people!

I’m dead old, but even I can see A Question of Sport should be taken out the back and given a merciful death. I saw a snippet a few months ago visiting my old Mum, and was momentarily confused I felt like I’d been transported back to the 70s or 80s.
I didn’t know they still made it, it’s like making gas mantels, or crocheting cases for gas masks. Let it go already.
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I don't know about Pickford but I have got a shameful crush on Jack Grealish and his massive thighs. He has big cow eyes and I love a man in a hairband. Don't judge me.
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Any tea on Emma Stone or Thompson? Saw them in Cruella. And Thompson was so smug. Not sure that was her character or her shining through!
An old friend of mine has done lots of work as an extra in film and tv. They said that the nicest actor they had worked with was Emma Thompson on the set of Nanny McPhee.

apparently between takes, some of the extras had sat down together in a field for a rest near the set. It was a really warm sunny day.
When over the horizon came Emma Thompson - come to do a tea run. She asked all the extras what they wanted to drink and disappeared off to get it for them.
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