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I made the move to Ozempic at the weekend, didn’t start on 0.25 as I was already at 3 on Sax so went for 0.5 instead. Wish I’d gone in straight at 1 as I feel it’s doing absolutely nothing. Was absolutely starving all day yesterday was nearly in tears over it and sent myself to bed at 9pm just to get away from the fridge. Wish I’d stuck with Sax
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Sorry to derail..

Just wondering have you found anything to help with your gut health.? The alflorex are meant to be good but too expensive for me at the min .

Apologies for derailing 💛
Was about to mention kefir as well but the above mentioned it ❤ I was told about symprove but didn’t go for it as can cause weight gain in some people and was like NOPE not for me lol

I was on Sertraline but since weaning off it - and feeling so much happier after a long period of clinical depression - I’ve found my relationship with food has improved. Before, I was almost constantly hungry or thinking about my next meal. I had no idea any depressants can have this effect!!
Yeah same !! It’s insane the difference you feel about food when you come off anti depressants , it’s very clever how it’s all connected
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I’m wondering if anyone can offer any advice though I suspect the reality is that I’m just not eating enough. Something I didn’t really think would ever be a problem…!

I started taking Saxenda two weeks ago and I am finding that it’s suppressing my appetite to the point I am eating one reasonable meal per day, with a few snacks in between. I am taking 1.2mg per day and I have lost 1.1kg in two weeks. It is a loss but I had anticipated more.

I work as a nurse and so the days I am at work are incredibly active but considerably less so when I am not at work.

I’m not sure exactly how many calories I am consuming but I’d guess it’s in the region of 1100 per day.

Any advice/guidance/recommendations would be hugely appreciated!
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I’ve just done my first ever dose. Was a bit worried to do it on a morning incase of sickness or loose stools.
I’m hoping this works for me I’ve tried everything else !! 🤞🤞🤞
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Don’t overthink it. I promise you don’t even feel it 99% of the time. And on the rare occasion you do feel it it’s just a tiny pinch sensation rather than actual pain 😊
This, it's something you just have to do. Breathe in, and jab when breathing out 💖 you've got this 💖
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Chatty Member
I've decided to just go for it an order a pen, I'm eager to curb my late night ravenous binge eating, and I'm getting to a point now where shopping for clothes is really so depressing. It would be nice to wait for Wegovy, but I think I'll just go for Saxenda for now.

Once it's here, I'll probably pop in and do some updates on my experience, as I've enjoyed reading this thread and it's encouraged me to go for it too. I'm excited and nervous (and eager for this to work, I'll be a bit annoyed to watch £60 go to nothing if it doesn't).

Also, I've heard that it's best to inject after eating to lessen the side effects, has anyone felt that this is the case?
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My gp is a bit backwards hrt is the devil according to him so he referred me to another meno specialist who is connected with my best weight. I started off with a bmi of 34. I am loosing 7 lbs a month. Even in the last month. This is consistent through holidays, weekends away or meals out which would have stopped me in the past.

Was slow titrating up. Only move up a scale when I feel the affects wear off. I didn't jump for .5 to 1 mg in one swop either. Was at .75 - .8 and then 1.00 as the side affects can be a bit scary. Toxic burps and some feeling pukey mainly. Have the pepermint oil to hand and that works. You titrate by counting clicks too and it makes the pen last a big longer. Your first pen at .25 will get you through first 6 weeks instead of the 4 its says. Maybe look at getting spare needle heads and also watch the video or get help doing first injection as I wasted some doses faffing around. My pt advised I stop loosing weight now, he feels it will age me (I'm in my 50s) as I'm not a skinny build. I agree with him too so I'm very interested in seeing how people maintain once at goal. I know giving up medication isn't a short term option so trying to figure that out but not getting many answers.
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I'm still really ill. I don't know if it's the injections or me being sick but I can not stomach food at all. Even the texture is making me gag. I've tried eating a round of toast just to have something in my stomach but even that failed x
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Today I had an odd feeling come over me in the shop, almost like hypoglycemic so I grabbed a coffee with some milk and it helped it pass

I'm day 2 and zero hunger today! Eaten a banana and some watermelon

Stick with it and maybe stay on this dose so u body can adjust
Thank u at least I know it’s not just me then 😂 I think I will keep another week at the lowest dose surely can’t do any harm.
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You need a different account to use the boots code but they’ve cracked down on it judging by the posts on the Facebook groups. Asda still have 10% off using code BIRTHDAY10 until Friday 😊

Quick question, what does everyone do with the empty pens?
You can throw them in the bin.
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Can anyone please offer me some advice. Currently on day 12 and first week and a half was great. Never felt hungry, just thirsty and completely curbed my snacking. Was eating around 1200 cals a day. Last 3 days I’ve felt incredibly hungry, exactly like I felt prior to using the pen. I’m absolutely gutted to be honest. Has anyone else experienced this? So much money to buy the pens and just feel like its a complete waste now. Ive just had a big meal and feel hungry again
Are you still on 0.6 or have you gone up to 1.2? If you’ve not gone up might be time to move up a dose
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For those who have exhausted their boots discounts… Asda pharmacy have 10% off using code BIRTHDAY10 for the next 7 days. They also have the option of spreading over 3 payments with PayPal now.

I found Asda a pain to order with as they took forever to authorise my prescription but if you’ve used them before or need to reorder but aren’t in a hurry it’s nice to have an option with a discount code.

It works out 5 pens for £212 including next day postage.
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Active member
Sorry to derail..

Just wondering have you found anything to help with your gut health.? The alflorex are meant to be good but too expensive for me at the min .

Apologies for derailing 💛
Check out Kefir milk. It's live grains / bacteria that you add to milk which makes a Yogurt similar to natural yogurt. Very easy to do, and there are lots of other ways too.
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Looking for some advice please, I’m a tad confused at how to actually go about getting same. So can your gp (ireland) prescribe it to you? My BMI is 31 and I’m NEVER full which leads to eat eat eat and in turn worsens my depression. Any help/ advice would be greatly appreciated! X
I'm in a similar position & based in Ireland. Weight has crept up steadily over the last 5 years (BMI now 38) and also feel hungry constantly (despite trying to eat generous daily calorie allowance) & struggle massively with binge eating.

I was visiting my GP for a separate issue related to my weight and brought up injections to assist weight loss. She was completely non-plussed. Said oh yes, Ozempic is used off label for weight loss as helps to control satiety. Reckoned it is only effective for 6 months and best results when used in conjunction with watching calories, she encouraged exercise and said she'd let me trial it for 2 months. Barely batted an eyelid! The fact the pharmacy was short stocked tells me it is being prescribed in spades.

First few weeks, I was barely hungry, felt full very quickly & had dropped 10lbs without even trying. I think I get where she's coming from as 6 weeks in (on lowest dosage), my appetite has increased and I can eat more so definitely need to watch my calories and try not to binge.

I am still planning to renew my prescription as it is definitely helping (my thoughts are not consumed with food constantly) and people on here have been successful on Ozempic for longer periods. I recommend giving it a try but know myself I need to work on my habits as well.
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Well-known member
Oh no! And how much have you lost in total then? Are you exercising too?
Hopefully you get a greater result with the 0.5 🙏 such an expensive experiment but atleast no gain 🙏
Can I ask how many calories you’ve put yourself on also? Thanks so much ladies, yous are all toppers ☺
Down 12lbs which don't get me wrong, I am delighted with but that was all in the first 4 weeks when it dropped off without consciously having to battle cravings, hunger, counting cals or much exercise 😂

I am trying not to obsess over calories but when tracking I aim for 1600-1800 so I'm not starving (TDEE is 2200). Wine is my downfall at the weekend unfortunately so cutting that down to reduce cals. Have tendon inflammation in my foot so only light exercise although it's the eating I need to control really. Will ring pharmacy today re: 0.5mg.

Let us know how you get on!
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I started at beginning of Sept, did well but was very sick at times, just extreme nausea. Did it for a month and stopped for a week while on holidays, didn't gain but stayed the same. Anyway it hasn't really worked properly for me since then. I'm even beginning to wonder are the ones gone off but still clear. I have however been going up extremely slowly like one or two extra clicks every few days as I really can't deal with the sickness and found I couldn't concentrate or do my job properly. I'm in 1.2 + 8 clicks now which i take before bed as I was so tired thing it in AM. I'm not as hungry as if I would be without it but I'm still well able to eat or almost push through the initial feeling of fullness. Hvnet been sick at all this time but not losing the weight either. One pen left and really unsure of whether to order a new batch. I probably just need to take it as prescribed but can't deal with the sickness. Any advice? Thanks
You need to be using it as prescribed, not just as you see fit.
Sorry if that sounds blunt, but it's not a toy, it's a medication


Looking for some advice please, I’m a tad confused at how to actually go about getting same. So can your gp (ireland) prescribe it to you? My BMI is 31 and I’m NEVER full which leads to eat eat eat and in turn worsens my depression. Any help/ advice would be greatly appreciated! X
Yes, your Gp van prescribe. Where are you based? Ring around pharmacys in your area to get best price
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I’m on my third day starting Saxenda and had been really looking forward to starting after reading these threads!
I’ve not had any side effects but it also doesn’t seem to have really reduced my appetite, as I was going through threads it felt like most people noticed a difference quite quickly. For people that didn’t feel any difference in themselves from 0.6, how long did it take you to see any impact?

I know it’s so early to be worried it won’t work, but I’ll be gutted if I’m one of the people that it just doesn’t work for. I take Elvanse for ADHD and that’s also meant to be an appetite suppressant (it gets prescribed for binge eating disorders I believe) but it’s never worked like that for me so I worry that my body is unwilling to play ball at all.
Please try not to worry. It’s very early days. I think a lot of the full effect people feel on day 1 is probably partly placebo - we all feel great and determined on day 1 of any diet. Saxenda works in 2 ways so it regulates your hunger hormones but it also delays gastric emptying so not only do you not feel hungry but you do actually have a full stomach too so it may take a few days to get to that point for you. You’ll probably find over the next day or so even if you are feeling hungry that when you try to eat you’ll be full after a much smaller portion. You’ll get there, good luck 😊

Going to check back as flying abroad in a couple of weeks for a few days - so wondering how I’ll carry on. Cool bag? X
You don’t have to keep the injection cool after you’ve used the first dose from it. If you manage to time it right with your pens if you’re only going for a few days you may not have to worry about keeping it cold/cool bags etc 😊
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