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Well I’m most put out. Missed all the shannigans last night and now a black screen and no gossip. Honestly Shazza I think this is most rude and selfish of you! 😝😝😝😝

Interestingly the lady from HH commented on one of her posts. This is the thing we are all chasing. I think once this is confirmed it will be good night sweetheart as they say 🙄🙄😝🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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It's like watching groundhog day on repeat..same pattern of behaviour
A apology.
B. inspirational videos
C Dancey push pineapple shake a tree
D manic ranting!!
E Blame everyone else as bully's
F Holiday Announcement
G New man Announcement
And we all know what happens next ..she's like can eat and repeat all you like it still comes out covered in shit as the same sweetcorn.
So accurate. That’s why we call her every single move. Mind you she delivered with bells on in Benidorm 😂😂😂. We predicted a fall out but fuck me 😂😂😂
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I would say the council flat was being run as a brothel hence the security cameras and she probably has disappointed many a punter when they see they’ve been catfished. And maybe got pissed off. Why would she offer all those services if she was doing camera sex? Obviously a menu to entice them in for extras. Has she a red light outside the tin can? She ain’t Julia Roberts in pretty woman that’s for sure more like Bette davis(apologies Bette) in whatever happened to baby Jane. Maybe new bloke is a pimp
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Exactly , fight fire with fire now . You wanna play with the big boys SP then you’ll get the same treatment.
Gonzo was the first one to start naming names so what's good for the goose is good for the gander. The way I see it is if you involve yourself just to stay relevant then expect to reap what you sow. I see that Jo, ToniLee and Gemz have taken a backseat lately. I also think that Nugzlife didn't take kindly to us mocking her. Again what's good for the goose and all that. What's that saying.... if can't stand the heat get out the kitchen. Jo, Gemz and Toni removed themselves. Won't be long till the others do as I reckon they're already having doubts on Gonzos innocence
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What a load of old shite! She cannot go home because she has sublet her flat and the debt collectors are after her. She has got it in for Kerry, but she has forgotten one major thing - Kerry is clever. Kerry has proof. SHARON I do believe you are at the end of your famous time on social media. My gut is that the fella has done a bunk - I am working on finding this out :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
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When you thought Gonzo couldn’t go any lower she does Gonzo you no good Cunt your an evil narcissistic witch you can’t control mrs bbc you can’t control tattle even your mate Ruth finally see the truth what a violent twisted Cunt you are
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Ffsake gonzos been round jos she’s not been well that mean you’ve been round on the ponce Gonzo borrowing money another full inclusive holiday gonzos going to eat its own body weight in food pmsfl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Nothing but a dirty ponce
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I think her post was more like “I class myself as an Aimee so what I’ll do is join the clout again
( Harrisons funeral) 🤦🏼‍♀️
fact is Aimee does draw attention to herself, Her hauls, her nails, her daughter. And while I don’t wish her any malice, her account has grown massively over the last few months and her mental health has taken a decline recently , maybe due to the rollercoaster of pressure, but she needs to step away for a bit, do it for her daughter if no one else.?🤷🏼‍♀️
Tattle will be Trashbags downfall, She hated Kerry having fun with a real friend, And what a lovely lady she is too.
Can’t wait to see the “Clothing Range”, I reckon Clackwick market specials 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️
Oh for sure @ putting herself in same category as Aimee and look what us nasties have done to them.

I was indifferent to Aimee, watched her or didn't. My turning point was the whole Women's Aid story about how they, the police and Aimee were gonna bring Tattle down. Incredulous stupidity on Aimee's part to announce this, gloat about it and for it now to have disappeared like it never happened.

She won't take a break you can bet your life on that 😏
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I love the banter here

I can picture her face reading all this 😂😂
Sam P head will be spinning and her brain will be all over the place. She will say why are they all laughing and having a good time - when I’m just on my corduroy sofa with me hi vis on. It’s not fair they all seem so nice and like a good time 😝😝😝😝
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I’ve just watched the ‘it’s making me ill’ video again. Total amber heard vibes. Sharon you need to bloody grow up woman.

‘I can’t go back and live my normal life’ or ‘I’m living my best life going on 5, 6, 7, 8 etc holidays a year’ which is it love? cos something ain’t adding up. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
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Ok, Sorry I’ve been out on duties this morning and just catching up…
First of all I , Rocksolidcrew has NEVER poured coke over her car, secondly I have never kicked her car, and thirdly I have never taken a pic of her car.
I was in Jaywick at a friends caravan and was out walking, we were looking at empty plots where a van could be moved to, at no point did I set out to take a pic of a car in public, it just happened to be parked there at the site when she was allegedly away on holiday.

Miraculously she then appeared back from her 10 night/, 14 week/ 3 day holiday… with the imaginary fella passing her a drink.
3 nights later she then went stropping off to the wardens office demanding to see footage of the cctv which was around the park, Silly cnut didn’t realise that she was actually pointing at a very old security spot light that duznt even work.!!!🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤡
On returning to her Tin hut she was angry and telling everyone that was she was being stalked, She was only angry infact because she wasn’t allowed to view the cctv because of GDPR.
(Yes I do know about little things like this, cos I’m NOT A FICKKK CNUT)

Still screaming at the tiktok screen making various accusations, she then got all her sheep to try and harass an account called Rocksolidcrew on TT…I mean who would be that dappy to have the same tiktok/tattle name🤦🏼‍♀️😂
Because there was no progression with that, The skinny cnut from the midlands along with the EVER WRONG WW then targeted a young ladies business, Leaving comments to tell potential customers not to buy from her….Instead of finding out the facts 1st like any NORMAL person would …. But as we know, They are not normal.!🤦🏼‍♀️👀

The worst thing ever was then what Trashbag did herself. She set up an account using someone’s pictures, mocking the ladies beautiful grandchildren and family, along with degrading comments about her. Now this lady is beautiful, lovely home, worked hard, successful business….EVERYTHING THAT TRASHBAG WISHED SHE HERSELF WAS.
Having found out she as infact wrong, she messaged and begged for her forgiveness…. Ya know, the usual shit. Bit like when Squirrel BEGGED FF to not show the messages 🤦🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️😂

So before you come at tattle for harassing you and stalking you for 2 years, this thread has only been active for 6 months.
Your own lies to your sheep started this, IT HAS NOT BEEN DONE BY KERRY as she’s not on here, We havnt followed her for clout either, She’s been wronged by YOU, she’s been mass reported by YOU, she’s put up with LIES from YOU…..This is all YOUR OWN DOING.!!!
Going on fb and crying that you can’t go back to your flat because of me is an absolute joke, you might have to have a word with your latest recruit “Cnuzlife”…. She’s Telling everyone you’ve moved. 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️
Going back 2 years, you were funny, great to watch and entertaining… but then something happened, your lives were full of hate, Screaming at customers, shouting block delete that cnut to anyone who dared have a different opinion.
So much for building women up eh.??
Go away and leave social media, It’s clearly not very good for your mental health.!!!
Omg RSC 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 Spot on and beautifully articulated. You are valued and amazing.

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Something doesn't sit right with me about the new BF Steve.
I'm wondering 🤔 is there a chance that this man is indeed her friend Steve who had stage 2/3 cancer?????
No normal person would declare they were in a relationship after a couple of day's but a deluded friend might for whatever reason she gave him 😉 😏 🤔
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Wtf have I missed tonight again! I had to work late at the job that I don’t have that pays me so well 😂😂😂. On Facebook pages it’s just a blank black screen! Missed all the posts. Bloody hell I miss everything 😞😞🤣🤣🤣🙄🙄🙄
Usual Sharon meltdowns posting vile stuff then hiding
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