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You know what someone should do get on in the inner circle feed gonzo a load of bull shit then leave then get outed and laugh at all the shit she spills then tell nasty nuts it was all lies pmsfl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I’m working on it. Have been for a while haha! Just not sure I can go through with actually meeting her because I don’t have a good poker face 😂
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You just know that ol sloshpot is on here reading tattle and using a diff tiktok account to spy don't ya lol. She must have realised she played opposite the wrong person when she started to play the boys in blue game with BBC and underestimated her following. She'll definitely be back after the dust has settled. I just hope she doesn't reel in all the newcomers on tiktok and we back at sqaure one when she does return. I'd like to think her days are numbered on there however Sharon is the master of manipulation and she will find a way of a come back as she needs her online friends to function.
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So what was the thing that triggered you most

for me for a long while was the DV lady she was cruel too

but then the next to the disabled
Kids dad. That’s prob one of the most vile things I’ve seen in my life
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Morning fellow comrades & those who are here but not here🤫🤫🤫
What a beautiful day, the ☀ is shining, 🐦 are singing in the 🌳, all is well in the 🌍 of tiktok

I'm beginning to think she won't be back or is that what she wants us to think🤔🤔
I believe all her accounts were banned by tiktok, not deactivated by herself.

She's always fronted her way out, is there anyway out of the present situation she finds herself in, I really can't 👀 it, the hatred in the comments for her is unbelievable, only rightfully so, surely there's no way back this time
🤞 I'm right, time will tell😘😘😘
Oh I so hope that’s her done. But we know she’s such an attention whore this will be killing her. Which makes it all the more sweet. And she’s going down like a fart in a spacesuit on Clapper 😂😂😂
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Chickending on a live saying sasha's just taking a couple days off 🤣🤣 try a few more Kev ..says he's going to call her Friday ** bring bring 📱..that you coming on a live ? mwhahaha😬😬😛
He was saying yesterday that he can’t be doing with the drama, His page was about laughs. Although I don’t think anything is funny about Tasha reporting him to social services for drinking excessively on his lives .!!!

Any one else wondering how the filming went today.?😂😂😂
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grove girl

Well-known member
She hadn’t posted on Clapper for ages, the videos were all last years not current ones.
She not on there now - deleted all her posts!!🤣🤣🤣
Yeah I believe you Sharryn…..
Little Facebook gem from before she scammed her employees furlough money and sacked them instead
Now that is so low nicking furlough money when people was trying to keep safe - scum!!
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Ain’t roof going to put up a statement defending her and what everyone’s done to her and how wonderful gonzo is
Well Ruth needs a large bottle of COP THE FUCK ON...I think Ruth is very intimidated and scared of SF, nicky and Mrs BBC was well able for her they know more about her and I've a feeling that's why she could ne gone quite too , they will spill the beans in her

Are we taking bets yet for the big return 🤣🤣
Oh yeah
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I’ve been catching up with bits on TikTok and on here.

Happy birthday antispasmodic ❤❤❤❤ Hope it was a fantastic day.
And sausage roll, your story sounds just like my 1st marriage.
I think a lot of us could see slash pot was a narc, because we’ve dealt with them ourselves.
Narcs are very good at playing games, which is why she can collect her gewwws, they’re manipulative.

Will slash pot be back? Yes probably because she will need to feed off the deluded. She loves attention, but currently I think she knows she’s pushed it too far. But she won’t keep away.
But we can take the current situation as a victory.
And if you’re reading this slash, we won’t go away, you can hide under your rock, but we will keep turning them over.
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You forgot the ex employees who took her to court and won yet she spouted off on a live that they lost. Receipts were shown as we saw the court papers

A few things:

1. theft of public money raised for a children’s hospice. A cause very close to my heart personally.

2. The clout chasing ie John and Dee Dee for her own (FAKE) image

3. When she did the Narc posts in December and she was shaming women like oh that’s not a narc I’ve been with loads. Invalidated their experiences.

4. Di. Horrific gaslighting lies and disgusting treatment of her to have to go to Court then the whole involved police thing

5. Michelle belle and the body mist. Disgusting treatment.

6. revenge porn last weekend

7. Making allegations that were probably false Re others ie BBC

8. The live streaming of all calls including 101 without consent

9. The two faced ness like the romantic couple at the Spa weekend

10. Dishonesty for so long Re selling white label 

Omg omg I could go on and on
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So quite and peaceful today wonder will there be a miracle and it will contiine??? , the voices in my head she saying NOOOO
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He’s stated that this is only part 1 and there’s lots more to uncover. Wibble is sending him stuff
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Think the new BF going to Spain 🇪🇸 post gone! Didn’t have the desired effect I’m guessing. Now tats why did we not go “oooh lovely a new BF and hollibob to Spain - we are soooo jealous”. No SP and SF we are just not stupid!!!!!! 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️😝😝😝😝

Morning all - and you Lisa, Sam and Connor 😂😂😂😂😂😂
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Thank you for thinking of me, I'm #5. The were she mimics disabled people hurts me, and how cruel she is to friends (ex friends) And the constant lies.....I have never come across anyone as nasty as she is, vile xx
Hi Michelle honestly no problem. That was absolutely disgusting the way she treated you. And then lied ‘I’ve messaged you, just phone the number’ trying to gaslight but we all know the truth. It was awful. Caused massive unnecessary stress for you when it wasn’t needed and easy to resolve. I’m so glad you stuck up for yourself. 😘😘😘😘
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