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So she has confirmed she reads here. I have a friend in a group similar to Sarah (not as bad) but when things are not going her way - break ups, a guy not messaging her back, issues at work, I would be bombarded with extremely long voice messages of her crying etc asking for advice and she never once would ask how I was, just wanted advice that she would never act on anyway. Now she is in another relationship so I don't hear from her but when things go bad, I know I will start receiving these messages again out of the blue after months of nothing. My point is, my life has changed completely since there has been no communication with this person - I no longer look at her daily posts online, I feel like a new person and have less stress/anxiety in my life. It might seem extreme but having such negative and narcissistic people in your life can really affect you. I do feel like Sarah's family are just staying clear from giving her advice and that "friend" that practically lived in the house while Keith was on holidays with her family, was basically just being used in my opinion as never heard about her before that. I do believe she has narcissistic personality disorder as she appears to have an inflated sense of her own importance.
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Now that Dog the Content Hunter is back on form, I happened to wander through her grid posts and holy moly, what in the Old Mc Donalds is this!!? Apologies if noticed before but my good god what is happening here....


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Why is anyone surprised at the drama that is unfolding?? This nut job will do anything for attention. Someone in an earlier thread made the brilliant point that she shared the pregnancy news so early so that if she had a miscarriage she could milk it for all it's worth. The grieving mother is a way better angle for Mrs Maunchausen. We will see the funeral, hear the name, watch the snotty crying sessions. We will listen to her being the authority on burying a child. She's going to piss many more parents off. As usual Luke is being made the 4th class citizen in the house. She's a cretin
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Have had 12, 11 and 14 week Mc’s between first and second child. Never thought of getting a key ring.
Instagram needs to moderate this stuff.
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The teddy smells like the baby?? Is she on fucking drugs?
Even if he did say that (which I doubt) this is the time to explain to him why it can’t possibly have the smell of the baby (explanation that wouldn’t have been necessary if he didn’t know about magnum since it was in the deep freeze)
She’s making an absolute fool out of her own child for attention

the Sunday thing aswell is just borderline unhinged carry on..poor Luke’s head will be all over the place. I know he’s only 5 but they are such sponges at that age she’s really affecting his coping mechanisms and development

I wasn’t going to comment because once it was confirmed I thought she deserves to grieve and go through this her own way… but the last few stories have given me irrational rage… yes grieve your own way of social media if you’re that upset about peoples honest opinions
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Here is the q&a and her saying miscarriages aren’t spoken about enough 🙄 thank god we have her to break the stigma 🙄 she is predictable as fuck. She should stay in her own lane. She’s fucking annoying me now
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Our area is well known for attracting joyriders and it has started back again with cars being burnt out afterwards. You have no control over what happens if a joyrider crashes into you but you do have control over how safe you can keep your little son.
Sarah, the patron saint of infertility and miscarriages instead prefers to have her son driven in danger at all times and breaking the law.
This is the second time I have called you out on this Sarah, the last time you were very quick to put up a story with Luke in a booster seat so please, get off your phone and either buy him one or move the one you have into the new car, the last thing you want is to be associated with child endangerment as you are building your earth mother personality!
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Everyone unfollow her page and watch somewhere else, she's the biggest attention seeker I've ever come across. Bring her back down to under 50k like she should be. Using a miscarriage for content, straight after saying she wasn't talking about it. Pig 🤬
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Literally saying her actual son living and breathing on earth hasn’t made her smile at all in the last week oh god she’s the worst
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Was she even 12 weeks how did they have a funnerl never ever heard of this and then takes pictures and puts on Instagram wtf it's official she's the craziest bitch in the world I have zero sympathy for her none
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Whatever about Sarah, as we all know she’s not the full.
What’s there to be said about these companies gifting her these things? Something so wrong about it, almost like “oh you’ve had a MC, here’s a key ring, fridge magnet, picture frame etc etc…

Horrible pricks the lot of them
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Girls we really really need to stop fighting & also maybe be mindful of how we word things in regards the miscarraige cos that gowl will use it as ammunition to call us bullies and horrible etc. & all for even more attention. Also i understand completely peoples frustration but to be fair we hardly expected her to grieve any other way. She's lives her whole life online. She is certifiably nuts. Everyone knows it. Especially us!! Lpve to ye all xx
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Never in my life have I heard of anyone burying a 11/12 week foetus this is so bizarre but then taking photos is even bloody weirder. Her 12 weeks scan has no heartbeat so that heartbeat could have stopped anytime in the previous 2/3 weeks since she was scanned so o don’t know what she would really have to bury sorry if I’m offending anyone I just don’t get it
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Me too. I think she puts every obstacle in Luke's dad way. Before anyone says anything I have no allegiance to Brian or the Buckley family
Me neither as I previously have said he’s a useless cunt but can you imagine being up against that absolute fucking head the ball LUNATIC!
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Scan went well, strong heartbeat and could see a bit of movement. Bit of a relief but reading here there's so many ladies out there who've suffered massive losses. My love to all of you
I’m sure like most of the ladies here I can speak for us all in saying we have everything crossed for you. Sending you love & positive thoughts for a healthy pregnancy x
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I’m actually sick at the thought of her coming on “highlighting” the topic of miscarriage or breaking the stigma around it , i for one know the exact heartache that it involves Sarah , don’t need you coming on with snot coming down your face with your story ( the worst miscarriage in the history of miscarriages, according to her) , in her post last night she basically stated that she didn’t care if other people were hurting and now wants to come on and discuss the topic with them 🤦‍♀️ That girl actually makes me raging mad , the absolute cheek of her!
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Ooooh that start of the rants! Get the popcorn out ladies! Sarah get the green blazer out! Only now you’re deciding you don’t care and aren’t responsible for how others react to the shit you spout? God it was hard not to reply laughing faces to those stories hahahahahaha 😂 how long before she hand that rocks the cradle B&M’s baby?
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She is really loosing the plot.... someone needs to step in..... id say her family are afraid to say anything in fear of her doing what she did to Betty when she didn't speak to her for weeks over something.... I think Keith is afraid to leave as he knows she'll blacken him all over social media... amd she's nearly say that poor luke is traumatised because he has left.....
If you do something correctly you don't need to justify yourself to everyone...
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