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more thievery from Sarah Akwisombe, what a surprise

It’s not that no one pays for creativity (her previously stated belief) it’s just that she doesn’t, stealing other people’s designs (like she did with 2LG) is a perfect example

creativity is cultivated by continually showing up to do the work of learning, growing and getting better. Something she knows nothing about sadly

She really is a disgusting human
The part about creativity: a thousand times yes. That’s the best way I’ve ever seen anyone put it. And, it’s true for just about everything else as well. Sarah just decided to skip that part, and dive head first into «I’m the expert here because I watched a few videos on YouTube and read a book or two»-mode.

As a creative myself, seeing other people having their work ripped off irks me to the core! Hasn’t happened to me - yet - thankfully, but it sure as shit could. It’s plain-ass disrespectful, disgusting and despicable.
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Also, the defeatist attitude in response to that stat about ad spend. Yes Sarah, guess what, the pandemic was an anomaly. Ads were super cheap and people were stuck at home going mad buying shit online. Now there’s a greater cost of living crisis so people have to think harder about where they put their money.

This doesn’t mean that there isn’t money to be EARNED but flinging out half arsed, unconstructed, vague “coaching” or “merch” or whatever nonsense it is you do, isn’t going to cut it. Do better or just stop. In fact, just stop.
That’s what kills me. She acts like she knows so much about business and digital marketing yet she can’t even figure out the basics of why ad spend might now be more expensive - fuck, even if you weren’t in that industry, you could hazard a pretty good fucking guess at why.

Dumb as a stump that one.
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What’s really worrying is that after everything that happened she will only be able to attract vulnerable women. No one with an inch of business sense will touch her with a barge pole. I feel sorry for those who will part with their money only to get half arsed advice that it’s freely available on google
At least her dastardly deeds are now available to view on social media. This wasn’t available last time as a warning flag.
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Meh… £70K or £100K… no big difference really. I forget about tens of thousands of pounds all the time… found £10K in my sock drawer the other day lol ✨
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Chatty Member
So Sarah Akwisombe has covid....

Still, she's so desperate to be front and centre she's revealed her plans. So a new brand "not that deep" bringing scam coaching, another bullshit book, events and tat sales under one banner 😂😂😂

View attachment 964509

My favourite bit? The book is "how to live like me". Brilliant 👏 I really want to learn how to have an affair with a conman, steal hundreds of thousands of pounds from women in a pandemic, get caught, abuse and gaslight my victims, try to launch several new things and fail at them all AND have 16 news articles and a bonus podcast about my scam. Sign me up 😂😂😂
Pretty hilarious. I like the suggestion of ‘meet ups’ under community. As IF people are going to gather in public all visibly having been influenced to by her, let alone PAY to be there.

I think the book bit says ‘How To Live The Mantra’. Whatever twaddle that is. And ‘graphic book’, so I guess she gets that person who ripped off Donna Adi to overdraw her photos with slime etc to draw it all and pays her in ‘coaching’. Great brainstorming Sarah! 👍

Now about that accountability and learning you were on about…
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I've said it time and time again, but I still can't grasp how she can't see what she's doing. How can she constantly believe this rhetoric that she's spouting - SURELY she must know it's her in a nutshell, no?
I can't believe someone who thinks they are so sure of themselves would be so blind to this - is she actually that dumb? She has to be, surely - there's no other excuse.
I think we can distil it down to these 5 possibilities:

1: She's thick as pig shit
2: Being surrounded by sycophant fake friends, her stupid mum as her therapist/enabler and her spineless cuckold of a husband has given her a god complex
3: She's totally, utterly deluded and can't see she's done anything wrong
4: She is utterly devoid of ANY ethics, morals or conscience and is a dangerous sociopath who needs locking up
5: All of the above

My money's on #5
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And look at this! Another article calling out Sarah Akwisombe as part of a wide reaching exposure of the exploitative Instacoach phenomenon, this time it's l'Atelier, the magazine from global financial powerhouse BNP Paribas:

Another one for the wiki!!
God this is good:

But life coaching may trigger more frustration. Last year Sarah Akwisombe, an influencer who owns the No Bull Business School, sold “Smashing It,” a six-month money-manifestation success accelerator, to followers who paid over £1.000 for life and business advice (she is accredited for neither coaching nor financial management).
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Chatty Member
£650 a month for something she has decided to do this morning and hasn’t planned yet?!?

Fucking hell

No information at all about the programme either. Is it literally a group call every week?
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Wackie Jeaver

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Luckily I've never actually met her... and the person I know who does (close relative) has gone quiet about her recently on SM so maybe chickens are coming home to roost.
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Bad parenting 101…how to ruin your children.
I find this quite upsetting…🥺😢😡
Oh my...that was the kind of shit we were (barely) allowed to pull within the walls of our house. Teachers didn't permit it in class, and in birthday parties and the like parents would go mental (understandably so) as we were kids. That's the kind of shit that's funny as an adult, between adults that know eachother well. Kids have no business doing that, and parents have no business encouraging kids to do it, much less posting it on social. Certain things are rebellious and okay and "real". This ain't it, man. This ain't it.
I agree with you LadyPainter, this is upsetting.

She has the audacity to call the paint stores out on IG claiming "so many people had the same thing happen and the store paid for it to have it sorted out", and "they're not taking the blame for what happened", AAANNNDD "maybe fix it for other people than just influencers"...That last one really got to me because I know for a fact that their Boss Magic-products aren't packed in neat little cardboard boxes for the regular people either like they were for influencers, so....
I hope they gaslight, bully and block her. She is literally looking herself in the mirror right now, and she can't even see it.
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VIP Member
So Sarah Akwisombe has covid....

Still, she's so desperate to be front and centre she's revealed her plans. So a new brand "not that deep" bringing scam coaching, another bullshit book, events and tat sales under one banner 😂😂😂

View attachment 964509

My favourite bit? The book is "how to live like me". Brilliant 👏 I really want to learn how to have an affair with a conman, steal hundreds of thousands of pounds from women in a pandemic, get caught, abuse and gaslight my victims, try to launch several new things and fail at them all AND have 16 news articles and a bonus podcast about my scam. Sign me up 😂😂😂
I can’t wait to see the socks!
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She's going back to coaching. She's a wild woman.
Hands down the most ballsy thing I've ever seen. She's allways been a risk taker lol. The Croydon Conwoman rises again. It'll be hard to stop her now unfortunately. She'll ride the wave of redemption to new heights. Just watch and see
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Must admit I'm genuinely intrigued to see where this latest whim ends up 🤣🤣🤣

There was a one time opportunity to grow her digital and coaching business in the peak of the pandemic, and had Sarah Akwisombe done it properly, ethically and delivered quality to her clients, she could have not only boomed at that point, but retained and grown those clients into repeat ones and upsells.

As it was, she sold shit free content that could be found on google/youtube, ran a pyramid scheme, lied about income in typical MLM/pyramid fashion and then went on the typical MLM delete/block/gaslight when challenged, rather than try to put things right.

As a result, her name, income potential and reputation is destroyed.

All her own fault.
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I wonder how much interest she will get given the price. It’s a ridiculous amount of money and there is no detail on what you’ll get for that money, other than a weekly zoom call.

And she made it obvious that she hasn’t planned anything (since she only decided she was going to do this yesterday).
Sounds like she’s learned nothing then. It’s like that time she boasted on her Instagram Stories that she had come up with a new course with Lewy whilst cooking her dinner - reckoned she had it all outlined and priced up. Utterly ridiculous.

Riddle me this, if she doesn’t yet have a course strategy, know exactly what she wants to focus on with her coaching and only so far knows you’ll get a weekly zoom call - where on earth has she pulled the £650 figure from? I’ll tell you where, she’s decided how much she needs to cover for her living expenses (because lord knows they will have crept up as she hasn’t been making anything this year and her scammed money will be dwindling) and whacked on a fat percentage for profit knowing she’ll be able to, as she has a previous history of doing, pull the entire coaching material out of her arse, namely from already free resources available right now on the internet.

If you’re even considering entering into any coaching with Sarah Akwisombe, ask yourself exactly what you’re getting for that price - can she even provide a breakdown of materials, dates, processes etc - oh, and can she also provide you with her coaching qualifications? I’m betting no, on both counts. All that is clear currently is you’re getting a weekly Zoom call for £650 - oh, and if you didn’t know, Zoom is free so she won’t even be paying for that as your calls guaranteed will be under 30 minutes where she will talk at you.

And then once you’ve done that research, spend your time either getting that info for free online or speaking to an actual qualified business coach who can provide you with real case studies, qualifications, background, etc.
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So apparently 300+ people signed up to her scam sales funnel book club? Yet only 1 like on Twitter and no IG post, just Stories so we can't see engagement.....

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Chatty Member
Just what the world needs! And I’m sure she’s going to do seriously deep research into her promised ‘sustainability’ and supply chains. Not just order something labelled ‘sustainable’ from any old fabric supplier and use a factory somewhere she hasn’t visited to sew them up. So glad she’s found her true calling!
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An American influencer is being sued for scamming thousands of clients.

her packages were not ‘individualised’ and she ‘failed to provide promised coaching and check-ins’

the Dallas morning news also reported that the customer requests for refunds were often ignored and that negative social media comments were deleted.


If it can happen to her Sarah, it can sure as hell happen to you.


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Well-known member
But sure didn't she say creativity isn't valued. Overpriced 'coaching' much more lucrative. And that's what really matters to sarah
Let’s not leave out that she’s now saying she never claimed to be a business expert despite having taught business. I....the contradictions are just too much. The lengths she’ll go through to cover her ass. Legit like Jaclyn Hill and her expired lipsticks back in the day. Can people just fucking stop being shady lying assholes? Christ!
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