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VIP Member
Has Sali even researched if the brands mentioned are furloughing their staff or resolved to keep them all employed long term?
This. I don’t trust her to have done even the most basic research. She’ll be asking us to help Victoria Beckham’s struggling brand next. (Or would be if VB hadn’t apparently frozen her out of her makeup launch 😉)
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Chatty Member
Have Botox, freeze your whole face if that’s what makes you happy but don’t have Botox and then say ‘I’m not bothered by wrinkles’ that makes you a hypocrite in my eyes. Then when you start promoting
/ endorsing products it becomes complicated and questionable.
and it makes the average woman feel doubly rotten, firstly for looking un-press-treatment-treated, and secondly for caring that they feel they look that way.
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I expect she didn’t know about Ginsberg’s paedophilic links initially. But she first promoted that candle in 2013, and then had a piece in The Guardian about the same slogan on a jumper. She must have known for some time now. She simply doesn’t care, as was clear from her insta comments. She’s chosen to wear and promote that slogan as part of her attempted ‘lipstick, literature and liberalism’ cool girl shtick, and she’s not going to give it up easily.
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i am not a fan at all but I don’t think she, or we, need to be pure on this.
What do you mean by pure? Pretty honest?

I dont think anyone here is against an expensive lovely cleansing routine, it's a discussion about a lack of transparency, lack of research and lack of tact in her articles and paid promotions
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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Agree. SH is woeful over ingredients. She’s got in a muddle over sun protection actives multiple times. If you’re writing about skincare you really need to get yourself some basic scientific knowledge or to regularly consult someone who does. As long as a product doesn’t bobble, SH doesn’t give a toss.
Speaking of sun protection - did anybody else read Funmi Fetto on Saturday saying you still need SPF indoors? Because of windows. She uses a separate SPF in the day time ALL THE TIME. I think that is just paranoia, and putting product on your skin unnecessarily. Does anyone else do this? My moisturiser may have SPF in it but that is it.
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So true and then when you do question and notice the omission from telling the full story - ‘You Troll!’
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This may be the most cringey sentence I've ever read

"The sky-high shoes may now be off-trend (thank you, Grenson and Gucci), but the universal truths about sex, love and friendship are evergreen'
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Even if Sali wasn’t completely aware about his paedophilic tendencies, she’d never admit it , being into liberalism and literature and all that.
Claiming cultural elitism through the medium of overpriced clothes and accessories embossed with meaningless slogans- how original! It’s that or the stupidly expensive Gucci jumper she wore with the bee on it.
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I find her content unedifying. Whenever I watch/read her content on Instagram it left me with either a shopping list of some product I need to buy or thinking I must do more to stay looking young. The fact is in 5 years she will be 50 and yet will still look the same no doubt. Also the products she mentions are constantly shifting - this is the foundation you #cantlivewithout, no not that one this Estee Lauder one and then no not that one, this iT Cosmetics one. It's endless and ongoing but the real kicker is you will never actually achieve that look anyway despite the money you throw at the endless stream of shifting products because that which is doing the REAL heavy lifting to achieve the ageless look is not really discussed - the Botox at the Mayfair Clinic and the various other injectable/laser/IPL treatments. Without these structural interventions which would probably cost upwards of £5k ++ a year minimum to maintain, not to mentioned the hair extensions and the lip/face filler, you can and will never be able to keep up or achieve the same results. Never. You will age, you are ageing but keep throwing money at this and that product to look like me. That is the core of what I find irritating about her content. The lack of full transparency.

Yet she dismisses opinions like mine as trolling and exaggerates the content in this forum. The word that springs to mind is Cognitive Dissonance. Until she shifts from that position and addresses the fact she is an Influencer and major part of that is enabling people to spend money which they may or may not have to dispose of, she will remain entrenched.

This aspect of the industry boils down to FEAR and MONEY- the marketing machine (of which she is a cog) generates money, a lot of it. You the reader FEAR fine lines and wrinkles and from this fear the industry and people like Sali Hughes make money. There is much more to beauty and makeup of course (much of which is creative, empowering etc.,) but I am specifically talking about anti-aging products and her lack of full disclosure on this front. I thought I would leave a list of online content I find edifying -

The High Low Show
How to Fail with Elizabeth Day
Grounded with Louis Theroux
The Adam Buxton Show
Desert Island Discs
Fabulous post, JH1980
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Chatty Member
The most tone deaf coopting of feminism I've seen in a while.

So Bella Freud's niece is bestselling feminist author* Scarlett Curtis. When is Auntie Bell gonna get a thought piece?

*got a newspaper column as a teenager from her family connections, then "curated" a book of feminist articles


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I don’t have personal experience of CSE, btw. It’s just so horrible to see minimising of it happening right now, by someone who should know better.

No, Sali, child sexual exploitation is not an “each to her own” issue. And nothing about this is “totally fine”.

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She's telling porkies here. This is the travel size.
Five treatments is all you get, and she's talking about it's OK to use every day. Also the the Ordinary cleanser is, well, a bit ordinary isn't it? For a box being pitched as high end?

But Sali's pathetic utterance that one may just think "well it's fine because I like Ruth Bader Ginsberg" betrays her absolute lack of integrity. She's pandering to centrist feminism for profit.
But it's Ginsburg, so no
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I see the influencers/media types have begun to receive their freebie Beauty Boxes. Wealthy people receiving freebies for them to flog to us plebs makes me feel so sad/sick.

Also, if the idea of extracting snail mucin is upsetting for you, you should maybe think about only buying cruelty free vegan products.Carmine, silk, beeswax (et al) extractions aren't exactly cuddley and cruelty free. Just saying (honestly not a lecture). It is nice to see people care :).
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Jade Mitzi

VIP Member
Shilling that candle is/was a massive clanger for her. It’s 2020, Operation Yewtree happened. To celebrate someone championing a cause to legalise the abuse of young boys just isn’t acceptable on any level, by anyone, anywhere. She has two young boys FFS. Would love to know what she considers a dealbreaker for £.

much as I love @Aude ’s title suggestion, I think keeping her candle schill alive gets my vote @Jelly Bean

Sali Hughes #16 Seller of Ginsberg Creepy Candles. It's just a name.
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VIP Member
One of the candle reviews is by Sali.

I have left a review. I doubt they will publish it and if they don't I will be emailing them as whats the point in having reviews if they only post the ones that suit them? I encourage you all to so the same if you have time!

Cult Beauty, Bella Freud and Sali Hughes should be ashamed. I can't believe it.


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Jelly Bean

VIP Member
Bella Freud’s story on how the Ginsberg slogan came about appears to be utterly random and superficial. How it got all the way to sale is inexplicable.

Sali was quacking on about the candles years ago - she must have since become aware of why celebrating Ginsberg is offensive and wrong.

Bella Freud’s website is full of the most hideous self-indulgent twaddle... “a New York intellectual called Richard...” 😂🤮

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Blimey that is atrocious - like a dull adolescent stream of consciousness. And you would think she could spell tomorrow.
I had a look at her website yesterday - Emporer's new clothes sprang to mind, as in 'are these things meant to look a bit shit'?
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