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I reported the video as child abuse. It will probably be ignored but whatever. The dude needs to be stopped and I feel helpless as fuck so this is all I can do for now.
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Short film by Jonathan

Starts off with e2 and anal arguing about cleaning up and how mum does everything and child does nothing. E2 says I hate you and runs upstairs and wishes they were an adult.

Next morning, wakes up, e2 is mum, a1 is demanding breakfast from “mum” wants “chocolateeeee” for breakfast. E2 gets frustrated because they prepare a1 breakfast and then she says “I don’t want that”, e2 gives a1 a jar of Nutella and a spoon for breakfast instead.
A1 trashes her room while “mum” tries to get ready.

Now e2 is ready for the day, dropping a1 at school. Drives the tesla. Walks a1 into school, to teacher Emilia.
E2’s phone rings, it’s the boss Emilia (angry) calling about a meeting e2 is late too.

E2 arrives at work, doesn’t enjoy being at work, wants to know when they can go home.
Boss is angry. “Being a grown up is so hard” says e2.

Gets home, calls out for mum, realises she’s the mum and can do whatever they want.
Eats all the chocolate, orders chocolate milk for delivery.
Watches Netflix and then the phone rings.
It’s the school calling as she forgot to pick up a1 from school. Emilia teacher says “what kind of mother is that?!”.

E2 is moaning about having to do the bath for children. Being an adult is the worst and they wish they were a child again.
Reads a1 a book in bed (better than anal does LOL).
Realises because they’re the mum they can spend the night on the iPad and buy whatever they want in a game.
Wishes they were a child again and falls asleep.

Next day, e2 is a child again.
Says sorry to anal for fighting with her and that she loves her mummy.

That’s it.

Really dumb and can’t believe I watched it and then relayed it. 🥴
So basically E2 did more in a fake day as a mum than Anna ever has?
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Why did jono leave in the clip where anal is helping a1 get dressed in the bathroom and she’s saying “oh my god” “come on” “Alessia” in a really grumpy way. Kid just needs help putting her jumper on her arms and instead of anal putting the camera down and helping her she’s getting frustrated she’s not dressing herself fast enough. She is so aggressive.
And the clip before where a1 is talking about drinking pool water and anal is just full on “yup” “oh really” and then the only thing she can spit out is “you look beautiful”, she really doesn’t give a crap about her kids unless they are “pretty”.
She isn’t present with them at all. She doesn’t actually listen or care about what they have to say and nurture their individuality.
It’s only ever, wow so good, good girl/boy, good job. She says it to anything.
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Complaining about the kids school photos now.. Andrea looks lovely.. She’s going to give them a complex
There is nothing wrong with those photos, they all look very smart and Andrea's individual one is lovely too, but of course anna just has to find something to moan about must be part of her daily routine 🤔

Can't imagine many children Andrea's age find it easy to sit still before, during and after waiting for photos and listen to everything the photographer says he's done really well.
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I 100% believe that alessa is so traumatised due to the cold shower punishments she got for soiling her nappy at nap times that her brain literally will not wake her up to go to the toilet in the night and that's why she still wets the bed/is in pull ups.

I know the other siblings had cold shower punishments too but they seem more robust than alessa, she is so fragile and sensitive. And as others have said, the older 2 had live in nannies at night?

If that kid lived in a happy, loving, safe environment I guarantee she wouldn't be wetting the bed.

**I'm not saying ALL children will be like this, I'm just speaking about alessia and her shithead parents **
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where's this please?
jonathon’s channel, the video is called “Edie’s story” and it’s about the 5:20 mark.

E1 is clearly a girl, she clearly identifies as one. She’s just a bit of a Tom boy who doesn’t care for segregation.
jonathon is such a fuck wit.I can’t cope with him. 🤮
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I'd just like to say that I'd like to think that no one on here is in any shape or form transphobic. If E2 was older and showed that they had the mental capacity to make an informed decision regarding changing their gender, nobody would be questioning it.

However, this is a YOUNG child in a family where the parents are renowned for using their children for clickbait. Renowned for exploiting their children to gain followers and money.

E2 has shown numerous times that they do not even understand the full extent of gender transitioning and appears to be confused as to why they'd be a girl or if they are even a girl. A performance on a recorded video is not a genuine reflection of how this child feels. That will be up to an experienced child psychologist when it comes to the point of transition as they reach that age.

We are all here to talk about this family. We are not trolls. We have the children's best interest at heart, as do many, many members of the general public who have followed this family. I'd hate for anybody to read this thread and think we are in any way being disrespectful to anybody who has transitioned. We are not. We just have very deep concerns that E2 has little to no control over the decisions his parents are making about their own identity.

Rant over, apologies.
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Them filming a doctors visit yet again is proof they have never taken them to a dentist, except for the Es when they were tiny.
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Just seen in the vlog from a few days ago they let Alessia, Emilia and Edie watch mean girls. Alessia is only 5 and that movie is a PG 13 with strong sexual references throughout, as well as the whole basis of the movie being about bullying and high school culture. They literally say slut and skank throughout the whole movie. Completely inappropriate and I don’t know why Anna thought that ok and then joked about her being like Reginas mum. I have a feeling that Anna and Jonathan let the kids watch a movie together at night so they can have time alone in the other room watching something. They must struggle to find something that a 5 year old and 9 year old can agree on so they end up watching things that aren’t age appropriate.
That's really awful parenting.
I really despise parents who allow their kids to watch things that aren't age appropriate . It has such bad effects mentally as they get older
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I feel the same way too. Her pathetic indulgence in keeping all those puppies, has resulted in the neglected of those poor dogs. :cry:

She sticks effing bows on their hair and can't brush their teeth on walk them in fresh air.

Of all the crap the SJ's do...the animal neglect really gets to me. They are voiceless and least the kids can talk out and say what its going on at home.

It's just dreadful. :cry:
Exactly! Why have dogs when you complain about having to fix them special food because you neglected their teeth, complain about them getting old and the ailments that come with that and never walk them?!!!!

Walking a dog is one of the greatest joys of having a dog! You get to experience the world and bond with them and build their personalities. And caring for a dog as they get older should equally be seen as a privilege. I’m dreading my dog getting older and all the changes that will bring but I will be damn sure to make his life as comfortable and enriching as possible for all the love he has given me!

A and J never walk their dogs and I can’t understand it. The only interaction I ever see with them is Anna throwing a few treats at them and the dogs scrapping with each other. Why have a dog in that case! Get a gold fish instead! I also don’t understand why the kids aren’t involved in caring for the dogs and learning to look after another being. Granted I guess they might not show it but then again, these are the type to show any and everything if it makes for good views.

They only kept all the dogs for views and it’s f**king sickening. Sorry that was such a rant but I can’t stand how they treat those dogs.
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Theres nothing wrong with young kids being in nursery or breakfast/afterschool clubs and most kids enjoy them or their parents have no choice.

What's wrong is the reasons of laziness from Sjs.... 'just for me to avoid the traffic in the morning' or 'I cant be bothered to do school run twice in the afternoon'
SJs only do the clubs to get rid of the kids for their free time.
While normal family actually want to put extra time,money and effort to run the kids to their clubs while working full time, cleaning their house, walking dogs, cooking and (horror shock) all by themselves 😲

Honestly what planet does this bitch lives on. All she does is moan about the life she chosed herself
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I’ve always thought that the Jonathan making videos for weirdos was a stretch, but for him to know what people are saying about him, what they’re calling him and him to continue posting the things he does, I 100% believe he’s posting content for them now. He’s an absolute weirdo and they both need stopping, I can’t believe all the red flags we’ve seen and still nothing has been done about them
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Why oh why do they keep posting those singing videos? They’re just setting her up for embarrassment! And everybody saying that she’s going to be a star and is amazing and it’s quite honestly ear bleeding 🩸
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The first minute of that new vlog with Anna and E2 in the car is really fricking sad. E2 just wanted some comfort as they sustained a back injury from doing gymnastics and Anna is just like “yeah mhm” while looking deep into her phone and then playing music out loud for a couple of seconds while E2 is just trying to speak. E2 looks deflated and annoyed. Let out a little sigh and put the seatbelt on. How difficult is it to listen to your child? E2 also looks in pain too. Anna couldn’t have acted less sympathetic if she tried. Literally couldn’t give a single shit and also made E2 get out the car to open their massive gate as their automatic key for it didn’t work and that irritated E2’s back injury and Anna just laughed??? A bit of calpol may of helped for a start? Poor child.
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Why does he have to include the world “girl” in every single thing he ever posts? All it does is confirm to me that every single thing is purely for attention and clout 🤮 Disgrace of a family.
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That’s terrible. That whole TikTok is awful. They’re setting that girl up to fail. And yes, kids will sing inappropriate songs. But her absolute cunt of a father knows exactly what he’s doing getting his 10 year old child to sing lyrics like that. He’s not stupid, and neither are we. He needs locked up.
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I can’t believe how long Andy spends at that school, as a child who’s just turned four. In my opinion, four year olds aren’t ready to spend so much time away from mum. Maybe I’m just old fashioned but Anal couldn’t WAIT until she could get rid of all of her children for the whole day.
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So Jonathan said that the reason he revamped the other channel was to make “fun young adult fiction” content for E1 & E2’s friends to watch because they think the family vlogs are boring.

These are the same family vlogs that often contain mature conversations between J&A watching TV after dinner.
These are the same family vlogs that often contain sexual innuendos.
These are the same family vlogs that often contain either or both J&A proclaiming who the favourite and least favourite child is.
These are the same family vlogs that often contain clickbait titles and thumbnails of Anal in various states of undress and cleavage popping out.

I could go on but I think you get the point!

Kids shouldn’t be privy stuff like that and it’s even more unforgivable because he is well aware of his audience demographic but still continues with it all! I thought their main audience was teenagers but it seems that it’s more likely around E1/E2 ages, which makes everything he does 1000 times worse 😳

The moron also said that he’s doing it to be a “cool dad”. Here’s a tip you numpty, cool dads don’t exploit their children on the internet or use them to bait the pedos!
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