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Is anyone else horrified at the amount of galavanting about she has done whilst pregnant? I’m not being paranoid but I was pregnant during the first lockdown and followed government advice to shield.
I only went out for a daily walk with my husband or midwife appointments. We had everything delivered. Whilst I know the government said shielding could stop and I know children aren’t very ill or dying from covid however there is so much unknown about what the long term effects of this could be and what happens whilst pregnant with covid. I’d be doing the same again if I were still pregnant. Not popping to soho farmhouse, day trips for pizza in London and going to Wickes with the fam during a tier 4 lockdown?!
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Urrghh, what a hypocrite. All I can say is bravo to @Madamelurker123 who caused Grabs to prove what a selfish, spoilt, self centred little madam she is. Fancy saying in one breath that you have to sign off Instagram because you cannot stand to see people having a happy Christmas "for various reasons", and then the day after boxing day you pop up with your "best present ever" pregnancy announcement, not giving a shit about anyone who may be struggling as she claimed to be only a few short days ago. But that's Grabby all over, she desperately needs the validation from strangers. Do we think she saw her follower numbers dropping and thought she needed to come back on quick smart to boost them? One thing is for sure, she is going to be even more insufferable from here on in.

And that is the worst decorated tree on Instagram. Not sure how she has the front to post so many pics of it.
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I’m not defending it. It’s still weird. But I don’t think she was 13. She says he’s 10 years older, they met, and then 18 months later got together. So they met when she was 15 and claims that she was 16-17 when they finally “got together”
No 6 years together on their wedding means they were 15/25 when they "got together properly" - that was AFTER 18 months of emailing/letter writing = 13.5

She was listed as a director of his company at 16 so verrrrry serious at that point ie not a new relationship

Also someone who knew them at the time said on here that her parents called the police on him.
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Just curious how the lazy, walk, watch Netflix days are any different from the rest of her days? Other than allllll the holidays? There really is something wrong with her that she’s so all over the place depending on external factors. I don’t know if she decamped to her mum’s but imagine having a life where you have to provide evidence of everything you’re doing on Instagram. Just get a real job.
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Let’s look at all the evidence (truly brilliant work tattlers)
- suspiciously heavy looking advent bags
- the shape shifting bionic growing bulbs (and it is very un-Grabby to have unseasonal flowers at Christmas...what happened to the sprigs of eucalyptus previously on the table 🧐)
- Bentos wearing not one but two sets of pyjamas on Christmas morning
- the raw turkey
- more mentions of using leftovers than in a Delia Smith book
- an uncharacteristic day long silence between the pregnancy reveal post (designed to distract the sheep) and the Christmas retcon during which she was frantically taking allllllllllllll the photos.

Bottom line is without live stories showing them at home on Xmas Eve/Day/Boxing Day it quite simply didn’t happen. That would have been the perfect way to shut us up. She would have storied the shit out of her Christmas at home just to spite us.
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Why didn't they just pop off to Waitrose and pick up a Turkey like everyone else?...

I think it's fairly well known that when people lie they make up a big story to cover their tracks (i.e. she went to her parents home)...

If they'd actually stayed at home she would've said, we have to change our plans so went to Waitrose and picked up some food... the end.
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I really, really have to get this off my chest - after the pre-Christmas strop post about not wanting to see happy families together, then barely taking breath before announcing her pregnancy, I can’t stand the self-centred hypocrisy anymore {hashtag triggerrrred}!

Does everyone remember the awful smugness with which she announced her first pregnancy? Followed by a glut of blogs about how she cracked fertility because she’s, like, the best person everrrr, but also she struggled conceive because it took 4 months {fucking tone deaf or what?!}...

And does everyone remember the backlash to how insensitive she was being, and she then claimed to be being bullied?!

W, if Miss Stunted Woman Child could for once put herself in other people’s shoes, maybe she’d see how her life and how easily she conceives might trigger an awful lot of people. But obviously she’s more important than anyone else.
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Apologies if this is a bit of a bitch rant, but I could honestly slap her chipmunk cheeked face. She looks like such a dweeby twat when she smiles. No wonder she looks down when she poses. Also can she not smile and keep her eyes open??
...and I literally have no words, other than agreement to what you have said. I’m signing off for 2 days it’s alllll so awful right now, oh wait I want to return to run all your noses in it. What a fucking cretin. She’ll be completely insufferable now won’t she!!?
I’m in total agreement with you. She doesn’t give a fuck about anyone but herself. That kid is nothing but an accessory. A prop. Baby number 2 is just an additional money maker. Her attempt at raising a normal family will be nothing but a shit show. Honestly she’s a smug little cow. Groomed to within an inch of her life by the Gingy Saville.🤮
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I wonder why she loves being at her parents for Christmas.
Her mum seems like she's good fun and probably throws a rip roaring booze filled party.
I can imagine grabby stood legs akimbo and huffing into a milkshake like saffy from absolutely fab.

How does she control her calorie intake there as I'm sure her mum doesn't eat that chia seed shart porridge or green macaroni
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That looks like the same paperwhite bulbs in a vase. Now, they grow fast but there’s no way they’d have grown a few inches and started flowering in the time between Christmas morning and Christmas lunch. I know she didn’t specify which day those pictures of Bentos in the front room were taken but I’m fairly sure that’s the exact same jar of bulbs.
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What was it she came on here to tell us all in thread one... 'comparison is the thief on joy' and that we must all be jealous of her if we don't like seeing her constant bragging.

Giant shoes are really on the other foot now, aren't they Grabby. Taste of your own medicine and all that.

So when she can't brag and isn't feeling 10 x better than everyone else, she literally doesn't want to see anyone else happy either. What a lovely person.

I think that proves that her entire grid and bragging and need to seem superior all comes from an unhealthy place of insecurity, if she can't stand seeing anyone else happy if she can't be better than them.

She is exactly the sort of person that I hope my children DON'T grow up to be.
Could not have put it better. She always pretended she put up photos for her own enjoyment and that her grid was her own little memory reel or 'corner of the Internet', and that if other people enjoyed it this was a bonus. She even had the nerve to say that she wasn't sorry for her Easter lockdown photoshoot because the photos 'spread lots of joy' (direct quote).

Yet her recent actions have proved that her sole reason to post anything is to brag brag brag, and if she can't brag she will throw her toys out the pram and not be happy for anyone else at all. I cannot believe what a despicable human being she is. Get the fuck over it, enjoy your little Christmas and be happy for those who are able to see their families after months of being apart! You've seen your family throughout the year and even been on holiday with them!!!

I always wonder what Ben makes of her constant Internet misdemeanors? Is he even aware or does he simply not care? If my husband saw I was presenting myself really badly online (not that I'm an influenza or anything, but if I was) he'd be having words with me!
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Plenty of photos on mama kedgeleys Instagram of their night last night, cocktails and photo with the brother, interesting she’d do this for NYE and not Christmas 🥴
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I thought I couldn't be any more angry at her after the Christmas debacle but that latest post has actually left me crying.

So when SHE'S upset, she takes herself off and can't bare to see happy families together at Christmas but when a huge chunk of the population (myself included) has just been put into tier 4, she's like oh my gosh I just feel so lucky and wonderful and life is just brilliant going into 2021.

She is so f**king selfish and heartless. As long as she's OK we all have to hear about it but when life is rough for her she has to take herself away.
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God it just reads like a checklist from a grooming manual they give you at safeguarding training. The blasé attitude she has towards it all coupled with the arrogance at it all

{I think in essence when you hear a teen and a 25 year old are together people automatically judge; just one of those it just funny isn’t it when you just know something is right?}

You are a brainwashed woman-child who was groomed from the age of 13/14 by someone in a position of responsibility for you...... nothing romantic or Disney-esque about it Grabecca.
Who then flew her off on trips all over the world straight out of school. Went on their childhood family holidays so she was never alone. Followed her to university and had her living in flat with him.

It's fucking weird. The power balance is beyond toxic (as you would expect with a grown man and a child just entering puberty). You can tell that by the fact that she still makes comments like he 'doesn't make me go to work'

With all the black and white facts right here, it honestly shocks me that no one ever investigated this when she was younger and had him prosecuted.

More so, that her mum actually liked the photo of her daughter celebrating her 7 years anniversary of a grown man hitting on her on a school trip at 13 years old.
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Wouldn't it be great if your most pressing problem on a Monday morning in the middle of a pandemic is how you're going to get your 10,000 steps in walking across a muddy field with a gigantic toddler strapped to you and a bump. On the grab for a free baby carrier maybe? I can't even imagine why it is so necessary to walk the fields - just find somewhere more practical for a buggy! I can't with this girl. Deluded AF.
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I used to hate her pictures of the barn this time of year. I'm pretty thick skinned but the perfect tree, perfect food, perfect presents etc. My family are great but my mum is not maternal at all, would never think of having her family together for Christmas Dinner. Not grabbys fault my mum is rubbish this time of year but it still bugs me.
She wants you to see her perfect Christmas happiness but God forbid, don’t show her yours you terrible person, you’ll damage her mental health🙄
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Chatty Member
I used to hate her pictures of the barn this time of year. I'm pretty thick skinned but the perfect tree, perfect food, perfect presents etc. My family are great but my mum is not maternal at all, would never think of having her family together for Christmas Dinner. Not grabbys fault my mum is rubbish this time of year but it still bugs me.
Just remember what you see in the photos is usually quite far from reality.
the reality that she is actually with someone who groomed her. That her maternal mum in the photos let that go {for various reasons???} and many more things that we do not see as it is not grammable.
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I can only imagine the birth story we will be treated to with this one, Bentos and Benpecked in the pool with Grabs?! Bentos and Grabby both in nappies?! #twinning
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