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Ruby's next morning routine: So I woke up and decided to have some green tea. And then I decided to snort a shit ton of coke off my desk 🤩
For once that frantic classical music she shoved on top of everything (forgot the name, sorry guys) would actually be a good fit 😂
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Take a shot every time ruby says "and then...."
Followed by ”I decided”. No wonder she goes on and on about decision fatigue if she has to constantly make a big deal about deciding to open the window or what to have for a snack.
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dude we're in a pandemic, nobody is looking fresh rn 😂 give the gal a break!! she's probably tired and lethargic but I don't know anybody who isn't at the moment (and I don't blame them)
I mean, Ruby doesn't exactly lead a very stressful life
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Chatty Member
Hi, new to the thread! Last year I noticed Ruby finally maturing, like going to therapy and dressing like an adult. However, since she has gone home all I see is childish outfits and she also carries herself more like a child than she did a year back. In a youtube comment thread me (an ex anorexic of nine years) and some others discussed Ruby's noticeable eating disorder/ eating problems. I think it has gotten worse, which is why her posture is childlike. Am I also the only one that thinks Ruby is possibly subconsciously stuggling with her gender? She seems to really be over compensating with femininity.
I don't think it's a gender identity issue as much as it is a general identity issue tbf. She seems like someone who's never really been able to figure out who she is, and she's at an age where most of us are finding that stuff out. Clearly her parents encourage her to be a little childish, and she has some unresolved food &/or body image issues that influence the way she presents herself. I really hope she gets the help she needs and starts to become more independent and confident!
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I think my mom would kill me if I posted a video on the Internet for thousands of people to see where our house is visible and not perfectly clean in some way. Like one time I was having a Zoom call with some uni friends to discuss a project (so a completely informal occasion with like three people) and she told me off because a pile of clean plates was visible behind me on a counter. Ruby's house looks way messier and dirtier than that and she has no problem showing it to her whole fanbase smh
My parents are the exact same to the point where now it is ingrained in my habits. I cannot even imagine letting strangers glance and my house in a messy/dirty space.

I initially thought they must have had a maid and due to lockdown the maid has not come in, but out of curiosity I watched some of her old videos (some pre uni) and that is how her house has always looked like. I think all family members must be complete slobs (kinda ruins that whole upper class dark/light academia though).

So anyhow, I just wonder why on earth would they house be in this state. Like it is obvious they have a LOT of money. I am sure they could afford some good quality furniture (because that whole house is a mess) and some painting, declutering and deep cleaning. They don’t even have to buy brand new furniture for crying out loud - Facebook market and similar websites have AMAZING second hand furniture. And producing some videos like Deep Cleaning My House would also tie in with Ruby’s “productive” personality and humanise her for her viewers. It would also help her young viewers realise that productivity does not only mean trying to study for 12 hours a day or trying to do many tasks at once.
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Ah totally, half the ridiculous stuff she gets away with would be noticed and commented upon by a lot more people if she weren't a posh white girl. And in this video specifically everyone probably thought that the hole was for show, because it's baffling that a 20 year old would be so sloppy. Never in a million years would I wear a sock with a hole in a video that thousands of people are going to see.
Sometimes I think she might be trying to go for that messy intelligent person type vibe, like Einstein or something. Didn’t she have a shirt on inside out or something like that? Idk, its like omg my genius brain is too busy being brilliant to worry about something so unimportant as a hole in my sock
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Hermione also grows up to become more of a rebel? Like in the first book (as far as I remember) she follows the rules more strictly and being punished for breaking them is like the worst thing that could happen to her. But then in the following books out of the main trio she's the one constantly bending the rules and breaking them to do what she feels is right.

I feel like Ruby doesn't really get Hermione's character. Which is odd considering this is a children's book and it's pretty straightforward. Like Hermione literally spells out her character arc in the first book when she says that there are more important things than books.
She likes to stick to books 1 and 2 Hermione because she really doesn't like it when she grows up, matures, and eventually develops an attraction to Ron. Hermione in the first few books was an irritating little know it all teachers pet, it's too bad Ruby (having read the entire HP series) didn't see how she actually grows up and moves beyond correcting people and waving her hand in the air to bigger and better things. She's stuck the character in this idealised mold she's made in her own head where she never undergoes any character development, her old videos on Hermione were very strange like 'how to be like Hermione on a plane'. At least she has moved beyond Hermione and grown out of it, I still found it odd she would do 12 year old Hermione impressions as late as 17 or 18 years old.
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I also try not to judge people for what they wear, as long as they’re comfortable it shouldn’t matter. With Ruby though, it’s like she intentionally chooses mismatched clothes that make her look as young as possible. Also, if you have holes in clothes, they should be thrown away not kept because you’re obsessed with some ‘aesthetic’ or just too lazy to replace it. I wish she was at Exeter, I think when she’s around people her age she holds back a lot of her childish behaviours and ways of dressing than when she's at her family home. She is definitely struggling with her identity and I'm sure that's part of it.
I mean, you can sew up holes in clothing if you're trying to be sustainable and/or can't afford to buy new stuff all the time; clothing really isn't made to last these days, especially the stuff you get in cheaper stores. I agree that it would be a lot better for her to be at Exeter though. Seems like she feels a lot of pressure at home to be childish and doesn't have many outlets aside from social media and books :(
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Satisfying Click

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Does anything happen at all in this book? Like anything of significance? And I still don't understand what the to do list in the title has to do with anything lmao
She does write a load of to-do lists through the chapters (I think someone else had asked me about this upthread, sorry poster! I've only just remembered your question) but I just skim over them as they have no bearing on the plot 🥴
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I’m unreasonably excited about the thread title omg ❤

Nothing to add to the great summaries! The Erimentha recaps re giving me life atm.
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For someone who income comes from social media, Ruby is incredibly lax when monitoring her own accounts. I've noticed weird comments on her Instagram before (covid is a conspiracy type stuff etc.) that really should be deleted, and her response to that commenter who was receiving some horrible replies was shameful. She rarely interacts with people in her YouTube comments and is still pretty much absent from her book club. It's just a lil odd to me - she seems completely detached.

Wtf, Ruby has blocked me from viewing her stories? On an account I have literally never interacted with her on, other than viewing her stories
This is so bizarre!
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Even before lockdown the house was always cluttered and messy. I might be misremembering but I remember being really surprised by one of her packing/unpacking videos where she showed a shot of the attic and there just seemed to be one massive pile of stuff In there. Obviously that’s not necessarily Ruby’s doing but there just seemed to be so much stuff all over the house, and nothing really cared for or looked after.
I rarely wish Konmari upon anyone, but I feel like they could seriously benefit from it.
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It's just before bedtime and Erimentha is performing a one-woman Shakespere show for her mother. No mention of Nathan - the Spartans would leave the weakest children out in the wild to fend for themselves. Mum doesn't understand the appeal of Shakespeare, "But don't tell Grandma!"

Erimentha wakes up and decides to learn Morse code before breakfast.

This is so embarrassing, if I were Ruby I would've bought all the copies and paid all the money to have it deleted from the existence. Cringe is too real and I'm not even the one reading this book.
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Has she talked about student finance before? Obviously she's rich enough to not need a maintenance loan but do her parents pay tuition as well? The concept of being rich enough to pay tuition upfront is so abstract to me 😂😭
I know quite a few people who went to private schools whose parents continued to pay their tuition at uni. £9k a year is significantly less than the fees at most independent schools - for reference the annual fees at Ruby’s day school are currently just under £20k and if you were a full boarder at the very famous school just down the road from her house, you’d be looking at an annual fee of just over £40k so uni seems like a bit of a bargain, even with accommodation etc.
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I agree. Has anyone seen this? It's so weird how she talks to her
I can't see the story because I don't have an Instagram account but it's very weird that her Instagram name is "Mother Granger" considering that is not their real last name and it's just Ruby's Internet nickname modeled on a fictional character.
It feels a little bit like her mother is trying to live vicariously through Ruby and experience some of the attention Ruby gets by being so active and involved in her Youtube channel.
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okay was not even 25% in Erimentha Parker's to do list and i am sad that (it seems) Erimentha (Ruby) thinks that girls who loves girly things aka make up and glitter are not intellectual or bookworms. I just find it sad. Because honestly you can do both.

Also, can i just like say that i HATED how Erimentha poses herself as not like other girls just because of the reason that she loves books, doesn't do makeup and doesn't like glitter, doesn't like to listen to pop songs and etc.? I mean just the basic description which i have said sounds to be like a person with a sad lonely life.

okay was not even 25% in Erimentha Parker's to do list and i am sad that (it seems) Erimentha (Ruby) thinks that girls who loves girly things aka make up and glitter are not intellectual or bookworms. I just find it sad. Because honestly you can do both.

Also, can i just like say that i HATED how Erimentha poses herself as not like other girls just because of the reason that she loves books, doesn't do makeup and doesn't like glitter, doesn't like to listen to pop songs and etc.? I mean just the basic description which i have said sounds to be like a person with a sad lonely life.

also i'm sorry if this sounds wonky. my first language is not english hoho
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Ngl she seems like the kinda person to constantly use hand sanitiser because they're worried about covid but then rarely actually wash their hands with actual soap and water... Like using hand sanitiser when you're out and about is fine but if you have access to a sink just wash your fucking hands...dirty fingernails are the worst 🤢
And like if I were about to post a picture that thousands of people are going to see where my nails are visible I'd make sure to at least wash my hands and scrub my nails beforehand lol she half-asses everything, it's incredible
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Just a few of them and the original comment. Apologies if this uploads out of order
Thank you for the screenshots and yes it is embarrassing for Ruby that she's turning a blind eye to this. At least the original comment got some 50 likes so I guess some of Ruby's followers can actually think with their own head and are not blinded by adoration for Ruby.
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