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I shouldn't be surprised by her stupidity at this point, but I'm honestly shocked that she's dumb enough to just tell people once again that she's copying and reading summaries/essay extracts when she hasn't even read the book yet.

She couldn't make it more obvious that she has no interest in engaging with the learning process and will be applying her AXATAR cheating repertoire again:

  1. Avoid reading the main texts.
  2. Read a SparkNotes summary instead.
  3. Read some short critical essays to find a central argument you'd like to steal from someone else.
  4. Quickly skim-read the text to find quotes that support "your" argument.
  5. Arrange study interrogations before and after every lecture and seminar with Blakeney to pester her for thoughts, ideas and talking points. Ask ChatGPT for thoughts, ideas and talking points.
  6. Send tutor an essay-length email full of leading questions to get them to furnish you with even more ideas.
  7. Slap together a Frankensteined essay from all your stolen materials.
  8. Profit.

She outed herself with this at undergrad, so it's nothing new, but her openly announcing again that she's fucking around with summaries and essays before even attempting the core reading is mind-boggling, especially with her proudly talking about her newfound reliance on ChatGPT lately. You're not supposed to tell people that you're cheating, Ruby!

Even if you believe her lies and believe she JANUINELY reads the book after, for someone who claims to have such a high intelligence and a huge passion for reading and learning, it's not a good look for her to say that she constantly needs study guides, essays and character breakdowns in place ahead of time for a "foundational grounding" before she can understand and come up with thoughts on a basic text.
Poor Blakeney, being replaced by ChatGPT.
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I went back to check that section and she steals absolutely everything and contributes nothing of her own.

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The design template is one of the stock layouts/designs from the website/printing service she used.

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Most of the recipes and images are copied and pasted from Pinterest.

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Others nabbed from specific sites she found in Google searches.

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She just copies and pastes everything, with no attention paid to any missing information, like cooking instructions.

Most of the recipes have no instructions whatsoever, just a list of raw ingredients for you to pile into a bowl and eat with a fork, presumably.

For the few that she's included cooking instructions, there are...issues.

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James's Peach Rolls (from James and the Giant Peach, I guess, but she doesn't clarify who or where any of these recipes originate from and leaves it to the imagination) have cooking instructions included, mercifully. Only...instead of an actual recipe for peach rolls, she's just copied this recipe for vegan brioche, word for word:

And in her rush to steal all her content from other sources and put in zero thought or effort of her own, she forgot that there are no peaches in that stolen recipe and so peaches aren't included anywhere in the cooking instructions. There's just a half-assed note on the ingredient list - 'Sliced peaches (to roll inside)' - but no indication at what point to do that, because she was too damn lazy to amend the instructions.

So the design is borrowed and the recipes incompetently stolen, but surely someone who brags that she JANUINELY reads 1,000s of books a year and loves literature more than anything has a few memorable passages and scenes rattling around her dusty, hollow skull? Especially since she's constantly advertising all the annotation apps she AWLWHEYS YEEZES.

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Nah, she just skimmed Goodreads quotes until she found something food-related.

You might think she's at least contributed her own ideas as a starting point, using foods she remembers from her favourite books, right? Or since she loves REEESAAARCHING AND LAAAHRNING so much, she'd grab a favourite book from her shelf and skip to the passages about food?

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Nope. She got ChatGPT to think of things for her.

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"find some pieces of food writing in the beatrix potter books and list them for me please"

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"give me some foods and extracts about these foods which appear in the charles dickens b[...]"

But not to worry, I'm sure for Harry Potter she'll have some quotes memorised or scenes in mind, considering she stole her fake name and her entire fake personality from a character in the books. She should know those books like the back of her grimy hands. And she has the books on her "BOCKSHALVES" to grab and check for the quo--

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"find a quote from harry potter about butterbeer"


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"can you find a quote from a book where[...]"

Oh dear...

I guess it's too hard to come up with her own ideas or find quotes for herself when she only pretends to read books.

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She proudly shows off her plagiarised creation and there's no credit anywhere for illustrations, photos, recipes, quotes, etc. If she tries charging money for this, it'll be a shitstorm. And I guess it's a different matter if this is just something she did for fun, but there seems to be zero fun involved, either.

It's not exactly a fun passion project when it's a joylessly and cynically slapped-together pamphlet to which she contributed nothing of her own and which is focused around her completely fake interest in literature. It's just embarrassing on every level.

And what makes it even worse is that she was stupid enough to leave all this footage in, because she thinks time-lapse footage will hide everything in a blur of faux-productive busywork. She's her own worst enemy, and I'm not sure why anyone believes her lies at this point when she shows her hand in every video.
You're a goddamn detective. Wait till you catch her using ChatGPT to write her Master's essays for her lol.
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She writes in a way that makes me think she’s hoping her journals will be read and studied after her death like Sylvia Plath etc. But it just reads as terribly performative. She isn’t saying anything relatable or meaningful, it’s just empty descriptions of trees and rain punctured by frequent “I think” and “I fear” and other pretentious interjections (definitely a proper word for that but idk what it is 😅)
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Swapping carrot for pumpkin reminds me of those idiots who post bad reviews of recipes online, saying stuff like ‘I don’t like meat so I swapped the beef for vanilla ice cream, and I didn’t have any onions so I added crushed Wotsits instead, and I thought this stew was horrible’.
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She's quietly edited the post without replying to the person who corrected her. Nothing to see here, she JANUINELY read it, HONNASTLEEE!
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We need to normalize going out for a walk in the rain, eh? Is it... is villainized? Exactly who is so against of people going out in the rain, that she feels the need to use the word "normalize"? imagine having nothing in your life, that this is an issue for you lmao

"Anatomy of a Pluviophile". Ugh must she need to put a label on everything. autumn enthusiast, tea lover, bookworm, introvert... No personality whatsoever 🤷‍♀️
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"Candlestick holder."

Another year in which self-proclaimed avid researcher and child genius Ruby fails to figure out what a candlestick is.

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"SYO MOCH WAHRK has OBVIOUSLY gone intyooo...GATTING this here and GATTING it desoigned..."

I guess we're starting the video with more lies and bullshit. Almost no work went into designing this planner to begin with, it was just a few custom titles on a generic template slapped together by an intern at Ruby's management company. Each yearly iteration has then been a no-effort palette swap where the only thing that changes is a slightly different colour for the cover.

Ruby continuously claims that an entire year of work goes into these, but there's no evidence of that whatsoever in the final product.

This year's looks like the laziest effort yet.

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Ruby reveals that the back cover is a completely different colour to the front, making for a wonky, mis-matched design. Ruby claims that this is a feature, not a mistake - it's "in case thahhr's one of these collars that yoo prefaar mwoar when you've koind of--you've got it sat on your dask?"...because that's how things work.

It's JANUINELY not because Ruby and her management couldn't be bothered putting any effort into this shit-show and it's ABSOLYOOTLY not because the printers had a bunch of leftover materials from previous planners, so they slapped the coloured cardstock meant for two previous planner releases front and back to offload some dusty supplies. IT'S NOT THAT AT AWWWHL.

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Spoilers: It's totally that.


She's also littered this cheap mess with her crappy, childish doodles of...something? I don't know what the hell this is supposed to be but nobody should charge money for this amateurish crap.

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Ruby's also requested that the planners include an awkwardly-aligned credit section on the back cover devoted to herself and her fake accomplishments. It appears to read 'DESIGNED BY RUBY GRANGER' with her social links listed, but it's hard to make out, because years into the age of 4K video, Ruby's still filming with the ancient potato she's been using for years.

Speaking of recycling old crap, Ruby blathers about Shopify again because they're paying her to, rattles off the exact same spiel she always does when advertising them. "OIY CARN'T EVEN CYODE AND OIY CAN STILL MYAKE A WABBSOYTE! YOU CAN FOINALLY RUN YORE OWN BIZNESS THANKS TYOO SHOPPIFOIY!" Thanks to Shopify, Ruby was finally able to run her own business! It had nothing to do with having no job, no responsibilities, endless wealth and a management team to do all the work for her. JANUINELY.

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In a mindboggling case of unbridled privilege run amok, Ruby explains that she's always so burnt out from her holidays that she needs a whole "RE-SAT RYOOTINE" to readjust to life in her dusty, dusty bedroom.

Reminder: Ruby has been on 14+ holidays in the past year, in addition to countless nightly getaways. She did a sum total of 2 full weeks of work in her part-time "job", spread across 7 months. A sure-fire recipe for exhaustion!

Like, if you're rich and don't have to work, enjoy your holidays, I guess. But maybe don't jump onto the internet pretending you're SYO VARRY PWOOR and then start acting like all your endless, carefree overseas adventures are a horrible strain.

Ruby claims the first step on her foolproof plan to acclimate herself back into society after all those harsh and unforgiving days exploring Italy and not having to work a full day in her life is doing lots of cleaning, which she JANUINELY DOES.

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Ruby starts unpacking in this outfit...

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...And then suddenly she's switched back into this outfit again so she can...umm...send people photos of themselves for their "BARRTHDAYS"? Not sure what this has to do with post-holiday resetting, but whatever.

Since this is a "routine" video, Ruby suggests that she does this after every single holiday. Reminder: Ruby took 14+ holidays in the last 12 months.

Clearly Ruby doesn't care about cleanliness and no cleaning happened on this day, Ruby just wanted to appear busy and pad the video, so included random footage from another day in which she made a lazy attempt to clean something and was then too lazy to check for continuity errors.

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She claims to have gone on an off-screen "ron" (so it didn't happen) and then she's in her 3rd outfit and it's time to write herself a holiday postcard from the holiday that's been and gone. She claims she filled this with the "key LASSONS" that she took away from each holiday, but since she never learns, I assume it's another insufferable screed about how the rain floated sideways on an autumnal breeze as the seagulls supped upon the dewy mist, or some such incoherent, pretentious drivel.

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After that, she does a "GAPYAH REVIEW". Again, this is a routine, so she apparently does a gap year review after every single holiday. Reminder: Ruby took 14+ holidays in the last 12 months.

She provides no details for this activity, but since she hasn't accomplished anything in her gap year, I'm assuming this "gapyaaah review" amounted to: "Not enough holidays. 3/5 stars."

Ruby claims she then spent the entire night editing a memory video of Blakeney footage from the holiday, aka B-Roll footage to cram into every single video for the next year.


Ruby must've been so focused on "additing" that unseen video that she was too tired to bother properly editing this one, because it's the usual shitty mess.

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The next day, Ruby's back in that outfit from the previous day and intent on ruining Martha's birthday by gifting her some stuff stored in the dusty swamp under her bed. And then she takes a book she bought for Martha and ruins it.

Ruby says she wants to "GAT BATTAR" at book binding. Which is dubious, since she never seems to actually want to improve at anything, but someone's birthday gift shouldn't be used as a practice run for your half-assed arts and crafts.

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Ruby tapes a bunch of old PONKERPODTIBTY to-do lists to the spine, slaps a cover on - Martha's favourite colour is apparently green, so Ruby used a cover that looks more blue than green - and then lazily, blindly sticks on a foil cutout made using her gifted (undeclared) Cricut. It, unsurprisingly, looks like ass, and that foil is no doubt going to peel off the second it touches literally anything.

It's the thought that counts, and Ruby didn't think too hard about this shitshow.

Since this is a "routine" video, Ruby suggests that she does this after every single holiday. Reminder: Ruby took 14+ holidays in the last 12 months.

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Ruby says she's "collated somm rassipes" that she "created" and holds up that recipe leaflet she Frankensteined together from AI-generated quotes, stolen recipes and plagiarised materials. It's a bit like printing a picture of The Sistine Chapel ceiling and saying, "Here's a print I made of a painting I did."

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And she reveals that she also threw together a collection of random, pretentious quotes she found by Googling "deep quotes" or something.

Since this is a "routine" video, Ruby suggests that she does this after every single holiday. Reminder: Ruby took 14+ holidays in the last 12 months.

Ruby finishes with an ad for some gifted crap from Fable England, then wraps up by assuring us that people AWLWHEYS ask her to film videos like this.

Really, Ruby?

A show of hands from everyone who's asking Ruby to film "a holiday reset routine full of ads, lies, faked timelines and general baffling idiocy"?

Nobody? I thought so.
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VIP Member
Christ, what a mess.

Another holiday video of a beautiful place that Ruby makes look like the most boring place on Earth.

Endless amounts of recycled TikTok footage.

Endless shots of Blakeney walking away from camera - unintentionally symbolic of her seemingly (and understandably) wanting nothing to do with Ruby post-graduation unless there's a holiday or gifted event to enjoy.

Three different aspect ratios, seconds apart. Ruby, you're not Christopher Nolan and this isn't an Imax movie; pick an aspect ratio and stick with it, for god's sake.

All the usual clipped, overlapping audio.

Wind blasting the camera mic yet again.

Ruby claims that visiting Italy wasn't as important as the "JANUINE, unsolicited toiyme" with her BASST FRAND BLAYKEKNEEEEEEEE. In what sense is this unsolicited time if you planned it, paid for it and invited someone else to it, then - rather than enjoy it and live in the moment - you spent the trip with a camera in hand filming, using the other person as a posable prop in a sloppy YouTube video made to impress others? This is the very definition of solicited time, but Ruby continues to not know what words mean.

Ruby's incredibly forced 'list three things in awkward prose' narration when describing places. ("Thaaar whhaaar toyled ryoof-tops and bwookstwalls and narrowstone wawlkways between closely-packed bwuildings.")

The 'recording' overlay being slapped on-screen multiple times for no reason at all.

I hope Ruby's paying her BASST FRAND BLAKEKNEEEEEE royalties for this video or paid for her trip, especially since she'll be using B-roll from it for years to come.

The almost obsessive way she talks about Blakeney and how VARRY FWORTUNATE AND PRIVILEGED she is to be able TYO SPAND TOIYME WITH HAHHHRR BASST FRAND BLAKENEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE continues to be bizarre.

She ends the video by talking about how we should awwwwl reach out to our FRANDS and spend time with them while we can, while showing slo-mo footage of Ruby and Blakeney walking into the far distance as slow, melancholy piano music plays.

Completely unintentionally on Ruby's part, because she doesn't read books or watch films, it totally reminded me of the final scene from Stand by Me.


With how melodramatic Ruby's being about how short life is and how all her time with Blakeney was so precious, she makes it seem like one or both of them are dying from some terminal disease. I totally expected an epilogue scene where Ruby explained that Blakeney died shortly after this video was made.

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She does, however, let someone else say more than a sentence in her video, which is at least a sentence more than she's ever let anyone speak uninterrupted before.

And while still using her fake Emma Watson accent, she does a pretentious reading of an extract from a book she's never read without going overboard on her fake whimsical 'OIY'M SMOYLING AT AVVERYTHING AND SHAKING MOIY HAD AT THE WHIMSY OF IT AWLLL' cadence.

That these tiny baby steps are the most progress Ruby's made as a person in her entire YouTube career is hilarious.
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I screenshotted this a few days and never got round to posting this but this seems SO back handed and snooty to me. Like yeah of course she thinks trains are great because she probably doesn’t even notice the constant price increases. Also, she can travel off-peak since she’s not working so probably doesn’t experience overcrowded trains with no seats. Trains in the UK are among the most expensive in the world. Like yeah the UK is very well-connected and trains could be amazing if the fat cats at the top actually invested in trains and made them cheaper and better for the country. I just hate how she’s acting like she’s better than us and acting like she’s *so grateful* for the people who make it happen as if the rest of us aren’t. It’s not the workers/strikers we’re mad at; it’s the shareholders and other fat cats! Like I’m supposed to feel grateful and lucky that it costs me £30 to get a return for a 20 minute train into London or £100+ to visit my friends in Bristol when I can get a return flight to Oslo for £35.

She’s denied it on tiktok but there’s absolutely no chance she’s not a Tory, whether she realises it or not. This post reeks of Tory nationalism and not keeping up with the news because it doesn’t affect her.


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Aaaand it’s time (tomorrow, that is). 10 best study habits. Note this comes two weeks after the ”preparing for summer” video, because god forbid we forget about skyool for more than ten days, even in the summer.


it’s going to be 95% recycled footage, hastily slapped together with her high-pitched voiceover and plenty of coffee anti-ASMR.

I recently got laid off and decided today that I’m going to take a gap yahh (or a few months) from employment and just study for a little bit. Roobee’s video will be useful, I’ll just do the exact opposite of what she says.
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"Whan oiy was reesaaarching thee town rackords fwore East SOSSAX josst fwore fon, oiy acksually discovvared that awwl of East Sossax belonged tyoo theee Earl of Kant, and syo tharrefwore, Sossax and Kant are the syame place and oiy am corrackt. I will not bee responding tyoo farther quasschons on this matter fwore privacy reasons.

Please tune in fwore moiy naxt video, where oiy visit Glasgow, Northern Oirland."
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"...perfected over many years."

Ruby acting like she's Mr. Kipling all of a sudden and has been toiling away in the kitchen for years, carefully honing a selection of culinary masterpieces, as opposed to getting ChatGPT and Google to do her work for her.

There's no cooking instructions there. It's just a list of ingredients.
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Ohh what’s the 1984 incident? I seem to have missed it
Ruby posted a quote from 1984 as though it were a cheerful ode to the joys of reading. She missed the point entirely and didn't seem to grasp that 1984 is a satire or that the quote wasn't intended as a positive until many people pointed it out to her. Most people quickly realised she hadn't read the book at all.


She got roasted for it and then made it worse with a moronic follow-up post where she confirmed that she hadn't even read 1984, had just grabbed a random quote from Goodreads, and her getting the very clear meaning of Orwell's writing completely wrong was okay ACKSHUALLY, because the quote could be interpreted many ways.

But she hasn't learned from that experience and keeps doing it time and time again. She'll blatantly just Google "literary quotes about [blank]" and slap them on an Instagram post to appear like her mind is an endless stockpile of memorised passages from books she's read, and every time she screws something up and gives away that she never reads any of what she claims.
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I don’t think Ruby is intentionally queerbaiting, because that would require her to consider someone else's perception which we know she’s incapable of doing. I think she’s just absolutely obsessed with Blakeney because she’s the only FRAND who tolerates her crap.
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