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You know who's a mixing wee cow in all of this, that.... Amy Glass? I don't think she's ever off here and is tagging people in things, defending frati, in boxes, part of outing Rosie for Letisha fake textes..not once, TWICE, sending screenshots around between people.

Another desperate cunt looking for validation off of pure garbage humans on tiktok.. And shouts "am fae Posso" 😂🤦🏻‍♀️

I'm also positive she had a hunters picture as her display picture at one point too.. But I might be wrong.
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So from what I gather from the end of that live, Letisha is saying Rosie was on the phone to Jade (Which Jade?) and Jade heard someone in the background say "my *something* is bleeding" to Rosie. Letisha won't say who the person in the background is, or what was supposedly bleeding.

But if the police are being involved, then it doesn't require much imagination. The someone being T and the something being something sexual? Why else would you involve police?

My head is fried with this tbh.
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Why does that Cheryl not get that fucking extra nose sorted out at Hospital?
Why is LeTit so full of herself when she constantly looks like she’s stuck her finger in a socket?
And that Ginger bollocks Jade who invited Ginger Olive Oyl to get involved!
If I thought one of them gave one shit about the safety of Rosie’s 2 kids I’d respect them!
But they don’t, it would suit them to watch those kids live in shite.
Cheryl must live close to Rosie? If one of my ex best pals was doing the stuff Rosie has been I’d be round that house taking the bairns to mines for day or too. But naw Cheryl doesn’t have her own kids so fuck the welfare of anyone else’s.

Get back to the gear Cheryl with Mr Worlwide Pitbull sweating his fat bitch tits off next to you!
LeTit get back to licking your fingers and doing your hair, inbetween making wax melts ya absolute embarrassment of a lassie!
Ginger bollocks Jade I’ve nowt really to say to you that’s bad cos well you have to look in the mirror everyday, that’s enough for anyone!
Stop obsessing over Rosie’s kids!!!
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I bet her behaviour totally changes when the police come to do these welfare checks, she’s not daft she will act totally normal & play the good mum act to manipulate the police, make them think all is well
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Jodie naebody cares about you or even knows you have wains shut up 😂
Ohh Jodie humphreys/naylor🤣 whatever one she wants to go by...
Where to start..

Scammed people from doing bodyshop/scensty took money never got products.
Addict/ex addict
None her family speak to her due to lies used to say her dad died or sister died.
Shaved her head pretending to have cancer.
Has 4 kids but both got taken off her one to kids dad and other to adoption.
Was in jail for fraud think was due to selling things on pages and taken money but not delivering goods.
Tried to burst her own waters in jail hence why baby got taken off her.
Her kids dad is a heroin addict.
Used to constantly con men before having her kids saying she was pregnant to them to trap them for money.
Claims multiple miscarriages.
She seem to kind of have her head on now but the list is endless what she's done in past
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Aye well that's what Louise thinks she thinks everyone is blaming her and Rosie for basically sexually assaulting the kids because they are the ones need watching. I get why people are suspect of Rosie because she's the one who "jokes" about it often. But Louise is just a big idiot, it's nasty to accuse her. Maybe Rosie planted the seed when she said Louise stole Ts boxers to wear. But it was probably more like borrowed a clean pair.

I'm still not really sure what happened last night, seems like Rosie & Louise contacted Cher about the lives yesterday. About what English Jade & Letisha were saying. Cher decided to put everyone in a group chat to sort it out. Letisha seemed to say that Jade told her she heard the wain tell Rosie his bits were bleeding, Jade didn't say it and then Letisha tried to say it maybe came from Cher. Cher then showed Jade the screenshots and Jade realised that they weren't the messages she sent. It's either Letisha made them up by texting herself or Amy Glass said Jade had two phones. Jade never joined the live at all so it was hard to get what she was saying because she was still talking about it on the WhatsApp group and not the lives. Letisha was live laughing and joking about it. Rosie joined Chers live a couple of times but mostly wanted them to stop talking about it after a while and said they are keeping the wain off school & going to the police. Apparently what Jade over heard was Rosie saying I need to go my wains greeting, not I need to go his willy is bleeding. God I feel sick even writing that. Chers said she's happy to talk to the police. Rosie said Louise is only there so they can go to the police but she got Louise at 9pm Monday night I think. Oh I don't know even im confused. Some of jades pals kept coming in the box to try defend her, turns out her and letisha have been pals for 6 years it's not a tiktok thing. Scotty joined Letishas box and told her she was am embarrassment because this morning she had all this tea she wanted to spill now she's back tracking after making some serious allegations. Mj burns tried to make it all about her.

Oh and Cher denied ever mentioning the wain on live but apparently bens got screen recordings she'll expose today.
Nailed it 👌 lol bunch of absolute weapons

Surprised chers not up and on her 20th cuppa now
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I am that person who cries more over animals than any human!
Same 🥹 I’m so bad I can’t watch any of those sad animal films. I get a lump in my throat just thinking about the brachiosaurus being left behind on the burning island in Jurassic World and that wasn’t even a real animal!

Funny how Bush made a complete arse of herself last night and another Tattle hate page has shown up. Tattlelife imbeciles 😭 How posh. I’d say we were cunts tbh, but hey, I’ve been called and answered to worse!
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Am in the huff shes lied. Its been nearly an hour n shes still no back.. the real googly eyed pug wants to go to bed lol AM NO LEAVING
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Jamesy denied it on live earlier.. but he was being a pure sketchy cunt said he'd never heard or seen the text of Rosie saying that he was the best ride and he told her he loved her and was so glad she was in his arms.. or whatever the fucking text said 😂 😂 😂 Gives me the cringe even typing that shite.

I would deny it as well 😂😂😂
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From her name and the way she spoke, i'd guess she was an older Scottish woman.

From her constant need to be the main character, i'd say she probably has her own Tiktok account and posts there.

From her presence here on the Rosie threads, she's probably had previous with Rosie herself.

So who fits the bill there?

Magz Hunter, Jean the Wannabe, Cancer Janice. Any others?
Why does this info have to come to light so late at night 😭 that’s me up late noo playing Scottish tiktok cluedo trying to work out who it is
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I'm surprised Chers been live and managed to not mention Rosie's name. Unless I missed it 😂

Fuck sake just joined again she's talking about it
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No way I thought Cher was heading towards 50 Jesus Christ 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 don’t do drugs kids end up looking like a granny at 35
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I lasted 10 minutes with the crochet 😭😭

That Craig Cazza guy who was calling himself a Hunter (while protecting his beastie pal who was grooming a 12 year old) is threatening to expose Magz Hunter’s photie so she’s away to Cambuslang to ragdoll him.

I’m aware of that, Slowpokers Dug isnae but 🤭
😂😂😂 Imagine these groups that are trying to be taken seriously by the police and public getting involved in all this tiktok drama, and changing their names to this yes the girls shite aswell 😂 its fucking embarrassing.

Anyone who actively seeks out peados without any sort of qualifications, training or never had a job in their life are beasty social media glory seekers who jepordise real investigations.
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Kinda caught up-ish. What did Frati do to Rosie? What was says in MJ’s Live and lastly Jade has an absolute CHEEK calling anyone fat🤣 big Greggs on legs 🤣
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Wonder are ss involved with Rosie ?
They must be as her youngest child is no longer in her care and as much as it’s horrible to wish someone’s kids taken off them it’s time social services did their job & got her son out of that awful situation.
As I’ve said previously though, Rosie will be putting on an act that all is well when the police come to do their regular welfare checks in order to hoodwink them . No doubt she will have schooled that wee boy up in what to say to the police & social services to make them think all is well.All isn’t well though & it’s plain to see. The authorities are failing this boy, it’s just horrific how he is living. He obviously loves his mum it’s plain to see, but his mum doesn’t give a shit about him he is just a pawn in her vile games.
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I could see jade frati on bad girls or wentworth the one that's all mouth but would be slapped about by the older jail birds
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