Questions for those who have been through menopause

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That’s true. It did for me too.
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Oh no the joy! I’ll have get husband to do a sniff test on me to confirm. Can’t be stinking like a prepubescent teenager!
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Oh no the joy! I’ll have get husband to do a sniff test on me to confirm. Can’t be stinking like a prepubescent teenager!
Honestly it's mental, there is literally no part of my body that hasn't been impacted in some way. Hormones play a part in practically every aspect of our bodies.

I will stand my ground on HRT. I personally am not on HRT, I tried it, at the time it didn't help so I stopped, now having read more literature and with more research showing the long term benefits of HRT I'm going back on it, will push to make sure that the GP helps me find the right combination and I'm staying on it until I die. I absolutely respect every women's choice but I will not allow anyone to use debunked medical trials to push their 'natural' agenda. Far too many women chose not to take HRT because poor research suggested there was a risk, that has now been shown to be wrong
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No you clearly don’t respect every woman’s choice and here you are again giving misinformation, it’s shocking and dangerous and I will not let it go without posting upto date articles that say otherwise, as unlike you I wouldn’t want one woman put at unnecessary risk when just reducing her alcohol intake whilst on HRT could make the difference and shame on you for belittling it.

This has nothing to do with the HRT risks that were debunked. Bother to read the facts ALCOHOL WHILST TAKING HRT RAISES THE RISK OF BC, we already know alchohol can raise a woman’s risk of getting BC, why on earth would you want to belittle something that could minimise the risk of women getting BC on HRT?

I really don’t know why scientists/BC specialists bother when they could just go to you NOTWORTHY for advice, as you seem to think you know so much better than the medics/scientists!

We know that lifestyle, weight, diet, smoking, alcohol up a women’s risk of BC no one is denying that but for you to state that alcohol when on HRT isn’t a concern is shocking and potentially dangerous/harmful to women who might believe you know better than the specialists in that field.

And maybe bother to look at the dates some of the articles are from this year!


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Do any of you get bloating? I'm sick of it! I have only just started missing a month with my periods but ever since I keep getting really bad, uncomfortable bloating around the time my period would have been due and I gain about 3-4 pounds during it. I look pregnant!
What I don't respect is women like you using outdated information that frightens women into not considering HRT. Its not right for everyone, some women don't want HRT, absolutely fine but what is not fine is you coming on here with pseudo science and debunked statistics that scare women into not considering something that may make their lives better.
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There is nothing more I can say as clearly some don‘t care about putting others at unnecessary risk and I can’t be part of a group like that, having just had a friend who has gone through BC treatment, who didn’t know that alcohol whilst on HRT could up her risk. When she found out from the specialist she said she wished she‘d have known as she would have reduced her intake, or stopped which she has now done.
I’m gaining nothing personally from posting about it as it won’t impact on me and it’s not about putting women off from taking HRT it’s about minimising risks. In fact I’ve spent a lot of time today posting articles to help, including ones from this year so to say I’m using out of date information is insulting.

Do you have a problem with reading, look at the dates, some are from this year!

As for pseudo science these are articles from BC specialists and a medically reviewed paper.

Enough is enough with your insults, you are the one wanting to put women at risk, I have clearly stated time and time again it’s about helping women to reduce any risks. I even stated patches/gels are safer it seems than tablets where strokes/blood clots are concerned if thats a concern for some women.
When all you’ve done is belittle articles I have posted just stating you know better. It’s disgusting that people like you with no medical/scientific background can belittle medical advice and sadly some will believe you. God help you if one woman gets BC because she believed you that alcohol when taking HRT doesn’t increase the risk of BC.


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Yes, for around a year or two but not so much in recent weeks where I’m getting hot flushes instead. They sort of peaked and then vanished about the same time that started.
Yes, for around a year or two but not so much in recent weeks where I’m getting hot flushes instead. They sort of peaked and then vanished about the same time that started.
Oh great! I’ve had the bloating now for about 5 months. I do get hot but I don’t think I’ve had a full blown hot flush yet so if that’s what’s next I’m not looking forward to it
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Massively so! I'll post a picture, and it's embarrassing!
I'm not missing periods yet, my cycle has gone down to 24/25 days.
I bloat halfway through and it hurts so much, then it will go down a touch and then go back to this while I'm on my period.
It used to go down once I came on, but now it stays most of the month, but my.periids have changed to barely being worth having one so I assume that's why it stays.
Sometimes it's so hard and painful


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Oh great! I’ve had the bloating now for about 5 months. I do get hot but I don’t think I’ve had a full blown hot flush yet so if that’s what’s next I’m not looking forward to it
Yup. It was like my body went from storing too much fluid to then trying to purge it through hot flushes and sweating. I was so thirsty too when bloated but not dehydrated or diabetic (4 repeat blood tests ruled that out). Then it all vanished. Nearly lost a full stone since then. Can’t all be water I’m sure but it felt like it have to say, I found the hot flushes better then the bloating as they only affect me occasionally, not all the time. And finally having them confirmed all my suspicions and I finally accepted what was happening to me so they were weirdly reassuring in a really awful way

what was your initial cycle length if you don’t mind sharing?

mines gone from clockwork 32 to anything from 20-37. The thing I noticed the most was how the flow has changed. It’s gone from being heavy my entire life (I have endometriosis) to almost scant! I actually did pregnancy tests as I thought it was breakthrough bleeding because it was so light, but then I’d have a massive bleed the next time to almost make up for it?
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I feel for you, I use to get it quite a lot but I suffered with IBS which doesn’t help and the reason I take probiotics. Sometimes the bloating would get worse as the day went on, you start off feeling fine in your skirt/trousers and by the end of the day you can’t wait to get into your PJ’s. What I found helped me was going for a short walk after eating, not forgetting to eat and then having a big meal, which I was doing when I had a busy day, if I did have a larger meal I took a digestive enzyme. Drink plenty of water and try and reduce stress, although I appreciate that can be very difficult when you feel bloated but I found stress made it worse, perhaps because it also affects your hormone levels. Also if it’s water retention make sure you are getting enough Magnesium as that can help.
If bloating goes on for weeks without going down it’s worth mentioning to your GP but bloating is common with the change in hormone levels. The joys of menopause


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All my life I've been bang on 28 days. I've had one month where it went 32, but now it's settled at 25.
I've been through phases where it's been really heavy for me, and now it's hardly anything.
I never thought I'd want the heavy days back, but I feel my body needs that even though its not doing it.
I'm weeing every hour, sometimes more, and most nights I'm up for the loo when I've never had to do that.
I've never felt the need to do any pregnancy tests, but funny you should say that because I said to my husband the other day that with my feet and ankles feeling so hot and fat, bloated belly, sore boobs and constant weeing that I feel pregnant.
It's all delightful isn't it!!
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Yep sore boobs and periods of nausea, leaking boobs at points too. But 100% not pregnant. It’s a shit storm of every hormonal symptom I’ve ever had.

Wish there was more information or guidance on how long this will last. Do symptoms taper off? Are there seasons of worse symptoms and months with nothing? Do certain symptoms come first and then other symptoms towards the end? If you start earlier does that mean you finish earlier or do we all finally go through menopause at the same age? I only really found out about peri menopause recently. I had no idea there would potentially be years and years of symptoms still with a period and the chance of getting pregnant still too! I thought periods went first and then you felt symptoms so it’s been a huge wake up call for me and husband. Kinda glad though. I’m looking forward to being on the other side of this and hopefully my hormones being stable for the first time in my life. Then I can have fun without tip toeing around my symptoms!
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Yes mine is exactly the same. It reminds me of when I was uncomfortable in pregnancy and I look pregnant! I will normally bloat like that for a few weeks before I get my period and then I’ll lose the 3-4lb I put on but I’m getting fed up of it now as it’s lasting longer. I believe it’s to do with fluctuating estrogen?

I walk a lot and I watch what I eat (I put a lot of weight on in peri so managed to lose 1.5 stone). I have been a bit stressed lately so maybe that’s making it worse? I also drink a lot of water and I don’t drink alcohol or fizzy drinks.

Thanks, I’ll try the magnesium.

I did worry a bit about ovarian cancer as I know bloating is a symptom but I track my peri symptoms so it does seem to always coincide with missing a period (I’ve been skipping a period since March).

I kept panicking I was pregnant due to the sore boobs and nausea! I’ve found a lot of symptoms similar to pregnancy but obviously the hormones.

I read peri lasts 10 years then you need to go a full year without a period to be classed as through the menopause.

I’m nearly at 9 years in (a Dr diagnosed me as peri) and I’ve only just started skipping a period and I’m in my 50’s! Loads of my friends are now through it and only two of them seemed to escape with barely any symptoms.

I do find it’s talked about more now though but when I mention it to some of the young girls at work they look at me blankly!
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I agree I don’t think it is OC. The reason I said about seeing a GP is I’d hate for anyone who has had bloated tummy for months to not get it checked out as many things can cause bloating, even cysts but yours sounds hormonal and I use to have it weeks at a time but I did find it became worse with stress. Magnesium is also good for stress, regulating hormones, heart health, reducing high blood pressure, bone health, regulating vitamin D and interestingly women who have endometriosis are more likely to be deficient in Magnesium which was a concern for my daughter, there’s lots of information about the importance of it online.
I lost my brother when I was 12 and suffered depression on and off since and was often prescribed AD which I didn’t like but it got far worse as I entered the menopause and it was then I found out about the importance of Magnesium which can be depleted by stress. Anyway to cut a long story slightly shorter after I’d been on it a while (I didn’t go over the RDA) my depression/anxiety/mood began to lift and I haven’t had any AD for a few years now. I appreciate it won’t work for everyone but it made a huge difference to my life. I take magnesium glycinate as it’s more easily absorbed and less likely to cause tummy upset, it can sometimes make you feel sleepy so if you do get some perhaps take in the evenings and start with a low dose, they also do salts to soak in and a magnesium gel to rub into the skin if people don’t wish to take it in tablet form.
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I’m definitely going to try the magnesium in fact I’m sure I used to take it years ago alongside B6 which was recommended for fatigue but I might be mixing it up with something else? (Meno brain fog at work!).
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I’m definitely going to try the magnesium in fact I’m sure I used to take it years ago alongside B6 which was recommended for fatigue but I might be mixing it up with something else? (Meno brain fog at work!).
Yes B6 is also good for mood, balancing hormones and PMS.
Don‘t remind me about meno brain fog I can’t tell you the amount of times I forgot names of people I knew well and then desperately tried to remember their name to the point I missed what they were talking to me about Thankfully that has improved


The joys of menopause, some women won’t have any symptoms, some just a few and others have had our fair share.
I’d forgotten about the electric shock feeling and burning tongue.
I thought it worth posting as sometimes it can be reassuring to women to know you’re not alone with what you are going through, nor have you lost your marbles (which is how it can feel sometimes) wondering what’s happening to you.

I’m definitely going to try the magnesium in fact I’m sure I used to take it years ago alongside B6 which was recommended for fatigue but I might be mixing it up with something else? (Meno brain fog at work!).
B12 is good for fatigue.


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