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Just saw this thread and I see you've had some great advice! How are you getting along?

I also wanted to mention there is no shame if you feel a puppy and a toddler is too overwhelming and that rehoming through a rescue is the best thing for you. A lot of people don't realise how much work puppies are, especially breeds like cockapoos. Because it is such a new breed their temperaments can be varied.
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So we have decided to get a Puppy. We have two children 10 and 6, and we feel it's the right time to start looking into it. We have a very big garden and access to lots of walks, we're a fairly active family and plan to take a dog with us to the kids football and on weekend walks etc.
We are still deciding whether to go for a labrador, French bulldog or a beagle. Or some sort of cross.
Firstly, any experience of these breeds and the pros and cons? Secondly, any top tips to research beforehand? I've been watching a lot of fenrir canine training on YouTube which I think is good. My husband grew up with dogs and my mum has had one for 6 years so we sort of know what we are getting into.....
I agree with the others unless you are rich avoid french bulldogs - breathing issues, spinal issues, skin issues, brain issues, elbow issues, eye issues - think there is more wrong than right with them. ‘New research from the Royal Veterinary College (RVC) reveals that French Bulldogs can no longer be considered a 'typical dog' from a health perspective.’

Beagles I just dislike from working at a kennels, my number #1 least favourite dog, they were all just so annoying 😂 the worst 3 dogs imo at the kennels I worked where all beagles (boarding kennels for holidays).

Most labradors I’ve met are nice but also a crossbreed could be a good choice.
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10 months old and STILL waiting for this first heat 🤣 I’m just praying she’ll calm down once it’s happened cause she’s just wired 24/7. Getting very conflicting opinions from the vets about whether we need to wait til she’s had a season or not before she gets spade. I’ll be very unimpressed if we’ve waited all this time when she could’ve been done 🤣🤣
When to neuter is so complicated, which is why you might be getting conflicting answers. Temperament and breed all play a part. Not sure what breed yours is (going to take a guess at something bigger if she's 10mo and not had a season), so my professional advice would be wait.

ETA. Don't rely on spaying to calm her down.
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Caffeine Fiend

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Thank you guys so much! This is all so helpful. Turf is an amazing idea I will definitely look into that. we do sleep beside the crate but he’s in our room, we are hoping to move him out eventually into the living room. Is he more likely to adapt if we sleep on the couch beside his crate? I’m worried that if we never leave him overnight now we’ll never be able to. I know that likely won’t be the case, but it feels that way sometimes 😅
It really doesnt work like that. I know it seems like it but it wont I promise. My dogs have the freedom to choose now and often will sleep downstairs. Particularly when its hot.

Cockapoos are needy dogs, they are v human orientated. They love to be near their humans. Its the cocker spaniel in them.

However right now you want to create a secure and confident dog and the way to do it is actually allow them to be near you if they need to be. I know it seems counter intuituve but it isnt. Right now theyve been taken from their mother and siblings, its all theyve ever known. Youre their parent now and they need to learn to trust you. They cant learn that if they feel theyve been left.

My dogs are all happy to be left now, no issues. As are my human skin children and I treated them the same 😆
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Apple In My Pie

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Can someone give a little advice, my aunt has a puppy, he is four months old and SO nippy, the problem is he is ready to nip if you even go to pet him or play nice. My aunt disiplines him by shouting and tapping his nose but I don’t think it’s working as he just seems to think as soon as you raise your hand you’re going to hurt him, I’ve tried explaining this but she doesn’t listen. He has been at my house so I can puppy sit, and when he bites me I put him down and ignore him, or give him a toy. Is that he right sort of thing to be doing? Although know it won’t be so effective if it’s not being repeated at his house :(
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Caffeine Fiend

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What is everyone’s opinion on raw feeding? Our puppy is 6 months old now and we started with raw feeding as thats what the breeder fed him from weaning and we didn’t want to change too much in the early days. But now he’s 6 months and we’re starting to introduce adult dog food we’re considering if it’s worth the expense of continuing raw feeding or is dry food just as good?

I raw feed my dogs. I dont think Id go back now. The major benefit for me is the toileting, sorry for TMI but stools are firm, small and odorless compared to when my dogs were on kibble and I used a good quality kibble which wasnt cheap. So it wasnt like Im comparing supermarket food with raw.

I buy completes so I literally just defrost and feed.

At 6 months you should still feed your dog as a puppy and swap them to adult food/guidelines at a year. You could still swap them from raw now though but just give food for puppies not adult dogs x
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When did everyone remove the crate for puppies? Ours is 10 months old and wi happily stay in his crate overnight but it gets to 6am and he wants out to go sleep.on the couch downstairs. We're thinking of just biting the bullet and letting him sleep downstairs but any and all advice is welcome 😁
our girls a year next month and we have yet to remove. don't think we ever will. not sure we'd have a house to come back to lol! but she still loves it so not going to eat rid of it soon!

our second boxer hattttted his crate. he'd wee and poo and kick off. so we stopped, let him have the run of kitchen and sunroom, he weed and pooed a d ate it, destroyed out chairs and tables 🙈 we think he might of had separation anxiety but he did get a lot better.

that's why we've been so determined with our spaniel to get the crate training right. hard work has paid off! but think it just suits you! could always try it and see what happens?
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Retractable leads are a recipe for injury.

Typically when in season youd walk her very early am or very late at night where there is no traffic at all. I personally would not want my dog on a long lead either at that point. Id want them on a v short lead.

Male dogs will go absolutely wild for a bitch in heat. They would travel long distances at great speed at even the faintest scent.

Its a pretty crappy time for female dog owners but the risk of being caught is so real that Id be so wary of walks and other dogs.

Edit - this sounds so aggressive, I dont mean it to but my dog caught a scent of a female dog in heat whilst in the garden and was feral for about a week. Ive never seen anything like it. So I reckon he'd pull me off my feet to get to a bitch in season if out and about. He is generally v well behaved and obedient
I’d agree here. I’ve been pulled over by our two when we’ve encountered a bitch in heat. Please be mindful of walking your dog anywhere popular even in quiet times. Short lead only and to be honest, you may want to keep her at home at the peak. Easier to rest a dog than deal with males catching the scent.
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Just looking for a bit of reassurance. I feel like we've taken about 10 steps backwards with our little 15 week old cocker.

When he came to us he seemed to pick up the toilet training really fast! I was heavy on the praise when he went outside, and tried not to make a fuss when he had accidents indoors. He was really good and would actively go to the back door when he needed to go. In the last week or so he's just having so many accidents indoors, and getting him to go outside is a struggle. For example this morning I stood outside with him for 20 minutes (i have to stand out there otherwise he'll just follow me back in or bark at the door until I let him in). He did nothing. We were back inside for 5 mins, I turned my back to do something and he's weeing on the floor.

Also night times are becoming a struggle. We have a stairgate on the dining room so he has run of the dining room and kitchen overnight. He has a crate with bed in, with the door open, and a separate bed which he uses during the day. He has a basket of toys. His water is always full. He was going okay sleeping about 4-5 hours, I'd go down and let him out when he wimpered, sit with him to settle him then he'd wake up at about 5amish. Recently he's been sleeping for about an hour then he'll cry, wimper and bark at the gate. I keep going down, settling him, come back up and as soon as I'm at the top of the stairs it starts again. 3 nights ago it was 2am, I was really tired and fed up so I put his bed upstairs next to me because I just wanted some sleep. I know I'm probably my own worst enemy for doing so but I work full time and I was just shattered and gave up. Now all he wants to do is be upstairs. We can't even settle him at all until he's upstairs. Last night, for the first time ever he managed to jump and pull himself up into my bed. I put him straight back in his own bed but he kept jumping up. Eventually he actually growled at me when I tried to move him from my bed. He's never growled at me before. I felt awful. He was really tired, he had hardly napped last night at all and he'd been for a walk and doing zoomies for about an hour. I wonder if the growl was because he was overtired and just wanted to be left? But I don't want him in my bed.

He's also quite nippy at the moment. He keeps nipping at us when playing. I've taken to putting him behind the stairgate for 5 minutes everytime he takes it too far and nips one of us so he knows that as soon as he bites that's the end of playtime. Am I doing the right thing?

I just don't know what to do, or where I'm going wrong. Should I be worried that he growled at me? I don't understand how we made so much progress and now it feels like it's gone backwards. What am I doing wrong?

First of all, everything you have said is completely normal. Puppies are exhausting and you do feel that you are often taking one step forwards and two steps back. At 15 weeks old he is still a baby - give him, and yourself, some slack.

I have a cocker too and we had exactly the same issues with the nighttime howling and the nipping. Cockers are very sociable and bond deeply with their humans, which is great but then you can get the separation anxiety, which is a problem. If you don't want him in your room you must NOT go down to settle him. It's so so so hard to do when you are desperate for sleep (I've been there, trust me, I feel for you!) but you cannot give in. Let him howl. It's exhausting, it's distressing, but every single time you give in and go to him, he will have achieved his goal and he will just howl and cry for longer and longer next time, until you give in and go to him etc etc. It's a vicious circle.

If that's too much for you and you don't mind him in your room, but not on your bed, then put him in his crate, with the door closed. Again, he will whine and cry, but ignore him. Don't talk to him, fuss him, nothing, just ignore. It sounds harsh, and it's hard, but it's the only way. He WILL learn. He's so young, they have zero attention span at that age, but they are learning, even when you think they aren't. It just takes a while and you need to be consistent.

The nipping. Typical 'cockerdile'! Mine was a nightmare at that age. You are doing the right thing. When he nips you, stop playing and walk away or get him behind his gate. You will be doing this over and over but keep at it. Consistency and patience are key! He's teething, so make sure he has plenty of puppy chew toys available. I would always have several to hand, and when my boy started to get nippy I'd just shove one in his mouth. You can get ones that go in the freezer, so they're cold and will soothe his gums. Kongs are great. Do you have one? You can stuff them with puppy food and freeze them, so they've got something cold to chew on. It also keeps them occupied for ages - bonus!

Also, don't worry about the growling. Don't take it personally, but don't push it either. If he's growling, back off for a bit or distract him with something. This is normal behaviour. He's just trying to figure out his place in the family and, yes, sounds like he was overtired. Puppies need a LOT of sleep. It sounds like crating, with the door close, would really help you with this.

It will get better soon, I promise you.

I really recommend the Cockers Online forum. There are some really knowledgeable, helpful people on there, and their puppy section was a lifesaver for me. If only to reassure you that what you are going through is completely normal!
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@WilmaHun its sooo sad when they arent themselves isn’t it 😔 something has likely upset his stomach (happens to my dog all the time whether or not he’s eaten something he shouldn’t have) if he’s drinking/weeing he should be totally fine within the next day or so 😊 if it goes on any longer and you’re still worried then contact the vets 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

Today has been a really rough one. Every time we've taken puppy outside and brought him back inside, he's peed on the carpet. My partner is exhausted. I feel guilty because I'm working but then also because I'm trying to keep our cats happy and not feel as though they are second fiddle to a puppy. We also have to keep them out of the way for toilet breaks due to puppy not meeting them face to face yet. Its mentally draining. And I don't think I should be drained as I'm barely doing any of the work.
Honestly the puppy stage is horrific and I don’t know if I could ever go through that again! It does get better as you both get to know each other. You will learn his cues for needing a wee. Stay outside until he goes (he will go eventually) then looooaddssss of praise. After a bit it will take less time for him to go. Good luck, it is sooo hard but worth it in the end
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How did those of you who work manage settling a puppy in? I’m only in the ‘could we make this work…?’ phase and I know plenty of people used to do it before working from home but it seems impossible now. I could take two weeks annual leave but is that enough time to get a dog ready to be left for 4 hours?
Depends how old your puppy is when you want to leave them for 4 hours. They often can’t hold their bladder in the day for that long until 16-20 weeks and that can be hugely dependent on the breed. Both of ours were sleeping through the night at around 3mo but still needed regular toilet trips in the day until 5/6mo. I would say crate training would help you with leaving them - less destruction and they’re in a safe space rather than the freedom of the whole house. So that’s something to consider.
We work a mix of at home and in the office between the two of us, always have done. Did make it easier in those early days but we also took more time off at the start with our first one. The second one was “easier” in some respects thanks to having a 2 year old when we adopted the next one.
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Chatty Member
How are everyone’s pups getting on anyway guys? We’ve came on leaps and bounds now. Pup is 17 weeks old, I had a wobble a few weeks ago which I posted about, but now we’re actually doing amazing.
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My mum and dad have just got two lab puppies. They’re 9 weeks old. I went to meet them today wirh my little boy who’s 3. We have a 12 year old collie ourselves so seeing 2 puppies was actually sooo eye opening. Originally I was meant to be getting one of the puppies as wel but after thinking it through we didn’t think it would be far for our dog to spend his last years with a puppy hanging off him and also it’s a lot of work around my job. I’m out the house 630-330.
anyway the puppies are absolutely mental. Constantly biting things outside, one kept picking up stones. One trying to get the bows on my flip flops , one kept jumping at my little boy and he hated it. It was absolute carnage😂😂😂. I didn’t realise puppies were this bad. I’m so relieved I didn’t get one it’s worse than having a new born. But they’re super cute tho. One curled up in my knee and fell asleep 🥺
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My partner really wants to get a dog and he's nearly talked me round. I would be keen to get a Goldeen Retriever as they seem calm, good with kids etc. Does anyone have any stories to affirm my choice or horror stories to put me off? 🤣
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This is our beaut boy. We got him as a five year old so didn’t experience the puppy stage but he was a good boy from the off. Just can’t tire him out. On the days we didn’t have a dog Walker a family friend would walk him so we had a lot of help
Looks like a gentle soul!
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Any recommendations for pet insurance?

We got 4 weeks free when we picked up our pup, which is coming to an end.

We have car insurance with Admiral so we might be able to get a better deal with them, but all recommendations are welcome.
I went with admiral for my pup, 10k cover for £19 a month. Maybe phoned your vets and see what companies they do direct claims with, unless you’re happy to do indirect claims.
My cats are with Sainsbury’s and Petplan. Petplan are always the one recommended and the only one I’ve claimed on - they were great.
If you can overlap the policies before the free one ends as you’ll have to wait 2 weeks for Illness to be covered (probably) on a new policy.

Definitely go through a price comparison site. I checked the difference. Admiral via compare market was £19 a month. Through admiral site it was £25 a month
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My Scott was called Alfie initially. Even insured and chipped with that name. Became apparent quite quickly it didn't suit him at all and I had a morning of calling everyone to change his name to Murphy 😂
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