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The key thing to remember is you want them to be happy while you are gone, my mum used to take hers to a kennel and in the end they stopped using them as her dog hated it, would refuse to get in the car and seemed really wound up when they got back which was horrible. Now they use a really good one which is a farm and the dog isn't bothered when they come back to get him as he is having too much fun.
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Many moons ago, I had an Alsatian, we took a couple of weeks off to settle him in and then he went to doggy day care while I was at work. Once he was older and pretty much slept all day, he used to just amuse himself.

These days, if I was back in the office, I would definitely have someone come in to check and walk the dog half way through the day.

If you don’t think a puppy would suit, you could always look at rehoming an older dog
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Caffeine Fiend

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Its difficult if you dont have grass of your own but if you know for sure there are no unvaccinated dogs using it Id be ditching the pads and taking outside for all toilets. Pads only train a dog to toilet inside which is crazy because we dont want that long term. You could buy a patch of turf and that solely outside until pup is vaccinated. I take out every 30 to 40 minutes in the day time, after every sleep, play and meal. Stay with your pup until they go, use a cue word when they go. That way you will be teaching them to toilet on command. Lots of praise when they do go outside. Ive did the above with all my pups and theyve been toilet trained reliably v quickly. Im talking a few weeks max.

The crate training I wouldnt leave a dog to cry, especially not a pup, youl definitely get differing opinions on this but for me it goes against everything I did as a human parent to leave a small baby to cry. We slept next to the crate at night until the pup was happy to be left. That way if they wimpered or cried I could stick my hand through the crate to settle them. It also meant that I knew when to take them out to toilet at night. Out, toilet and straight back in.

The biting, make sure the dog is getting enough sleep, a 9 week old puppy should be sleeping 16 to 18 hours per day. The biting and hyper behaviour will escalate if the pup is over tired. When they bite, offer an alternative, frozen carrot, frozen tied up tea towel, tug toys etc. I found the best thing was to yelp and turn my back on them if they hurt. However do not tell them off for being nibbly, your pup is learning bite inhibition at the moment so its important they learn was is too much and what is ok. Its v normal and their wee teeth are sore.

Finally it does get better, I promise. I have hated puppy hood every time. Its so mentally and physically draining but its so worth it.
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Well, she’s finally been spayed at 14 months old, and she is FURIOUS about it 🤣🤣 honestly I’ve had dogs before but it never ceases to amaze me how intelligent and expressive Cockapoos are. She tells you everything you need to know via her eyes.
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Just looking for a bit of reassurance. I feel like we've taken about 10 steps backwards with our little 15 week old cocker.

When he came to us he seemed to pick up the toilet training really fast! I was heavy on the praise when he went outside, and tried not to make a fuss when he had accidents indoors. He was really good and would actively go to the back door when he needed to go. In the last week or so he's just having so many accidents indoors, and getting him to go outside is a struggle. For example this morning I stood outside with him for 20 minutes (i have to stand out there otherwise he'll just follow me back in or bark at the door until I let him in). He did nothing. We were back inside for 5 mins, I turned my back to do something and he's weeing on the floor.

Also night times are becoming a struggle. We have a stairgate on the dining room so he has run of the dining room and kitchen overnight. He has a crate with bed in, with the door open, and a separate bed which he uses during the day. He has a basket of toys. His water is always full. He was going okay sleeping about 4-5 hours, I'd go down and let him out when he wimpered, sit with him to settle him then he'd wake up at about 5amish. Recently he's been sleeping for about an hour then he'll cry, wimper and bark at the gate. I keep going down, settling him, come back up and as soon as I'm at the top of the stairs it starts again. 3 nights ago it was 2am, I was really tired and fed up so I put his bed upstairs next to me because I just wanted some sleep. I know I'm probably my own worst enemy for doing so but I work full time and I was just shattered and gave up. Now all he wants to do is be upstairs. We can't even settle him at all until he's upstairs. Last night, for the first time ever he managed to jump and pull himself up into my bed. I put him straight back in his own bed but he kept jumping up. Eventually he actually growled at me when I tried to move him from my bed. He's never growled at me before. I felt awful. He was really tired, he had hardly napped last night at all and he'd been for a walk and doing zoomies for about an hour. I wonder if the growl was because he was overtired and just wanted to be left? But I don't want him in my bed.

He's also quite nippy at the moment. He keeps nipping at us when playing. I've taken to putting him behind the stairgate for 5 minutes everytime he takes it too far and nips one of us so he knows that as soon as he bites that's the end of playtime. Am I doing the right thing?

I just don't know what to do, or where I'm going wrong. Should I be worried that he growled at me? I don't understand how we made so much progress and now it feels like it's gone backwards. What am I doing wrong?
I love you! This is exactly what we’re going through right now (@ 16 weeks) I actually questioned whether I’d written the post! I have no advice right now but try and stay positive @WilmaHun it’s such a total rollercoaster.

@Magwitch obsessed with ‘cockerdile’ 😂
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We’ve had our puppy for 10 days now and am having my first proper what have we done moment 😞

Things have generally been going well and we’ve bonded well (almost too well as he hates when I leave him for even a minute to go to the bathroom 😂) but he’s acting up so bad today. His nightly crazy witching hour has been going on for well over 2 hours now and I just can’t calm him down or control him. He‘s running about like crazy and keeps jumping at me and biting me constantly. I keep trying a time out in his crate which does calm him but within 2 mins of being out he’s back at it.

He had diarrhea yesterday so we skipped his meal last night (on the vets advice) but fed him today. I didn’t take him out today (for fear he would have an accident on me as he’s not fully vaccinated so can’t go for proper walks yet, I’ve mostly been carrying him in a sling to help socialize him). So not sure if he’s punishing me for starving him or maybe he’s just got cabin fever and built up energy from being cooped up inside all day.

Anyways I know from reading this thread puppies are hard work and I’ll have good days and bad days so not really looking for advice as such but wanted to have a little rant as I sit here crying quietly while the puppy’s on a time out and I’m waiting for my husband to get home to help 😢
I feel like two months ago I could have written this post myself (and looking back on the thread I did write similar!) I promise you, it does get easier! My pup was exactly the same, extremely attached to me, crazy hours at night which felt uncontrollable, and the biting! Omg the biting! I read awful! There were many times I sat and cried and thought “what have I done”. We’re coming out the other side of it now, he’s lost a fair few teeth and we’ve seen him calm more and more over the last week or two. He still plays up of an evening occasionally but it’s nowhere near as bad and doesn’t last as long! Once you can get them out walking that helps burn off the extra energy too! I promise though you’re not alone, we’ve all been there and these feelings are totally normal! It will get easier
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Caffeine Fiend

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Absolutely getting a puppy is such hard work and life changing, even if you have had dogs before it can be a shock when it is so full on. This is what worries me about my brother in law getting one in a few weeks time. They seem to have not considered things properly at all, one of the first questions they asked us was how long we put ours in the crate every day and they seem to think they will crack training immediately. I just worry they will ditch the puppy when it is harder work than they anticipated. You really have to work your life around them rather than slot them into yours at first, in my opinion.
Absolutely this. If you can't do that, don't get a puppy is my advice. Not to say you can't have a dog but a puppy needs so much and it's not to say people dont give it out of choice but they find themselves really struggling to manage with everything else and puppies are left in crates for hours.

If your puppy is sleeping in a crate say 7-8 hours at night, they can't then spend another 6 hours crated in the day. Its cruel.

When I got my older boy I was a first time dog owner and I swear I cried every day for months. Every day Id be telling myself he was going back 🙈 I found it suffocating and overwhelming. I had absolutely no idea how all consuming it would be.

He's the best boy ever now but the first 12 months were challenging. Every time I thought things had settled old habits would reappear.
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So I’ve just reserved a wee border collie puppy. Getting him at the end of the month. Super excited, but it’ll be my first time owning my own dog. We’ve always had family dogs as kids, and most recently got a BC who is now 5. But I’m worried I’m not really prepared / experienced enough.
What are the things you had for the pup before he or she came home?
Oh that's lovely, collies are fabulous dogs, I've always had one!
The list above is pretty spot on!! I'd recommend some pup toys for biting, that's one of the worst things they do!!!
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Fully agree caffeine, Ive got a working spaniel myself and research training methods with it etc and they arent for the feint hearted, in an inexperienced owners hands they will quite literally cause major problems. Golden retrievers are incredible family dogs, anyone wont go far wrong with one of them
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I’ve had Finn nearly a week and he cried the first night in his pen next to the bed so ended up sleeping in it beside him 😂. He now sleeps on the bed (luckily have a large bed) and he’s really good at waking me when he needs out for the toilet. He hasn’t cried since and definitely think it’s help him bond with us. This is him this morning looking handsome 😍


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Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Regarding Pet Insurance check with your vet, who will pay them direct, if you dont want to be the middle man and then the insurance owe you thousands then worth looking at who will pay vet direct. Pet Plan do afaik. If youre someone who has thousands sitting on a credit card that you can afford to use and claim back it might not be an issue to you that the insurer doesnt pay direct.

You can use a comparison website but things to think about get the maximum coverage you can afford I think its usually 12k per year. Something like a broken leg can easily cost £8-10k if its a bad break. Think about all of life cover so that if your dog gets say diabetes or a life long condition they need medication for the insurance will always cover it year after year and it wont be excluded for cover going forward.

Hope this helps. Ive used Bought By Many and Tesco. No issues with either but Pet Plan seem to be the gold star insurer. I found them v expensive. Your first years cover will usually be the cheapest with it increasing as the years go on.
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We've decided on a labrador for our breed. We're keeping our eyes out now for breeders local ish to us.
I am very nervous about it though, I just hope we can manage to train a puppy fairly well. I feel like we only have a small window to train and if we do it wrong then we're going to struggle down the line! Spending most of my evenings watching YT videos and researching atm!
I have had three labradors and they are the best! Exceptionally intelligent, loving and eager to please. They are food motivated too which helps with training but they also just want to make you happy because that makes them happy. The main problem you have is keeping them entertained mentally when they are too little to walk far because they work out the knack for puzzle feeders etc in rapid time.
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vanilla cupcakes

VIP Member
Hi lovely are you aware (apologies if you are) that puppies should only be having very short walks or it can affect their bones. I know it’s tempting to ‘tire them out’ believe me I’ve been at my wits end with one of my girls and I bred her she came out screaming I should have known at that point! But a very young puppy should only be having 5 mins per month of age up to twice a day so 15 mins max when he’s 12 weeks.

For teething I use frozen carrots alongside toys a lot for them to chew on, I’ve currently got 4 5 week old puppies so am also in the thick of teething here!
Oh I never knew that, thank you! I’ll try the carrots too, thanks so much. Good luck with this stage too 😊
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I watch Dogs Behaving very Badly I think itss was on C5. The most important thing I picked up was praising the dog when they do something right.
Eg if they nip you or bark and you correct them by saying NO firmly, when they stop that behaviour as a result of you saying NO you must say good boy/girl so they know that they’ve done the right thing by stopping. I managed to train my dog out of barking at other dogs on the tv with this method 😊

Hope that makes sense.
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I completely forgot about bonfire night and the weeks that follow where there will be loads of fireworks. My old girl was never bothered by thunder nor fireworks in fact one of my favourite memories with her was when we were out walking one evening across the trails like we always did. We came across a massive firework display. I assume for a wedding or something. We sat at the top of a hill and watched it together. She honestly loved watching them, she was fascinated. Man she was my best friend. I don’t have that bond with pup yet but I hope it’ll come. I know I’ve completely gone off at a tangent but my irl friends dont get it and don’t wanna hear my stories about her because to them she was “just a dog”
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I've had collies all my life, kudos to you rehoming one and sorry it didn't work out, not sure if I could do that, all of mine have been pups, and they've all been so different temperament wise, too independent, too timid, aggressive, and the one I have now is 4 going on 40!! You've had experience with collies before, if you can give them the time, go for a pup, I've always had bitches, not sure if that's relevant, but they all had issues, that's the trouble with collies, so finicky and sensitive, you really have to understand the breed! but this one is male, so laid back!
I’ve only ever had pups, the last one was a risk and sadly it didn’t pay off. I love collies and if I get another it will be a pup but I’m so torn as I know they can be quirky and sensitive even if you get them at 8 weeks and put time into training and socialisation. I definitely need to give it some more thought before making a decision
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We collect our miniature labradoodle on Friday! Anything I absolutely MUST have to prepare myself?! Not owned a dog before, but plenty of cats. 🤪
A few decent nights sleep and lie ins 😂😂

It is HARD (and in the grand scheme of things I’ve been blessed with a relatively “easy” one but I haven’t had a solid nights sleep in 8 months 😂) but it gets easier and they’re worth it!!
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We went to see our boy today. He's super tiny and has quite a timid personality. He's the smallest of the group but was super cute when he came for a cuddle.

I got home and suddenly got super anxious about introducing him to the cats. NGL had some pretty anxious tears haha. We've talked about it and thought it would probably be best to keep him upstairs in my office whilst he's a young pup as the cats don't really venture in there but love the open space of our living room downstairs. Our plan is to train him as much as we can to not go near the cats and give them a few dog safe spaces (our bedroom and their little den).

Does anyone have advice on crates? My partner wants a wooden crate as he hates the look of the metal ones but I'm not sure what is best.

I'm also a little nervous about work. I currently WFH three days a week but have to be in the office for 2 of them which is a half an hour drive away. My partner works in a school but is looking for some WFH jobs. Does anyone have advice about leaving puppies? Is it better to get them into a doggy day care or pay someone to come and spend some time with them?

Sorry for the Super long post but I want to make sure I'm as prepared as possible.
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Been on a bit of a spending spree yesterday and today for puppy. Got too many toys 😅. Spent £85 in pets at home but before discounts it was meant to be £140!
Also booked onto 8 puppy training classes starting in feb and 3 puppy party meet ups.
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