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Unfortunately R won't give a shit how those videos come across and I doubt she will delete it, in her words, she posts it "because she can"
I haven't even watched the stories, her whole usp is just to be a bitch to anyone now and its horrid. Builders,josh,teachers,her own kids, coffee shop customers,even wilby lately. there's no one she hasn't slagged off or belittled just lately just for content.
She is disgusting
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Rachael is worse than the mean girls at school isn’t she? Stuck in that behaviour. Absolutely shit parent to both those girls.
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So W stops crying shortly after they all leave. Chances are he would have been the same at nursery, had she persevered with it. But being at home all day without children would mean she’d have to get off her arse and do stuff.Plus, less content because she couldn’t share her hilarious stories of him playing with shit and eating firelighters etc 🙄
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Surely though, some of the huns must have watched the shit show of parenting over the last few days and SOME of them must be rethinking how amazing she is? I know we all have arguments and stuff with our kids but I don't know anyone who would have behaved the way she did, let alone film it and post it out to her thousands of followers!!! The fact she thinks its hilarious makes me so angry, she's just an absolute joke of a mother. Those poor kids are going to end up the same way as her, you'd think she'd want to do better. In her head, the fact they have more money is the be all- that doesn't matter when your kids are scarred for life from shit parenting!!!! Ugh!!!!
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Lurky Lurker

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5545 words in half a day ?
She's working soooooooooo hard.
My last work document was 10,444 words - did it in a day and that included lots of referencing and cross checking procedural stuff.
Its what people do Rach - knocking out 5k words of fiction which your editor will have to spend 2 days going over to make sense of it is not something to be proud of.
Now wheres my bloody pet cloud!!??
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I literally didn’t even think he was being naughty, I thought he was just expressing his emotions in ways a toddler does and I don’t have kids, so I might not be quite right. My pet tarantula has more of a loving exo skeleton that that Mormon

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I’m currently expecting my first baby - taking all the parenting tips from R
Phone in face from birth, baby tv from birth at least 10 hours a day, never wean them and then film them being naughty aka being a toddler and bored. Oh and I haven’t spoken to my father for about 20 years - so I’m going to let him name the baby.
Don't forget that if your breastfeeding, when you stop after 12 months to wean little one onto a bottle.
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Chatty Member
I can imagine that Gastrid went for her vaccine and was probably huffed that the woman didn’t recognise her and so she stamped her expensive gifted sandalled foot in temper and said “lady with the needle do you not know who I am? I am the best friend of PTWM the Queen of Paignton, healer of DA warriors and the thief of husbands! Inject me now!” 😂
Seb’s trousers, socks and sliders.....please tell me he hasn’t been to school dressed like that 😂
Betsy (favourite daughter) and nipple piercings 🤦🏻‍♀️ Please don’t show us Ratchet, I wouldn’t put it past you to try but please don’t!
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To be fair, I wasn't much cop with helping my son with maths during lockdown. But at least I sat down quietly with him, tried to help and when I didn't understand either suggested reasonable ways we could go forward. Also showing him that we dont always 'get' things, but receiving support from others is a great way to resolve the issues.
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What a horrible scummy cow R is. She makes me sick, and she has the audacity to complain that she’s had multiple reports to Social services. I wonder why? 🙄 not cause she’s a bad parent!
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Is she really trying to say that Wilby has never met Mrs Brown? I don’t watch her she makes me ill I get all my info from here now 😁
Lying cow.
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Watching those stories with Betsy and Tallulah was uncomfortable viewing. Not because they argued with each other because kids do that all the time, but the way Ratchet laughed and made fun of Tallulah when she dropped her book. For a woman who claims to be all about helping women and is setting up a women’s centre she really has no idea about instilling confidence in her own child. I understand that we only see snatches of their day but I get the impression that Be More Betsy can do no wrong in her doting Mother’s eyes whilst poor Tallulah is more often than not the butt of her warped sense of humour. I hope I’m wrong and she loves her children equally but just doesn’t show it. I have two daughters and I have never nor would I ever film the two of them arguing and then embarrass one even further by making fun of her by showing her gaucheness to thousands of viewers. Let’s wait for the huns to pile on with the reposts saying how hilarious she and BMB are 🤦🏻‍♀️
She is a classic bully/mean girl, the way she treats them both and the fact that she shared it and if the huns share it and say how hilarious then they are all just as awful as her, disgusting.
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Or a paper bag?

Did anyone see Emily’s post today about kiddo peeing in the sea? Don’t these kids know what the word no is? Don’t these parents know how to behave?
I always pee in the sea? Should I not? I feel bad now :(
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I know we’re not fans of Josh but I do feel for him a little bit when he’s talking about birding and she’s just not interested, or belittles him. You can see the passion in his face just disappears when she makes her stupid comments
I agree it's his passion and looks like the only joy he has in life and she is making him look small for it.
I think he regrets his life choices
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My husband is Maltese. I remember his nan saying "we've got them here now" about gay people. We were mortified.
My father-in-law used to refer to his wheelchair-bound neighbour as “The Cripple”.He genuinely liked the guy- it was his logical way of referring to him “ You know, Terry at number 5, the cripple.” Honestly it used to make me cry with laughter, which I appreciate is probably very wrong of me. They were raised in very different times.......
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I’ve had to comment as it’s all I’ve thought about since watching the stories with T. R is fast enough to come on stories and play the woe is me and it’s so hard for T with her anxiety etc but After yesterday’s shocker of stories it just proved R is trying to use Ts anxiety for her gain (as always), poor T it’s horrendous having anxiety like that my child is 13 and struggles to go in school due to her crippling anxiety and I wouldn’t in a million years dream of putting that on my stories or even being so unsupportive of my child.
what parent belittles their child like that mental health problems is at a record high and there is morons like this mocking it. As for B my eldest is 1 year younger that her and supports her sister as much as she can as she understands the impact her anxiety and mental health can have on her what B did was just rude and lazy they clearly both play up for the gram and anything for content no matter who suffers for it. I feel so much for T and I hope she’s getting the support she needs from school and friends as she’s clearly not getting it at home.
sorry for the rant
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