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'Seb hasn't got dressed for 3 weeks and is staying in his room today'


'Seb gets dressed every day to go to the skate park and is not here today cos he's gone to granny marshalls for a Wednesday roast dinner'
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I hate sounding even remotely like I’m sticking up for her huns - I’m 100% not, but as a mum of a now 18yr old who endured DV with me, had terrible anxiety, suffered prolonged horrible bullying and as a result was a self harmer and often in hospital, I have to say, it really honestly destroys you as a parent. The constant worry, the questioning yourself where you went wrong, the unknown - it’s awful, I sunk into a deep depression myself because of it, it definitely has a huge effect on the whole family.

To Rach - one thing I NEVER ever did was post her own private business on social media, regardless of how hard it was for all of us, I never took photos of her distraught, I never took pictures of me comforting her at her hospital bedside at all hours, why? Because that would be ABUSE, you’re abusing Lulas privacy about a subject that’s sensitive to her, even with her permission, she’s too young to realise the backlash, Rach do you even know how nasty some teenage girls can be? If the wrong people at school see this, see people assuming she’s a bed wetter, her school life will be hell, she’ll be bullied, and guess what there will be nothing you can do about it, in my vast experience schools have not been good at dealing with bullying, why? Because a lot of teenagers (not all) really don’t care if they’re in trouble with the teachers, or their parents - there are even some parents that encourage it.

Honestly Rach, you need to think about these things, because when the money is gone, who’s going to look after your children’s mental health? I hope you’re putting savings away for the extensive therapy they’re going to need when they’re older. It may be worth you thinking about finding yourself a proper therapist at this point, hypnotherapy isn’t going to help you, it’s making you worse. You NEED proper help and maybe a parenting course or 3, Money and PayPal aside - this should be your current number 1 priority, not Emily, not your CIC, not Jordan or Astrid, eat that frog or ads that your following likely can’t even afford. Your friends and family are enablers - this isn’t normal behaviour.
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Apparently we’re all wrong. The fact josh can’t stand up in the loft is irrelevant, because it’s 4 times the size of the other room
"how funny how things look"

To us Rach is looks like you have stolen thousands of pounds in donations meant for people fleeing domestic abuse. Perhaps you could also address that issue and prove us wrong too like you defend having a small bedroom.
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Do you think in the future it will be illegal or along those lines to post footage of your children. It’s such a breech of their rights and wellbeing. I know that opens a whole can of worms/debates but imagine when all these Insta influencers kids are 18 plus .. how are they going to feel?!
I was thinking something similar to this the other day... not in regards to legalities etc but about what is ‘out there’ in their digital footprint before they even have a chance to decide for themselves.
As this is PTWM thread I’ll use it as an example but I’m sure there are others ...
just on tattle alone there are thousands of comments on Wilbys development/behaviour, what his parents let him get up to, how he’s just ‘left’, slobbed in front the tv...of course it’s only written here as it’s plastered all over the internet in the first place and people are entitled to opinions, but imagine being that little boy when he grows up. He’ll have so many questions, so much to read about himself, photos/videos/comments that he never agreed to be shared with the world... it’s not ‘ just’a few hundred thousand followers - an open profile and places like here etc can be read by literally any person in the world.
E for example, she’ll read about how she was a spoilt brat, played up to the camera etc ... and surely again will question why so many people have been ABLE to discuss her childhood.
I know the parents could quite easily say ‘trolls shouldn’t be saying this stuff’ - but the very fact that their life is so public and people DO comment on things, then surely you’d think... fuck this, it’s really not worth it just for money...?
If I saw just one negative comment about my children, I’d be reevaluating my choices as to what I’d posted for all to see... I’d want to protect my child from seeing stuff like that (not to the point where I think they should grow up in cotton wool, but where I could protect them, I would.)

hopefully the point I’m trying to make comes across there, it’s a bit waffled
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Yet again a minor involved in comforting her absolutely distraught sister whilst weirdly being filmed by the person who should put the device down and take some fucking parental responsibility


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So she has a workman in not wearing PPE. She has apparently been out all day doing non essential work and mummy marshall is still driving around not shielding. Pity I don’t live in Devon as that’s hell of a lot of violations for someone who works for the Police.

Also, I actually think that if Edie’s Dad asked for full custody Id write him a statement in support. The contrast in what she was doing tonight to what she did last night on her little bike is heartbreaking. Sat consoling her melodramatic Mother and Sister on camera, like a zoo animal at 7 years old 😩.

What a fucking mess of a woman.
It’s really depressing
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I seriously cannot believe that anyone in their right mind thinks it appropriate to troll a CHILD!! Fair play to Betsy for handling with sarcasm because I don’t think even at my age I could have done the same.
If it was a tattler that thought they were clever sending that then do as a favour and step away from the thread. Whilst some comments might be below the mark at times on here, trolling children isn’t who we are and I for one don’t want to be associated with anyone that bullies a child.
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After last nights shit show I've had a few of my old posts from previous threads liked today by newbies 😁

Yet another nail in the social media coffin hey Rach?
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Funny that, so does Astrid. R must spend her life trying to copy whoever she hangs out with. This period of trying to be like Astrid has not worked out well for Rach. Astrid does actually carry off her very quirky style and R looks a compete dick.
Really? I think Astrid looks like a fake tanned old hag who’s raided the dressing up box
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My eldest started back spring term last Thursday (she is same age as T), she was so anxious about live lessons that she had a panic attack Thursday morning when she tried to log on (they are supposed to be camera and mic on and full uniform from 8:40-3), cried and threw up. I gave her two days to go through the set work without any mention of joining in online whilst liaising with student support to help my child find a way through. A week in and she is now engaging with live lessons, albeit with camera and mic off, full of confidence and came top of science in a test today.

I dare say if I had filmed her panic attack and uploaded it to Instagram where all her friends hang out, she would be feeling shit still now and probably being bullied about it.

I’m not surprised when the younger ones wake in the night they seek comfort from their older siblings instead of disturbing Rachel, they have clearly learned that it is pointless.

I commented pretty much the same on her facebook post and got jumped on by about 40 people.
And aren’t THEY all full of joy to be ganging up on and swearing at a stranger 🤦🏼‍♀️
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Iv just thought... do you think the reason she laughs so much at her own stories is because its the first time she's hearing it too?? 🤣🤣🤣 *makes it up as she goes along*
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I've said this before about S, he's the protector. He stood between Rach and Joyce when she was shouting at him, he took W away from that situation this morning. In fact he looked like he was running away with him.
I'd imagine that has a lot to do with what happened before he came to live in the "Patchwork House" but it seems like he feels he needs to adult the situations they have.
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Wonder if she made Josh have a shower with her at 5am considering she is incapable of having one on her own and they always shower together 🤥
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