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All the years this thread has been going and what’s finally tipped her over the edge is a couple of hundred people saying she looked like a slag at that wedding 🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣🀣
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Flossy McFluff

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So I might have some gossip...might being the main word as I have absolutely no evidence of anything 🀣

Turns out I work with Jo's hubby's cousin...general conversation about living somewhere we didn’t grow up, said they grew up in the Devon area, same surname so I asked and they said they were his cousin. Mentioned that I followed PTWM online and they rolled their eyes and said hubby's family all hate her...but...and here's the kicker...Jo has plenty of evidence on R (driven by hubby) so if R was to throw her under the bus Jo is able to come out swinging and destroy R.

Kept it nicey nicey and asked why Jo stays if she's concerned about that and they responded with "well where else is she going to get a job like that on that much money plus benefits?" Not sure what benefits, maybe just scammed tesco food and footlocker vouchers πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

Like I say, absolutely no evidence other than a general conversation, but this individual does work in a professional capacity so I can't see them making up lies about a nobody on Instagram
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Spotted Paignton writes about her all the time?
Well, unless she is forever leaving her phone/bag/keys on the number 12 bus, lost a cat, found a dog, found some keys/wallet/bank card or lets her dog shit in the street and not pick up it's poo, then it really doesn't
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Tonight I've just found out the mum of a friend of my son has ended her life. Her son messaged my son to say 'my mum died today'
But someone didn't like her outfit. Fuck off! Literally fuck off. There are 3 kids there now whose mum has died! But tell me again about how poorly your outfit made you!!
I cant stay on here anymore. Todays news has broken me. I cant watch someone like her cry about stupid shit. I've watched my child cry today and try to comfort his friend who doesnt have a mum anymore. I wish you all well.
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Tonight I've just found out the mum of a friend of my son has ended her life. Her son messaged my son to say 'my mum died today'
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The only thing I really took from the shit show last night was B’s messages to her. There was no don’t come off the internet because of the good things you do, think about all the women you are helping etc it was just about how running a β€œcharity” has improved their lives financially and how much fun they have doing it. Think those messages really says it all about the true agenda behind β€œhelping” these women.
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Aww Betsy Besty Besty,
If only yout mother hadn't posted literally 10's of clips of you being a nasty little madam, then we might just *just* believe you. Sadly we've all seen and heard your behaviour, good and bad over the last goodness knows how many years. That's ok though. You're young and still learning. Sadly your mother is one of the most spiteful and vindictive people I've ever come across. She, as a grown woman has no excuse!
Be kind my arse!
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Have to agree there when I saw this comment. Was she high as a kite or did one of her girls reply for her? What a stupid immature comment to make.View attachment 2205621

Also, just to be clear, the person who called her slutty for what she was wearing is a massive dickhead. Women should be able to wear what they want and not be name called. I just think it wasn't wedding appropriate. But as I've previously said, if the bride wasn't bothered, then who cares.
Ooof and Edie is only 9🫣
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Didn’t she actually say in one of the messages to the Apicella girls when they begged her to stop writing about their deceased friend β€˜I will write what I want’. It’s just madness that Rancid would get into such a state about other people writing what they want.
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Hang on, have I just watched non verbal Wilby singing the alphabet. My daughter is 6, can’t sing it. Just got her diagnosis. This is what angers me the most. Fuck the money. Fuck the lifestyle. I don’t give a shit about that. She’s got away with it for so long and I actually live a great life. Good income. Holidays. Whatever.

The fact she made money off him and his first words (yes rach, first words) fucking infuriates me.

As a parent with an autistic daughter who CANT TALK properly, I find you a fraud. It breaks my heart that my daughter at double the age can’t do what he does and she’s exploiting him. Blugh. Rach and josh you’re both cunts.
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Have you β€œsin” her new insta bio β€œI out anyone who trolls me πŸ§Œβ€

What a total bell end.
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New thread title thanks to @Mrsell πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ a roll of tit tape and a stripper skirt are on their way to you!

Last thread recap:
- Rachaele Hambleton is a cunt.
- she doesn't work either full or part time, and can't be arsed to parent her kids and step kids.
- Joshua Marshall was dismissed without notice from Devon and Cornwall Police for improperly accessing the police database, and using a false identity to contact members of the public.
- hot on the heels of the Spotted posts, further shade was thrown by Mia (the daughter of Ratchet's ex husband, and the half sister of Betsy and Tallulah) on her Instagram, with a post saying that she'd like to meet with Reacharound on video to set some things straight. She then shared screenshots of some messages between Rabies and Elsie (Mia's sister).
- despite being away at Herpes Lodge loving Toupee Terence the hardest and having no signal or WiFi, Rapido managed to text Lula desperately seeking reassurance, and asking if Bratsy's ok. What a SHITTY position to put a 13 year old in 🀬
- Mia also posted a couple of messages to Betsy and Lula, saying that she and her sisters miss them, and they can get in touch any time. Fingers crossed they do, because at the moment neither of them have an adult around that have their best interests at heart.
- meanwhile, a commenter on the Spotted post, who claims to have been a paying supporter, has done some rough maths, worked out how much income Rabies likely has from the Patreon, and listed a large number of things that Ratchet has paid for, reaching the conclusion that the money has been kept and spent on herself and her family πŸ‘€
- Back home from Herpes Lodge, and a friend has sent some wine glasses as a gift. What an odd present for someone who doesn't drink πŸ€”
- Wilberforce was left unsupervised with a sandwich and an iPad long enough to deconstruct his sandwich and sprinkle the bits all over the sofa, which Rabies took a photo of and captioned "perfect". Maybe if you weren't too busy doing anything else but spend time with your violent, non verbal, level 3 autistic child, maybe you could have stopped him 🀷
- 14 year old Tallulah uploaded some photos of herself posing in a bikini to her PUBLIC Instagram page. Ratchet, the saviour of women and queen of safeguarding, shared them. But remember folks, it's not her fault if anyone sees anything inappropriate in that, it makes YOU the weirdo πŸ™„
- after being pretty quiet following Herpes Lodge and the Spotted drama, Rabies uploaded some videos to the Patreon account, where she'd secretly filmed Sloshy while they were having an argument about the kids keeping their bedrooms tidy. Apparently they'd got back and he rushed straight out to Bratsy's shed to see the state Lula had left it in, she even said to him "you're so unwell" πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« then they were off to IKEA to get a load of furniture, where Ratchet said "it's like you want to get divorced". He replied "what have I said wrong", clearly trying to placate her. She then sat in the car filming and laughing while he loaded the furniture into the boot by himself. Then on to Bratsy doing an ad for "all the people asking" who she booked her travel through - even though when she was going it was Rabies' mate at Chubby Chicken who helped her find the flights πŸ™„ apparently Lula and Isaac have been "good for almost a week", bear in mind that the gruesome twosome were away for the weekend, and don't even know what their kids are up to when they're home 🀷
- still trying to deflect from the Spotted post (and in particular, someone called Lucy who's on the Patreon but is waiting for the next live to call her out for the amount of money she's making off it while still begging for a double buggy), Ranger shared some old videos where Bratsy was bitching about having bought some caterpillars to see the life cycle. It mainly served to remind Tattlers firstly that Lula has changed beyond belief from the girl who was sweet and caring and loved animals, and secondly that Rasputin had some serious hair issues a few years ago.
- up in the hobbit loft for a ramble because she's had a bollocking off Jo for not going on PTWM much. She feels old, the kids think she's old, blah blah blah. Apparently "loads of people" message her asking her to write a book on parenting teenagers πŸ€₯ sure they do. Seeing as you're making a horror show of all 4 teenagers so far, I very much doubt it. Joyce turned up, and Ratchet tried to get him to agree that Lula and Isaac tag team them, Sloshy reckons they get away with it with her but not him (probably because he's not paying attention anyway as he's always off his face on wine and coke). Poor, confused old Fake Tan Fred started waffling on about Hulk Hogan and WWF. Then Rancid announced she was on day 3 of her period πŸ™„ and they'd fought on Patreon. Anyway, Lula and Isaac went out, were meant to be home at 9 but didn't come in, some bullshit story about having a girl's bag and they need to find the girl. They finally came home at 10.45 and then sat and gaslit both adults (the term gaslighting seems to get thrown around quite a lot in that house). They then went off at a tangent about owing each other apologies, and Sloshy said that the other day Rabies had gone over to him, lifted her top and pressed against him πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’« they're off to Cornwall in the camper van next week (place your bets now on the number of children they'll be taking). They're going to a wedding this weekend, another best friend of Racket πŸ™„ and Sloshy is getting a new trolley for deploying to the beach.
- a quick look at the chaos of redecorating the bedrooms
- Wilbert was in the back of the car and despite being non verbal, said "Hello park, my name is Wilby John Hambleton and I'm riding in the car". Non verbal, everyone.
- more vapes found in Lula's bedroom. So the amazing parents sat on the bed talking about them, and how they're aimed at kids. That's all well and good, but if you were actually parenting them, you'd do something about it rather than blame everyone except yourselves 🀷
- despite the REBL sweatshop tracksuits being "limited drop", she's still desperately flogging them due to "overordering". Yeah right.
- another birthday present in the form of a hideous pair of pinky lilac cowboy boots - a mere snip at just Β£280.
- after commenters on the Spotted post pointed out that they hadn't drawn the winner of the hotel stay giveaway, Rabies and Jen videoed themselves using a random number generator to choose the winner. How about you draw all the other raffles that nobody's ever won over the last 12 months? Excellent bit of safeguarding to boot, with the camera zooming in on a spreadsheet showing people's full names 🀦 GDPR? Never heard of her!
- Show Off Sally showed some of her birthday gifts, with a tall tale about Dior bracelets from Slosh (he thought he was buying her two but it turned out they come as a set of two so he'll have to take one set back). She wants sunglasses and boots instead. She got Armani perfume and a bikini top from Mannah, perfume and a top from doormat Jo, some Skims from Mannah and GG, more trainers and 2 pairs of Β£88 jeans from Slosh,
- Rabies has done a "Collab" with a street artist, because she loves street art so much and she's got loads of books on it πŸ€₯ anyway, there's an artist who was out of the country for ages but now he's back so she asked him to collaborate with her for the REBL brand to do some art. So he's created 4 "stunning" pictures, one of which is now hanging wonkily in Rabid's stairwell, while the other 3 are available to buy from the artist at a mere Β£3,500. If that's too much after you've paid into PayPal, Patreon, and buying a lilac tracksuit, fear not, because you can buy a print for just Β£80 or a canvas for Β£350.
- after it being noted that the first centre/launderette/community fridge seems to be abandoned since Emily left, Rancid showed herself prancing around with loads of lush food that had been donated, including "luxury ready meals that me and Josh love", wonder how many made it to the fridge, and how many ended up being taken home in the Volvo.
- Rhubarb put out quick beg for local tit tape for her outfit for a wedding - leaving Tattlers wondering what she could possibly be wearing to a wedding that required tit tape 😬 in usual Classy Cathy style, she wore a bright pink top that was open to the naval, with a short leopard print skirt. Once again, completely missing the mark, and looking cheap and trashy.

Running total of overnight breaks away since Joyce started his career break on 15 June:
Night at Herpes Lodge (midweek)
Night in Exeter (Saturday)
Night in London (midweek)
Joyce's birthday - one night at Boringdon Hall (midweek), then two nights (Friday and Saturday) in a lodge in Cornwall with Arsetrid and Simon.
Herpes Lodge (weekend), night in London (mid week in half term), Friday night in Southampton
November - 2 nights in London (Sunday and Monday)
December - 5 nights in Jubai
January - 1 night in London (Miss Greedy's book launch)
February - 1 night in London after dropping Betsy at the airport
March - 1 night in Birmingham (book signings)
May - 2 nights at Herpes Lodge


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Did she just say the Spotted Paignton page was set up and got 70k followers just to troll her???

Like, I appreciate she's triggered, but that's a massive claim πŸ™ˆ
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Love how she's more upset about her outfit being criticized than being accused of being a thief and scammer!
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