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wonder Lu

VIP Member
That whole breathing thing and taking a moment before walking in was her shitting herself wondering if any trolls will be there.
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Did I read a few threads back she she slagged off parents missing school concerts and sports day etc ??

And then yesterday she posts a pic in her hall way off the cleaner/babysitter and the skivvy jo and the camera shy wan and sloshy ?? Collectively they must all not think of Lula and her birthday this week thinking it’s ok to go on a jolly. I would perhaps get it if Lila had another parent she would be spending ger birthday with but she doesn’t. Lula will never forget this … and probs dig it up in the future.

that whole bunch of them in that hall yesterday are a disgrace. It’s not like it was a planned brain surgery Rachette was performing.
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Somerset girl

VIP Member
Wilby looked massively over tired. All children get like that Rach, not just your child.
He's got absolutely no routine (for a child that apparently thrives on routine). He was on the sofa still at 8:30pm (and Edie still up?) and she's shown him up later before. She absolutely doesn't want to parent him and it's just easier for them to let him fall asleep on the sofa. Have we ever seen her bath him before bed when it's not for an ad? Poor thing is about to be left with a stranger while she buggers off on her book tour WITH Sloshy who apparently took a career break to look after Wibble.
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Sounds like he has hand, foot and mouth. He told her his mouth was hurting and looks like he’s got some scabs round his mouth too now as well as a temperature. He’ll feel rotten and no doubt Edie will too when he passes it on to her too after sleeping in her bed. Ratshit really is a shit mother!
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I wonder if josh was as pissed off with Rach as he is with T, when he took her to not-Barbados and she hated every second and didn’t try to hide it.
That Barbados Barcelona mix up was hilarious. Josh is an absolute cunt. Horrible person, whether she's asd or not it's a huge thing to go away at that age. New sport, new foods, no family. If she is asd then going on the trip is pretty amazing and he should be bigging her up for what she's achieved.
Tbf he should be bigging them all up anyway but he's completely incapable, even with his biological teens.
Clear from her response she's got the measure of that spineless excuse for a father and copper (allegedly)
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wonder Lu

VIP Member
Alas no more Amazon wish lists that weren’t sabotaged by trolls! It’s just an excuse because either she has been told off for them as they aren’t accountable and clearly vouchers were going astray or more than likely it’s better for her to get hard cash hence the patreon push than actual goods.
I would like to read the regular news letters that apparently document the work they are doing…
Must be all of two sentences..
delivered the freedom program
Told a bunch of lies.
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Active member
No I didn’t really go, I was just being annoying and winding her up! Sorry! 😂
Oh look guys, nikki’s dream came true! She met ‘her Rach’ bless her little heart! 🥰
R looks a bit worried though like she’s edging away from her and made sure there was a person between them. 😱😂
Don’t worry about trolls R. It’s that psychopath you wanna be worried about and some of your other ‘fans’ they are a crazy bunch!

She’s the one that always sends gifts for R and W. Vulnerable and taken advantage of but thinks R is her friend 😔
WhatsApp Niki looks every part the unwashed, chain smoking, rent-a-gob chav I imagined her to

Rach looks absolutely ridiculous in that green outfit, even if she'd bought the right size trousers she's too short to pull it off, she looks swamped in it
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There’s never been anyone that just wanted to have my kids….

Yes because you are a piss taking cunt, Emily had your kids, Josie had your kids, Katy had your kids, PA jo has had your kids.
When has she ever offered to look after someone else’s kids?
If the nursery mums read here, RUN! Run as fast as you can in the opposite direction and don’t look back!! 🏃‍♀️

She will take the piss out of you and it’ll become awkward and then she’ll brand you a school troll when you put in boundaries!
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Take a bow @DipsyDoodle! What a recap. I can't imagine the time and effort that goes into them! Bet you booked out Herpes Lodge for a good month to crack on with that 🤣 . Non-creased dunks and Jezza's toupee winging it way to you 💜💜
@FridaK just freaking inspired. In true Mumsnet style I almost spat my tea out laughing 😅. Slut drops and fizzy cats piss all round
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Chatty Member
I've just had a nice chat to someone and found out that Rachel's patchwork empire is a complete fabrication. They're going to look into it a bit further and see what else they can dig up but did say that a police officer in Torbay was caught having sex in a police van, which is a bit of a funny thing to say when we were only discussing Rachel and not her wet wipe of a husband.

I can't repeat a lot of what I was told but basically if someone is working with social services and other service providers, they would be told to keep it anonymous and not broadcast every single detail online. Anyone determined enough could go to union street and sit outside when Rachel skips off to do her freedom course which she loves to tell everyone about. There are quite a few of these in the bay though, Ellie Waugh must be the absolute worst and Rachel seems mild in comparison.
As someone who has worked in this field I can categorically agree that nothing is or should be discussed, even where names are not used. That’s not just because of the very obvious safeguarding situation, or the fact that everyone deserves the right to privacy or because ethically it’s poor conduct to discuss things for the purposes of engagement on SM. It’s also because people are simply trying to do their jobs to their best of their ability. I wouldn’t even consider going on socials to discuss the people I have worked with, professionally or service users. It wouldn’t cross my mind that another professional would think to do the same. The professional world and SM do not collide. It’s only people like R, playing shops, with zero understanding of what she is doing that would think it’s appropriate. I’m still appalled that she has been able to get away with ‘selling’ all the content, timings, feedback, flip chart comments etc around her knock off programme, which let’s face it has probably only been accessed by ‘huns’ wanting to spend a couple of hours in the presence of their queen. Likely the same demographic queuing to see her on her book ‘tour’.
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Someone last night (I think it was) said they thought people from the hotel might be brought in to make up numbers. Think these two at the back might be proof of that.


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