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She didn't have to answer any questions about Emily or if she wanted to she could've have just DM'd the person who asked and said what she said. To my knowledge Emily had said nothing about her and kept it professional.

Only she couldn't do that because she's an attention seeking, shit stirrer with the maturity of teenager. "No heartbreak on either side. Things don't turn out the way you expect." It was loaded with insinuation of drama for absolutely no reason.
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Biting in Adults

“While common in early childhood, biting in adults is rare,” Kimonis said. “It may be one manifestation of a broader, long-term pattern of misbehaviour that involves other forms of aggression - hitting, bullying, shouting, physical fighting - and is common to people with particularly hot tempers and impulsiveness.”

describes R perfectly I reckon.

I would be gobsmacked if a friend tried to bite me never mind my boss!
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Find it so odd how painful obsessed she is with Mrs Hinches trolls 😂 but it’s always on Patreon never on Ptwm where she “stands up” against them, so she isn’t even getting a thanks 😭 maybe because the patreon huns are the only ones stupid enough to believe they’re friends
"Imagine being this loaded with hate for someone you may or may not know"
Ha... she's a fine one to talk isn't she, coming from the woman who has written 3 books and countless social media posts and stories about her husbands ex wife! 🤦‍♀️

Her and that troll hunter psycho need to give their head a wobble
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She’s off on one again this morning! These poor womens lives she’s trying to ruin just because they have a different opinion to her and call her out on her bullshit.
Imagine being the kind of woman who would grass on a nurse for venting on an website after everything they've been through during COVID years. Plus now as they are all completely drowning due to NHS underfunding. Not to mention the lack of qualified staff due to Brexit causing them to quite often do three peoples jobs.

Scumbags. Shame on all involved frankly.
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I can't make my mind up about this. Is she sneakily throwing the rebl reference in there to make out it helps pay for the women's centre to try and get the huns to buy more or is she just showing off? 🤔
Shes so full of shit 🤣🤣
"My management have told me not to do loads of ads"... like fuck have they! First of all, thats where the management company earn their money and its what they are hired for. Second of all, your not doing as many because company's are clearly not approaching you like they used to because your way down the influencer pecking order these days!
Lastly, I doubt the ads ever paid for any of your "dv ventures" . They paid for your gucci, holidays, braces, cosmetic surgery and half arsed house projects!

What does she think her management are there for?? Just for friendly chit chat 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
They help you with your engagement in order to get the attention of company's to ads from so you earn money, nothing else!
For example, if they have told her to do fashion reels then that's because they want fashion contracts for you, if they have told you to do cooking videos then thats because they want food subscription contracts for you, if they tell you do do cleaning, make up etc and so on.
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Why do these people shit themselves so much? Sorry but this site is not illegal and you won’t lose your job over having an opinion on a forum. Those grovelling messages she shares are exactly what she wants. Just tell her to fuck off and carry on with your life
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I heard on the radio this morning France are looking to chance the laws about insta mums exploiting their children. Let’s hope it starts a change elsewhere.
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Chatty Member
Early thread suggestion:

Bekind living her best life in a tuk tuk leaving poor ratchet behind still as crazy as fuk.
Love it, just add an extra…….
Bekind living her best life in a tuk tuk leaving poor ratchet behind still as crazy as fuk fuk
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I thought it was shitty for her to say it does get better, for many it really doesn't. A child who is delayed it might get better as they progress at their own pace, but for lots of children they don't just suddenly become ok with food on their hands, or start speaking 1 day. She's ignorant to suggest it will change. What about the kids who have 3 safe foods and that doesn't change, 1 safe cup or bottle for years and the parents know their child will dehydrate if/when it breaks but refuse to have any other vessel. Would love her to say this to people who are way further into their autism journey and expect them all agree with her. She's an idiot!
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Makes me laugh when she says "these people are mothers, lawyers, doctors, teachers" .... and?? They are entitled to opinions just like everyone else is!
Why does she always threatening to tell their family. How old is she, 5? I'm telling your mum on you!
My family couldn't give a shit tbh and most people here run their own business.
Take a step back rach and really think about WHY you have thread here. Its not just strangers on the internet who have opinions on you either, every single person you have come into contact with has had a negative experience with you.
I wish she would pick on someone who would just tell her to fuck off, she wouldn't screenshot that though would she.
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Hasn’t she used her make up bag since she got back?? At this point her life is just comical!
In the video I showed the other day where she said her management told her not to do so many ads she is a actually raking through her makeup bag while talking. This is on the same live where minutes earlier had said she'd left the rings in London. I'm beginning to think she has some sort of condition where she just lies constantly without even noticing.
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Just sat here thinking and laughing... who does she actually think she is... verifying the questions before anyone is allowed to ask them 🤦‍♀️🤣🤣
Imagine living your life trying to filter everyone around you so your skeletons don't fall further from the closet making you look like a bigger cunt than you already are!
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Chatty Member
Raccoon, answer this. What exactly do you gain by lying about B travelling alone? Who cares that she's met up with friends there. Fair play to her for getting away from you!
I genuinely think now that she is so naive, emotionally stuck in her late teens, has zero understanding or perspective of the big wide world along with being a narcissist that she genuinely thinks everything she and her family do etc are big deals. She doesn’t know much out of her small town mentality and neither has she really ‘grown’ as a person or individual (always supported by her enablers) so she doesn’t know what’s out there. She THINKS she knows all about DA based on her limited lived experience, she THINKS she knows about autism based on her limited experience, thinks that B is actually going travelling because leaving the small town she grew up in, in whatever capacity, something R never did really is going travelling. Moving into her mum’s friends spare room near to Liverpool is moving to Liverpool and being a big city girl. She is so self absorbed she lacks awareness of the fact many other people out there are doing it ‘bigger and better’. Probably not making any sense here. I went travelling solo (back in the day) when I was a little older than B, I’ve worked on voluntary aid programmes, even now I don’t think of it as a big deal as I’m one of millions of people having done those things, I don’t consider it particularly special. I’ve got friends whose children have done amazing things, I’ve got other friends who also have done amazing things. None of us feel it’s worthy of sharing with strangers because it’s just what people do. B is going on an extended holiday (flying out at a different time to her other mates), likely funded by her mother’s huns, no doubt someone else has booked it etc, and let’s face it it’s all going to be used for content on the gram (and R’s too). There is absolutely nothing wrong with that, but R would have everyone believe she has embarked on some world changing, solo, off the grid tour that means she won’t see her for years.
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