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At this point I'm passed 'where's the PayPal money' which is what turned me from a follower to here.
What I want from you Rachel is a casestudy. I want a step by step guide on how you helped one of these women you rehoused in like 4 hours or whatever ridiculous claim you made.
* how did the woman contact you ? Was she referred by social services? The local authority? Was it an out ot hours case ? Did they call you ?
* when you got her in the accommodation you found was there a cooker ? Whitegoods? If not did you help her get some ?
* was the electricity/gas connected in the property? Did you help her transfer these into her name ?
*if the woman had no money management skills did you arrange for her to speak to a money guidance counsellor? If so what tips was that lady given?
* did the premises have beds, bedding ? Again did you sort this? How?
*did the woman have food to feed her kids ? If not how did you overcome that ?
*was the accommodation near the kids existing school? Her work ? Does she drive ? If not is she on a bus route ?
* what security measures did your organisation put in place to the property ?
* what aftercare has this family received since you 'saved her life'

For any of us that either work in this field or have been in a situation like this we can smell bullshit a mile off so PROVE. US. WRONG. step by step Rachel. Walk us through from the initial contact to now.

Rachel your safeguarding skills are shocking.
"A family of 9" instantly recognisable
"A family with twins" instantly recognisable
Showing womens handwriting- that's right INSTANTLY RECOGNISABLE.
If you was on my team I would sack you immediately.
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Thread suggestion

Turkish tracksuits and a knickerless hoof. Where's the money Rach, tell the truth!
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Poor Lula. Bad enough she is going through this without (repeatedly) having it broadcast to the world. Rachel looks and sounds utterly guilty - which she is. But she has yet to take any proper responsibility - L isn't vaping because of past trauma or because she is ND or because she doesn't have enough trainers. She is vaping (excessively) because she is never supervised and has complete free reign to do what she wants. Put down the phone, stop prioritising loving your husband the hardest in all four corners of the globe and watch your kids. I hope Josh's "little college course" is a parenting one...
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Well Rach that started well for you, lots of people commenting how amazing you are, such an a gem, so generous etc. However…….things have gone downhill for you this morning 😂
Why do the huns always go straight to 'you're a mum' if anyone makes a slightly critical point?! Rose West was a mum #justsaying. We need to stop subscribing to the notion that every woman and every mother is wonderful. Some are cunts, just like some men are!!
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She has absolutely no idea on what a meltdown is. Whilst she stands there filming with the toast like a goon.
At W age if my son was having a meltdown we wouldn’t have got him anywhere near the car & no distractions would have worked. He’s the same now, so single minded that you can’t distract him ever. If he’s going for something I’m not able to distract him.
She needs educating. What pisses me off, is cos I’m a single mum, I’ve always been seen as the problem. I’ve had to do courses and jump through all sorts of hoops to access help. I’ve been referred to all sorts of places early help etc. At the moment my son has a disability social worker.
Yet I have absolutely no problem with my other child. She’s excelling at school, everyone comments on how well behaved, kind she is.
Yet she’s having massive problems with her other kids, but cos she has a nice house, husband, etc. She’s left to it. There definitely should be an intervention in that house. I’m with my kids 24/7 and could cry from frustration every day but I don’t emotionally neglect them like she does. They know I’m always here. I always tuck them in, I attend everything, I cook every day. I’ve worked hard since leaving a DA relationship to rebuild our home, trust and teach them about healthy relationships. I’ve never referred to them as tiny broken babies. I don’t push memories on them to suit a narrative, if they don’t remember I thank my lucky stars they don’t.

I could go on all day really. She’s pissed me off.
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I'm sorry what... my mind is absolutely blown.
So, it's okay that B would most likely have got T a bottle of WKD, instead of spirits to still look cool in front her mates.
It's still alcohol! It's still underage drinking! I THOUGHT YOUR HUSBAND WAS A POLICE OFFICER?!
Why is it okay that B would have handled it in private?
Why is R calling B to check that how she's handling it is okay? B is still only 18!? Yes, she's an adult but she's not T's Mother... stop placing all the mothering responsibilities onto her and let her live her fucking life.
Does she not think about what she's spewing?!

I’ve not caught up yet but I can’t not comment on this. I think this is why I get so triggered by her and so very rarely comment. My mother would have rung me and “checked” she was “she was doing the right thing” when i was B’s age and younger. I believe it was 100% to put some of the responsibility on to me and not her. And yeah to guilt me into taking care of them “because I was so natural and caring and just know what to do.”

I won’t get into it to much because I’m in danger of going off on a tangent but So much of the way B is towards her siblings I see in myself. Even the bitchy snarky parts. In a way it makes you very resentful that they seem like they are allowed to be “free” while you are given adult responsibilities (at least emotionally if not in all areas) from as young as you remember. Because your mum loves the attention of having kids but not the work it entails.
It also makes you feel so protective of them. And I was a kid so some of my ways of protecting them were stupid. My mum should have stepped in. But she didn’t. If I had gotten in real trouble from it she would have absolutely claimed her own innocence as well.
I still feel responsibility for my siblings and my mothers well-being and happiness now and I’m nearing 40 and they are all adults.

Whoever is reading this for her needs to let her know all of this is going to affect every choice her eldest daughter makes for so much of her life. The guilt I was conditioned to feel for doing anything even slightly for myself will never go away. I have boundaries now (and boy that took a lot of therapy) but some days the guilt and self doubt is horrendous. It’s absolutely fucking heartbreaking knowing how B must feel to me and I’ve never met them.

It’s also made me the same to my own children as I am to my siblings. And I’ve missed so much of the times I should be enjoying them because I was worrying or feeling guilty for them. So I’ve probably damaged them in some way as well. (Or made them think they have to take absolutely no responsibility in their lives because I will.)
Anyway this is about 10% of what I could say on this topic but I need to stop or it will be ridiculous.
oh but just to add if my son’s girlfriends mum had even slightly hinted to anyone that my son might have had sex with her underage daughter (they are similar ages to L) I would have been livid. Let alone to potentially thousand of people. SERIOUSLY how can you possibly think that’s ok??
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Finally caught up, Zara attempted legal action against a small company for having a similar sounding name. So a clothing company that has exactly the same name as another business isn't going to go down well.

Old pelican chops at the seafood restaurant last night. Hope they gave her extra fish.
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Love that you are all over these screen records. What size memory do you have on your phone or do you just have a tropical storm's worth of cloud storage somewhere? Sure we could set up a gofundme to make sure you don't run out of space.
I actually have an album dedicated to her. I’m determined she’s not getting away with this. But I’m being methodical and taking my time. If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right! 👍😂
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Pisses me off when shit hit the fan and her go to scapegoat is always the boys mum.
Take some responsibility for your fucking shit parenting for once!!! They are in your care and have been for what, 8 years now??? Your the only one to blame 🤷‍♀️
And I'm not saying she will but if Lula ever does get pregnant underage then R definitely will have social services on her back whether she likes it or not due to Lulas age. I hope to god thats not the case but she's already said lula won't have a conversation with her about anything sexual so I doubt she's educated about safe sex ☹ I can't even watch anymore because it really is going to end up in disaster and R won't be the one at the end of it, it will be something with the kids ☹
Seb was 9 and issac 3 when they went to live with rach. Both have lived with her for far longer than they were with Sam for. Betsy was 7ish Lula was about 2 when rach left waynbo. Again they have been with her longer than they were with waynbo for. Only 1 common denominator for all 4 kids in her care having many many issues.
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It's 11.15pm and I've just read this post and YOU EXPECT ME TO SLEEEEEP!
Not happening....... give us something else to tide us over till morning 🤣
I really really wish I could cos I’ve been thinking all day how to tell you all. All I can really say is that all is not well within the huns camp. Lots of turning on each other, lots of divides, and lots of questions - particularly about our rach’s new range and (lack of) affordability / relateableness and so forth.
I’ll keep schtum for now and keep my eyes and ears peeled, but the second I have something I can share safely, I will do. Hang in there awful trolls!
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Do you know I would love if she was truthful about parenting teens, actual truth, not Rancid truths, because parenting teens is hard work. There is no manual for it and sometimes you do need a google to make sure you’re doing it correctly. We all fuck up as parents. It’s natural. The amount of times she’s fucked up, however, is not ok. I would love it if she was trying her hardest to parent and could give advice on what she’s done that worked and was successful. As I say nobody tells you the hard parts of parenting and how much you wing it and hope for the best. But she’s not, she’s exploiting those poor kids, embellishing their lives and making them out to be absolute horrors. Who knows they might actually be great kids and all this could be a pack of lies 🤷🏼‍♀️ I doubt it though because unfortunately for them Ratshit is their parent.

I like everyone else hate when she blames Sam for the kids behaviour and came on to agree with Wotsit that they’ve been under Rolypolys care longer than they were in Sams care. And B, L and E aren’t Sams kids and they’re hardly angels so who is the common denominator - Rasputin.

It’s unfortunate that Rusty measures love with possessions. The fact her mum didn’t love her enough to buy her trainers started it all. It’s unfortunate that by measuring love with possessions she can’t see that L just wants her mum, she could have a great relationship with you, she could tell you everything, she could be a good kid, if you just stopped leaving her to fend for herself. She’s 13, she need guidance, love, boundaries, she needs to be shown right from wrong, she needs to understand sexual relationships correctly. Not the ones that happen behind your husbands back in bushes at centre parcs or that involve sex toys or that involve accidental trips to strip clubs or that involve seeing your step dad walking around naked, she needs to understand that she doesn’t need to ‘do as he says’ to show you love him (remember the rugby game and L boyfriend Rumplestiltskin?) and while I’m ranting why are these kids all encouraged to have relationship. They’re never out of relationships. My kids are encouraged to be alone, enjoy their free time, enjoy being young and more importantly enjoy life safe and loved. I’m not mother of the year by any means and my child have fucked up royally at times but I know I love them and that if they make mistakes we fix them together. We don’t run to our huns to share the deepest darkest secrets of our kids. My daughter confides in me and hates when I tell my husband things she’s told me (if she specified to not I’d weigh up telling him with what it was) so I couldn’t imagine how she would feel if I told her life to strangers online for a north face coat or Gucci bag.

That turned out longer than I thought. Well done if you made it to the end of my ramblings.
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Chatty Member
Title suggestion,

“On the first day of Christmas, Ratchet gave to me, a camel hoof in a vile tracky”
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Without a doubt this raffle will be drawn live 🤣 It will definitely be a fix though.
Don’t believe she’s in the salon by herself either 🤔
It'll be live but it'll be all fake names! "And the winner is...... Joan Merdon! Well done Joan! And up next we've got Bosh Harshall, well done Bosh! And the next one is Betty Chamberlain!"
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What was she going to say at the end of the 1st video when she was talking about “her brand”
She said I ordered these tracksuits (picked up the bogey 1) and then cuts out and doesn’t continue on the next story.

So has she brought a shit load of tracksuits from Hong Kong and then putting her name to them?
Be interesting what the tag looks like on the clothing 🤔

found them, she is making a huge profit, greedy bitch
Huns pay £92 for top and bottom
She pays £21.49 for top and bottom
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Am I the only one who gets the ick about all the young, supposedly vulnerable, girls/women that have moving in/living at their house? It's like a a constant stream.
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Oh Lula...shes the one I worry about the most 😥 Are you fucking surprised Rach? You leave her to her own devices every other week, she's out till all hours doing God knows what. IT ISNT NORMAL FOR A 12/13 YEAR OLD TO DO THIS!!! My 12 year old is in by 6 o clock unless he's at a friend's house with the both sets of parents permission and knowledge. If he's out doing something special on a weekend it might be later but I would drop him there and pick him up afterwards. HE'S 12. he doesn't vape or drink alcohol. He still hates girls so that's one thing not to worry about for a few years off yet 🤣 it's called parenting Rachael - kids do not become independent adults at age 11 you moron.
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