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Eyes Wide Open Now

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Hi trolls,
Could someone point me in the direction to get on the freedom project? Real one, not the Rachel show!!
I thought I was healing, I have been no contact and yesterday he managed to get a way through to make me find out about his new girlfriend, one that he had been seeing behind my back, while gaslighting the fuck out of me that it was all in my head. My daughter and his nephew still talk, and even though the nephew had known for weeks (my ex took him out with the new gf the week we split up) he only told my daughter yesterday, sending her screenshots of them from 3 weeks ago, just 2 days after I had missed calls from a no caller ID.
I can’t be certain that he’s manipulated his nephew into coming out with it now, it could all be a coincidence, but i also know how spiteful and petty he is, and would try and hurt me even though I’ve not contacted him again and he’s in this new relationship.
I genuinely don’t want him, something like this before (it’s happened many times with various women) would have made me contact him, I would have directly asked her what had been going on. But this time I have done nothing, I refuse to let him know I’m hurt. I want to heal, I want to break this awful trauma bond.
I was getting better because I didn’t know anything, but now I know I’m spiralling.
I know he will be the same awful person to her eventually and at the moment he’s love bombing the fuck out of her. But it still fucking hurts so much.
So many of you have said that the freedom programme has helped massively. I need some help.
Sorry for going on, just needed a vent, not slept much and feel stupidly emotional
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No wonder J can’t get it up he’s basically shagging his own sister 🤣
Rach - try suggesting something to your friends WITHOUT you paying, see whether they still want to come. Friendless Fiona.
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She must have been late back home last night and missed bedtime with W ( or stayed overnight in Bath) to give them to him this morning whist he was watching the lion king eating breakfast on the sofa 🙄 alsooooo why does she never ask him to say Thank you/Ta? He should be repeating please and thank you by now…
Because he’s NoN vErBaL
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She shouldn’t even be taking photos of the work that the group have done. It’s confidential and she should be safeguarding these ladies, some who will be very vulnerable, spent years at the hands of their abuser and never dared say no. These ladies are essentially putting their trust in her that she will keep them safe yet here she is sharing their most private thoughts with all her followers. How can they begin to heal when she’s abusing their trust, putting them in a position where yet again they can’t say no for fear of backlash. Might seem like nothing to you Rambo but to them it could be everything.

when is it ever ok to share something private with people you don’t know? Even with permission it’s morally wrong to think that it’s acceptable to share others most personal thoughts.
Feel like I’m repeating myself now but I just can’t get my head around how she thinks it’s ok to share, do any other DV support groups or charities do this?
Rambo, you’re an insult to all those hard working people that are trying to help vulnerable women rebuild their lives and if you’ve really been a victim of DV them you should know better. You are a danger to every single one of those people that come to you for help, it’s not a fiction book or a tv programme it’s real life. Get over yourself.
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I said on the previous thread, if everything she has done is above board, legal and accountable then why doesn't she stop pretending there are trolls, direct people here and post the info to prove us all wrong?

She even lies about how Rachel is spelt and adds all the extra vowels. That's why I spell it right as I know she reads on here. I keep her name basic, like her.

With regards to Betsy losing her job because it was illegal, that was down to the business who employed her, Rachel for not checking (especially as Josh apparently knows the law) and Rachel again for oversharing.

But yeah, blame everyone else for you allowing your child to be exploited, you absolute knob.
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Just looked - how the hell does Ramble think it's a good idea to share the actual notes from the trauma course??? That woman is an absolute safeguarding nightmare and she needs to be stopped. The actual notes!!!!

@Sungirl1505 sending love - hope you are all OK and get far, far away from that man
She has a responsibility to safeguard and protect these vulnerable women. Because they ARE vulnerable Rachaele. She had no right even asking for their permission. Women who have potentially been coerced into all sorts of situations over the year now have the right to privacy and ‘freedom’ to be themselves without their most inner and deeply personal accounts being shared. I wonder at what point she sought their permission? Before? After? During? In front of others? Leading to a group think mentality where if one said ‘yes’ they agreed they should too. This is not a damn testimonial for a shopping experience or holiday…it’s a course aimed a women who have faced trauma. She has a responsibility to protect them on that basis.

I don’t care what R does with her ads in the guise of influencing, but what I will never ever make peace with is the exploitation of her perceived position as a DA advocate and the exploitation of her children by sharing such personal information and pictures/movies purely for monetary gain. All for what?! Designer clothes and accessories?
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She seriously was, she actually can't stop lying.
He's like a case study for the worst version of a man.

Ugly and yet extremely vain.
Terrible father and role model
Thinks he's funny, but misses the mark every time.
Passive aggressive.
Happy to live of his wife and kids.
Thick but thinks he's clever.
Mean about dogs.
A massive Tory.
Hen pecked by his mother & sister.
Completely socially inept.

I could literally use him as example to women for what you shouldn't be looking for. Still, they are absolutely perfect for each other 👍🥴
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Lus post just screams out that she’s dying for attention and any attention will do.

She’s a vulnerable 13 year old girl & her mums just a massive cunt for allowing her to post stuff like that.

She’s definitely sexualising all 3 of them girls.
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How do you know it's not tonsillitis? Has COVID managed to magic away all other very unpleasant illnesses? I had repetitive tonsillitis as a teen until they finally agreed to a tonsillectomy. It was horrid.
I’ve had Covid 3 times in 2 years and tonsillitis 4 times in 2 years. Tbh felt the same with both but, I think the fact Rach is filming B when she’s poorly is the biggest issue here. Regardless of whether it’s Covid, tonsillitis, period, flu… her need to expose people when they’re vulnerable is dangerous.
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Oh! She’s spending more paypal money on Mulberry handbags 🙄 Gucci, Mulberry, Alexander McQueen you name it she’s got the most tackiest version of it.
Look how shit her hair looks after she's done it herself 🤣🤣🤣.
Also, she constantly goads "trolls" into biting and then when they apparently bite, she fucking cries about it. Shut up rach 🤦‍♀️
And also, regarding the sharing of those notes, I'm just glad Emily didn't cave in and publicly share her experience after R was pushing her to for the podcast.
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Happy birthday Vanessa Lucy! Hope you have a lovely day filled with fizzy cat's piss and expensive bespoke cake. Just try not to wrap your flaps around your brother in law's neck 😂😂
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Betsy is lying on the bed, in her pants, sobbing in that last story and she's got Wibble walking around the room with her camera on record. She is 18, give her privacy.

There is something very wrong with that woman.

ETA because it's pissing me off: It's not Tonsillitis you stupid cow. It's COVID. None of your family are vaccinated and it's rife now kids are back at school. We have normal flu and COVID. Now given Betsy can't bath herself, it sounds like that. It exists, accept it 🤯.
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Can some one please clarify…..

stole a stray dog in London. She gets a letter from the London police cause they traced her through mannahs car but they got the train home ?!? Did I hear that right or do I need to lug a pint of almond oil in ma lugs ????
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Why is Betsy wandering around in her pants in a house full of kids of varying ages?! Even if she is ill it’s a pretty strange thing to do is it not?
And that photo of Tallulah, just why? It’s not ok at all for a CHILD to be posting photos like that.
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Why does she always have to hashtag #Ipayedforitmyselfyoufuckers SO U FUCKING SHOULD YOU GRABBY DICKHEAD!!Then she had to get in that she payed for her mates too... so typical of her narc behaviour. When lianne isent flavour of the month anymore she will throw in her face how toxic she is cos she payed for her hair doo!
Lianne must be her new charity case friend now Emily's fucked off.
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I have just forwarded screenshots of the private & personal notes made by DA victims at todays Freedom Programme run by Rachel Hambleton, to the following people.

Chris Ashton of [email protected]
I've also sent the screenshots to their admin.
I hope they are able to stop this despicable person, before she causes any further harm.
I'm not one to report but I think you're right to in this case. That really is atrocious. This is people's lives not Instagram fodder.

She could do so much better and do things like 'red flags for DA' generically so her followers who may not realise they're being subjected to it can potentially realise they are. So much more worthy things she can do without the gross invasions of privacy she does to literally ANYONE that comes into contact with her.
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