Pregnancy Off Topic #2 Changing lives one Rapid Cool at a time

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Thank you lovely xx
I totally forgot I bought some magnesium spray s couple of months back so I definitely need to find wherever I stashed that, thanks for the reminder!
I can only assume the itchy feet are from the mix of leftover sunburn and insect bites, it's all slowly calming down but the itchiness is relentless. I have an appointment coming up this Thursday so I'll mention it then if its not any better.

I'm sure I've got some Omeprazole in the cupboard from my last bout of gastritis last year, I'll have a look later, I didn't even think of that, so thank you again

I only seem to be comfortable if I'm stood or sat totally upright. Bump isn't even big or heavy but it's like as soon as I'm more relaxed everything just pushes up and in. Then the second I dare stretch my legs or toes I get cramp every time.
It just feels like everything is hitting all at once so I've ended up feeling sorrier for myself than I should. I'd love a hug but Mr B is too busy moping about feeling sorry for himself with the man flu hopefully out with friends later so I'll have to just randomly ask them for a cuddle instead

Anyway enough of my pity party.
How is everyone else? Anyone got any nice weekend plans?
@littlepup and @odetotheseaweed I hope you both and anyone else struggling are feeling better today xx
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Sending lots of love to you all. So sorry to read about your struggles. I hope that everyone has a lovely weekend, whatever you have planned x
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That doesn’t seem right. They think mine might have been stitched too tight hence the pain and scan to check so I wonder if there’s something similar going on for you
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Answered the door to what I thought was my bf who forgot his keys, turns out it was Royal Mail. I had no bra on, a white pj vest and hadn’t noticed one of my boobs had leaked 🫠🫠 poor fella didn’t know where to look
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Morning everyone, bleeding has slowed right down now, hopefully that’s the end of it. Just panicking myself now thinking “what if something happens?” But I know there’s nothing anyone can do, and the likelihood is that at this point we will get a good outcome. But it’s just a niggling feeling
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Answered the door to what I thought was my bf who forgot his keys, turns out it was Royal Mail. I had no bra on, a white pj vest and hadn’t noticed one of my boobs had leaked 🫠🫠 poor fella didn’t know where to look
Omg this happened to me once but with my fellas brother hahahaha
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I feel like several of us can relate to this...
View attachment 3023773
Haha. We have some building work going on and I was WFH yesterday. Thought I’d have a nice lunchtime nap and was fast asleep with the door closed. Husband walks in and out of the room, and leaves the door open. Then the drilling starts! I lost out on a good 20 mins of precious nap time.

I’m going to a birthday party tonight and sick of feeling like I’ve lost myself. Just got a cute dress, face mask and lashes. Going to spend the afternoon pampering myself and taking ages to get ready.
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I think Mr B has realised he's not exactly been great to me this week because he's just agreed to dye my hair for me in a bit. Pray for us both
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The postpartum hormones really are hitting hard. Eldest had their first settling in session at school last week (with a parent, but I was still in hospital so husband went with) I was absolutely devastated to have missed it.

This week was the settling in sessions by themselves. I was an absolute emotional wreck dropping them off to the door 🥲 watching them walk in without a care in the world coupled with the attention we get with a twin pushchair was just TOO MUCH.

Yesterday my in laws visited and I ended up crying alone upstairs because I feel so guilty and upset that I haven’t had the time to just hold and appreciate the twins because there is just so much to do. My husband has been on it and really helpful- I mean, the house is a shithole (which is fine) and we are in complete survival mode, but by the time we change, feed, change again, wash up and sterilise the bottles, pump, sort out and feed our eldest, do the washing, attempt to eat/shower etc and tend to everyone’s general needs and appointments, I haven’t managed to just sit and enjoy them.

We’re supposed to be having a garden party as our eldest is turning 4 next weekend and we’ve barely got anything sorted. I just feel so overwhelmed and emotional and broken.
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god he will! It had only been 2 hours since his bottle before as well. I can’t believe how much milk he gets through. Absolute gannet
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If he’s this hungry now imagine the snack consumption when he’s a hungry toddler I feel sorry for your bank he will skip the happy meal stage and go straight to a Big Mac meal
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Sorry you’re feeling overwhelmed. I can’t imagine what it’s like bringing twins home! Can someone else take your 4yo out for a few hours so you only have to worry about sorting the twins (forget the house for a bit!) and then get time just with them before the cycle starts again? Or could someone come over for a few hours to help with the other ‘stuff’ like dinner, washing, tidying the house etc so you and your OH can just focus on the kids? I hope things settle in to a routine for you all soon so you get time with them BIL and SIL pretty much just took one twin each for the first few weeks and that was their baby for the day so they only had 1 each to deal with and got time with that baby, then the next day they’d swap. Would something like that work? They still do that now at 7m if they’re out and about or the twins are going through a growth spurt or particularly demanding stage.
If he’s this hungry now imagine the snack consumption when he’s a hungry toddler I feel sorry for your bank he will skip the happy meal stage and go straight to a Big Mac meal
Oh god you’re right he’ll be straight on a large Big Mac meal won’t he. Probably with a side of nugs or selects and a cheese burger chaser
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Fuck sake I’ve never thought of when they level up on their Mcdonald’s meals and stop getting happy meals. With the two of them, if they take after me and their Dad being greedy bastards and get a side of cheesy stuff and a side of nuggies- and sometimes two different types of burgers (don’t judge rofl) the mcdonald’s order for us all when their older will be at least a oner
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No judgement ours is the same I reckon Baby Rasp will out eat us on his maccies order though - probably by 5 years old
Can see him getting a family bucket from kfc at 6
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I've just put my fave sleepsuit on the baby and now I need to go buy it in all the sizes cos he looks so cute
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