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VIP Member
Wonder that John Leslie thinks about all this???

Phil has forgotten that he's built his career on someone else misfortune.

I never liked JL but what happened was defo harsh.
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This will not be swept under carpet this time. I'm certain. As I said in last thread, this weekend the papers will just keep regurgitating the same story to keep it in the spotlight.

I reckon around mid week there will be some sort of announcement or a big expose.

This ain't going away!
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I can't wait for the Loose Women handover. It is usually quite frosty at the best of times. Please, please can they be discussing "Have you ever fallen out with a friend?" today!
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I’m still a good few pages behind but just my observations:

* Phil showing up this morning regardless of headlines or comments on social media shows just how narcissistic he is. Clearly no such thing as bad publicity.
* He won’t go voluntarily. I think he genuinely thinks there’s nothing wrong in any of his behaviours or actions. He’ll justify his behaviour to himself and anyone he deems important enough.
* Some people in Holly’s position MAY put their principles above their job but I don’t think she’s one of them. Most people in TV wouldn’t. I guess there’s the argument that she hasn’t done anything illegal but even if all she knew is why MM was moved on then that’s still morally wrong. I doubt they could sack her for it.
* We may never get that long-awaited feeling of Schofe being handed his arse on a plate. He’ll fight it as long as possible and then I think he’ll be quietly replaced. Martin Frizzell might have to be replaced too for it to happen.
* None of the ITV programmes are going to go rogue and talk about any headlines. I think like Holly above, a lot of presenters have their own best interests at heart and they’re not going to rock the boat. Plus ITV love us to think those whose faces fit are one big happy family and I think they’ll want to push that more than ever.
* Imo the one person who could fuck things up now for Phil is Ben Perryman. Although not the cleanest of people himself, he could be the one who tells people what they want to hear - unless Pip has everyone sign NDAs. But even then Ben may get a big payout from the right publication and not care about breaking it.
* All this chat in the papers the last few days may prompt other people to come forward. But for that to happen, it would mean more people have suffered at the hands of PS one way or another.
* If there is a super injunction, it’s worth remembering that Scottish papers can report on it - but they haven’t. I don’t think he has enough clout to control STV (in terms of getting people sacked if he thinks they’ve wronged him) so maybe there isn’t one?
* I’m not having a go at anyone nor am I trying to moderate but I don’t think it can be said for certain that it’s TS son who was the victim - I thought all victims of sexual crimes were given anonymity even in court documents that are recorded? Apologies if I’m wrong about that, but what if it isn’t him? Or what if he is a victim and he doesn’t feel like he can tell his truth yet? There’s every chance it is - if you’re capable of abusing children then a lot of people won’t think twice about abusing their own kids. Or it could be a friend of his children? But it feels a bit different speculating on that rather than the stuff about PS directly.
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VIP Member
How can they not address it in the headline section ?! 🤪
By dragging out every aspect of Eurovision for 15 mins ! Giles has worn a wacky jumper to help. Then they will move on.
*Holly‘s eyes are straight ahead or on her script, she can’t look at him!
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The end is nigh! He always gave me the creeps, he’s got that air of ‘I'm untouchable’ just like saville did. Holly is complicit in it, no way she didn’t know. Bring back Eamon, Ruth and Rylan!
I agree - I’ve always thought he was a slimey little shitbag and HW is as hard faced and ruthless as they come (hidden behind the giggly, blonde girl-next-door facade).

Pair of them are an utter disgrace and make me sick to my stomach 🤬
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Max Clifford
Max was the absolute epitome of the fetid, toxic relationship between television, print media, and various ne'er do wells masquerading as 'celebrities'. I honestly don't think certain sections of the meeja have moved-on. In some ways, because people are moving away from traditional forms of entertainment, it's gotten worse as corporations desperately fight for an audience and in-turn advertising revenue for their shareholders. I think of hideous characters like Russell Brand as a post-Clifford example of someone I wouldn't trust as far as I could throw yet was feted by television companies, Chris Evans is another one; a man who enjoyed flashing female members of the crew ... but he made money, so it was all 'just a laugh'.

And here we are again. Same old shit. As long as the money is coming in we'll just carry-on. Fuck off ITV.
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Oh wow they’ve got Alan on the piano again playing a medley - and he just sang ‘you’ve got a friend in me’ 🫣 😂 ‘beauty and the beast’ and now ‘at last I see the light’ ahaha I’m done.
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A couple of people on here yesterday said they 'knew for a fact' and 'had it on good authority' that some sort of expose would be run in the sunday papers about philth......of course it was all bullshit. They were either down right lying or their 'sources' don't know shit.

Thanks for the dig. My post said PH would be on front page news on one or more of the papers. I said I wasn’t sure if it would be a big expose as I wasn’t party to the story being released. I did say that the pressure would still be on them and I hoped the house of cards would be falling down. So I wasn’t bullshitting and my ‘source’ was still well informed.

This is why a lot of people don’t bother sharing their ‘tea’. Getting accused of bullshitting and lying on a gossip forum.

In other news I’m raging I won’t be able to see TM live tomorrow. My blundering partner knocked the signal out of the satellite today. Idiot 😂😩🙄
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Chatty Member
She looks like his hostage. And he looks like he's on day release from the asylum.

He keeps looking at her and she's doing her best to look the other way.
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Chatty Member
Ooh the irony that there now discussing sex education and sex under the legal age of consent!
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I never watch TM but I'm working from home tomorrow and may relocate myself to the sofa for a bit to see what happens.

I've never posted in these threads but the MM story during lockdown brought me here and it's my favourite place!
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I think Philth and his representatives have dug their heels in and ITV Daytime don't know what to do. It's patently absurd to have them both presenting tomorrow. And as far as I am concerned anyone who appears on the show with them is complicit in any cover-up. Matthew 'creepy' Wright being top of the list.
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Sounds like Teflon Phil obviously has some serious dirt on Willoughby and isn’t afraid to use it if she doesn’t comply….
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