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Does anyone remember this twat's 24 hour takeover of ITV for Text Santa? He was on every show, done the weather, done the continuity announcements between programmes. They said it was for charity but just came across as a vanity project for Philth.
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Chatty Member

I vaguely recall this. PS trying to be edgy, perhaps to deflect?
Yes that was the turning point for me. When he thought he was bigger than the show and untouchable. It was gutter journalism and no matter what you think of the PM at the time, David Cameron did not deserve that.

He should've been made to apologise there and then. Instead poor Ruth the very next day did so on his behalf.

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I am kind of hoping that Phil is leaving in the summer and Rylan is the taking the job and that’s why he left It Takes Two.
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It hasn’t
Great piece, I think Scrotefield is circling the drain, he's made too many enemies on his way up and he'll meet them all on his way down. Odious little man, I wonder what he has on Frizell 🤔
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Rockin' Robin

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Dan still going for it - copied below so the DM don’t get clicks

It is a good article, I mostly agree with what he said - except about Alsion and Holly being beloved presenters. He seems to be sucking up to Holly Willoughby.
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Something has changed. Wootton and Co. are allowed to talk like that about him, is he not being protected anymore.
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Agree with this. I used to watch it and enjoy when Richard and Judy, then Eamonn and Ruth presented, but now can't bear to watch it. Caught sight of today's duo, my god, what has Josie done to her face! She was laughing yet her face didn't move

Many are saying the format is dated, which I agree with, but I still think there's a place for it.

Above all else, it needs to be presented by journalists. Richard and Judy, Fern, and Eammon and Ruth are all the best presenters the show has had, and they're all journalists.

I don't know what direction the show needs to go in but it should be light current affairs while still being slightly entertaining.

I would watch someone having a serious conversation about something they've been through.

But the current show would rather us watch that elderly woman they kept having on who is clearly being used by her much younger boyfriend. Because apparently it's funny when she talks about having sex, despite the fact she's clearly not mentally well.

The show needs a complete overhaul. Get a new Denise Robertson, some new chefs, some new talking heads and new presenters. Erase all traces of P&H, Alison, Dermot etc.

I would love for Fern to come back with her own show. I'm sure she could present it herself.
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I can't believe how brazen Phil is. Thinks that if he just ignores it for long enough the fuss will all die down. How dare us little people have a say, eh. There are too many people saying that he is a) a beast and b) a cunt for it not to be true. We need to keep the pressure up on ITV.

I suspect Holly "has shingles" until she sees how Phil's return goes.
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Rockin' Robin

VIP Member
Well all I can say is ITV must be a great company to work for, they seem to enable all sorts of abhorrent behaviour.
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If he goes it will because he has been pushed to resign not sacked. There is no way filith wouldn't put a spin on leaving. He's probably going to cite mental health or some sort of breakdown
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I think Holly should go too. Let her continue with her Poundshop Gywneth Paltrow website and whatever shite tv format she comes up with her husband. She has outstayed her welcome too. She has been all over Schofield over the years. She isn’t to blame for his misdemeanours but she is too closely aligned.

They should have a pool of presenters - Alison, Ruth, Rylan, Josie and another guy, perhaps Ben Shepherd.
Pound shop Gwyneth Paltrow website! THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS! 😂😂😂😂😂
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House of Tea

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All the people complicit in keeping this type of story compressed should be ashamed of themselves. That legal company on a retainer to pay off MM and bat away away any bad talk about their client (epic fail there) - on what basis are they earning their corn? Do they think they are defending the reputation of an older gay man with a much younger partner, or are they deflecting away from the criminal act of having a relationship with a minor? They will know the age of MM from whatever he was prepared to spill, so who are these people who are complicit in this moral and criminal activity? Do they not have kids, morals etc
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I’m very surprised Piers M hasn’t commented on all this, he always loves the drama and giving his opinion especially when he thinks people should be sacked…….oh yeah he’s one of his buddies that commended his coming out bravery! I often think about the staging of Ruth & Eamon having to sit holding PS hand on that day…I bet Eamon was furious he had to do that! Again most likely forced by the top dogs
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Dotty Merton

VIP Member
Thread title was meant to say - I didn’t catch whose suggestion it was before battery died but well done, the nation applauds you 👍

Philip Schofield #22 - £30k a week to save his reputation wasted cos Philth's secrets known by entire nation
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House of Tea

VIP Member
I couldn’t watch the latest GB news clip. Kim Woodburn is entertaining, OTT but batshit. She is right about ITV and secrets etc but her maniac delivery is off putting - it makes any truth she says look just like Kim being battleaxe Kim. The other woman is thirsty for attention. She didn’t even come close to winning the Apprentice. Can often be seen in desperado “papped” photo shoots
she doesn’t like or dislike PS, she was there because they couldn’t find anyone desperate enough to align themselves with PS. She just wanted the exposure, however tawdry. Plus Dan Wooten- I would like to know how he got his break in tv. He is wooden, with a mono drone, but at some point someone in ITV decided he was a great fit for the Lorraine show. Great he is plugging away - but his beef is personal with PS, not a moral crusade.

Whoever has the means and motives to end PS grip on tv as my applause but some of the protagonists are unpleasant and dodgy themselves.
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