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Sorry if this has already been mentioned but Katie Hopkins is openly talking about everything on tik tok. I don't like her and she's not hugely relevant but its getting the truth out to at least a certain audience
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Agree with this. I used to watch it and enjoy when Richard and Judy, then Eamonn and Ruth presented, but now can't bear to watch it. Caught sight of today's duo, my god, what has Josie done to her face! She was laughing yet her face didn't move
I enjoyed it when Richard and Judy were on. On the Paul O’Grady tribute that was on the other day, there was a clip of Lily Savage, Richard and Judy and a chef, all stood on the Albert Dock. It did make me feel nostalgic for what used to be an entertaining show. Phil ruined it with his angry face.
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Mrs brighside

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Going off thread slightly, does anyone remember the guy who played Kevin Webster going to court for child abuse? He was cleared, but it was always thought it was his own child he abused
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very convenient by Holly!

as a side note I bet Eamonn completely refused to read that apology out, Ruth prob reluctantly agreed
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Rylan standing down from that dancing programme on the BBC..... going onto ITV this morning as permanent presenter? ........
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Does he like young lads too?
There's been a bit of an outcry in the past because of how he is with his son.

He sits him on his knee between his legs and kisses him on the back of the neck.

The problem is the son is a teenager.
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If he leaves that's it. His TV career would be over. Not because of scandal but because producers think he is yesterday's man. The BBC won't have him. And YMU's influence on ITV is waning. ITV had a nasty wake up call when Ant went to rehab and realised all their entertainment shows were hosted by people in the same management company. They don't want to make the same mistake nor put their eggs in one basket (Simon Cowell talent shows).

Pip is digging in. Until something big happens (someone breaking the ranks, Holly quitting) then he won't quit. Sorry but Wootton only talking about it doesn't cut it any longer.

I get the impression if he goes he will drag the whole ship down with him. If you work that long in the business you know where the dead bodies are buried and skeletons in the closet. Really hope This Morning crew sit tight because it won't be pretty.
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Can’t believe ITV have let him back on our screens after it was proven in court he’s a Nonce enabler at best. In fact, scratch that, it’s totally believable going by ITV’s track record.

Very convenient Holly is off with shingles just as he’s about to waltz back onto our screens like nothing’s happened these past few weeks. Someone I know contracted shingles a few years ago and was off work for nearly 6 weeks (and even by the time they returned to work they still hadn’t fully recovered) so she’s either incredibly optimistic by planning on being back in the studio before the week’s out or she’s lying and she’s wanting to see the audience reaction to Philth coming back so can determine whether it will be detrimental to her career if she continues to present alongside him.
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Not sure if this has already been posted... Ann Widdecombe's article in the Daily Express

"Phillip Schofield criticised for public disownment of convicted brother
I do not admire Phillip Schofield for stating so publicly that he no longer has a brother, following the latter’s conviction for sex offences.
He should have instead acknowledged that the law has taken its course and asked for privacy to come to terms with a profoundly difficult situation.
I well know, as a former prisons minister, that one of the most important factors in preventing future offending is family support and that those who have regular family visits stand a better chance of settling down when they leave, which in turn means of course potential victims stand a better chance of not becoming victims.
In addition to family support, a job and a home on release help.
It is hard to see how Phillip can now visit his brother, given what he has said, so I can hope only that somebody will.
I also know that those who feel abandoned by family and alone are the most likely to take their lives in prison.
No matter what convicts have done, if they are not in for life then it is in all our interests that they leave the gates with at least a chance of leading decent lives thereafter."
I missed the conversation on the last thread about the GB News panel all saying they would never turn their back on a family member. I’ve popped a bit of my post under a spoiler in case anyone wants to skip by it (thank you everyone for your honesty in the last thread ❤)

I think out of everything I know about Schofield, not visiting a convicted paedophile in jail is the least problematic but I think that be because my abuser was my brother and we are now completely estranged which is the way it has to be. Now I don’t think of him as my brother. It happened 30 years ago and whilst I’ve dealt with it sufficiently that it doesn’t consume my life, I sometimes wonder how I would have been as a person if that hadn’t happened.

I think Schofield’s statement was self-serving and deliberately written to try and impress people. “I no longer have a brother” - aren’t I such a morally upstanding man? No Philth, you’re really not and more and more people are seeing through that. I’m glad the topic was brought back on track, I think the fact there have been threads here for three years is excellent because it will really help anyone on the fence who chances upon them. Whereas if someone doesn’t believe it and comes here to see pages of chat on a completely different topic, they might be inclined to think “well he can’t be that bad, they’re not even talking about him”

I was not surprised in the slightest to see he was back on today, with his little pet Rochelle who obviously fits his strict criteria for a co-star. He must have a watertight contract because it’s really, really bad he’s back. I didn’t see it and haven’t caught up on the thread but I bet he was smug as anything. Truly sickening
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I’ll just sit patiently and wait. I’ve really lost respect for Vanessa and Alison over this. I can’t include Holly as I’ve never rated her anyway. All I can think of is that it must be a mega story and that when it all does come out it will bring down many people not just PS.

Just like Jimmy Saville, so many people will know and be tangled up in the mess. I won’t be surprised if there is an enquiry and there will be many victims.

I can beat myself up for making an error or doing something wrong. But can you imagine being inside his head?
Never rated Rochelle much but I wish she would grow a backbone and realise Pip is using her. The way he undermined her while St Holly was in Australia filming IAC was disgusting.

Wootton et al (deplorable they are) are doing a grand job keeping this in the public eye. Now Nadine Dorries has waded in who's to say other papers and broadcasters won't pick this story up and run with it? Amanda Platell will have loads to say if she's on Wootton's show tonight.
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House of Tea

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Yeah, more measured people need to come forward. Kim Woodburn, Jim Davidson, Hopkins and even Wooten himself - they are not taken seriously, the latter because it’s every day, it looks like a bully. It needs Fern B, Amanda H or Ruth, Dr Raj or Rylan to do a very dispassionate expose of why working with Phillip was unpalatable to them. That would really signal something. I can see why they don’t though. It could be career damaging for them because he seems to have an in with the higher echelons. I wonder if he is a Freemason?
Also it’s Paul O’Grady’s funeral today and it will be featuring a guard of honour of dogs from Battersea 😢
Still can’t compute he has died. I hope the Z listers like Cundy don’t turn up for the photo op.
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New article in the DM that speculates if Holly is coming back to TM:

the media keeping Philth in the headlines at all costs in an indirect way! piling the pressure keep it going we're here for it!
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the thing is we know that there are people employed by this morning to monitor their social media pages and I'm sure they have to come up with reports to feedback what the public are saying - whether it's that the public resonated positively a story they covered or that whatever chef was on was received badly etc etc. imagine how awkward it must be for whoever has his job to report to their superior "everyone keeps calling Phil a ponce/pweirdo" lolllllll

‘So, Susan, what’s the temperature on our social media today?’
‘Well David unfortunately the vast majority of tweets and responses to This Morning posts are still calling Phil a pedalo and a n.’

So then what happens…. That gets fed up the chain…. The bosses panic but ultimately decide that the old grannies who don’t read social media and think Phil is a jolly old soul make up enough of the viewing figures to ignore the social media anger.

But also Holly has AvoidPhil-itis and they don’t know if she will return unless he goes and takes his shady groomy ways with him…

I’d LOVE to be a fly on the wall at ITV right now!!!!!
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Rylan absolutely cracks me up, he's hilarious. Such an infectious personality, really keeping my fingers crossed he is the replacement!!
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