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Kim Mild

VIP Member
A test is available for fsh , high levels can indicate being menopausal. I think this is the one that's not recommended as the levels can fluctuate so so much. Maybe that's what people mean when they refer to tests
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Hey, I'm new to this thread (didn't know it existed until now) and your comment immediately caught my eye as I'm in the exact same situation. I've been asking for help with peri for two years, I'm 45 in august so to get HRT needed bloods to be within their range of whatever they seem appropriate to prescribe it. Unfortunately every time they came back normal, despite my periods becoming lighter, further apart, and only lasting a day or two. That wasn't the issue tho, it was the horrific PMT (in which I became a horrible person, couldn't control my emotions and wanted to not be here any more and thought about how to achieve that), the cramps which felt like my uterus was being ripped out, the low mood and self loathing. I began having hot flushes around Christmas, but tried to manage it.

This past couple of weeks I began having really bad night sweats, unable to sleep, alternating between boiling alive, then shivering cold, and the internal sense of dread and feeling of panic was horrible. It wasn't just during night I was suffering these uncontrollable symptoms during daytime. So I thought it might be a UTI (I have issues in that area, I get them a lot) but they usually don't make me feel that bad unless it had spread to my kidneys, and even then this just felt different. So I went to GP, they checked my wee ect and said yes, it's a UTI and sent me on my way. Two days later (Thursday) I felt exactly the same and was freaking out, so I called and they told me to go back round with them thinking I had a kidney infection (which I very well could to be fair but I usually have a lot more pain, but I've read silent infections are a thing) anyway reason I'm explaining all this is because on Thursday I'd had enough. I was thinking it could be menopause symptoms, and that if this was how I was going to feel for the next however many years then that was just not happening. So I wrote down every symptom, and all the info regarding HRT, which one I wanted, and I was not leaving the surgery without it. The GP I seen was the same one who refused to give me HRT around six months ago so I was ready for a fight. By the time I was called into the room I was dripping in sweat, fanning myself with the paper I'd written everything on. I told him that whilst I very well could (and according to the dip test of my wee) still had an infection this was not the reason I felt so bad. I believe my hormones must be on the floor and the infection tipped me over the edge. I said I wanted HRT, had been ready to have an appointment booked for the day I turned 45 but if I was made to wait until then for help I very much wouldn't like to think where I'd be mentally by then. He, the GP, could tell I was serious and had had enough. I was going to ask to speak to the practice manager if he said no. Much to my suprise he agreed to prescribe HRT, but not until I finish the antibiotics this week, which I understand, just to check the symptoms weren't being caused solely by that (they weren't, I'd had them running up to that point for years, but they rapidly increased to beyond tolerable in the course if a couple of days).

Another thing I have had for a couple of years is migraines, which another GP told me were hormonal. I've not had one in months but from Friday last week, up until Thursday I felt like my head was being crushed in a vice, on top of everything else. I've researched it extensively and they are very much a symptom of peri, and menopause.

Sorry for the long post but I wanted you to know you are not alone, I have very similar symptoms to you. It's bloody awful isn't it? I've not read any further in the thread to see if you got help but yours was the first post I saw here and I couldn't believe the similarities. It's absolutely ridiculous women are having to practically beg for treatment, it makes me so sodding angry. I'm not sure if you've heard of her but there's a gynecologist called Louise Newsom (that's not her last name, my brain is fried, it's something along those lines) who is an incredible advocate for women, and also offers private treatment (and has a payment plan to help those who may not be able to pay the whole cost at once, I was ready to book a consultation if my GP still refused to help me).

I really hope you got help, we get fobbed off with absolutely any excuse, blaming everything else rather than believing that we know our own bodies and wouldn't be asking for something unless we actually needed it. My heart goes out to you, fingers crossed your appointment went well 💜

I had no idea about this, good to know. Whilst I do believe she has done great work raising awareness I will be mindful of this info in future.
Sorry you went through all of this but thanks for sharing. I hope the HRT makes a quick improvement for you.
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Does anyone know if doctors have guidance to prescribe HRT if a certain number of those checklist symptoms are in place or is it an individual decision each time?
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Kim Mild

VIP Member
I looked at the first page of the request treatment and she didn’t come up but you’d need to go through the lot to find out I guess. You don’t have to be 50 to get hrt from a doctor though.
I know , but I bet I'd have bother getting someone to prescribe it.
I've had a quick look through that , it wants a blood pressure reading and the address of my gp because they have to notify them , apparently.
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Oh I’m so sorry to hear you are going through that. My GP basically didn’t want to know while I was still 39. I finally got referred after I was 40 and still reporting symptoms.

My advice would be keep a thorough record of everything you are experiencing, including moods and your eating issues. Take it to your GP and flat out ask to be referred to a Gynaecologist who can take it further for you.

I was prescribed HRT (evorel patches and utrogestan tablets) there and then after seeing a Gynaecologist just a month ago and listing my symptoms and reeling off my last 10-12 months of cycles (regular but prolonged periods). I didn’t want the coil either and it wasn’t an issue.

I’d say perhaps reach out about your eating patterns too as it seems to be distressing you a bit. Try and think of perimenopause as a really important time to listen to your body and what it needs; things are changing and we’re going have to roll with it!

Good luck and check in here for help any time!
Thanks so much. I have another appointment booked for the GP again next week. I booked it ages ago as it’s so hard to get appointments which is my other worry - if I do get HRT and it doesn’t work, I would have to wait 4 weeks at least to be able to see her to discuss it. It’s a nightmare.
I will mention everything and see what she says. I will also ask to be referred and hope she can do that for me.
Did the HRT help you? Have you noticed any weight gain (don’t answer if that’s inappropriate for me to ask, I hope you don’t mind)?
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I’m 41 and have the worst itchy skin, it’s like prickles and really spotty. It’s worst on my arms and legs. My face is occasionally dry, odd spots but have a good skincare routine so always settles quickly but nothing seems to help my body. Taking antihistamines for hay fever and these help for a short time but once it’s worn off I’m literally tearing my skin. Any advice? I have Epsom salt baths and a shower gel. Also use Tropic original body pebble. Various other moans about symptoms but this is the worst as I can’t get prolonged relief 😭
I had friends who went on HRT and it stopped for them.
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Chatty Member
Do you mind me asking your age?

I’m 40 and still having monthly periods. They are painful and prolonged. The first gynaecologist appointment I had (at Guys Hospital in London) they prescribed exactly what I asked for on the spot and I started that day. You deserve the same if that’s what you want. Ask for a referral to a gynaecologist and don’t give up! Good luck. 🤍
I’m 44. My periods have gone really erratic. I’ll miss one occasionally then have a normal actually quite good one, then I’ll have a horrendous one where I’m changing every 20 minutes with massive clots or I’ll have a fine 3 day bleed.

I was referred to a gyne last year and after all sorts of tests……blood, smears, ultrasound and internal cameras he decided that he wasn’t worried and left me with an open appointment. That appointment closed about 3 weeks before I tried to call him.

My mum was a few years younger than me when she experienced exactly what I am and had to have a hysterectomy and hrt etc.

I’ve been re referred to the gynaecologist but it’s a long waiting list
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I am happy to come across this thread. 31YO, think I am going through perimenopause.
Had numerous blood tests, ultrasound, vaginal scans, GYNO appointments which were pointless! currently waiting on another GYNO appointment because my doctor was not sure if I had PCOS because I said I did not have facial hair rapid regrowth. I can not do anything without being out of breath and the hot sweats are just something else. I am waking up in the night and my hair is soaked!! Brain fog, no sex drive. Periods are up and down had about 4 periods since November 2022 and yet still no further forward! Has anyone got any natural remedies? I cant keep going on like this it is making me so depressed. I have tried primrose oil but these just make me so constipated! The NHS in Scotland is a shambles and I can not for the life of me get another doctors appointment!
I’m not sure about Scotland but I think you can get hrt through the big chemists.
Here you go:
You’ll pay more than the normal prescription charge obviously but you could see if it helps.
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Question for you ladies, when I hear of people, women I suppose, having "bloods done/bloods checked" what exactly are they getting checked?

I know you can't diagnose peri or menopause by a blood test so is it to check cholesterol or what?

Thanks in advance.
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Thanks all

. I’ve been here before but with complete insomnia and not getting to sleep at all but this is different.

To be honest i probably only have two caffeine instant coffees in a morning well before 11ish then two decaf afternoon and then it’s always fine and hasnt affected me. I drink lots of water the rest of the time.

I’m not having issues falling asleep it’s the 2/3am wake up. I have ordered some antihistamines Chlorphenomine. It’s made me drowsy before so worth a try and i’ll check out the 5htp to when i’ve finished work. At this point i’ll try anything! I’m not sure on melatonin and it’s supposed to help you go to sleep not stay asleep… may be an option though if other things don’t work!

Luckily i’m not on any other prescribed medication currently for any interaction worries. Will check with the supplements though
I use a magnesium bar from Lush. I just rub it into my chest and shoulders and have found a difference.
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I am on evorel conti and noticed a difference within a month.
The only side effects is I bled for two weeks the first month and then another bleed 10 days later but the benefits outweighed the bleed.
My energy still isn't where I was but I can see improvements.
My brain fog and anxiety have improved a lot. My moods are more stable, I was never angry but things that wouldn't usually bother me were starting to.

Hope you find they work. I would say give it three months then assess.
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Yes, my hips are sore, knees and just can't relax my legs. I sit for a bit then I'm stiff when I get up.

I went to London yesterday and the pain was horrendous. Struggled with steps mostly and there were loads. Leg pain is almost constant. The stiffness too. Do you find any painkillers help?
I'd say they cut it by about 25% but it's still there and it doesn't seem to get to the root of the problem in that the stiffness is still there. I'd say it feels and looks like I have false legs and feet. I tried Horse Chestnut tablets as that's supposed to help with 'healthy leg circulation' but it did nothing.


VIP Member
I'm currently taking evening primrose oil, Vitamin D, a multivitamin and an iron/vitamin b12/folic acid tablet. I think I feel on a much more even keel emotionally and the iron has definitely helped with my energy levels. My sleep can still be poor though and I have to travel lots for work into Europe and I find that when I'm tired the brain fog and lack of motivation is dreadful.
I take magnesium for sleep, but don’t think it’s working, as it takes me ages to get to sleep and seem to be wakening up at the same time every night now


Chatty Member
Question for you ladies, when I hear of people, women I suppose, having "bloods done/bloods checked" what exactly are they getting checked?

I know you can't diagnose peri or menopause by a blood test so is it to check cholesterol or what?

Thanks in advance.
It can mean any number of loads of things (and there are SO many) you just have to go by context and make a best guess or ask them


Chatty Member
Sorry if this has been mentioned before. Anyone tried Testosterone? I'm am nearly 2 years using HRT, full dosage and still don't feel like me. Still got brain fog, no motivation, fatigue and despite eating healthy I'm putting on weight around my stomach.
I haven’t yet but I would/will. Is there a reason you haven’t? It was suggested to me but I think we were waiting to see how the Evorel/utrogestan were tolerated first.

Kim Mild

VIP Member
When I had the mirena I spotted all the time. Was worse than having normal periods because at least they didn’t last as long even though they were heavier! Plus with just spotting I couldn’t wear a tampon and I hate towels so that was a pain.

Mine coil came out and I didn’t want another. My periods aren’t as heavy now thank god but my cycle is still all over the place.
I seem to be spotting most days as it is. I'm wondering if some of my irritation is caused by wearing pads so frequently.
GP offered me hrt yesterday as my moods, mainly anxiety, are through the roof. I’ll try anything at this point but I am a bit nervous about trying it. Has anyone tried it?

*edited to add my periods last 1/2 days (used to be 5) so my moods aren’t the only reason she suggested HRT
My doctor has said I can have it too but I've not as yet. I've the coil in too. What form have you been offered?