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VIP Member
Does she ever โ€œgiftโ€ anything to anyone else ??
Very occasionally she will post that she's donated sone stuff to a charity or refuge (remember when she was pregnant and wanted a medal because she put some baby stuff into a basket and wrapped cellophane round it?) but my guess would be she cherry picks the stuff she wants to keep and then makes a big deal of gifting the stuff she doesn't so her followers can tell her how amazing and selfless she is.
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VIP Member
Oh Jeez! I used to be a massive fan of knee deep but she's really let herself go and is going for cheap laughs! How degrading for her and her family.
She's another one that bangs in about 'be kind' yet if anyone sends a message disagreeing with her, they get a tirade of abuse. Nasty woman who seems to have some sort of obsession with R. Why is it these days it all seems ro be about who can look the roughest, have the most belly rolls, be the shittest parent etc? None of us are perfect but it all seems so fake and desperate.
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And of course she has to post it to ahow everyone how every man alive fancies her :sick: . I'm sure her and J think they are Devon's answer to posh&becks ๐Ÿ™„.
I think more like dumb and dumber, in fact now I think about it they are the spitting image๐Ÿ˜‚
Definitely D&D with their dress sense. ๐Ÿคฃ

R actually said on one of her posts that so many women are jealous of her landing a hunk like him and that so many of her friends fancy him. Um NO! NO! I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder and all that but NO!
Beauty is in the eye of the beer-holder with that one. ๐Ÿ˜ฌ
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How long as she known KDIL? Haven't they only met once at her baby shower? Why would her dad then be messaging R? Is that not a bit odd that your dad's messaging your mate ALL the time?

Does anyone know the story with her real dad?
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Active member
How does she get away with preaching to the masses about kindness, then watches her "crew" rip people to pieces on her comments ? Hypocritical and disgusting person
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VIP Member
not posted here before but this thread is making my mat leave a lot more interesting! I was a fan of ptwm, when she posted about her 'pre natal depression', I related and messaged her privately to say I was going to have an honest chat with my midwife as I felt every thing she posted. she replied with an auto message and link to "donate to help our warriors. feel embarrassed now I realise it was a team of admin reading and replying!
Welcome โค That is disgusting that you felt brave enough to open up and she replies with basically a begging message! These are the messages she should be spending her time in not the helping small business by advertising their free shit gifted to her. Oh and she always has time to read and post the arse licking sucking up messages.
I wish her sheep would wake up to the fact she doesn't care about them. All she cares about is herself and her bank account.
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Who unearth treats their best friend so badly that she has her come to her house to build her kids Christmas toys on Christmas Eve when this friend has children of her own ?!
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Chatty Member
Can I just say making pancakes can be difficult ๐Ÿ˜‚ I can cook and still not get the right consistency for the pancake mix ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚ but saying that -
Sheโ€™s just a wanker
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Well-known member
That's awful, shows how self involved she really is! Don't be embarrassed, it's her that should be completely ashamed of herself for treating her followers that way. Hope you did talk to your midwife tho and that you're doing better now โค
I am thanks!
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VIP Member
Why write that passive aggressive post? Why not just apologise for not messaging that person and then actually message that person? Took longer to write that post than to message the person directly so why didnt she? Oh yes because as usual its poor me and because she IS rude. And childish.... oooh its not my fault... look at how busy I am...not to busy to spend the Paypal money on yourself though.
Too busy to do a food shop to feed her kids, but manages to find time to get her lashes done ๐Ÿ™„
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Well-known member
Work from home ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚
She makes a mockery out of people who really do have to work from home. By a desk. Being dedicated to their work, having to find childcare.

Sheโ€™s had a lie in and enjoyed a beautiful moment breastfeeding, a lovely breakfast cooked for her and her husband is cleaning. Thatโ€™s not the reality of working from home.
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VIP Member
"Saving the world" :ROFLMAO: And it was 132 unopened messages. Nice to see the "admin" paid for by the PayPal are doing their job :rolleyes:
Save the world?? She canโ€™t even save herself, she needs somebody else to take care of her. She really does have a high opinion of herself, doesnโ€™t she? Bore off Rach ๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿป
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Pathetic how she made out that Josh is sat at his desk drinking coffee. The other day, when it suited her, he had a โ€œdemanding careerโ€, this morning sheโ€™s taking the piss out of said career because she clearly has it harder than him. Yeah right.
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Well-known member
I wish we could reach out to her followers and get them to see what a fraud this woman is. I feel so sorry for her children.

Instead of posting personal details and photos of B, she should be spending time with her and reassuring her. Encouragement. Meet with her personal tutor at school and discuss a revision plan. Donโ€™t say that you donโ€™t care about GCSEs when education is something that girls and women are fortunate to enjoy in Britain. Itโ€™s a privilege.

Ohhhh the more of these long winded, full-of-lies posts she write the more I despise her. And before any of her admin team come on here and ask why do I care; I donโ€™t care about R. But I do fucking care about the damage sheโ€™s causing her children (by her own admission have struggled with anxiety). And I seriously care about the women who read her posts and hope for better days.
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