Part Time Working Mummy #12

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I'm really uncomfortable with the way some posters are being thrown under the bus on the sole speculation of other Tattle users and everyone is joining in.

What we post here is mostly conjecture. Even your theories about other posters.

People are free to have their doubts but I dont feel bringing these to the boards is actually being helpful. It just means this thread decends into paranoia and nastiness. Which rather plays into R's version of tattle.
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Noone is being thrown under the bus. We are still waiting for Empen and Qwerty to inform of us of the outcome of their hardwork behind the scenes here.
Reactions: 12
Noone is being thrown under the bus. We are still waiting for Empen and Qwerty to inform of us of the outcome of their hardwork behind the scenes here.
Really? That's not how it's being phrased in the posts I've read. People talking about how they feel duped etc. People are already making up their minds without waiting.
I suggest you read Quickfyres post on the Katie Price Thread and see if you can understand why some of us might feel a tad duped.
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While I can’t speculate on what others have done, all I’ve literally done is ask where the money has gone.

I’m not an influencer or a ‘public figure’, I’m just an individual who is disgusted at the shady behaviour shown by many influencers (not just Raychayellie).

I’ve got a platform, sure, but I’m no different to any other poster here. I’ve been asking publicly where the money is and simply trying to raise awareness of what has occurred. I did speak out when the doxxing incident happened, but that wasn’t an incident exclusive to Pitwam. There were other influencers who were guilty of it too.

I’m sorry to hear you think I’m speaking out for glory or fame, I can assure you that isn’t the case (I’ve explained my stance and reasons for speaking out in a rave thread) & I’ve said time and time again answers of where the money has gone should be provided to those who have donated, not to me. But by speaking out I hoped to stop others being duped by this influencer & to raise awareness of the situation

I understand people are cynical, influencers have made us all cynical I think. But no, I’m not asking for anything except answers (like most of us here) as to where the donations have disappeared to.

The question still stands and I think Raychayellie needs to be held accountable for her actions.

Where IS the money?
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I suggest you read Quickfyres post on the Katie Price Thread and see if you can understand why some of us might feel a tad duped.
I have read the quoted post.
But that's Quickfyre but suddenly its mushroomed into being about Empen and Qwerty. And now people turning on CHL who as far as I am aware is only involved because she was happy to host Keels article in her stories. But people are itching to rip into other posters. I find that mentality uncomfortable.
And so what if you feel duped. It's the internet. If Empen says shes doing some thing leave that to her. Just focus on what you can do which is to try and hold R accountable.
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Anyone else listening to the Jeremy Vine show about how sodding useless Action Fraud are , essentially they don’t give two pennies.
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Yes, it is the internet, that's the point. I will continue to have my opinion and I'll comment as and how I feel fit. Thanks though.
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I still want to believe that people are who they say they are (should I change my name to NaiveNikki?!) but my only real concern is the ongoing issues ref PayPal/Safeguarding. Everything else is smoke and mirrors IMO.
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I’ve been a lurker on here since the Tattle rant and have read pretty much daily since, but something that’s just come to mind that I wanted to share...

Didn’t Quickfyre post (and then it was very quickly removed) a payslip or something to prove that she was paying so much child allowance for the boys? So although the post on the KP thread is VERY strange and makes me question, how would the payslip have been posted if it wasn’t Samantha? I think others saw it before it was removed...?
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Its only some people that feel like that. I have an open mind and Still hope Empen has the info put together and is close to sending it off.
I for one am in this for the long haul its too important not to be.
Reactions: 12
I don’t think Empen is Keels. I think Keels likes drama too much and empen is bossy but not all about the dramz like she is. Tracy Black was 100% Keels in my mind, all that drama and sympathy for a few posts so she could leave on a high then that died down so she came back and prove herself to be a stronger character.

Also, Keels slags off this “poor corner of the Internet” but was quite content raging a war and acting like the ringleader when it suited her. All for bloody attention, silly cow
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I had a quick nose at the very first few threads this morning ( the joys of being unemployed! ).

I find this post utterly peculiar and may hint at the state of someones 'thinking'.
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Agreed. And to be fair to messiah he is putting this all out there with his face on it, standing by what is on here. Like so many have said we don't know what goes on and why people do things but I don't feel he's doing anything other than saying his bit too, and its sits comdortably with me.

And to add, I hope she has a smooth birth and everything goes well. I'm sure those siblings will be wonderful with a new baby, they seem like good kids.
Reactions: 17
I quit the thread after the double wrist break incident as I no longer felt “qualified” to deal with it all tbh. The real world issues became to overshadow the PayPal stuff and it frankly gave me quite a bit of anxiety.

No idea what’s gone on with empen but I spoke to her via pm and she seemed genuine enough to me
Reactions: 6
I have my opinions on certain posters because of what I’ve seen them post on different threads about other people. They made me feel very uncomfortable. Their comments were obsessive and even stalker-esque. Last night wasn’t the first time I’ve voiced these opinions, I’ve said it numerous times but have been repeatedly shut down by said posters fans. When I moved over to this thread and noticed the same posters posting the same nonsense (oh I have a million contacts in high places, let’s all report her to whoever will listen, let’s compile a solid case against her, send me your proof, I have a very important job, I know someone high up in the police, message me in private, I know the queen etc etc etc) I realised that some of these posters aren’t in it for the truth. They’re in it for the glory and the self importance of it all.

My opinions are mine and mine only. If people want to agree then great, if they don’t... no skin off my nose. And as I said before, if I’m proven wrong then I will gladly apologise.

Can I just add, if Quickfyre really is Sam, I’m very intrigued to know why her friend came on and said Sam’s account was hacked, and it wasn’t her who wrote that message to Katie Price.

I mean come on. We know she hasn’t been hacked. But the writing style of the Katie Price post compared to everything else that ‘she’ has wrote on here is completely different. Almost like the original posts were being wrote for her, or she was being told what to say.

I find the whole thing desperately sad. She doesn’t appear to have done really anything that should stop her seeing her boys. But I suppose we may never know. Maybe R will find it in her cold icy heart to allow contact one day.
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I was directed to TL from Rebecca Lambs stories. I've not been here from the very beginning of the PTWMs threads.. We are all here questioning PTWMs motives/stories/genuineness so its only fare that people question peoples motives on TL too. (NOT implying that people have, just to he clear) We cannot shoot people down if we/any of us are questioning peoples motives/actions/genuineness on here. We can't have one rule and then emply another rule for others. I questioned someone on here and it was deleted which i completely understand because it COULD of caused an arguement even though that wasn't my intentions.

If anyone questioned me or had doubts about what i've said, I'd be okay with that. Many of us here are anonymous. I would be an absolute hipercrit if i came here questioning PTWM and not be okay with it if someone did the same to me. I have mentioned things I've been through here and it would just be human nature if anyone questioned that.
(Not trying to play the victim or after sympothy, that won't change anything). I was brought up by a single mother, i was born a year after my sister passed away. Mam then met her now ex husband who beat myself and mam up, sexually abused me amongst other things to mam. I was bullied at school and have had 3 attempts of taking my own life. Ive been in a refuge when i was 18 and turned 19 whilst i was there. I was in supported housing and surounded my DV survivors like myself but 3 out of the 5 houses were involved in drugs. I had an eating disorder because of past trauma. My eldest was born at 30 weeks prem and i nearly lost my life (pre eclampsia that turned to eclampsia). Now, from all off that, if just one person questioned that or thought 'my god, that cant be true, one person cant go through all of that'. I'd be okay with that. I know i'm telling the truth but no one else here does. If ANYONE ever lied about something or did something they know they shouldn't, they will get their karma/comupence one way or another. We are all here questioning the paypal donations AND also her shady behaviour. I was wound up after a story of Rs where she was talking about going into labour early but she was joking. I didn't take it as a joke because of my experience of having a prem baby. We ALL take offence and question different things from one another.

Sorry for rambling on (yet again.. i have a habit of getting carried away). We are human and we will questioning things at one point or another. I dont find it fare that a handful of people were banned from being mentioned on the cleaning threads because if there can be threadss questioning other instagrammers etc then its only fare that the people want to talk about can be spoken about.

Rachael, IF you are reading here and your innocent then why is there an issue of proving it? IF your scamming people (very cleverly) then ONE DAY it will ALL catch up with you. Maybe not with the PP donations but it/something will catch you out.
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