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VIP Member
I think the murder has led to the wider issue that I think Jo Cox's husband got spot on.

The best part of the last decade has got more diversive when it comes to politics. The whole 'tory scum' thing is just as bad as what Trump did. Its inflaming hatred and needs to stop and people need to be held to account.

And if people online need to be held to account, so do bloody inflencers. Their whole culture is sick and is helping feed many issues in society.
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It's just about the online harms bill

So it'll fine companies that don't act on hate speech. But it's been in progress for years. It needs to not affect free speech but protect people from harmful content online.

Wouldn't affect tattle as hateful stuff isn't allowed and memebers of the public are allowed opinions on those who broadcast their life publicly as a job but Facebook/twitter etc might need to up their content reviewers and policies as it's pretty shocking what they allow right now.
Thank God for that, there’s a lot of MPs throwing their weight against online abuse today they’ll jump on any bandwagon going maybe they’ll even name some kind of bill after David Amess this is the perfect time to push something through 🤨
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VIP Member
Copied some posts to create a thread on this just incase it warrents it's own thread.

Will be interesting to see what they define as abuse. Is commenting on an influencers lounge decor (that they choose to share to make money) on tattle abuse? Or is sending threats at someone in their timeline on social media abuse? Currently anything an influencer doesn't like they seem to say is considered abuse and hate speech by them.
I'm getting bad vibes I actually think it could come to something ,Raab even mentioned Pritti was going through the 'bill' at the present time ,what could they do ? make people show some sort of ID for SM accounts ,it would never work .
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VIP Member
The Parliamentary investigation team said that less than 15% of abusive correspondence is done via social media, the majority was done by letter or phone calls/emails.

also heard a really valid point earlier, take away the ability to be anonymous online and whistleblowers are a thing of the past, nobody is going to out the shady dealings of a corporation if they’re going to get caught 😐
Interesting statistic.

Not sure about the whistleblowing point. I think companies/corporations/government departments tend to have whistleblowing policies and procedures (which safeguard anonymity) that don't necessitate the use of social media.

Much better idea. Would also stop vulnerable people who message these people genuinely waiting for replies being able to contact people who don’t give a shit about them. Would also stop certain influencers being able to send messages to them self, screen shotting it and claiming they get sooo much abuse if that’s stopped. Loads of them do this for engagement and clout, it’s usually very obvious as they are typed very similar to how they type it and it’s word for word feedback from them scrolling on tattle
Blimey - do some really do that?
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Really! …I think this their usernames they were trawling and removing , I wonder what this new bills going to entail.
You could write a script that looked for every @handle, name, or bio or tweet that contained an array of keywords (slurs, genocides, etc) to make this list. The full research probably discloses the methodology with that list, but it’s limited by it as not everyone who is an awful account has the name hitler88lover.
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Chatty Member
Big tech absolutely loved trump and how much it boosted their platform. Banning him just as he was leaving office was so transparent. A few news stories that came out after he lost could have got him over the line (I wont debate here if they were held back on purpose) and then I doubt they'd have banned him.
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VIP Member
I just saw Raab and a lot of others are speaking out against abuse on SM after a number of MPs have claimed they've suffered abuse and trolling online I wonder how far reaching it could be .

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VIP Member
His murder was horrific,

but I’m finding it hard to see how a man, previously flagged to police, who stabbed a politician multiple times, When they believe it has a potential link to Islamist extremism, has anything to do with online abuse….

security yes, let could even understand people questioning who they “let into the country”

but online abuse?! Seems to me like they’re using this to push an agenda they’ve been trying to push for a while now 😐
That’s exactly what I think too, everyone is jumping on it even politicians here , Arlene will have a field day this is what she’s been fighting for.
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Hmmm the Panorama seemed a light touch on the topic as usual. Ending with no real conclusion basically saying maybe the government will do something, maybe they won't. It didn't shed light on anything new. Maybe it would have been a bit more hard hitting if they'd have aired it post-watershed
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VIP Member
To be honest that's terrible reporting from the BBC. It's actual harrasment and stalking that person was doing;

Mrs Patterson was told "we have your address" and told she would "punch her in her f******* face".

In messages littered with highly racist language, Tracey was even told "You won't be waking up tomorrow".

Dawn, of Sheridan Court, Stapleford, would often send Tracey pictures of her home, telling the terrified victim that she knew when her husband had left for work and claiming to be at charity events they both attended.

Nothing to do with commentary and criticism that influencers get. They are dillusional to think negative opinions about the content they choose to share publicly as a job is anything even remotely to do with abuse, harassment or stalking.
They like to lump everyone together under the TROLL banner and don't actually focus on what's written . She sounded more of a stalker than a troll ,big difference. She was actully jailed for stalking do people see that in the same context as leaving a comment about someone ? I don't .
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VIP Member
It’s worrying how obviously narcissistic these influencers are.

someone said something to hurt your feelings and you genuinely feel the important is huge enough to take to the government?! Can we just read that again?! You, as an adult, have the capacity to read and understand and consent to being on the internet. You can make an informed decision.

worrying how many influencers are so keen to protect themselves but I’ve commented several times on the worst offenders of influencers about not featuring children till they are old enough to consent and the comment either gets deleted or ignored. Even the uokhun brigade never reply to these as none of them have an argument to defend it.

the closest I ever got to a response once was on Facebook and someone said “it’s their child they can do what they want with IT” I’m not joking. I replied and said “it? So the child is their belonging is it? Not a human with its own thoughts, feelings and Rights?” The replies swiftly disappeared so guessing the hun was hurt and blocked me
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How do they know this! are they going through peoples accounts anonymously 🤔 edit to add it’s just their usernames.
Using the Twitter API and a language like Python you can scrape data on a user’s profile or tweets v easily, Google Twitter api developer guide and it’ll show you all the fields available.
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VIP Member
Thank God for that, there’s a lot of MPs throwing their weight against online abuse today they’ll jump on any bandwagon going maybe they’ll even name some kind of bill after David Amess this is the perfect time to push something through 🤨
Could see that coming

Apparently David had vowed to fight online trolling before his death
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VIP Member
Laughable when MPs themselves are called out for sending abuse I think he was named online as the mystery politician that was arrested over coercive control last year and Priti for her bullying 🙄

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VIP Member
I wonder if there could be a way of ending online anonymity for people contacting public figures through social media rather than ending online anonymity across the board. Maybe some sort of gateway that messages to public figures (and comments in their timelines?) have to pass though?

This would allow people to comment anonymously btl on newspaper articles, in any commentary forum and in other specified situations but not allow them to contact a public figure anonymously. That would help with what is everyone's main concern - to end the vile abuse and threats of violence that women in public life, in particular, are subjected to - without curtailing freedom of expression and the use of anonymity in certain sensitive situations.
Much better idea. Would also stop vulnerable people who message these people genuinely waiting for replies being able to contact people who don’t give a shit about them. Would also stop certain influencers being able to send messages to them self, screen shotting it and claiming they get sooo much abuse if that’s stopped. Loads of them do this for engagement and clout, it’s usually very obvious as they are typed very similar to how they type it and it’s word for word feedback from them scrolling on tattle
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VIP Member
How far could they stretch the UD thing 🤔

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I don't think having to use your real identity will have as much of an impact on stopping these messages as people think.

I've seen people on LinkedIn posting super inappropriate comments and willingly airing sexist views etc and I think I've seen people mentioning getting inappropriate sexually graphic DMs as well. This is on accounts with people's real names and entire CVs on them. They just don't care because I guess they either think noone will read what they write or it doesn't matter because they can't see the people they're contacting online as real people.

Yeah it might stop the more severe elements of trolling you get on twitter etc where people start entire brigades but it wouldn't eradicate online hate messages.


VIP Member
Yep, shame on the BBC, government and influencers who do all they can to mislead.

Anything they don't like = TROLLS! regardless of it's actual harassment or people expressing an opinion on their wallpaper that they have to go out of their way to read.
With the whole trolling thing that was going on I had a look on certain Instas and I thought they were really disturbing ,it's shocking that influencers think what's written here is damaging ,they need to take a look at their " real fans" it's those people they don't want to piss off because they put them on such a high pedestol any wrong turn is a big letdown to them ,it's those people will be lying in wait and look for revenge because they take everything these influencers do personally not the like of here who couldn't care less what they do ,you do get your eyes opened reading what some of these fangirls write.


VIP Member
This is the sort of behaviour that warrants a sentence not people expressing opinions on a commentary website..(!can’t link)