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Iconic Member
His murder was horrific,

but I’m finding it hard to see how a man, previously flagged to police, who stabbed a politician multiple times, When they believe it has a potential link to Islamist extremism, has anything to do with online abuse….

security yes, i could even understand people questioning who they “let into the country”

but online abuse?! Seems to me like they’re using this to push an agenda they’ve been trying to push for a while now 😐
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I remember seeing a post on tattle, a really passionate moving post, which detailed how a poster had come to end up in a huge debt spiral, which affected their lives hugely :(

They had followed an influencer and felt they had to buy items as they were shown, in order to be using the correct products for the right things (mostly cleaning and housework items, like hoovers, window cleaners etc.,).

Many others also explained how in debt they too had become and it was a huge eye opener for me personally to realise I was also being reeled in to buy certain items because they were constantly being bombarded to me in a brainwashing way.

I think places like Tattle are crucial for those who are not "sheep" as such, following a crowd, but in fact vulnerable, sad, lonely, deflated, depressed or even just simply wanting to fit in, to be able to know they are not alone, that others can see the pitfalls ahead and can forewarn them before it becomes a major issue for their bank balance and health too.
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Chatty Member
Copied some posts to create a thread on this just incase it warrents it's own thread.

Will be interesting to see what they define as abuse. Is commenting on an influencers lounge decor (that they choose to share to make money) on tattle abuse? Or is sending threats at someone in their timeline on social media abuse? Currently anything an influencer doesn't like they seem to say is considered abuse and hate speech by them.
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If influencers had their own way we would never be able to say anything negative about them ever, thus keeping their egos inflated and whoever is gifting/paying them keeps on doing so. Also known as - having your cake and eating it.
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Chatty Member
All my friends that work in the police use a fake last name on Facebook for very sensible reasons. I think this is standard practice for many jobs where people deal with the public.
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Chatty Member
Yes it is wierd. They were combining the two today. A politician was saying there should be no anonymity online 'especially after recent events'. Like you I thought 'eh? What does that have to do with it?'
The thing is anonymity is kinda important on tattle as we're discussing those in a position of power and influence.

People in a position of power can and do shut down others will bullshit legal threats as even if they're in the wrong they can still intimidate.

The whole idea that people chatting online is something new is ridiculous. I've been using message boards for over 20 years. Tattle is very mild. There's truely dangerous and damaging ones out there.
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Chatty Member
It's pretty disgusting how they're using this tragedy for their own agenda.

I don't know much about terrorist radicalisation, but I'm sure it happens on dark web / encrypted type stuff that's near impossible to shut down.
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Chatty Member
Well that was a load of nothingness. I feel 90 second video packages in the news have covered petty much the same - rape and death threats are unacceptable and social media and gov should do more.

Everytime I see a bbc doc the quality goes down. Is the BBC and Panorama really anything to be proud of?

Was more like a video version of a quickly made tabloid article where they decide on a headline then stitch together a few things to proove the headline.
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I'm so confused at how the murder of David Amess has suddenly turned into a big discussion about online abuse. One thing has nothing to do with the other??
Agree - suspect it was largely due to Tory scum trending at the same time and people making out as if it was aimed at a recently murdered Tory MP.

Tbh the older I get the less I want to engage with twitter’s vitriol & extremities, it really truly is such a bubble that has very clear right/wrong opinions that most normal people don’t even think about. Weird place x
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Chatty Member
I do to so they are sensible! Fb is misogynistic, it’s a hateful place, I see much worse on the groups than on tattle! End of the day tattle doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t, it’s clear it is about critiquing influencer and celeb culture, good and bad. Fb tries to pretend it’s so kind and lovely and it’s full of bile
Absolutely!! Twitter is an absolute cesspit of nasty, horrible people
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Chatty Member
I'm getting bad vibes I actually think it could come to something ,Raab even mentioned Pritti was going through the 'bill' at the present time ,what could they do ? make people show some sort of ID for SM accounts ,it would never work .
It's just about the online harms bill

So it'll fine companies that don't act on hate speech. But it's been in progress for years. It needs to not affect free speech but protect people from harmful content online.

Wouldn't affect tattle as hateful stuff isn't allowed and memebers of the public are allowed opinions on those who broadcast their life publicly as a job but Facebook/twitter etc might need to up their content reviewers and policies as it's pretty shocking what they allow right now. The sooner it comes in the better. Although big tech is so much more powerful than the UK government.
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Laughable when MPs themselves are called out for sending abuse I think he was named online as the mystery politician that was arrested over coercive control last year and Priti for her bullying 🙄

Owen Jones has a nerve when he regularly starts Twitter pile-ons and sits back smugly. He and Ash Sakaar did that recently and it inevitably ended with "who, me? Don't know what you're talking about but she deserved it anyway". Hundreds of death threats were sent to that woman all because she was worried about her child transitioning.
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It's an odd thing online communities.

For example, you have little groups, Brenda, Barbara and Gladys, they love to knit, swop recipes and giggle at cheeky photo's, all silly fun in private, but then some members get twitchy fingers and before you know it, one of them is banned for life, another put in time out from posting :(

Meanwhile, there are parents who get a tug on their sleeve, a teenager child who's spotted vile comments about them, which could drive them to suicide .... reported but then you get "does not breach our guidelines" :oops: madness.

Then you get all sorts of vile photo's of harm to others and they don't get taken down, but a new Mum showing baby gets tugged because there is a small amount of boobs in the shot and oh my, we can't have those being shown doing their job now can we? :oops: again madness.
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A few years ago, fb allowed different names (annon) I had a lot of safe friends on there and enjoyed being able to talk freely with them.

They changed to having actual names and showing ID and I ended up with a person who had been a huge danger in my life finding me :cry:

I understand why annon can be an issue, trolls who abuse people in the vilest manner hiding behind a keyboard mask is one thing indeed, but for others who want to have friends, community and contact, having every milli-grain of your life available to others is also an issue.

There has to be a middle ground really.
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VIP Member
Too right. I often have to give diagnosis that can make parents react badly, they don’t want to admit their child needs extra support or has a lifelong disability. I understand it’s tough to take but they can absolutely turn violent, aggressive etc. I do not want them finding me in my safe spaces!
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Chatty Member
End of the day tattle doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t, it’s clear it is about critiquing influencer and celeb culture, good and bad. Fb tries to pretend it’s so kind and lovely and it’s full of bile
Exactly, tattle is what it is. FB and Twitter try to pretend they're something that they're not - some of the worst comments on there they say don't even break their rules. Comments that are mild in comparison on tattle get taken down quickly - often in minutes. Influencers need to tell massive lies about what's posted here.
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VIP Member
I do to so they are sensible! Fb is misogynistic, it’s a hateful place, I see much worse on the groups than on tattle! End of the day tattle doesn’t pretend to be something it isn’t, it’s clear it is about critiquing influencer and celeb culture, good and bad. Fb tries to pretend it’s so kind and lovely and it’s full of bile
It’s also monitoring your internet, phone, and personal conversations it’s mining your contacts and selling your personal data
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VIP Member
and tattle has clear rules and boundaries. Twitter and Facebook make it up as they go along depending on what's "in" at the time. They let someone like Trump run their mouth with out and out lies for years. It was only when it wasn't "in" to like him anymore that they banned him! They just care about engagement
Twitter allows porn with no age limit to who can view.
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Iconic Member
It's pretty disgusting how they're using this tragedy for their own agenda.

I don't know much about terrorist radicalisation, but I'm sure it happens on dark web / encrypted type stuff that's near impossible to shut down.
I haven’t seen any indication he was linked to any online activity/abuse/trolling and I very much doubt stripping everyone of the anonymity will be the nail in the coffin when it comes to terrorist activity.

what I find hard to understand is, they majority have rejected the suggestion of private/extra security or zoom calls with the public instead of face to face meetings, and they seem to suggest this is the answer,

but do they watch PM’s questions and see how they interact with each other 🙄

politics will always bring extreme reactions and emotions to the surface, especially from the public who are the ones dealing with the consequences, I’m not condoning it btw,

but a lot of people are too scared to say how the feel without anonymity (abuse victims for example)
Taking that away because of the actions of a few just goes too far in my opinion,

we don’t teach people how *not* to be an alcoholic by banning everyone from purchasing alcohol.
People need to learn, but not by punishment and restrictions.
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