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VIP Member
Humza said he will still go ahead and press on to court with the gender recognition bill this isn’t going to gain SNP support
He’s said he would still challenge because we can’t sit back as that would be a slippery slope. Obviously put a bit more eloquently but you get the jist. He’s 100% right on that imo.


VIP Member
Ian Blackford, former leader of the SNP in Westminster is also a member of the Free Church, but he voted for same-sex marriage and legalised abortion in Northern Island, prompting a minister of the Free Church to write him an open letter taking him to task for it.
I think that bloke who cosplays as a vicar on GB News is in the Free Chruch of England (?) Calvin ... he has some very weird ideas, was on a Canadian radio station a few weeks ago chatting with the host who is a big advocate of the Sandy Hook massacre being a hoax (I read that in Private Eye I wasn't listening). :cautious:

Caffeine Fiend

VIP Member
Its not much no but its still extra that no other party are even offering if they were to be elected.

Carers Allowance went up 35p per week this year. Im sure if you asked people which they'd rather they'd say £9 not 35p.

Im not an SNP supporter, never voted for them in my life :)


Chatty Member
The UK is now reflecting Neil Kinnock's speech of many years ago - don't be old, don't be sick, don't be in need.
yet neither him or his successors have given out the type of support for covid measures and the cost of living crisis..I was kid/teen in the 70's/80/s, there was pretty much nothing then, though tbf housing benefit was introduced for everyone over the age of 18..that was when my late mother decided she hated thatcher, because it enabled me to move out of her house and her toxic narcissism, she never forgave her for that, even though she voted for her, she was a young widow at the time of her election and went on to complete qualifications in social work (yeah prob not the best fit) She has also always hated the English, when I met, moved and married my ex, she told me about all of the relatives who would be turning in their graves, when my daughter was born south of the border, she had to change her attitude at a cost of not seeing her grandchild.

In the last couple of years, those claiming universal credit, child tax credit, pension credit and any disability have had payments of up to £3000 each (between the temp upping and subsequent lump sum payments. We are currently receiving monthly payments of £66 to help with energy costs (that is everyone not just benefit claimants) and a further £900 + a year for the previously mentioned vulnerable groups. No one in Scotland that is entitled has had a cold weather payment yet this year, as that has been devolved from the DWP to the SG, the criteria for this payment of £25 from the DWP depends on a below 0oc for 7 consecutive days, which is paid directly in your bank account within 5 days of meeting the temp criteria. SG decided that this year, the one off payment of £50 would be available for everyone in Scotland, despite what temps they had (everyone who met the above benefits criteria), was supposed to be Jan, then Feb, now prob wont be til march or later, but they will send everyone a letter to let them know when! sorry but WTAF, just pay the people the money ffs.

Nah sometimes I do understand the propensity to see only what you want to see, but it's not always helpful or productive.


VIP Member
Having a leader of a party for more than, say, 5 years? Also seems a bit unhealthy. I don't know how long Nicola has been leader, or Alex before her ... but common sense would suggest it would likely turn a bit stale and smelly. A bit like the local county-coucil where I live ... same old faces, nothing changes, nothing happens, other than county-councillours get pay-rises and give their friends/relatives lucrative contracts.
8 Years now with NS in charge. Salmond was in charge of the SNP for much longer with breaks in between and included the 1990's when they only had a handful of MPs


VIP Member
because with life changing things like discussing your countries independence and all that entails you can’t just go around having referendums because the decision wasn’t to your liking. People can change their minds of course but we voted in 2014 on the basis it was a once in a lifetime vote and we voted with the information we had there and then.
There's Democracy ... then there's too much democracy and therein lays ruin.


VIP Member
Her and the SNP have a pretty poor record of things like healthcare and education that they have control of. I wish she concentrated on helping the people of Scotland rather than this sideshow to distract from the many failings.
Why do the majority vote for SNP if they aren’t that good? Is it because a majority wants independence?


VIP Member
I think it is important to remember that there was so much hate poured on people with the opposite views on both sides that no one can say all their friends are a No or a Yes because it is quite conceivable that they would lie to keep the peace.
My own mum and her entire family were No and didn’t like that my husband and I were Yes (and my brother and his family) but we didn’t fall out over it or anything. It just caused silly arguments whenever we got together and talk of the referendum inevitably came up. We didn’t like that it was so divisive so we tried not to talk politics with them for that reason.


VIP Member
I believe the aim would be to reapply to join. One of the main points of the Better Together campaign in 2014 was that a "no" vote was the only way to guarantee Scotland's future within the EU and look how that turned out. That's partly why there has been such a push for a new referendum as this was a main promise of that campaign and things have now changed so much with Scotland being taken out of the EU that people feel they need another say.
Got ya. Think Brexit has created the same situation here but all hell will break loose if they push for it.

Bobby Chariot

VIP Member
The snp had to take Jackie Baillie's seat, she increased her wafer thin majority very well, doubt there will be an snp majority in the Scottish Parliament now.


VIP Member
Yeah I’m from near Inverness and would say most people here are strong yes voters - most young people anyway.

See in 2014, one of the farmers near me had big NO signs in his fields but they kept getting vandalised so he sprayed NO on his sheep lol. The divisiveness is real!

I think it changes the further north and west you go though, the western isles seem to be mostly no.
Ugh I hate it when people vandalise signs. I live in a Tory constituency and any time I see farmers sticking up large Tory signs I roll my eyes, but I wouldn't dream of defacing them. Everyone should get to have their say.

I actually think defacing signs repeatedly could push some people to vote for that cause, as it makes the opposition look unreasonable and intolerant.


VIP Member
It’s really interesting to see the percentage split and the changes from 2016. There’s an account on twitter - BallotBoxScot - posting all the numbers and it’s really interesting to see which parties are losing and gaining votes in which constituencies.