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VIP Member
Do women really wee in parks in broad daylight these days?? That’s such a random theory that she was having a wee and have heard it a couple of times on this thread.
I know when u have to go u have to go, but surely she would either go home early or find a public toilet
I do it on the regular. I always drink about 10 cups of tea in the morning, take the dog out for a walk at lunchtime and invariably forget to go to the loo before I run out the door 💁🏻‍♀️ We live very rural tho so it’s super quick and easy to leave a path for 30 secs and squat down for a quick wee in a bush. A little shake and a shuffle ( drip dry 🤪) and you’re good to go.

Can’t wait for you all to choose the 🤢 reaction and tell me what a disgusting human I am 😕🥳
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No in general, in my opinion it would be naive to think that its only the Met Police who are guilty of corruption I reckon all Police Forces will have some Officers hopefully in the minority who are potentially corrupt,
I experienced something awful with police about 15 years ago. I was experiencing an awful neighbour dispute and as a single young woman at the time I was feeling very distressed about it. I didn’t know what else to do so I called the police , just to “ log it” really.
I had 2 officers visit me to find out what was going on, they spent about 45 minutes at my house talking it about it etc.
The following night at 4am, I was woken by the loudest hammering and banging at my door. I was terrified.
I looked out of my upstairs window and noticed it was one of the policeman who had attended the previous day. Not in uniform… shouting “ let me in, you know you want to!” This went on for about half hour. He had walked from the local town all the way out to my cottage after his night out.
He was incredibly hideously drunk, and eventually left as I made no attempt to communicate with him.
I reported it… and shortly afterwards I was told that he had been spoken to , he was a young lad and we all make mistakes. One policeman even said that I should be flattered?!!
No further action and got to keep his job after a little warning.
It makes my skin crawl even now to know that the likes of him are still in the police .
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That poll result is erm...interesting.

Personally I can't consider any other explanation. I fully expect her to be found around in the sea/around the estuary within the coming month.

I appreciate others think differently. I just hope that her body materialises soon, not just for closure for Nicola's family, but because it will give a better chance of finding the cause of death, be it drowning/cardiac arrest/head injury, etc.
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Hopefully we get some hard facts soon because the last thread was starting to go a bit Tiger King
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Regardless of how thorough an investigation the police are doing, they’ve lost public trust by not being more open and upfront. If they are withholding information as it’s sensitive, that’s fair enough. There’s small kids involved and most of Joe public are reasonable enough to accept this. We are really getting nothing though. I hope they do have more background information than we are being led to believe.
Serious question - why should the police tell us as the general public any more than they feel is necessary while there’s an ongoing investigation?
Let’s say they do have info that is being withheld, for what reason should they be more open and upfront with us?
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Well-known member
Do you know what this thread has taught me? How little I actually know about how my phone and other devices work individually and together. My take away from this is to learn more about how to make my tech safer - what I share, knowingly and unknowingly, what I want from my set up. And to be more careful about dog walking - I walk in a group mainly, but my non-pack walks are often in the same place at the same time of day. It’s a habit, but it’s also a river walk with bushes on one side and because I ‘know’ it, I think it’s safe. I’m not being paranoid, but if this case causes us to make ourselves safer by being more aware of our surroundings and the benefits and dangers our use of tech can bring, that’s one tiny positive.
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VIP Member
Do women really wee in parks in broad daylight these days?? That’s such a random theory that she was having a wee and have heard it a couple of times on this thread.
I know when u have to go u have to go, but surely she would either go home early or find a public toilet. Sorry but grown adults going for a piss in a public park is disgusting
Public toilets in the UK are few and far between. Obviously the ideal thing to do is find a toilet or go before you leave the house, but at the end of the day sometimes people get caught short. From a health perspective it’s actually extremely unhealthy to hold urine in and can lead to infections and damage in the long term.
Also, it’s piss 🤦‍♀️ no one is suggesting she squatted down and took a great big shite lmao.
Tldr: try not to piss in the park, but if you do end up needing to one day, it’s not that deep 🤣

I do it on the regular. I always drink about 10 cups of tea in the morning, take the dog out for a walk at lunchtime and invariably forget to go to the loo before I run out the door 💁🏻‍♀️ We live very rural tho so it’s super quick and easy to leave a path for 30 secs and squat down for a quick wee in a bush. A little shake and a shuffle ( drip dry 🤪) and you’re good to go.

Can’t wait for you all to choose the 🤢 reaction and tell me what a disgusting human I am 😕🥳
I’m genuinely baffled as to how people find it totally cool for dog piss to be in the park but if a human does it, it’s suddenly vile? 😅
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Tangerine Cat

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link to thread #5:

FAQ’s and info - please read

Nicola parked at school, dropped her daughters off, and started the walk from there as usual.
Doorbell footage has been shared of her leaving home that morning.

Nicola joined a Teams call but was on mute with her camera off, which was standard for that call. Unfortunately this meant that the other participants did not see or hear anything.
The call ended at 0930 but Nicola did not disconnect from the call.

The photo of the river bank shows the drop down to the water. The police diver had to be helped out by 2 people.

Nicola’s phone, along with her dog Willow’s harness and lead, were found on or near the bench shown in top left of the photo.

There was just 23 minutes between the last sighting (0910) and the phone, harness and lead being found (0933); and just 13 minutes between the phone being at the bench (0920) and being found.

Willow was dry when found so hadn’t been in the water - this does not mean that she did or didn’t see Nicola in the water. It simply means that the dog did not go in.

Willow wasn’t wearing her harness and that was normal on a walk, it was usually removed along with the lead for that part of the walk.

They didn’t usually take a ball but it’s not certain that they didn’t on this day.

Willow was found agitated, running between the bench and gate to the section of the field by the river. This is a small area.

Nicola’s partner was at home, and has never been named as a suspect - this has always been a missing person enquiry.

Nicola’s partner has a business which is shown on Companies House as ‘compulsory strike off’ just after Nicola’s disappearance. This does not in any way suggest financial difficulties. It purely means the company was already in the process of being closed.
He is director of another company which is still trading, and he works in a skilled industry.
It is explained here

A helicopter with thermal imaging was deployed the day Nicola went missing, to search above the river.

Lancs Police are using the caravan park as their base. All empty caravans have been searched, as have local empty properties along and near to the riverbank.

Nicola’s family are keeping all possibilities open in the hope of Nicola’s safe return, which is absolutely understandable.

SGI began to assist the search efforts on Monday, with Peter Faulding giving ever-changing updates on when he expects to be able to confirm whether Nicola is or is not in the river. Unfortunately his comments are mostly contradictory and unhelpful.

A GoFundMe page was set up on Monday by a family friend with a target of £100,000. This was quickly changed after social media unrest to £50,000, then £5,000. Shortly after, the page was closed before it raised even £500, and the friend posted on Facebook to state that the family didn’t initially know she was doing it, and she was just trying to help.

Lancs Police gave an update via press conference on Tuesday, confirming that they are still focussing huge resource on the search effort and asking the general public to avoid doing anything to make this any more difficult.

The police have continuously stated that the most likely situation is that Nicola has sadly somehow entered the water, but they remain open to all possibilities and fully investigate all information they receive. There are 40 detectives working on the case.

2 exits from the walking route are not covered by CCTV - the caravan park (camera not working) and the A road. Police are working to contact all drivers to obtain dashcam footage where possible on the A road but there were around 700 drivers to contact.

On Wednesday evening just hours after Lancashire Police asked people not to go searching properties, a live TikTok video was streamed of a user called DanDuffy trying to search the house commonly called 'the abandoned house' which is in fact being renovated.


Please be mindful of Nicola’s family with any comments made ❤

Lancs Live timeline and further information
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Chatty Member
The mudslinging at the caravan lady and her DIL (who raised the alarm in the first place) makes me understand the bystander effect.
If I see a lost dog and a mobile phone I'm walking the fuck by.
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I'm really horrified by how so many random people are inserting themselves into this, going to the village, and the armchair detectives/psychics posting on social media, all getting their 15 minutes of "fame". It's vile. It's turned into a grotesque circus.
I feel bad for her family, and the people that live in the village.
Regarding the police not releasing all their info, isn't that just standard practice? Please correct me if I'm wrong.
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Nothing to do with the NB case but I’m from Ireland and last January a young teacher called Ashling Murphy got killed while out for a run & just before Christmas a young mum to be Natalie McNally was brutally murdered in her own home. I know we don’t know what happened to NB and not sure if anyone will ever know, but look after yourself girls, switch up your routes, lock your doors & always be careful . The times we’re living in are scary
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Sunday Girl

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O M G I thought Twitter was bad! just had a little look on TikTok, Jesus Mary and Joseph what’s going on there??! This world is making black mirror look like a fairy story. Is everyone a reporter now in their own world? Do ppl just walk round places on their own talking to their phones like they’re on TV?
God I know I’m old now 🤦🏼‍♀️
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personally the only time I would pee in a public bush would be 2am on a Sunday morning after 3 bottles of Prosecco… out of pure desperation. Not a random Friday morning at 9:30 with my dog watching and judging me
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Chatty Member
Serious question - why should the police tell us as the general public any more than they feel is necessary while there’s an ongoing investigation?
Let’s say they do have info that is being withheld, for what reason should they be more open and upfront with us?
Sorry, I probably haven’t written that correctly. I don’t feel the police need to tell the public anything to do with the case that might be very sensitive. It’s not our business and what I meant was that most of us are reasonable enough to accept and understand that.

I think where they may have lost trust (and I hope I am getting this across right) is that people are spooked and want to know what happened this poor woman and is there potentially someone dangerous out there. Nothing has really been officially confirmed, denied or clarified. I think the family/friends going rogue with looking for information hasn’t helped the public’s trust in the police. It’s a lot of hearsay and speculation though, I am aware of that.

I see now another friend (Heather) has put out that the ‘abandoned’ house has actually been thoroughly searched by the police. Was there not a post earlier today by ?Tilly requesting that it be searched?

In my very humble and inexpert opinion I feel the only failing the police have had so far in this case is that they did not employ a media liaison officer early on to deal with all of this. All communications should be then through him/her, not this friend, that friend, etc. But what do I know. Hope my post was not offensive in any way.

ETA: Heathers FB post;


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I don’t follow this thread much, and the question may sound flippant given a woman has went missing. BUT leaving that tragedy to one side, can I ask: why are people going so mental about this case?
police having to put dispersal orders in place, conspiracy theories left right and centre? Why is that? As an outsider looking in, it’s mental. And am I right in saying people are going to the spot to take selfies and just hang around?

Why has this case attracted so much weird attention, I guess?
Or is this just the way it’s going to be with social media now?
Socials I think. Personally I think there was a hidden demographic of uneducated people who now have a voice thanks to social media. They don't just listen to the news anymore they be the news. Society is fucked.
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The river definitely should've been taped off at all entrances with officers on guard 24 hours until the search at the river ended. For all we know someone could've trampled on something evidentiary or picked up 'rubbish' when it wasn't rubbish at all.
The level of Insanity is because;

*Police announced a tad too soon she had likely died in water.
*Family rejected that and used media to complain/ask for rethink.
*Emma White’s meddling.
Faulding saying the opposite of the police continuously.
*Police likely withholding info?
All this has made the public think the police are handling it poorly when they’re probably working hard and maybe a tad overwhelmed.
Therefore the Facebook/ TikTok Vigilantes think they’re now big balls Bertie’s and have to take over the show.
Police need to hit them hard, arrest if need be and I actually think the family need to ask people to calm the eff down.
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I didn’t know if some would think a poll in bad taste but it had been talked about a few times. Maybe adding in an 'unsure' next time would be a good idea, I tried to keep it simple.
I personally feel it’s in very bad taste to vote on whether someone drowned or not. So I’m not voting!
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