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VIP Member
Welcome to the round up Skete, you absolute muppet. I'll try to keep this short. Naughty little sister decides to get popular with the Lincoln kids by stealing her 18 year old brothers Pokemon collection and handing them around quicker than Maria makes lunchboxes in a single sided trade. Nek Minnit Senior Detective Sergeant Skete is calling a school emergency, rounding up the flogging little bastards for stealing taking the cards from naughty little sister and demanding the return across a multitude of private and public forums. War breaks out between Skete and the feral bitch Tattlers with accusations of breaching privacy, exposing kids and handing around private phone numbers like Cieson hands around weed. At last count I'm calling it Skete 0 Tattlers 1

Speaking of Chicken Seasoning, she went MIA off Sorry Sons socials after admitting their relationship is having some issues. Despite sharing each others pussys, trauma and toes daily on the gram, Finau went cray cray at her followers for daring to ask if they had broke up. How dare use askses me such a personal question use can just fuck off you fuckin bitches. Looks like they still might be back on, but who the fuck knows, or cares. It's been around 98 days since her father passed and 98 days since the tee shirt has been washed. We wish you luck seasoning.

Please can we take a minute silence for poor childless, brandless, sometimes Stanless Danni. She now adds 'not a homeowner again' to the reasons for a misery follow. She continues to make childfree look like the most boring and beige life - boasting about her cheap musty dusty and crusty (thank you Maria Foy for the expression, you can dedicate a meme to me tomorrow) furniture from your great grandmas deceased estate sale.

The most boring and pointless rebrand award goes to Maria Foy the grimfluencer previously known as HappyMumHappyChild. New name, same bullshit boring content. I did note one surprising change though - she no longer provides daily weather reports and has replaced them with boring 'good morning phone friends' greetings....EVERY SINGLE DAY. Kids still eat like toddlers, she's still giving herself head pats for doing absolutely nothing and still uses filters despite saying she doesn't anymore.

Red alert, red alert....we have a missing influencer - where the fuck is Taryn?

Ellie the one doing everything not to have a baby seems a little quiet, maybe she's drowning in dog collar orders food

Edna takes the same approach to privacy as Prince Harry and Meghan - give us privacy, quick shove a camera in my face. Same goes for Kim Crossman who is so so so sick she only had time to set up one camera in the carpeted bathroom when she was vomiting.

Times are looking tough for Millie with her Chch home on the market. Wonder if its time to get a real job like the rest of us?!

Some weird chick with literally the worst bowl cut is still being a dick and looks like an emancipated 12 year old, but I dont follow her so cant offer much more

Love from your ads continue to risk their childrens lives, most recently in a stuck elevator. They now have nanny and poppa on the pay role making cringe AF reels that looks so natural darling. Mark continues to look bored and uninterested in his husbands quest for fame and celebrity. Somebody please save Mark

Dingbat dingwell is still sharing every moment of trauma raising the twins, filming them in their most vulnerable moment and slamming anyone who dare suggests its not cool

Probably missing loads of cunts doing loads of cunt stuff, but I'm still recovering from seeing JayJay dancing around like a drunk banshee on Facebook. Someone get that woman a better bra and a decent haircut stat!
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I think I've worked out what bugs me about childless Danni, its not so much the fact she tries to relate to a child free community, its the fact she assumes what its like to have children and tries to use that as to why she wouldn't want children. Her latest post about only being able to travel with kids if you are rich and have a nanny, is so wrong. Many families save and travel and aren't rich or have a nanny. In fact they own homes and travel more than Dani does. Her flexes are beyond weird.
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All this Skete talk and no one mentions poor Christian telling his homies that they can’t afford a winter escape this year.
Oh my heart bleeds for them. Who wants to start the givealittle?
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Chatty Member
She literally started out posting about influenzas on her public profile THEN started calling herself Skete, when she started to get backlash!
You can’t get butt hurt people know who you are, when us OGs have known from the beginning - because you made it NO secret! 🙄🫠
Oh no no no. She started out, as @Effluencer said way back in Jan 2023 (I was sure we'd discussed this before so did a wee search) "calling out what she perceived as cringe or bad behaviour by brides, grooms, wedding party members and other wedding vendors at weddings she'd attended in her 'professional' capacity as a wedding photographer."

Somebody DM'ed her off the back of that to bitch about a photographer they'd won a competition with who they felt was now ghosting them and not going to deliver. Skete did what we now know Skete to do best and made it her own "hilarious" crusade to name and shame this photographer, setting a 24hr countdown timer as a deadline for them to 'fess up or make contact with the winner before she outed them. She went hard with heaps of rude content over that 24 hrs; the time passed and of course, she named & shamed the photographer ... who it turned out was going through some hard personal shit and, yes, hadn't yet made contact with this person lined up for a FREE photo shoot. But she intended to. She was just, you know, dealing with some hard personal shit; still delivering to paying customers but now, thanks to the lovely Skete had to publicly apologise for not yet fulfilling a freebie and to justify it, essentially share what was going on. Whilst handling the inevitable pile-on from Skete’s minions.

I think you could call that doxxing?

Around the same time, as part of her 'the wedding industry sucks' content, she screenshotted a bunch of comments made between NZ wedding photographers in a private Facebook group and used them - private vents between industry peers - to flame various organisations and vendors, stirring a heck of a lot of shit and putting a lot of professional relationships (of self-employed people already struggling in the wake of Covid) at risk.

That group had a few hundred members and was a closely moderated, genuinely tight-knit 'safe space' vs. the 14k free-for-all community page her post about the Pokémon cards was lifted from ... both are private so neither should have posts shared, but funny she felt okay doing it herself in the name of content, with no regard for the harm she was causing others, then outraged when it happened to her, on an arguably far less impactful scale? Her concern with having contact information shared is all what-ifs. What she did at the very beginning actually fucked with peoples' livelihoods and relationships.
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Chatty Member
Wonder how Child Free Danni D got her miracle house? Maybe she wrote a letter?

Dear Vendor

I'm Danni D ChildFree and I'd love to be able to buy your lovely musty, dank mid century home. We would be the perfect couple to own it and will change everything about it.

My husband isn't reeeeallly as creepy as he looks - please disregard latest IG pic of him cramming himself on top of a wardrobe with a cat, grinning maniacally - he was just trying to get as far away from me as he could without leaving the house. My voice can be tres annoying, I know, but underneath it all I'm just a normal, lovable babe.

I'd like you to know I have fantastic relationships with my neighbours. In fact, we're on casual texting terms and keep each other updated about our pets activities. I didn't threaten them at all to never let my cat darken their doorstep EVER EVER EVER again - that was a little misunderstanding.

We would immediately turn the porch into a lovely 'Catio'. Too far, you think? No, on the contrary! This would keep our precious pussies locked away forever and out of the grasp of any psycho neighbours who may try to STEAL them. The smell of cat poo might get overwhelming but I hear the mid century homes have a lot of natural ventilation so that should be sweet. Hubby will clean up the mess after he finishes work. I'm way too busy to do that nonsense.

So I really hope you consider the offer. As per my name, your house will never again hear the screams sound of little brats children, or see the joy of 1,000 lego pieces strewn across the carpets. It would remain completely pristine and filled with dumpster recycled furniture fitting to the period. Please say yes, for the sake of my 3 followers on IG so they won't have to go through pity reels for the next foreseeable.

Yours Childfree
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Hey skete!
FYI you can’t dox someone and also claim their posts fall under harmful digital communications act. Your posts about them, especially if you dox them would also come under harmful digital communications act.
If you know who it is why not just message them personally and let them know you know who they are.
I mean thanks for the entertainment I guess, but don’t throw stones in a glass house.

Also maybe a reminder to everyone to search to check all of your posts to double check all of your own posts because that’s what the influencers will do. They’ll be looking for slip ups in your posts.. although I don’t know if they realise that most of us in this thread are smart enough to purposely mislead with any details we may have “revealed” about ourselves 🤣 It’s also easy to take inspiration from “relatable" people we may know or have seen online.

Never believe anything you read online.

xoxo tattle girl
(Don’t forget, I could always be a guy)
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Well-known member
Plus that big soup and a brownie. I wonder if you get a mindset after that surgery of ‘yay I can eat anything now’, so you do. I’m so invested in seeing where this goes lol.
I’ve had the same surgery as she has - gastric bypass. They don’t staple your stomach per se anymore, that’s old school and you can’t “stretch” your pouch but your capacity does increase as time goes on. What happens is you get your appetite back eventually so some fall into the trap of eating lots of small meals and highly calorific stuff. At the end of the day calories in is calories in, so you still have to be mindful. Some things like soup - I don’t eat as it goes right through and doesn’t fill you up, so you eat more and there’s the calories.
You definitely need to do the head work and be thoughtful around eating.
Not defending her terrible nutrition choices but what some are saying is her piling it on again is a normal phenomenon called bounce back. Our surgeon (we went to the same one) was very very clear that we will hit a rock bottom weight and then bounce back to a natural weight. My bounce back has been about 8kgs and because I was sooooo tiny - as she was also - the 8kgs looks like “she’s piled it all back on”. People have noooooo issue telling you that to your face gleefully either, it’s awful thinking there’s people out there hoping your expensive surgery “fails”. That said, I’m still very little, so fuck the haters.
She definitely needs to watch the booze and food though, it’s a lifelong thing not a quick fix and a hell of a lot of money to throw away!!!
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VIP Member
I’m going to hand it to Finau - the ankocup is actually pretty funny.

I’ll be awaiting the knock at my door from the IP tracking police.
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Can we move on from Skete? She gives me the ick. Even the name gives me the ick.
She will love being talked about on here but she’s so irrelevant.
She will think she’s super smart for this and will think people think she’s cool, not realising that this is incredibly unhinged and off putting.
Nobody in her life will tell her though, they’re too scared to be next.

Let’s not forget that she got her platform by threatening to “out” someone for cheating. And for what? Was the chick cheating with Christie’s husband and that’s why she was soooo mad about it?

On to the next interesting topic please. The sooner these people fade off the internet the better.
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Well-known member
It wasn’t that long ago DD was all renting is better because you can live in good locations like near the beach and don’t have to deal with house repairs, renting gives us a better lifestyle etc etc. She was sanctimonious about it. She has done a complete 360 and is now focused on ownership. Wonder if her parenting journey will be similar. She would become one of those annoying older Mums who only talks about her child and entire world revolves around them.
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Welcome to the round up Skete, you absolute muppet. I'll try to keep this short. Naughty little sister decides to get popular with the Lincoln kids by stealing her 18 year old brothers Pokemon collection and handing them around quicker than Maria makes lunchboxes in a single sided trade. Nek Minnit Senior Detective Sergeant Skete is calling a school emergency, rounding up the flogging little bastards for stealing taking the cards from naughty little sister and demanding the return across a multitude of private and public forums. War breaks out between Skete and the feral bitch Tattlers with accusations of breaching privacy, exposing kids and handing around private phone numbers like Cieson hands around weed. At last count I'm calling it Skete 0 Tattlers 1

Speaking of Chicken Seasoning, she went MIA off Sorry Sons socials after admitting their relationship is having some issues. Despite sharing each others pussys, trauma and toes daily on the gram, Finau went cray cray at her followers for daring to ask if they had broke up. How dare use askses me such a personal question use can just fuck off you fuckin bitches. Looks like they still might be back on, but who the fuck knows, or cares. It's been around 98 days since her father passed and 98 days since the tee shirt has been washed. We wish you luck seasoning.

Please can we take a minute silence for poor childless, brandless, sometimes Stanless Danni. She now adds 'not a homeowner again' to the reasons for a misery follow. She continues to make childfree look like the most boring and beige life - boasting about her cheap musty dusty and crusty (thank you Maria Foy for the expression, you can dedicate a meme to me tomorrow) furniture from your great grandmas deceased estate sale.

The most boring and pointless rebrand award goes to Maria Foy the grimfluencer previously known as HappyMumHappyChild. New name, same bullshit boring content. I did note one surprising change though - she no longer provides daily weather reports and has replaced them with boring 'good morning phone friends' greetings....EVERY SINGLE DAY. Kids still eat like toddlers, she's still giving herself head pats for doing absolutely nothing and still uses filters despite saying she doesn't anymore.

Red alert, red alert....we have a missing influencer - where the fuck is Taryn?

Ellie the one doing everything not to have a baby seems a little quiet, maybe she's drowning in dog collar orders food

Edna takes the same approach to privacy as Prince Harry and Meghan - give us privacy, quick shove a camera in my face. Same goes for Kim Crossman who is so so so sick she only had time to set up one camera in the carpeted bathroom when she was vomiting.

Times are looking tough for Millie with her Chch home on the market. Wonder if its time to get a real job like the rest of us?!

Some weird chick with literally the worst bowl cut is still being a dick and looks like an emancipated 12 year old, but I dont follow her so cant offer much more

Love from your ads continue to risk their childrens lives, most recently in a stuck elevator. They now have nanny and poppa on the pay role making cringe AF reels that looks so natural darling. Mark continues to look bored and uninterested in his husbands quest for fame and celebrity. Somebody please save Mark

Dingbat dingwell is still sharing every moment of trauma raising the twins, filming them in their most vulnerable moment and slamming anyone who dare suggests its not cool

Probably missing loads of cunts doing loads of cunt stuff, but I'm still recovering from seeing JayJay dancing around like a drunk banshee on Facebook. Someone get that woman a better bra and a decent haircut stat!
I am still laughing over "poor childless, brandless, sometimes Stanless Danni". hilarious.
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TC = Thick Cunt

In the early days of Simone Andersons threads she joined tattle under an account called Tagitbaby (I think it was that one, she’s had a couple) and came on and tried to defend herself. It went as well as expected and she threw a hissy and called us thick cunts and then bounced.
Don't forget about calling us all fat desperate housewives who need to get some cock. ;)
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