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My husband does all the night feeds and last night baby Kaye decided to sleep for 6 hours straight, I'm chuffed for him, he feels like a new man! However when she was handed to me at 6, per our usual agreement, she just wanted to get up and look around. So I've been on the sofa watching Miranda since 6 and she's refusing to nap.
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this is very childish but can you make him jealous of another dad being good with baby? Like if you see a friend and their partner you can say oh Lee was amazing with baby, you should have seen how much fun they had and she was giggling away, he even *insert thing you want him to do with her*
And let the green eye monster chew on that.
I do this with my husband 😆 I also use you ladies and your sometimes rotten partners to tell him, “oh so and so’s husband has been awful today, I’m so glad you’re not like that”, and IT WORKS!
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He realised how upset and angry it made me & through the day has been better. But tbh it was that or he didn't get to enjoy his football.
this is very childish but can you make him jealous of another dad being good with baby? Like if you see a friend and their partner you can say oh Lee was amazing with baby, you should have seen how much fun they had and she was giggling away, he even *insert thing you want him to do with her*
And let the green eye monster chew on that.
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Honestly it’s crazy how expectations change over little time. When my mum had me, she also had a section and said that the midwives supported with everything and were conscious that you’re also a human with needs too. When I had baby skates I buzzed for a midwife at about 3am (I hadn’t been seen for almost 5 hours at this point) because I needed a wee and didn’t know what to do with him because he cried every time I put him down. She looked at me like I’d just shit on the floor when I asked if she could hold him for two mins, and asked why I didn’t just take him with me.

I didn’t sleep at all that night and while I personally wouldn’t have wanted someone to take him I would never judge a mum who would. Were all different, have different babies and experiences, doesn’t make one view right and one wrong.
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Thanks everyone for your advice, I used the are they your nipples this morning 😂 I think he feels the need to encourage me to bf as his family are a bunch of judgemental people who think bf is the only way. My sis had a chat to me as well and reminded me to suit myself and only me. Thank you for reminding me 😍 these first few days are tough
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We had the first settling session at nursery this morning and I stayed. Started off awful, little one absolutely sobbing and wouldn’t let me put him down. He was literally clinging onto me like a koala bear which he’s never done before 🫠 He’d eased up by the end but has now been awake 5 hours and fighting his nap so that’s fun 🙃
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Don’t worry ladies, your babies are going to pick up every communicable disease possible each week and be right back in your arms for 48 hours at least for the first 8 weeks anyway, which in turn does mean you have a longer settling in period after all. Swings and roundabouts innit.
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Hey ladies we just had a near miss when TF tucked into her sister’s bowl of fruit that had some unsquashed blueberries in it - she managed to get it out bless her but thought I’d post just to say don’t even let them anywhere near whole blueberries or grapes 🤦🏻‍♀️ I should have realised although literally up to tonight she’s just chucked the fruit around the room but scary stuff xx
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In a way I would’ve liked somewhere safe I could put baby? Just for 5-10 minutes, my husband left me alone for the day so he could go sleep at home, anytime I needed the loo the staff on the desk just told me to leave baby in my bay. 🙃
I think traditionally that safe place to put baby would have been your mum/a female relative’s arms. We’re really going through something as a society where we’re expected to get on with things by ourselves and it would have never been like that for our ancestors ( and it’s not like that in other cultures). The saying it takes a village to raise a baby exists for a reason and it’s that many hands make light work. In other cultures the grandmother comes for 40 days to look after the baby whilst the mother heals. Here you either have family who are willing to come and help you (but if you’ve just given birth in a UK NHS hospital they unfortunately don’t have the resource, space or frameworks to enable this), or you have to be able to afford to buy in help in the form of a post natal doula or night nurse - which isn’t accessible for many people. I felt awful and weird leaving TM while I went to the loo when we were in the hospital. If my girls have babies I want to be able to provide that support to them.
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I never comment on this thread but do read along, and can I just say @WeepingCassandra your comment is extremely tone deaf to NICU parents and parents who are very poorly after childbirth and are not able to be with their child. The trauma it leaves is heartbreaking and time we will never ever get back. You need to count your blessings
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I am pumping as well and keeping record. It's all a bit of hard work. I don't care what he eats as long as he's being fed, my husband really thinks breast is best and all that shit and kind of pushing it on us even though I think fed is better.
I'm just a bit apprehensive as he's sleepy and while he wakes for his feeds he's very quiet but he's not even two weeks yet. I just hope it gets easier. I'd rather him screaming for it
Just remember, pumping is not indicative of how much you are producing, and don't let it stress you out if you think you're not getting much out. A baby is much more efficient at emptying a boob than a machine is. 🙂

Also, it does get better. They start to go longer between feeds, and feeds get shorter as they get better at it. I wouldn't worry too much about the lack of screaming. By the time they're screaming it usually means they're starving and they can get so worked up that they can't calm themselves down to feed properly. If you're feeding him before he gets to the screaming stage it just means you're recognising his hungry queues.
If he's a bit sleepy or nodding off before you think he's had enough, we were told to undress the lower half so the air on their legs wakes them up a bit, or tickle his toes.

Having said all that, if you really aren't getting on with it then there's nothing wrong with stopping. If your Husband doesn't like it, tell him to put his useless nipples to work 😂
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Switching baby Kaye from the bassinet to the lie flat seat has made all the difference. Went for a coffee and she was getting grumpy so I put her in the pram, and she just dropped off and actually stayed asleep whilst I went round shops - unheard of! She woke up on the walk home but didn't scream like she used to in the bassinet. She's happy to be awake in the pram - revolutionary. 🥳
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Yes!!! My husband will get up and put the living room light on rather than open the curtains. Both are the same distance from his usual chair 😫
My absolute Ted Bundy level psychopath of a husband would sleep at night with the curtains open if I didn't close them. Before we got together, he didn't own curtains or a bath mat 🥴 he wasn't ridiculously young either so no excuse
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Trigger warning for anyone who doesn’t like this talk 🩸
10 weeks today and think I have my first period. Hoping this is all it is anyway.. Wednesday night I had a very very light flow, was almost pink in color even. Up until about 3/4 pm yesterday, I now seem to be changing my pad every hour.. I’m a big girl and had an emergency section if that makes a difference..
Mention it to your Dr or HV if you’re worried but periods seem awful after birth.

So yesterday I was in the office on the dreaded second day of my period and thought I’d be okay to get through my external meeting and then a meeting with my boss but he kept talking and I had to sit at an angle in the hope I wouldn’t sit down in such a way I’d cause a major leak 😩 at one point I thought I’m just going to have to excuse myself aren’t I. I got up after the meeting so self consciously. I was wearing a long black and white dress. Thankfully didn’t come through but it was horrific. My periods right now are so heavy I have to wear the heaviest flow tampon and pad and I’m still not guaranteed I’ll make it a couple of hours without going through ☹ it’s grim AF.
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I am pumping as well and keeping record. It's all a bit of hard work. I don't care what he eats as long as he's being fed, my husband really thinks breast is best and all that shit and kind of pushing it on us even though I think fed is better.
I'm just a bit apprehensive as he's sleepy and while he wakes for his feeds he's very quiet but he's not even two weeks yet. I just hope it gets easier. I'd rather him screaming for it
i struggled with breastfeeding & pumping and i would politely tell your husband to f off 😂 it’s HARD WORK. my baby lost weight too and i introduced formula, best thing i did.
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Absolutely full of rage tonight. My hormones are all over the place at the moment but I’m not dealing with him waking me up for 60ml, writing around and making my scar hot. Can’t do this tonight.
It's so hard isn't it, we are stuck in a cycle of split nights and my reaction to it tonight is rage. Pick him up he squirms and lies awake looking at me but put him down and he just cries. Had to leave the room to cry myself now back in the game. Hope your night gets better x
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I knew this was going to be hard but when we had a nurse call out and say he didn't gain any weight I can't help but feel upset. I really don't mind bf but not knowing the amounts is just throwing me completely
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