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Chatty Member
I’m getting to the point of thinking of changing our car seat… has anyone got any recommendations of rear facing spinning car seats please?


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Baby Ro seems to only be able to sleep max 10hrs at night (with a wake) and I can never get him back off. Usually it’s ‘okay’ as the wake is 5am for the day, however today it’s 4.20!!! And he won’t go back.
I’ve tried everything from switching naps to a 7.30 bedtime and still he’s up at 5 but just more tired. He goes to bed around 6.20/30.
Can those with older babies tell me by 12 months this stops? 🥲
It’s been happening most nights since the 8month sleep regression. Which also means he still needs 3 naps in those days, if he doesn’t have them he’s then awake 45mins-hourly throughout the night from being overtired.
If anyone can share their babies routine (10-11month olds) that would be helpful to see if I can tweak anywhere


Chatty Member
What age do you stop doing a bottle as soon as they wake up?

LO is one next week and I've been trying to get OH on board with the idea that when he wakes up, he doesn't need feeding right away - tbh he seems absolutely fine without a bottle on the days I can get to him first and get him in the high chair with some breakfast (normally within 20 minutes of being up). OH insists though that as soon as he's awake, he needs a nappy change (fine) and then a bottle straight away. I thought by now we'd be getting into a bit more of a 'normal' routine with food over bottles?
I do food first and have done since about 8 months. Because she wanted it more than the bottle. Because I use formula to make her breakfast porridge or weetabix she tends to have the rest of the bottle when she's done rather than water.
I plan on making her breakfast with whole milk after I do my next shop, and then giving her a bottle mid morning rather than straight after breakfast because although she finishes the bottle, I think it's out of habit rather than need


VIP Member
Sorry if Iv asked this before… baby wotsit is now 11 months. How many bottles is/did your baby have when just 11 months.
Baby wotsit has one in morning then breakfast after an hour. Then milk with nap then lunch after nap. Then another bottle with nap 2 then dinner then bottle at bed. But solids are so hit and miss still.


Chatty Member
We’re going away this weekend and trying to lighten the luggage load.. babies are 11 weeks, would we get away with not using the sterilizer for a couple days? Just wash bottles in boiled water and a splash of Milton?
Hopefully this is allowed.Anyone with a little boy….. ever has a patch of what looks like nappy rash above his privates…every time he has a bath he grabs onto his bits and scratches so hard it makes his testicles so red and sore and often bleeds. Notice his testicles almost feel slightly thickened. Iv tried treating as nappy rash but doesn’t seem to help much.
just feel like the drs sometimes look at you like your abit OTT and over thinking first time mum…. It’s been going on several weeks now goes down alittle and then back there. Would you go to GP with it l, or does it sound like typical nappy rash?
Could it be fungal?


Chatty Member
Does anyone else’s LO get a bad tummy after calpol? She’s been having both paracetamol and ibuprofen once a day all week for her teething and she now has awful poops. Not sure if her tummy is hurting too because she’s squirming like it is and is generally unhappy (could be teeth too). I just don’t know what to do for the best- I’m giving it a miss tonight but feel bad as it might help her teeth, she’s just in so much discomfort all round.

ETA she’s just done the most liquid sounding poop 🥴 it sends her stomach haywire :(
Teething sends my littles ones tummy mad. I think it's down to everything she can have to help it being sugar free (calpol, nurofen, ambasol, etc).
May sound silly but have you tried cold teether toys, like the keys in the fridge? Or I had one of them dummy's that you put food in, and I put a frozen strawberry inside. She could chew away, enjoyed the taste and it helped her poor gums.


VIP Member
Quick bath has always been a sink bath for all 3 of mine!
10 mins sat in the sink, a quick wash everywhere and then out and done.
I wondered about that but our bathroom sink is quite shallow and I think we'd struggle to fit him comfortably in the kitchen sink because of how long his legs are! 🥴 I'm wondering if we should have another go at plonking him in the baby tub though, as now he can sit up on his own he might just about fit if he doesn't stretch his legs too much!


VIP Member
Those who’ve had a section, how long did it take for your scar to flatten? Mine is healed at 15w pp, but there are still raised bits. Will this go away eventually or do I need to remember to massage every night 🥴


VIP Member
When are babies meant to go longer between feeds? I’m seeing all of you giving your babies age in weeks and baby skates is nearly 9 months and still goes 3-4 hours during the day.
Are you breastfeeding? Baby fudge is formula fed so think it takes longer for him to digest and I try to give him a bit extra before bed


VIP Member
we moved up teats when baby lights was taking ages to finish a bottle ... That said he's 1 and still on size 2 teats 😅 he never really got the hang of size 3!
Yes our little one is on size 3 teats because he has anti reflux milk which is thicker, when we’ve given him normal formula on a size 3 teat it’s been too much for him and we’ve had to go back to the 2s!
Silly question, but we're trying feeds every 3 hours... If he wakes at your 2 do we just feed him and count to next three hours. I'm bf so assume this is OK


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@xoxo GG @loveanatter Thanks both for relplies. I take baby wotsit to 2 or 3 groups a week so hope that helps him social. I think about 18 months maybe I’ll be ready to send him to nursery….hes defo the only one we will have so I just want to enjoy it as much as possible for now. Will have to see how things go financially. I did think maybe send for a morning session or two…. There’s a nice nursery literally 1 min walk from us.
Yes I would definitely start looking into this now. I originally wanted Rita to do 2 mornings at nursery but they don’t do mornings only in the baby room apparently and then when she moves up to the next room in September she’ll be using her funded hours so can only do full days there too… obviously it depends on the nursery but they are getting booked up very quickly and you might have to search to find one that you want x


VIP Member
Baby fudge has always gone 3 hours and he always wants it bang on 3 hours like clock work😆 but at night he goes longer, I’d rather him drink more often in the day if it means he sleeps more at night!