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VIP Member
Do they syringe/clean babies ears at the gp at all? Nursery have said she’s had a leaky ear today but no other symptoms. She does get quite waxy ears so I’m just wondering if it’s a build up and whether it needs clearing somehow?
Little crazy cat burst her ear drum from infection that built up and fluid was coming out her ear. I was told do not clean the ear out.
I’d get the gp to check for infection x


VIP Member
Ugh yes but when they’re ill you have to listen to their list of symptoms on repeat 🙄

Hope you feel better soon MamaMe and that ToddlerMe miraculously has a rare night off boob! (Also is this a boy thing because I feel like mine is almost as obsessed with boob milk as TMe?! He’s started raging if I try and rock him to sleep for a day nap instead 🤣)

Has he been a bit better since you and Ivy were in hospital and he had to step it up at home? X
Debatable 😂


VIP Member
Question about snot suckers - is it good for getting out mucous, or is it just for bogeys? She’s so snotty I’m almost tempted to try one of those nose rinses you see on tiktok!
Brilliant for mucus! We have the Fridamom one that you whack in a nose and you suck, gets out all the mucus 👌🏻


VIP Member
Yes, that's right, so the 30 hours starts for you from September 2024 and will run for that year whereas child born 9 months earlier would have their 30 hours start in the January 2024 I believe and run to the same point.

And with school age you're right in that most children start in the September that they are 4 but summer babies can defer.
Well that seems a tad unfair, by virtue of having a summer baby I’ve got to pay an extra 9 months of nursery fees (I mean the whole system is unfair). Although I guess autumn babies would have started nursery earlier so it probably evens out?

Yes - 30 hours are only if both parents work and earn over the minimum amount. All children are eligible for the 15 free hours though.

I’ll add you only get 30 hours a week if your child is only at nursery in term time only. If you need nursery 51 weeks a year (like I do) then it actually only works out as 21 hours a week
By then she’ll be doing 22 hours a week which is £800 a month so will be a huge saving even splitting it over 51 weeks! Counting down the days 🤣

wakametango 2.0

VIP Member
Mr B is usually the cook in our house both because he’s good at it and he enjoys it, I’ve now had to take over so baby gets fed I’ll remind him before he starts then I’ll hear a oh shit I’ve put salt in it 🙄 so baby kept ending up with porridge and banana for tea cause I didn’t have time to make something proper. I swear it’s weaponised incompetence everything men do.

sending you love you weren’t to know hopefully you’ll get a bed asap x
I still give it to mini Waka, I just add extra water or tomato purée once it’s in her bowl I just cannot be doing more food if there’s something she can potentially eat!


VIP Member
Do they syringe/clean babies ears at the gp at all? Nursery have said she’s had a leaky ear today but no other symptoms. She does get quite waxy ears so I’m just wondering if it’s a build up and whether it needs clearing somehow?
As a child and adult who has frequent ear infections and glue ear I'd be reluctant to remove any of her wax from her ear unless it was affecting her hearing. (I'm a fucker for messing with my ears and making them worse as my mum forever messed with them as a kid too😂)
The wax builds up to protect the ear from an infection, so it could be she has an infection brewing or is active. I'd get her to the GP to have it checked out, they might prescribe something for her or let it run its course.


VIP Member
For any of you in London was is the amount you roughly have to pay for childcare? It’s our dream to move back to London but I’m worried the fees are worse than they are in NZ! (When my baby starts I’ll be paying around £1500 a month for both kids full time, this reduces when my eldest is 3 as well)


VIP Member
I hope you all don't mind me jumping on the thread........I was on the pregnancy one just before baby was born (almost 10 months ago :oops:) and then I just dropped off the face of the earth!
It's been a long 10 months. 3rd baby but first breastfed baby, she refused a bottle (still does), I'm back to work 3 days a week so shes on solids through the day and just feeds all night long , doesn't nap for more than 30 mins and I'm just wrecked tired..........please tell me I'm not alone and someone has a magic remedy???
Mine is nearly 20 months now but she has never slept for more than 30 minutes. Dropped to 1 nap at 10 months, still half an hour.
And now she's 20 months and doesn't nap at all 😂


VIP Member
You can also get 15 hours free from 2 years old if your household earn under a certain amount too. (think it's around 16k)
Again though, it's term time only. So if you go to a nursery all year round, the same as the 30 hours, it works out as less 😊

Everleigh will just miss out on an extra term by a week.
Cut off is 31st March and she's 8th April so has to wait until September 😂

For anyone with their children in nursery already, don't forget the tax free childcare the government offer to everyone 😊


VIP Member
I’m waiting for the baby to fall asleep so I can finally zonk out and my bedroom sounds like a full on farm. Why do they make these noises 😂

has anyone ever dream Fed? What are peoples thoughts on it?
Worked a charm with my first , did it from around 10pm and would get us to 6…

This time round still waiting for it to work, potentially too young as we feed at 10 if he doesn’t wake up earlier and is sleeping till 4.30 some nights

Does anyone have any tips for getting a baby to poop, it’s only been two days but I think he has trapped wind as he is struggling with Bfeeding and bottles only having 80ml at a time… I’ve tried tummy massage, warm bath, bicycle legs but he keeps making them go straight, tummy time…. He seems so uncomfortable!


Chatty Member
They do nothing at the 6 week check I've found anyway, not once did anyone check me over down below and I've just had a colposcopy for an abnormal smear result (all clear now) and the gynaecologist has now referred me to his clinic as my tares are quite bad and the latest has puckered and is pulling everything off centre. Meaning sex can be painful and the area itself is quite tender both inside and out......I didn't speak to anyone about it and really I should have so please speak up now because the waiting lists are completely ridiculous
Yeah I mean I don’t have high hopes from anyone at my doctors surgery for anything to be honest 😩

Oh I’m sorry you’re dealing with that that sounds awful 😖 this is also what I’m worried about! I can’t imagine ever wanting to be intimate again. Have you had any treatment or anything as yet? What could they actually do in that situation? I’m terrified of being told I need surgery again

So I am a midwife 🤣 hence why I’m asking these questions. Please call them today, don’t leave it til Monday x
Oh really! To be honest my midwife was an angel, she wasn’t sure on the tear so she got consultants in who then called what it was and what needed to be done. Going to try calling, thank you x

wakametango 2.0

VIP Member
I really really hate the person with snakebite piercings and the beanie hat. I don’t know what it is but they’re so creepy and I hate their voice and that song about their stuffy 🤢
Think I said before mr Waka hates them 😂 he gets so irate when they’re on hahah


Chatty Member
The 7yos I Nanny for are into anything crafty/glittery/anything that makes a mess 😂 but I’ve found that actually small Lego sets go down an absolute treat with this age group and you can get so many lovely little creative ones xx
Craft kits, a cookbook and some baking supplies, some books, Lego ( the Dots range is really cool and fairly affordable, there are lots of BrickHeadz animal sets and 3-in-1 animal/vehicle sets that are incredible), and capital/big city postcards that are amazing too. The Friends ( not the TV show, but the Lego line with a group of friends) sets are lovely too. Hair/nail stuff ( accessories) is good too, as is jewellery. Some nicer art supplies, a notebook/diary and a fountain pen in a favourite colour.
I nanny as well, and these are my go-to ideas. I like to choose a theme or two ( favourite animal, colour and areas of interest) so the nearly 11 year old I used to look after is going to get some blue stationery, the Harry Potter cook book and the craft/sewing one, some baking supplies, some sort of licensed merch like socks, scarf etc in House colours anda related book ( there are House Pride ones that look cool). I may add some Harry Potter sweets to it and will make her a card that is a picture of her in her Gryffindor robes, doing Potions, captioned « Have a magical birthday ».
It is so much fun to put gifts like that together!

When baby was coming out of hospital, an incident happened with her dad that lead to social services being involved and a social worker rang me. Haven’t heard too much from them since. I don’t even know what happened in the hospital either, he wouldn’t be honest and tell the truth, he just told me he was going to kill himself because he had no rights over his daughter because him and his family wanted to bring her home without me knowing

This is what I’m worried about. I don’t want to stop him seeing her at all but he won’t listen to me when I say anything. He’s very clever in that he says most stuff to me in person. Like he said she’s too heavy to hold her while feeding her so props her up and “she makes it difficult for him” to burp her. Doesn’t feed her on time. He has said she cries herself to sleep and that’s why she misses her bottle time. Her bum is always coming back red, and if her feed is before 3 her clothes come back smelling of being in the dryer or if it’s after 3/4 she smells of sick and occasionally poo. She’s usually a smiley happy little girl but when she comes back she’s not, she’s not herself for a few days. I just don’t know if it’s all enough to document as a welfare concern and I’m afraid they’ll say im just attacking him which im not. My priority is my baby, she was 8 weeks early she’s had it tough enough already without it being worse
Can you take pictures/videos of her when she comes back from her dad’s? Or have someone witness the handover so they can see what state she’s in?