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VIP Member
I don't know if it's reassuring but mine this time had a pool of yellow where it was falling off. Hers only took 5 days this time where as both my son and daughter took almost 2 weeks.
Once it fell off, it changed after a couple of days though!
that’s very very reassuring thank you.


VIP Member
Having a nightmare with our 7 month old. She’s had 2 seizures in the last 2.5 weeks and then had a funny turn at nursery today where she went blue and eyes rolled back before passing out. Feel like we are living a the hospital or gps and getting no answers. She’s also not eating- she’s having maybe 8oz of milk in 24 hours. I went back to work last week and already been called out twice. My stress levels are so high!
That sounds terrifying ❤ Much love to the OIM family, I hope you get some answers soon, and she is feeling herself again x


VIP Member
Hi all,

I have just found this page so I’m sorry if anything i ask has already been mentioned…But I had to have a c section two days ago due to my baby being breech… I really just need any advice for post section recovery. I’m still in hospital the country i live makes you stay up to five days. Fingers crossed they said I can maybe go tomorrow.
but I really meed advice on sleeping, the hospital bed is horrid… but also when I get home. How is it best to sleep?! I’m doing as much exercise as physically possible.. But I also just need to know how to be comfortable when sitting… I’m a massive side sleeper so sleeping on my back, especially in the hospital bed is hard…How long until I can go back to side sleeping? Hahah
I found side sleeping very hard for the first few days, I can’t even describe what was sore, but it was not easy, and not pleasant at all. I think by a week I was much more easily able to do it though. I just slept mostly on my back, although did go on my side during the night carefully, so I could feed.
Getting in and out of bed is definitely tough without using your stomach muscles. I found it was easiest/least painful to prop myself up using just my arms so I was almost sitting, then swing my legs out of bed and again use my arms to push up. Your arms definitely become your best asset in these first recovery days! For getting back in sit down, and I would lean all my weight back on to my arms before kind of just slumping down any way that didn’t hurt! But it honestly doesn’t last much longer than a week.
I hope you’re home ASAP, and congratulations!


Chatty Member
I am awake at this time too not sure what your babies pattern is but hers is very similar to when she was inside me but now it’s starting to change usually feed at 10:30 then 1 3/4 then 5/6 sometimes she wakes up at 2 and skips to 5 but it is a tiring game isn’t it dreading when my partner goes back to work ☹ Not that he helps me which is my choice until 5/6 but I like having a cuddle. Anyone else lighter now than before pregnancy I think I’m getting thinner by the day and I don’t know if I like it feel a bit pillowy xx

I had this last night when she woke up it was for an hour or more at a time it is hard but when they open their eyes to look at you it’s worth it xx
Yeah we have similar times! About 9, 12, 3/4 and 7/8… I haven’t weighed myself yet but I look the same as pre baby now and yes tummy is deffo like a pillow! She has really long legs and is forever kicking and bouncing off it, it’s very soft 😆 I was the same about mr tango going back to work but it’s actually much calmer when he’s not here 🙊 he’s a loud busy body so he disrupts our peace and quiet when he’s home lol
Little tip: for the first week I asked him to prepare a sandwich for me and cut into quarters so I could eat with one hand while breastfeeding


VIP Member
Love the two posts above about feeding to sleep, wish I'd had this type of forum with my first! Spent so long stressing about sleep signs, putting them drowsy, wake windows, etc. I feel like that is all BS now, put out there by sleep consultants trying to get money of vulnerable mums!
Need more voices out there saying feed to sleep and sometimes no matter how hard you try some babies don't like to nap!

Anyone got any tips or just reassurance about PP hair loss?
Experienced a bit with my first but this time around it is a whole other level! Huge clumps of it coming out in the shower and my hoover bag must be just hair ATM. Baby is just about 4 months so I'm hoping it might slow down soon. Already taking hair vitamins but is there anything else I can do?
Luckily my hair is quite thick so I'm not worried about it showing too much, it is just quite distressing (and gross) to see my hair everywhere
No tips, but I’m with you. I have thick hair too so it doesn’t look bad or anything, but when I get in the shower and clumps come out it isn’t very nice. And brushing my hair to see the brush completely tangled with it 😬


Chatty Member
Not sure if you’d want one but I’ve got one of those breastfeeding aprons and it is fab. I thought I’d feel an idiot wearing it but it’s actually fab and means no problems with feeding in public x
I second the feeding apron. I would feed anywhere when I had that on! Definitely worth the £10 on Amazon x


VIP Member
@Easilyannoyed yes I’m lighter than pre-pregnancy thanks to horrific morning sickness and no appetite for a month after birth but also pillowy. My belly feels like a lush shower jelly 🤣🤣

@Hbirdette congratulations on the job offer, that’s great news! How old will he be? I’m sure he’ll be absolutely fine (but I can’t imagine that makes it any easier!). Am already mentally psyching myself up to start back after Christmas 😬 Before she was born I was adamant I’d want to go back to work and I’d never quit my job because I love it but now I’m dreading it 🙄


VIP Member
Yeah the BF hunger is crazy - I don’t get through the night without at least one snack! If it’s your thing maybe try protein shakes with fruit and milk/water? Really filling and can be vaguely healthy depending on what goes into them.

I get wildly thirsty more often - have got a 750ml water bottle which I refill at least five times a day as well as tea and coffee. I’m not even weeing that much so I have no idea where it is going?!
Luckily I somehow manage to not snack during the night which is a saving grace I guess! Good idea on the protein shakes although I seem to be one of those weird people that doesn't get full/feel satisfied when I'm drinking the calories, no matter how dense, I feel like my brain needs to register the action of chewing for it to know that I'm actually having food 🤷‍♀️. Agree with you on the liquid front, I'm drinking lots and not peeing a huge amount, I assume some of the liquid helps make the breastmilk!


VIP Member
I know what I’ll be doing at the 3/4am night feed 😁 thank you!
I am awake at this time too not sure what your babies pattern is but hers is very similar to when she was inside me but now it’s starting to change usually feed at 10:30 then 1 3/4 then 5/6 sometimes she wakes up at 2 and skips to 5 but it is a tiring game isn’t it dreading when my partner goes back to work ☹ Not that he helps me which is my choice until 5/6 but I like having a cuddle. Anyone else lighter now than before pregnancy I think I’m getting thinner by the day and I don’t know if I like it feel a bit pillowy xx

Yesterday Finn didn’t sleep at all, all day. He was fussy and eating super often (think it might have been a bit of a growth spurt day) and he woke up more than often in the night. If I put him down he instantly woke up. It was tough. Today I’ve persisted with trying to put him down instead of only sleeping on me and he’s been so much better. He did wake up once but I left him to it and he went back to sleep! I managed a nap myself which was great. Such a better day. Fingers crossed this means he might start sleeping more regularly in his bassinet in the daytime 🤞🏻
I had this last night when she woke up it was for an hour or more at a time it is hard but when they open their eyes to look at you it’s worth it xx
Guys I'm EBF and my appetite is literally INSATIABLE. I thought by now at 12 weeks things would have adjusted themselves or I would have got used to it but if anything I'm even hungrier. Nothing satisfies me, I could have a huge heavy meal and be hungry again 10 mins later. I'm drinking more than 2l of water a day so don't think it's thirst. I'm not overweight, I was size 8 before pregnancy and am back to size 8-10 now but the way things are going I think the kilos will start to pile on even though I'm generally eating pretty healthily and starting to exercise properly again (although I do eat a lot of carbs). The exercise makes me even more hungry though arghhhh. Any tips?!
Yeah the BF hunger is crazy - I don’t get through the night without at least one snack! If it’s your thing maybe try protein shakes with fruit and milk/water? Really filling and can be vaguely healthy depending on what goes into them.

I get wildly thirsty more often - have got a 750ml water bottle which I refill at least five times a day as well as tea and coffee. I’m not even weeing that much so I have no idea where it is going?!


Chatty Member
Update on egg allergy... doctor has prescribed antihistamine for baby and I’ve been told to not give him eggs or anything containing eggs until he’s at least 2 years old 🥴🥴 not the end of the world, I know but bloody hell i had so many recipes and ideas which contain eggs 😂
Have they referred to dietician? They know a lot more than GPs about allergies I've found!


VIP Member
Hi, we had this and it started around 4-5 weeks too. She would really strain painfully as if she was constipated but she wasn't, and was often so bloated and clearly in pain. Infacol seemed to work for a bit but then stopped making much difference. If you're breastfeeding, I found cutting down on spicy foods and gassy stuff (like beans etc) helped a bit. Also giving up dairy recently has seemed to work wonders- I'm not sure if it was coincidence as little one is nearly 12 weeks now and they do say most digestive issues/colic work themselves out by 3 months. But the odd time I've had something dairy without thinking I feel like she becomes unsettled and strainy the next day again. So it might be worth a try?
Thank you, I will try it. I will happily try anything because it's so upsetting. Glad to hear your little one is feeding better now xx

Hi all,

I have just found this page so I’m sorry if anything i ask has already been mentioned…But I had to have a c section two days ago due to my baby being breech… I really just need any advice for post section recovery. I’m still in hospital the country i live makes you stay up to five days. Fingers crossed they said I can maybe go tomorrow.
but I really meed advice on sleeping, the hospital bed is horrid… but also when I get home. How is it best to sleep?! I’m doing as much exercise as physically possible.. But I also just need to know how to be comfortable when sitting… I’m a massive side sleeper so sleeping on my back, especially in the hospital bed is hard…How long until I can go back to side sleeping? Hahah
Hi, I had a c section 5 weeks ago and found recovery fine. I was up and about as soon as leaving the hospital after 4 days as my little boy had jaundice.

I too had questions about when I could sleep other than on my back and I spoke with the midwife on day 5 who advised if you feel up to it you can. I think I waited until a week passed and then I wasn't so strict with the back sleeping.

One thing I will say is even if you're feeling fine and normal, try not to over do it, as I did a bit too much and my wound became infected and it's been 10x worse than the recovery.

Hope you're doing ok xx

Sorry to hear you’re having such a tough time. Definitely speak to your GP/Health Visitor, just getting it off your chest can help a lot. I’ve been struggling from about 4 weeks and I’m so glad I spoke to my HV because she’s been really good. She comes round every 2 weeks now (or more if I need it) just for a chat and to see how we’re getting on. She also referred me to a feeding specialist which might be something your HV can do too. Sending you lots of love xx
I was supposed to see the HV nearly 2 weeks ago but she was sick and they said they wouldn't be sending anyone else. I text her several times and haven't heard anything. I think I will try and contact the main office and ask them on Monday. I'm glad you're feeling better, I'm looking forward to those days!xx
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Well-known member
I did wonder if I could preload the bottles with just formula before I go to bed so it’s one less job as the tub can be tricky to do one handed.
I think you have to put the hot water in first to keep the bottle sterile. If you add the powder technically the bottle won’t be sterile anymore :)


VIP Member
Have you tried swaddling her? The stage lasted a few weeks for us where he didn'tlike the bedside crib. We took it in turns or I did some safe co sleeping. I tried the hot water bottle trick also and removed before putting him down. We had the purflo baby bed that went inside the crib which seemed to help him feel more secure as well.
Thanks for your reply. Yeah she doesn’t like feeling restricted and just grunted trying to get her arms out.


VIP Member
That sounds awful ❤

I bought some dentinox to add too bottles and it massivelyyyy helped with wind.
But I'm not sure if your breastfeeding or bottle? ❤
I'm expressing so using bottles. Not heard of dentinox thank you will try that x

We’re getting through large quantities of infacol and it seems to help.
I got some of that yesterday and tried it for the first time last night, hasn't made much difference just yet but I read somewhere that it can take a few days to kick in. Did you find that?x

have you tried infacol? My boy struggles with his wind too and since giving it to him before each feed, he settles much better after eating.
I started yesterday and it hasn't made any difference yet but I will continue and hope it works 🤞🏼