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6pm I'm sorry that's
not normal And people paying this wan for advice
How can anyone think it's right to have them in bed at 6pm.
Most children are only haveing their dinner or tea at that time.
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Chatty Member
She needs a good wake up call.she’s so lazy in every way
I'm glad Pippa will be able to manage Hazel's night cough and the girls their second night in the new room while their mom gets another well deserved night away 🙄
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‘… and the pipsi queen lived happily ever after in her parents spare bedroom with her social welfare money and any other money she’d scammed off sleep deprived parents and had her parents take care of her because she’d never grown up (only out)’

There ya go queen Lisa
Omg wish this could be posted to her!! Classic !
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I've even told my own mam off for moving her house around to accommodate my toddler (who she minds once a week). As far as I'm concerned she's served her time having to child proof everything etc. It's her turn to have her home just how she wants it.
It's actually one of the joys of being a functioning adult, seeing your folks enjoy their retirement and reap the rewards of a long working life. Lisa's poor parents will be in the ground before they get a rest.
and at that ... Lisa will have her place in their graveside plot ..
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I’m sorry now but not even a week ago she said she wouldn’t bring the twins swimming on her own!! Now we are getting a blow by blow account about how she did it?? and 2 HOURS in the water?? Give me a break 🙄 then she had one of them run off while she was shamuing into out of the big pool!!
"I kept a tight hold of each of their hands".. No shit sherlock 🙄what else would you do with 2 tiddlers next to a pool 😫
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Girls new set up. Also surely Ayda must have got some thump to land from the cot to the floor and in a sleeping bag to boot. Ayda also managed to open a shut door too. Fair play to her being able to see in the pitch black


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No idea why she didn't just pretend she did the bullshit 'course' and save herself €6k. Would have been all the same anyway. I could set up tomorrow and do the same thing but I have morals.
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Oh my god. She put her in a tighter grobag, that’s so dangerous. Now she knows it’s possible to escape she won’t give up trying. Putting her in a straight jacket will only make it more dangerous as she could go head first if she can’t move her legs.
She just can’t cope with the possibility of a few interrupted nights, here’s news for you lazy sack of shite, it doesn’t matter if you move to a bed now or in a year, there’s still a chance of restless nights during the transition.
I wonder did she say she “lid down” by mistake after reading the joke here about putting a lid on the cot.
I actually remember being told of a child who almost strangled themselves trying to stand up and walk backwards in a growbag and it started tightening around the child’s neck, lucky the mam seen it on the monitor and saved her..
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Chatty Member
So inconsiderate. All the "we're happy with the arrangement".. I bet the parents weren't given much of a choice. Like they weren't given a choice when she implanted 2 embryos. Seems she's used to getting her own way. But definitely remember the nieces having sleepover regularly. Very unfair on them. Or even the sister, if she wanted to pop in to her own parents for a chat without lazy Lisa being glued to the couch. Zero privacy.
My parents love their grandchildren but they are also at the hour of their life where they enjoy peace and quiet and being able to hand back the kiddies ( a direct quote 😂) to which I can’t blame them! They’re not their responsibility.. they’ve done their time ! I can actually imagine Lisa being an absolutely judgey bitch towards the sister and what she does with her kids so I say she hardly visits anymore
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Rebel in the Kingdom

Well-known member
No she's boiled my blood now doing a "workshop" about breastfeeding and sleep past 6 months. She didn't even do it that long.
I'm here to cause a Mumsnet debate with breastfeeding v bottlefeeding etc etc.
But as a person who struggled massively with multiple wakes until 18 months and could only settle with the boob this is so wrong.
I know there are mum's out there who like me were sobbing at half 3 in the morning dying for a sleep will pay this clown looking for advice instead of contacting a lactation consultant.
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I thought she said she only works with babies from 6 months ? What ‘tips and tricks ‘ can you give someone with a 4 week old baby 🙄🙄 they need to be fed regularly and are supposed to wake every 3/4 hours. My littlest is 4 and I still lie in the bed with her until she falls asleep. I couldn’t throw her in the bed and let her cry for me and just ignore it. That’s basically what she’s tellin people .

The business is a sham, so unorganized she doesn’t know who’s paid / who she’s sent a link to etc. she obviously isn’t gettin any business and is trying to make up for it for an hour zoom for €15. I’d rather wipe my arse with €15 than hand it over to her
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She must just sit there watching monas and let them run amuck cos my fella who’s a few months younger than them has the attention span of a goldfish 😂 if I don’t watch him very closely he’d be swinging from the lampshades!!
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Child has a nice head of hair don’t get me wrong but neither the hair or condition or shine or whatever it is Lisa is mauling the head off the child to try show us is anything amazing. Only thing I can’t get over is the shame of a grown woman begging for a shampoo she can afford or said grown woman sitting in her parents sitting room with bags and children’s pants thrown on the floor. Also there’s a pack of nappies in the background, please say they’re in transit to Lisa’s bedsit and she’s not changing the kids in the sitting room 🤢
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I'd say the mudder has pulled back for fear of our Lisa defrosting her 3rd little one .. letting her parent solo for a change.. juno
I wonder did some friends or family have a word. It must be awful to walk into a house with a 30something child sprawled on the couch while the girls run riot. Maybe her own sister told her a few home truths. Don’t hear much of her these days. No mention of days out with the cousins over the summer, even if she’s not allowed share photos, mentioning a day out with them would be more interesting than multiple stories about emptying a chest of drawers.
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Could she not have put a bit of effort in and put a pic up of them in clean clothes?! I’ll say it again…she’s a dirty smelly article who sees nothing wrong with showing the Instagram world a picture of her children in stained dirty clothes,if she thinks that’s fine,I dread to think how dirty they are through no fault of their own in real life.
I didn’t sign up for the zoom because guess what? Guess where I was lazy Lisa? And I know you’ll have to sit down again with another bottle of Pepsi to shorten the fright and disgust you’ll get from this one…I was out in a forest with 3 children still exploring at that time,they were running after squirrels ,we saw sheep,had a picnic before that and the whole lot because it was a fine summers day and evening,we were having a great time,we got home later than usual and they weren’t thrown into their beds at 6pm on a glorious evening! They went off to bed delighted when we got home.
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