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I used to really like her, now she annoys the hell out of me with the constant #ad #ad #ad I feel like shes not as relatable as she used to be and poor vinnie is constantly in the buggy. At that age mine were on reins and we walked everywhere
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She’s oblivious, she thinks nothing of it while her daughter is running round in barely any clothes. And why the hell is she sat up on the prom bit whilst the kids are on the beach???!! Put your fucking phone and coffee down and play with your kids!!

What I also don’t get she’s a mum of 7 but literally has the organisation and planning of a clueless person. Not one that’s had babies for 18 years! They are sat at the beach in the blazing sunshine, no pop up tent, no wind break, no parsol, no shelter full stop with a baby and one picnic mat 🤦🏼‍♀️.

My car is literally rammed with buckets, spades, windbreaks, pop up tents, towelling throw ons. They really look so out of place just sat there. But she manages to take pics of sunnies in the sand with a coffee and her old ugg purse thrown in for good measure.

She needs to stop worrying about what they are wearing and start worrying about the other Stuff.
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She’s so thick she can’t even put together a good argument.

I stayed home today with the kids while my other half did the food shop. It was a rainy day so we entertained them by watching films playing games read books etc.

Tomorrow we’ll go on a long walk, trip to the park, nice home cooked meal.
Why does she feel she needs to entertain them round Aldi? Couldn’t think
If anything worse! It also pisses me off when she lets the kids touch everything there’s no need and Cole is definitely old enough to know better.
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So today she’s complaining because Vinnie ran off and no random stranger caught him for her 😂 why don’t you parent your own kids you lazy cow 😂😤
Everyone is so selfish! Fuck off! YOUR kid legged it and YOU wanted someone else to catch him. I also cal bullshit on the whole story that kid was gone a while before she noticed it. She’s either super dramatic or she hadn’t realised he’d gone to get that far....
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This women does not care a jot about her children’s education or their health going by what she feeds them.
Why keep on having kids of all you do is moan about how hard it is, life is going to be hard if you CHOOSE to have 7 children. Let alone in a pandemic. Buckle up and grow up.
Couldn’t agree more.
She thinks good parenting is constant trips through McDonalds drive through and dragging the kids around countless shops.
Of course she’d rather drop the kids at school then she can browse at her leisure.
Well tough, the schools aren’t open, and neither are many of the shops come to that.
In thanks mainly to people like her that couldn’t stay home when told to.
She can stuff her poorly written rants, have a look in the mirror Susannah if you want to find someone to blame for much of this mess we now find ourselves in.
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I'm near sure they are just 1st size so up to 9 months , she really does have a thing about keeping them like babies for as long as possible,
It's quite sad really. She just seems to have an obsession with babies. Notice how vinnie rarely gets a mention now and let's not forget the other children. Rita only makes an appearance because she is only the youngest girl
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Have you seen what they eat? They eat absolutely terrible. If she wants to have 10 kids crack on but it’s clear her ocd & spending addiction seriously hamper the children’s lives that she chooses to bring into this world.

spends £50 on cardigans or monogrammed outfits and wastes money left right and centre but they eat like they are living on the breadline. Those children rarely eat vegetables it’s all frozen food or beige buffets, cheap meals to stretch. Breakfast is always beige eveything is beige!!!!! Infuriates me if you choose to have children you should take care of their needs beyond just their wardrobe.

they rent a house that is so unsuitable it’s untrue.
Yet spend money like she’s rockafella. It’s just cringe to be honest is she not embarrassed. Fair enough if they were genuinely working to put food on the table and doing the best with what they have, but she just lives life of Riley with Costa, McDonald’s, clothes spending yet kids don’t get a decent meal or a garden and are cramped to high heavens.

make the right ducking choices!!!!!!!!!!
I also didn’t get the whole tv thing. Yes I know tv isn’t everything but they’ve got 7 kids in the worlds crampest house and they had no tv for 3 weeks! She spends so much money on shit surely if you had the money she pretends she has you’d just got out and buy a new one? Is there such things as a tv repair man any more??
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No one! Not even Susana, I’m betting they are pre recorded set up to look like she’s oh so busy and never sleeps
whatever image she’s trying to give isn’t working!! And quite frankly I’m so glad I don’t have to stay up doing washing until 3.20am and actually feel sorry for the fact this is her life!
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There is no way my boy shows the same age as Pete would sit in one of those! I
I agree. This really infuriates me. He's to old and clearly too heavy for it for him to be safe in that car seat. I have one and it's heavy lifting a 6 month old in and out the car let along a 2 year old. It's irresponsible that she's promoting an almost 2 year old in a car seat that is for Birth to 13kg
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Imagine it being your sons birthday and you whisk him down to the local park for a photo shoot to make sure you can get them brands tagged 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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Someone actually died!
Thats just disgusting that she did that story. She will have known the outcome of the accident as it's in her local area yet she left the story up for 24hrs. Heaven forbid something should happen to one of her children how would she feel if someone posted the crash scene on IG
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She’s on one of her inane rants again!
Posting a pic of a drunken party on the beach saying “this is ok but your child’s sports day outside is far from alright”!!!
No Susannah, it’s far from ok, those drunken revellers aren’t doing what they’re doing because it’s ok, they’re doing it because they’re selfish and irresponsible and are have continued to prolong lockdown for everyone.
She’s so fucking dense.
You do know that the drunken party in the video was the G7 summit? 😂
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