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I was feeling rough earlier so took some time out and got engrossed in his live where someone was driving down there but the ended up just filming him from the car park..!

From what I gathered the Airbnb owner came and told him he had to leave, someone said they paid for one night for kev to stay there and then kev got them to charge the card for two more nights, not sure if that’s true but that’s the word on tiktok 😂
Kev is running out of friends to help him.
His dad kicked him out, so Kev went to Cornwall “on holiday” Kev borrowed money from Pully and didn’t pay it back, Kev also said the N word when he didn’t realise he was being recorded, and Kev is grooming young men on Tiktok like Pully, Ben, Kfundz, Caspar and has the audacity to ask for 50% of the gifts they receive because he thinks they only get the gifts because of his fame.

Dave paid for 1 night in a hotel, Kev stayed 2 extra nights and Daves card was charged. Dave called the hotel and explained, so they refunded him and now Kev is stuck with a bill he can’t pay, Kevs accounts keep getting banned so he’s lost his gift money and there’s a rumour he owes a £1000 drug debt which is why he’s been so manically trying to get gifts and donations the past week.

Kev’s niece has made a tiktok to out him, Kev’s family life is strange, himself and his two half brothers who are all in their 40s and 30s still live with their parents ( until Kev was kicked out) and Kev is raging at her.

Kev is realising he’s on his own, he’s upset most of the people that were helping him but let’s be honest ALL of them only helped him to get clout, Pully, Sam, Casper, Dave, Ricksta, all of them use him for attention.

There’s a girl called Chloe using him for clout but pretending she’s doing it to help his ex girlfriend out,Chezza his ex currently has an open case with the police regarding Kev stalking her - as much as I believe he did stalk and harass her, police obviously don’t see him as a danger because he’d be on remand if they did, he also is free to stay wherever he wants to without telling police his address so based on that I’d say it’s tit for tat because his ex is harassing Kev extensively on tiktok.

Another one after clout from Kev is Zippy, Zippy is taking Kev to court himself over scamming the public out of donations for homeless but spending them on himself.

It’s a wild ride and I think we are witnessing Kev’s downfall, it won’t be long before he’s arrested for wasting police time, or a local council fine him for begging without an entertainment license.
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So now Kev took the train home and arrived back at his parents house about 7pm. He ordered himself a takeaway then after a brief chat with his dad he went live to duel Kfundz as usual. His take away was late so he rang back, to be told they couldnt find his front door, they eventually delivered it and kev ate it like a pig at a picnic.
He then said his Dad wasnt happy as his brother was showing him the fyp daily with all the kev videos doing the rounds. His dad believed all the rumours he said, so he said he had to tell him it was all lies. Half hour later Kev started playing loud music and his Dad came back in the room screaming to turn it off, you've got to feel sorry for his parents, he's been home a couple of hours and he's banned them from their own front room again.

He says tomorrow he is washing his clothes then booking the 1st available flight to spain, he says he doesnt need a vaccine, that might be so but he will still have to provide a current PCR negative test result and he hasnt had one yet. He was still doing the 'all gifts buy tents and sleeping bag' crap, no it doesnt Kev its paying for your next holiday. I for one am quite looking forward to it, because foreign police arent a pushover and they wont want him on beaches, singing, dancing and filming kids, he will also not know the language. He says his rich friend lives there and will be driving him around in his porsche 😎
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I'm no psychologist but there's something disturbing going on with him. He lacks social etiquette but thrives off social interaction. I saw a vid ages ago of him being 'normal'. Does he have kids?
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I thought this thread would be so much longer about Mr Uk TikTok ooooh fish oil.
I can’t believe he hasn’t be arrested yet for wasting police time. I assume he had yet another account blocked. I haven’t seen him lately on the FYP just seen the prank phone calls and videos of kfundz winding him up. Kev seems to be oblivious to it happening.
His new name is mruktiktokofficialworld

Yesterday while they were driving home from Cornwall, Kev was live streaming the whole journey. Including toilet breaks, he took his phone in the public toilets & left the live on so the viewers hsd to listen to him pee 🤮🤮

A bit later on they stopped to pick up Tanya's (his gf) daughter who is 18. Someone watching rang the police & said Kev had kidnapped someone & put them in the boot of the mini. So police start tailing her car on the M25, Tanya spotted them & made akev ring the police to find out why they were being followed, the phone call didnt go well & kev ended up hanging up sfter calling the phone operstor alsorts. Minutes later the cop car behind them stuck the sirens and flashing lights on & pulls them over.
The copper then grabs the car keys, Tanya started screaming & shouting and going mental, she then got out and continued to have a tantrum, Kev shouting at Tanya, another copper checking the boot 😄😂 (by this time i was crying with laughter). Kev started saying he wsnted an appology, the coppers saying no, they were just doing their job.
Anyways after explaining how fsmous he is, they were allowed to go free & go home.

I dont condone wasting police time, but it really was the funniest live I've ever watched 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🚨😂🤣

*sorry for any typos my ms is making it hard to txt today
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Personally I feel like it’s all going a bit too far now and I’m worried how it’s going to end..! I found it pretty uncomfortable to watch the footage of them approaching him like that, it’s Easter weekend at the beach, the police should move him on as he is being a nuisance but he’s one scrawny little guy it doesn’t need loads of lads to try and take him on
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I do agree that kev is a horrible person but, it is all being taken to another level now. The trolling that he gets is actually overshadowing the things he does (his ex, how he treats people, homeless etc) and is making him the victim. He is not a victim he is 100% a perpetrator but what is sending his family and people on linked in his nude pictures achieving?

Whos going to get in trouble for stealing the phone? Whos could potentially be in trouble for malicious communications? If someone attacks kev who’ll be in trouble then?

Neither of those people will be kev. As much as I don’t like him, the way people are going about it is extremely counterproductive. His ex is never going to get the justice she deserves this way.
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I definitely think he is very calculating but tiktok is the place for them look at all the stuff with Lucy rose and Bryan actually thinking they are above the law and know more than police ppl etc Lucy and kev believe they are some major celebs!! I don’t get it 🤷🏼‍♀️I also don’t get why the police don’t move him on it won’t be long before he really gets hurt because he is recording ppl etc

I definitely think he is very calculating but tiktok is the place for them look at all the stuff with Lucy rose and Bryan actually thinking they are above the law and know more than police ppl etc Lucy and kev believe they are some major celebs!! I don’t get it 🤷🏼‍♀️I also don’t get why the police don’t move him on it won’t be long before he really gets hurt

I’m sorry my phone obviously thought this was very important it needed to be posted twice 🙄🤦‍♀️
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Blokes off his rocker. Have you seen his merch he's selling. A hoodie with stick on gems from Claires accessories for £40
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Unless its all staged I think it's out of order, as much as I dislike him this pack mentality of attacking him isn't going to end well 🙁
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The two people accusing kev of SA have been live everyday going on about it non stop. They’ve called the police multiple times a day and have even tried calling their local news paper.

The partner of the person involved is the one doing the calling etc and talking about it the most. The other one even said “this isn’t your story to tell” which I 100% agree with. It seems to me like the partner is the one really pushing this. She’s also the one always saying that gifts will go to charity and telling people to follow her account etc.

They’re currently on the phone telling the police that kev is “on the street right now grooming kids”. They’ve also said previously that he’s on the s3x offenders register.

Kev is a horrible person, does and says horrible things but these are very serious accusations. People throw the word n around so much on TT.
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Apparently anonymous are going to get involved to track his trolls, anonymous is one individual by the way. Has he got a learning disability?
I thought he might have some sort of intellectual disability, until I saw the recordings of him manipulating his niece… he is very cold and calculated, I believe he is actually a lot more cunning and intelligent than he lets on
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Do you not need some sort of license or something to be dancing in the middle of a road? Why is he not being done for being a nuisance?!
It’s almost as if people believe he’s homeless and just leave him to it. Although when he’s in London he’s standing in a central reservation with cars either side - it’s really dangerous and distracting for drivers. I’d get the fright of my life if I was driving up a road and on the right of me was Kev singing some Capital FM dance song!

I truly believe we are witnessing the downfall of him now, 90% of people in his lives are haters, everytime he’s at home the Discord group are ordering fake takeaways, taxis, strippers, the lot! He has no friends, KFundz is actively trolling him every night and using him for his benefit and his profile raising.
I watched a live yesterday with his niece (who said Kev slapped her when she was 13/14), she let Kev in the box as long as he let her speak and demanded that Mr Reply and someone else were removed as they were haters and influencing her. She refused and he went on and on and on and left quite quickly, Lara bless her sounds absolutely exasperated with him and by all accounts the family are embarrassed too. All we need is people to STOP following his new accounts so he can’t go live, people report him because they want him off the app, if you follow him even for the laughs you’re feeding into his delusion.
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🤣😂 I’ve only called 999 once or twice in my entire life and even then I was thinking ‘am I being over dramatic’ but they were actually emergencies! He’d already been on the phone to them earlier yesterday too 🙈🙈

It’s when he says I’m a public figure, I’m very famous and they are all jeaaaalous! I expect his dad his relieved to have a break for a while anyway…
It really makes me cringe when he tells the police that he’s a famous social media star and that he has an OF 🤣

TT is one of those apps where you can gain followers quite easily. 99% of his followers are also just people wanting to watch the madness, he’s so delusional!
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It makes me laugh when he says people are jealous… what exactly are people jealous of? 🤣

43 year old man, living at home, doesn’t drive, doesn’t have a job, shouts and ‘dances’ in the street, horrible person.
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Two young teenagers are watching him "perform" and he called them fit, whilst singing pretty woman at them. Harmless perhaps, but its not the actions of a man with great moral character. I'd be worried that he doesn't see himself as a man in his 40s and therefore minors are fair game. Mad!
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