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Time for hair Ronnie's hair side sweep lens hair curls

Eh are we looking at the same child????😂😂
That’s an old video too isn’t it. When she busted out the curl products she’d been recommended.
Who even is asking where she got her nasty grey tracksuit?! 🤣 Half of prison population wear something similar.
She really thinks she's a trend setter doesn't she. Trakkie as tacky and dull as she is.

Also the hair thing( I know it's not in real time but she's trying to portray it was all in one day the liar she is)...why would you go hairdresser spend that time and money to get it done to go nowhere but back home to wash the shit off your animals and then tie it up to lay on sofa with your kids.🤷‍♀️
And talk to your fans after you had straightened your hair.
Oh yeah, where’s the ladder desk? Maldon tip I bet

like you would be chugging your full fat coke squash with your phone against your thriat.
She did show the desk. With the lap top. Random bits of crap and no place to work.
Do the sheep seriously buy this shit?! So we had the boys out having enforced fun in the garden first thing this morning in one outfit (I know we all know that’s from the archives) and then they also went out again at the ‘same time of the morning’ in different outfits completely to feed the WWs. Genuinely had to give my head a wobble to start with to check the hosepipe video wasn’t posted yesterday- she’s so dull it all merges into one. But surely she’s full on outed that pre-record with her ‘vlog’?!

Edit for auto-correct.
Surely at 7am they are getting for school!
Do the sheep seriously buy this shit?! So we had the boys out having enforced fun in the garden first thing this morning in one outfit (I know we all know that’s from the archives) and then they also went out again at the ‘same time of the morning’ in different outfits completely to feed the WWs. Genuinely had to give my head a wobble to start with to check the hosepipe video wasn’t posted yesterday- she’s so dull it all merges into one. But surely she’s full on outed that pre-record with her ‘vlog’?!

Edit for auto-correct.
Surely at 7am they are getting for school!
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Christine mcguiness may have documented autism and about being diagnosed as an adult, but at least she keeps her kids faces and identities private. She lives near us and I wouldn’t have a clue what her kids look like. However, I know an awful lot about Ron and Len and could easily identify them.
especially when Jamie is behind Ronnie shouting Ronnie hinch as well 🤮🤮🤮🤮
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Just want to say on your first point it is fucking loud here today. Where they were sat by the sandpits is about as loud as you get without being stood in front of the stage. Why the autism drip feed makes me sceptical.
Interesting 👀
I know you weren't watching their every move, but from what you did see, did Ronnie seem at allll bothered by the noise and busy activity like she claims?
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Sorry gusccchhhh the days eastenders is always on i player from 6am on the day it’s aired. I watched todays before I went to work!!! Put me a fucking foul mood
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She’s done it wrong. She forgot to hoover her toaster. We’ve also seen her clean under that sofa recently; same bits of crap under there. Kids at school/playgroup/with fiddle. Imagine having that much free time.
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The look…of love…is in…your eeeeyeeeees

oh perhaps not

tbf it’s a fantastically irritating noise and I’d probably have the same expression on my face but the difference is I wouldn’t then put it online


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We know the "rock bottom" comment is from the original reel, and not something Sophie has typed personally, but she still chose to share a reel with those words, saying she relates to it and "mamas, I see you". She "relates" to those words.

I fully believe she DID hit rock bottom and is still right there, because she felt HER life was over. She hit rock bottom because she didn't get the Instagram child she thought she'd get, and simply because she can't can't arsed with the extra care needed for some ND children.
Nothing to do with how to navigate Ronnie on a slightly different path. It's all down to her own selfishness

She's selfish and she's a pig. She's acting like Ronnie has low functioning autism, one who's severe who need so much support, and won't be able to live life independently. That's how she's acting!!! That absolutely IS NOT the case for Ronnie. Doesn't take a genius to see that.

You can be autistic but only need a little support and go on to live a very normal life, a job and a family.

Maybe she's refusing to believe that actually there's a MASSIVE difference between Low and High functioning autism. The spectrum is huge. But she'll carry on with this whole journey bullshit and dramatising Ronnie, for content.

From what we've seen Ronnie communicates fine, he plays games appropriately to his age such as the staged shopping game, he puts his wants across FINE on the videos she shares. Ronnie is doing just fine. She needs to get a grip.
You’ve said it so very well
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It was defo Ronnie as you saw him slightly in the background, think he has his uniform on

Yh the noise is not the nicest but that was still tame for a 4 year old imo, and it’s funny how the noise didn't bother her when she played it & got inch to film her. She’s just not into kids, it’s so obvious
I agree, very tame, just a little boy playing with his toy. She chose to record whilst he was playing, why should he be told no!
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Oh here she goes again making out to her sheep that she is their “friend” doing them a huge favour negotiating with a big company like Ninja to get them discounts.
Who buys this shit? And I mean, who falls for this crap? Can’t they see she’s making money off them?
Absolute thickos who believe ‘Soph’ is their best mate 🙄 doubt they can afford all that stuff anyway even if it is a tend BARG 😂
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Chatty Member
She started work 2 mins early…….well fucking done 👏🏼👏🏼 ffs 😂😂🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ve just finished a 10 hour shift, I left at 7:15 this morning while my 19 yr old made sure my 14 yr old left for school on time, as it is every morning. I now need to make dinner before taking my son football training and get the housework and washing done and find time to wash my own hair, which I may add on a football training night will be a spray of dry shampoo and a mum bun tomorrow because I don’t have time. She really thinks she something doesn’t she!! Does she honestly think she’s the only person in the world that has to juggle ‘work’ , kids and housework!! She’s really rattled me the last few weeks with the shit she has posted, she has childcare on tap, a working day that doesn’t consist of much yet still moans and fucking whines at every opportunity. In the words of my 14 yr old ND son (he does get told off for it) she’s a shitcunt xx
Bloody perfect name for her! Well done your son 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
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What’s going on!

Active member
It's been a while since I've posted in here, and I might have missed something, but have her and inch seperated? That last story, I'm not 100% convinced it's all about Ron? But maybe that's what she wants..people to speculate and talk?
Absolutely what she wants but then can't handle it when people do 🙄
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VIP Member
It's been a while since I've posted in here, and I might have missed something, but have her and inch seperated? That last story, I'm not 100% convinced it's all about Ron? But maybe that's what she wants..people to speculate and talk?
She’s answered that question on her QnA, they’re togevvaaaa
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