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You can tell those boys are told what to do - the way they look at her for approval.

why broadcast your children playing anyway? Get involved with them instead of constantly sticking a phone in their faces. Imagine just seeing a phone in your face for hours instead of seeing your actual mum smiling and interacting with you.

I said yesterday it was weird we don’t see Al out and about with the family and then he pops up this morning! bingo? 😂


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New day, new photo of the boys in matching pyjamas.
First of all, stop dressing your kids in matching clothes and let them have their own identities.
It’s fucking weird and creepy!
Secondly, I am a complete stranger on the internet, I should not even know what your two very young children wear to sleep in. It’s fucking weird and creepy!
I find it sad that strangers know what her boys look like and what they wear.

I’m also quite disgusted by the amount of new clothes these boys are clearly gifted when there are so many children living in poverty in the UK. It isn’t right. They do not need that amount of pjs and clothing. It’s also so wasteful and half the time Sophie can’t be arsed to tag the small company who was dumb enough to gift her. She’s rude and entitled.
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Fiddle tagging along shows that she's the dominant grandparent over the Hinchliffe ones.
Yep. And I get the impression of the pics by the bouncy castle that Fiddle is 'in charge' and Hinch is the sulky teenager dragged on a boring day out she doesn't want to go to.
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Hmm, the most recent story where she's saying awww your messages are killing meeee. I loved making that mini vlog. Her hair isn't curly? She had it curled?
Has she really recorded that knowing she'd get some little losers saying how much they loved it? If she has, she needs a smack in the mouth. That's sad. Real sad.
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The fact that Abi keeps trying to get into Hinch's videos says a lot. Clearly Abi thinks it's cool to be an influencer and have Hinch's life that she got by scheming and conning people. If Hinch was any sort of aunt then she would be sitting Abi down and telling her there are better more dignified ways of making money and that she has a hard time sometimes from people because she's had to lie and sell her life and her kids life to fund this lifestyle they've created. She won't do that though because she doesn't care about her own kids enough to stop exposing them to strangers on the Internet, so she definitely isn't going to give two fucks about Abi's future.
I get the impression she really brags about her “famous auntie” at school and therefore being in her videos is just her showing off to her mates. Sad as it is, you’d think any normal teenager would be mortified to be related to her, she’s hardly cool!
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‘If/when I’m ready to share it’

2 minutes later she might as well announce it over the tannoy she likes to play with so much at tessscchco 🙄🙄
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Oh dear god what was that? Who is she trying to be now? 🙄😩 Len, wonderful helper…and Ron, look rattle, my boy has curls, I do the school run (but get dressed afterwards), I do wash my hair, I do clean stuff, I start work at 9.30 (didn’t she tell us it was 8 before?), I do use my air fryer, I do have important meetings (laughs at nothing and does boss babe point). Clinging…on…to…popularity…by…my…fake…nails.
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I’m not defending Hinch because she is (supposedly) a grown woman but I do think her Mum is a big part of the problem. I have a very overbearing mother and I can guarantee that if I didn’t have to work and I had small children she would have no qualms at all about spending every day with me, and if I were to suggest that this was not an ideal situation there would be tears and sulking and emotional blackmail. “I’m your mother”, “we’re family”, “after all I’ve done for you”, “if you loved me” etc, etc
Fortunately I am quite a strong person and I will stand up to her when I need to (even though it’s exhausting) but I don’t think Hinch has the bottle to argue with Fiddle and the longer this goes on, the more and more isolated she is becoming so the only opinions that she ever hears now come from Jamie and her Mum.
It’s like a cult!
They’re both reliant on her financially and she’s not bright enough to run her “business” (or her life) without them so they’re stuck in this toxic codependent relationship that is really not healthy for any of them and certainly isn’t a healthy dynamic for those poor children to be growing up in (Abi included).
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It is not her journey to tell. ITS RONS LIFE, HE HAS THE RIGHT TO CHOOSE IF HE DOES OR DOSE NOT WANT PEOPLE KNOWING. Be a mum, put your child first not money .
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Wize Owl

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Avian Influencer 😂🤣😂 TWAT

Best keep an eye out for that then 🤣


EDIT: Doing too many things at once 🙃
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Guys, everyone's been asking and I just want to say...I'm alright but I'm not alright but actually I am alright but I'm secretly not alright. Thanks for asking! Hope that clears everything up 👍.
🤣🤣🤣 firstly grim question made no sense and secondly hinch was a quote she pinched 🤣🤣
Why would anyone say that to a 5 year old. "Fuck it, because so many of us die and no one remembers a thing you did" 😂.

I don't think she read the question at.all
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The Green Triangle

Chatty Member
Wow, that Rock Bottom share is something else 😲
Soph - if R really has been diagnosed with autism then just say it.
Or better still simply announce that you are taking BOTH your children off social media to protect their what is left of their privacy.
The only Rock Bottom you have reached is the one where you deem it acceptable to use your children (and any diagnosis they might have) as click bait and money making content.
I bet your DMs are in overdrive today aren't they? And for one reason only. You have alluded to private health issues of your son without his consent and then made it all about you.
I really don't know how you sleep at night.
And saying this makes me a troll then I am a proud troll who can see the harm you are doing to your kids (for your own gain) and can take the time to try and warn you.
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So far the same questions she gets ”asked”. Every. Single. Time.

She can’t even make original fake content anymore

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What’s going on!

Active member
Those last two Q&As....😫
She really is despicable.
Playing the woe is me, but I'm ok card so bloody slickly.
And Ron. Just let that poor little boy grow up with some privacy and dignity, instead of drip feeding any difficulties to 4.6 million randoms until the book or podcast deal is secured.
Vile woman.
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Sighted. Sour faced and miserable as per expected. With Fiddle, no surprises, but no sign of Jimbob or his family. Not interaction with Ron when Fiddle disappeared off with Len - checked her watch and called someone. Only interaction I saw was her chivvying him along when he walked slower than her.
Lads in matching, of course, looked thoroughly bewildered on one of the fairground rides. Stark contrast to my three who were having the times of their lives.
Photos incoming when I can crop them down.
This is exactly how I imagine her mAgICaL days out are. Incoming post on how much she loves her little family and what a great day they had although the kids shit everywhere had tantrums etc 🙄 wouldn’t have it any other way guyscccch
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I need to catch up but: YOU DON’T FUCKING LOOK LIKE THAT!

Stop filtering yourself, what kind of example are you to young girls? None. Complete dickhead.
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Ok…..massive photo (x40) dump time….more gifted items. If I was Hinch, seeing this back, I would feel utterly ashamed. While going through all these I’ve found over £2000 worth of gifted goods that I hadn’t accounted for, so the list now stands at £45,221.99.
Two things strike me. She used to get gifted stuff from a lot of big companies: Child’s Farm, M&S, Next, Paperchase, Dove. Don’t see so much of that anymore. It’s now just gifts from the usual suspects who she’s trying to cling onto a deal with or small companies who blindly send her things because she has high follower numbers, thinking they will benefit from her 4.6m bots sheep. But, also, hardly any of these gifted items have been seen again. I would like to hope she has donated them to charity, but we all know Maldon tip would have been the beneficiary!

As @Wize Owl says “never to be scheen again!”
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