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Tootle Pip Wiz

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Why the fucking ott Hallelujah music? Fuck me, does she think she's the second coming on something? Get a fucking grip you absolute wet wipe, it was a small book gathering, not the signing of the Magna Carta.
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No mention of missing the boys or feeling worried about leaving them. Goes to show all her “they don’t sleep” bollocks is exactly that. Bollocks. I’ve left my eldest once. To give birth to the youngest. I’ve got to leave the youngest for the first time soon to give birth to the baby and I’m dreading it because he has never spent a night apart from me and even though (hopefully) it will only be one night that I’m away from him - I know he won’t sleep that night and my mum will have a tough time with him.
the fact she can just swan off for nights away makes it clear those kids don’t rely heavily on her at night like she’s claimed.
And looks like I’ll get my bingo for where they are going.
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No packing for the kids. Who’s looking after them whilst she fucks off with Inch skiing?

My mum would never of gone away without us at that age, I’d never leave my kids either at that age. If we go away, we all go together. Maybe that’s odd that we do everything as a family, is dumping your kids with others to go away the norm?

She just doesn’t care about them at all, selfish, selfish bitch.
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My sunday ski isn't cheap, a simple hat alone is £40-60, some GLOVES go up to £145. She's spent HUNDREDS like a clever, braggy cow. Stuff she'll never use again aswell cos skiing won't suit her, she's too much of a sofa lounging cunt.

Looking at about 4 days away anyway, bet she's absolutely wetting herself being away from her kids for that long. She'll absolutely love it.

Atleast they'll have a break from being told to perform, it'll be bliss for them.

Her boots are the same size as Jamie's aswell 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Size 5 my tit ends
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The blisters/loss of toenails/unglamorous under-layers and passing out asleep at 8pm will give her the shock of her life. The first ski lift at 8am Soph? Never mind the physical fitness and coordination required - something we haven’t seen in either of them despite the amount of shite we do know. Still maintain we’ll see a day or two max of any evidence of skiing, they’ll probably fill up with prerecords and tend photos. I’m here for the wavy skis in the shit FaceTuned photos. Mrshinchisfake.
There will be minimal skiing. Lots of posing just outside the chalet. Cosy hot chocolate. Some meals. Staring out the window at the views. A comical wobble down a little beginners slope because she’s just so hilarious. A quick woohoohoo and back home to the floofs.
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So she’s changing the narrative from “I don’t know how this all happened to little old me, guyshhhh” to “I manifested it all along”! Fuck off, Hinch, you absolute arsenal hole! 🤬
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Hello! Long time lurker here. I find it so sad that she's leaving her little children behind. My children are a similar age and the handful of times I've left them overnight, they've been with my husband or vice versa. We don't have nights away together or holidays away just us two. I know others might find that sad, maybe its not the norm. But I don't find it fair. These amazing children didn't ask to be born, we chose to have them so our lives should have to change. There'll be time for couples holidays again, in the future.
They've just been away from them for the weekend and now they're going again. It makes me sad.
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Are they genuinely a couple? They have NO natural chemistry at all. He makes my vagina clamp shut and stitch itself together from the inside 🤢
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Why does she dress like a 40+ year old woman at her book signings but then tries to pull off a teenager's outfit on her way back? (Makes me wonder if she's so insecure that she genuinely feels threatened by teenage girls and women in their 20's)

She does the same weird thing with Ron & Lon.. one minute they're dressed like roadmen in caps/tracksuits/JD's finest but then she'll post a photo of them looking like sick victorian children in brown leggings and weird frilly collared lederhosen (slight exaggeration). She's just always one extreme to the other.. today I'm a farm girl.. then I'm a boss bitch.. now I'm a love islander.. oh I'm a mum.. I'm a business woman.. now I'm dopey and clumsy look at mee on my sofa in my pj's 🤪

She hasn't a fucking clue who she is anymore has she! God I can't standdddd herrr :sick:
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Something I don't get, maybe just me. We're quite an open family when it comes to body functions. Me and Mr P have been together 16 years and have 3 kids so there's not much we haven't experienced.
We don't find farts embarrassing? Everyone does them, sometimes they're noisy, sometimes they're smelly.
Yeah the first year or so we were together I'd die of embarrassment if I did a particularly noticeable one, same for anything else. But surely after having a couple of kids and being married for a few years, you stop being embarrassed about things like that? Even if it's put on your socials, like as if you don't fart. Jesus fucking Christ grow up. Either respect your wife's privacy or own it and don't give your immature husband fuel?
I’d presume so? I mean if your partners seen you in labour & after there’s nothing really left to hide is there? But my in laws are like that I remember my partner telling me his mam farted once & his dad didn’t talk to her for a week.
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And Rennie sitting on the ipad. Mummaz has to make content. 🙄
It all goes back to that moan about "you only see 120 seconds of my day" but that's the 120 seconds she chooses to show - mainly camelids frolicking, and a snippet of her 4 year old glued to a screen with a moan about how naughty they are in between.

She never shows anything that makes you think "wow that's a lovely family moment" because it's all either scripted or negative.
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She really confuses me. In one shot the boys are playing with water in shoes. Then in the very next video she’s talking about wellies that the boys love and have in every single colour. Well why didn’t you put them on them Sophie instead of them getting their shoes wet? Don’t get me started as to why they’re in their pyjamas too!
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